/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup OpenPilotModules OpenPilot Modules * @{ * @addtogroup State Estimation * @brief Acquires sensor data and computes state estimate * @{ * * @file stateestimation.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2013. * @brief Module to handle all comms to the AHRS on a periodic basis. * * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * ******************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "inc/stateestimation.h" #include <callbackinfo.h> #include <gyrosensor.h> #include <accelsensor.h> #include <magsensor.h> #include <barosensor.h> #include <airspeedsensor.h> #include <gpspositionsensor.h> #include <gpsvelocitysensor.h> #include <homelocation.h> #include <auxmagsensor.h> #include <auxmagsettings.h> #include <gyrostate.h> #include <accelstate.h> #include <magstate.h> #include <airspeedstate.h> #include <attitudestate.h> #include <positionstate.h> #include <velocitystate.h> #include "revosettings.h" #include "flightstatus.h" #include "CoordinateConversions.h" // Private constants #define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 256 #define CALLBACK_PRIORITY CALLBACK_PRIORITY_REGULAR #define TASK_PRIORITY CALLBACK_TASK_FLIGHTCONTROL #define TIMEOUT_MS 10 // Private filter init const #define FILTER_INIT_FORCE -1 #define FILTER_INIT_IF_POSSIBLE -2 // local macros, ONLY to be used in the middle of StateEstimationCb in section RUNSTATE_LOAD after the update of states updated! #define FETCH_SENSOR_FROM_UAVOBJECT_CHECK_AND_LOAD_TO_STATE_3_DIMENSIONS(sensorname, shortname, a1, a2, a3) \ if (IS_SET(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_##shortname)) { \ sensorname##Data s; \ sensorname##Get(&s); \ if (IS_REAL(s.a1) && IS_REAL(s.a2) && IS_REAL(s.a3)) { \ states.shortname[0] = s.a1; \ states.shortname[1] = s.a2; \ states.shortname[2] = s.a3; \ } \ else { \ UNSET_MASK(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_##shortname); \ } \ } #define FETCH_SENSOR_FROM_UAVOBJECT_CHECK_AND_LOAD_TO_STATE_1_DIMENSION_WITH_CUSTOM_EXTRA_CHECK(sensorname, shortname, a1, EXTRACHECK) \ if (IS_SET(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_##shortname)) { \ sensorname##Data s; \ sensorname##Get(&s); \ if (IS_REAL(s.a1) && EXTRACHECK) { \ states.shortname[0] = s.a1; \ } \ else { \ UNSET_MASK(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_##shortname); \ } \ } #define FETCH_SENSOR_FROM_UAVOBJECT_CHECK_AND_LOAD_TO_STATE_2_DIMENSION_WITH_CUSTOM_EXTRA_CHECK(sensorname, shortname, a1, a2, EXTRACHECK) \ if (IS_SET(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_##shortname)) { \ sensorname##Data s; \ sensorname##Get(&s); \ if (IS_REAL(s.a1) && IS_REAL(s.a2) && EXTRACHECK) { \ states.shortname[0] = s.a1; \ states.shortname[1] = s.a2; \ } \ else { \ UNSET_MASK(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_##shortname); \ } \ } // local macros, ONLY to be used in the middle of StateEstimationCb in section RUNSTATE_SAVE before the check of alarms! #define EXPORT_STATE_TO_UAVOBJECT_IF_UPDATED_3_DIMENSIONS(statename, shortname, a1, a2, a3) \ if (IS_SET(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_##shortname)) { \ statename##Data s; \ statename##Get(&s); \ s.a1 = states.shortname[0]; \ s.a2 = states.shortname[1]; \ s.a3 = states.shortname[2]; \ statename##Set(&s); \ } #define EXPORT_STATE_TO_UAVOBJECT_IF_UPDATED_2_DIMENSIONS(statename, shortname, a1, a2) \ if (IS_SET(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_##shortname)) { \ statename##Data s; \ statename##Get(&s); \ s.a1 = states.shortname[0]; \ s.a2 = states.shortname[1]; \ statename##Set(&s); \ } // Private types struct filterPipelineStruct; typedef const struct filterPipelineStruct { const stateFilter *filter; const struct filterPipelineStruct *next; } filterPipeline; // Private variables static DelayedCallbackInfo *stateEstimationCallback; static volatile RevoSettingsData revoSettings; static volatile sensorUpdates updatedSensors; static volatile int32_t fusionAlgorithm = -1; static const filterPipeline *filterChain = NULL; // different filters available to state estimation static stateFilter magFilter; static stateFilter baroFilter; static stateFilter baroiFilter; static stateFilter velocityFilter; static stateFilter altitudeFilter; static stateFilter airFilter; static stateFilter stationaryFilter; static stateFilter llaFilter; static stateFilter cfFilter; static stateFilter cfmFilter; static stateFilter ekf13iFilter; static stateFilter ekf13Filter; static stateFilter ekf13iNavFilter; static stateFilter ekf13NavFilter; // this is a hack to provide a computational shortcut for faster gyro state progression static float gyroRaw[3]; static float gyroDelta[3]; // preconfigured filter chains selectable via revoSettings.FusionAlgorithm static const filterPipeline *acroQueue = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &cfFilter, .next = NULL, }; static const filterPipeline *cfQueue = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &airFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &baroiFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &altitudeFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &cfFilter, .next = NULL, } } } }; static const filterPipeline *cfmiQueue = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &magFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &airFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &baroiFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &altitudeFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &cfmFilter, .next = NULL, } } } } }; static const filterPipeline *cfmQueue = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &magFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &airFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &llaFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &baroFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &altitudeFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &cfmFilter, .next = NULL, } } } } } }; static const filterPipeline *ekf13iQueue = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &magFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &airFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &baroiFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &stationaryFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &ekf13iFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &velocityFilter, .next = NULL, } } } } } }; static const filterPipeline *ekf13Queue = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &magFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &airFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &llaFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &baroFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &ekf13Filter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &velocityFilter, .next = NULL, } } } } } }; static const filterPipeline *ekf13NavCFAttQueue = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &magFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &airFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &llaFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &baroFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &ekf13NavFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &velocityFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &cfmFilter, .next = NULL, } } } } } } }; static const filterPipeline *ekf13iNavCFAttQueue = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &magFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &airFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &baroiFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &stationaryFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &ekf13iNavFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &velocityFilter, .next = &(filterPipeline) { .filter = &cfmFilter, .next = NULL, } } } } } } }; // Private functions static void settingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *objEv); static void sensorUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *objEv); static void criticalConfigUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *objEv); static void StateEstimationCb(void); static inline int32_t maxint32_t(int32_t a, int32_t b) { if (a > b) { return a; } return b; } /** * Initialise the module. Called before the start function * \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed */ int32_t StateEstimationInitialize(void) { GyroSensorInitialize(); MagSensorInitialize(); AuxMagSensorInitialize(); BaroSensorInitialize(); AirspeedSensorInitialize(); GPSVelocitySensorInitialize(); GPSPositionSensorInitialize(); GyroStateInitialize(); AccelStateInitialize(); MagStateInitialize(); AirspeedStateInitialize(); PositionStateInitialize(); VelocityStateInitialize(); RevoSettingsConnectCallback(&settingsUpdatedCb); HomeLocationConnectCallback(&criticalConfigUpdatedCb); AuxMagSettingsConnectCallback(&criticalConfigUpdatedCb); GyroSensorConnectCallback(&sensorUpdatedCb); AccelSensorConnectCallback(&sensorUpdatedCb); MagSensorConnectCallback(&sensorUpdatedCb); BaroSensorConnectCallback(&sensorUpdatedCb); AirspeedSensorConnectCallback(&sensorUpdatedCb); AuxMagSensorConnectCallback(&sensorUpdatedCb); GPSVelocitySensorConnectCallback(&sensorUpdatedCb); GPSPositionSensorConnectCallback(&sensorUpdatedCb); uint32_t stack_required = STACK_SIZE_BYTES; // Initialize Filters stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterMagInitialize(&magFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterBaroiInitialize(&baroiFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterBaroInitialize(&baroFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterVelocityInitialize(&velocityFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterAltitudeInitialize(&altitudeFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterAirInitialize(&airFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterStationaryInitialize(&stationaryFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterLLAInitialize(&llaFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterCFInitialize(&cfFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterCFMInitialize(&cfmFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterEKF13iInitialize(&ekf13iFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterEKF13Initialize(&ekf13Filter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterEKF13NavOnlyInitialize(&ekf13NavFilter)); stack_required = maxint32_t(stack_required, filterEKF13iNavOnlyInitialize(&ekf13iNavFilter)); stateEstimationCallback = PIOS_CALLBACKSCHEDULER_Create(&StateEstimationCb, CALLBACK_PRIORITY, TASK_PRIORITY, CALLBACKINFO_RUNNING_STATEESTIMATION, stack_required); return 0; } /** * Start the task. Expects all objects to be initialized by this point. * \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed */ int32_t StateEstimationStart(void) { RevoSettingsConnectCallback(&settingsUpdatedCb); // Force settings update to make sure rotation loaded settingsUpdatedCb(NULL); return 0; } MODULE_INITCALL(StateEstimationInitialize, StateEstimationStart); /** * Module callback */ static void StateEstimationCb(void) { static filterResult alarm = FILTERRESULT_OK; static filterResult lastAlarm = FILTERRESULT_UNINITIALISED; static bool lastNavStatus = false; static uint16_t alarmcounter = 0; static uint16_t navstatuscounter = 0; static const filterPipeline *current; static stateEstimation states; static uint32_t last_time; static uint16_t bootDelay = 64; // after system startup, first few sensor readings might be messed up, delay until everything has settled if (bootDelay) { bootDelay--; PIOS_CALLBACKSCHEDULER_Schedule(stateEstimationCallback, TIMEOUT_MS, CALLBACK_UPDATEMODE_SOONER); return; } alarm = FILTERRESULT_OK; // set alarm to warning if called through timeout if (updatedSensors == 0) { if (PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(last_time) > 1000 * TIMEOUT_MS) { alarm = FILTERRESULT_WARNING; } } else { last_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw(); } FlightStatusArmedOptions fsarmed; FlightStatusArmedGet(&fsarmed); states.armed = fsarmed != FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_DISARMED; // check if a new filter chain should be initialized if (fusionAlgorithm != revoSettings.FusionAlgorithm) { if (fsarmed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_DISARMED || fusionAlgorithm == FILTER_INIT_FORCE) { const filterPipeline *newFilterChain; switch ((RevoSettingsFusionAlgorithmOptions)revoSettings.FusionAlgorithm) { case REVOSETTINGS_FUSIONALGORITHM_ACRONOSENSORS: newFilterChain = acroQueue; break; case REVOSETTINGS_FUSIONALGORITHM_BASICCOMPLEMENTARY: newFilterChain = cfQueue; // reinit Mag alarm AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_MAGNETOMETER, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_UNINITIALISED); break; case REVOSETTINGS_FUSIONALGORITHM_COMPLEMENTARYMAG: newFilterChain = cfmiQueue; break; case REVOSETTINGS_FUSIONALGORITHM_COMPLEMENTARYMAGGPSOUTDOOR: newFilterChain = cfmQueue; break; case REVOSETTINGS_FUSIONALGORITHM_INS13INDOOR: newFilterChain = ekf13iQueue; break; case REVOSETTINGS_FUSIONALGORITHM_GPSNAVIGATIONINS13: newFilterChain = ekf13Queue; break; case REVOSETTINGS_FUSIONALGORITHM_GPSNAVIGATIONINS13CF: newFilterChain = ekf13NavCFAttQueue; break; case REVOSETTINGS_FUSIONALGORITHM_TESTINGINSINDOORCF: newFilterChain = ekf13iNavCFAttQueue; break; default: newFilterChain = NULL; } // initialize filters in chain current = newFilterChain; bool error = 0; states.debugNavYaw = 0; states.navOk = false; states.navUsed = false; while (current != NULL) { int32_t result = current->filter->init((stateFilter *)current->filter); if (result != 0) { error = 1; break; } current = current->next; } if (error) { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_ATTITUDE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_ERROR); return; } else { // set new fusion algorithm filterChain = newFilterChain; fusionAlgorithm = revoSettings.FusionAlgorithm; } } } // read updated sensor UAVObjects and set initial state states.updated = updatedSensors; updatedSensors = 0; // fetch sensors, check values, and load into state struct FETCH_SENSOR_FROM_UAVOBJECT_CHECK_AND_LOAD_TO_STATE_3_DIMENSIONS(GyroSensor, gyro, x, y, z); if (IS_SET(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_gyro)) { gyroRaw[0] = states.gyro[0]; gyroRaw[1] = states.gyro[1]; gyroRaw[2] = states.gyro[2]; } FETCH_SENSOR_FROM_UAVOBJECT_CHECK_AND_LOAD_TO_STATE_3_DIMENSIONS(AccelSensor, accel, x, y, z); FETCH_SENSOR_FROM_UAVOBJECT_CHECK_AND_LOAD_TO_STATE_3_DIMENSIONS(MagSensor, boardMag, x, y, z); FETCH_SENSOR_FROM_UAVOBJECT_CHECK_AND_LOAD_TO_STATE_3_DIMENSIONS(AuxMagSensor, auxMag, x, y, z); FETCH_SENSOR_FROM_UAVOBJECT_CHECK_AND_LOAD_TO_STATE_3_DIMENSIONS(GPSVelocitySensor, vel, North, East, Down); FETCH_SENSOR_FROM_UAVOBJECT_CHECK_AND_LOAD_TO_STATE_1_DIMENSION_WITH_CUSTOM_EXTRA_CHECK(BaroSensor, baro, Altitude, true); FETCH_SENSOR_FROM_UAVOBJECT_CHECK_AND_LOAD_TO_STATE_2_DIMENSION_WITH_CUSTOM_EXTRA_CHECK(AirspeedSensor, airspeed, CalibratedAirspeed, TrueAirspeed, s.SensorConnected == AIRSPEEDSENSOR_SENSORCONNECTED_TRUE); // GPS position data (LLA) is not fetched here since it does not contain floats. The filter must do all checks itself // at this point sensor state is stored in "states" with some rudimentary filtering applied // apply all filters in the current filter chain current = filterChain; // we are not done, re-dispatch self execution while (current) { filterResult result = current->filter->filter((stateFilter *)current->filter, &states); if (result > alarm) { alarm = result; } current = current->next; } // the final output of filters is saved in state variables // EXPORT_STATE_TO_UAVOBJECT_IF_UPDATED_3_DIMENSIONS(GyroState, gyro, x, y, z) // replaced by performance shortcut if (IS_SET(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_gyro)) { gyroDelta[0] = states.gyro[0] - gyroRaw[0]; gyroDelta[1] = states.gyro[1] - gyroRaw[1]; gyroDelta[2] = states.gyro[2] - gyroRaw[2]; } EXPORT_STATE_TO_UAVOBJECT_IF_UPDATED_3_DIMENSIONS(AccelState, accel, x, y, z); if (IS_SET(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_mag)) { MagStateData s; MagStateGet(&s); s.x = states.mag[0]; s.y = states.mag[1]; s.z = states.mag[2]; switch (states.magStatus) { case MAGSTATUS_OK: s.Source = MAGSTATE_SOURCE_ONBOARD; break; case MAGSTATUS_AUX: s.Source = MAGSTATE_SOURCE_AUX; break; default: s.Source = MAGSTATE_SOURCE_INVALID; } MagStateSet(&s); } EXPORT_STATE_TO_UAVOBJECT_IF_UPDATED_3_DIMENSIONS(PositionState, pos, North, East, Down); EXPORT_STATE_TO_UAVOBJECT_IF_UPDATED_3_DIMENSIONS(VelocityState, vel, North, East, Down); EXPORT_STATE_TO_UAVOBJECT_IF_UPDATED_2_DIMENSIONS(AirspeedState, airspeed, CalibratedAirspeed, TrueAirspeed); // attitude nees manual conversion from quaternion to euler if (IS_SET(states.updated, SENSORUPDATES_attitude)) { \ AttitudeStateData s; AttitudeStateGet(&s); s.q1 = states.attitude[0]; s.q2 = states.attitude[1]; s.q3 = states.attitude[2]; s.q4 = states.attitude[3]; Quaternion2RPY(&s.q1, &s.Roll); s.NavYaw = states.debugNavYaw; AttitudeStateSet(&s); } // throttle alarms, raise alarm flags immediately // but require system to run for a while before decreasing // to prevent alarm flapping if (alarm >= lastAlarm) { lastAlarm = alarm; alarmcounter = 0; } else { if (alarmcounter < 100) { alarmcounter++; } else { lastAlarm = alarm; alarmcounter = 0; } } if (lastNavStatus < states.navOk) { lastNavStatus = states.navOk; navstatuscounter = 0; } else { if (navstatuscounter < 100) { navstatuscounter++; } else { lastNavStatus = states.navOk; navstatuscounter = 0; } } // clear alarms if everything is alright, then schedule callback execution after timeout if (lastAlarm == FILTERRESULT_WARNING) { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_ATTITUDE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_WARNING); } else if (lastAlarm == FILTERRESULT_CRITICAL) { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_ATTITUDE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL); } else if (lastAlarm >= FILTERRESULT_ERROR) { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_ATTITUDE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_ERROR); } else { AlarmsClear(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_ATTITUDE); } if (!states.navUsed) { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_NAV, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_UNINITIALISED); } else { if (states.navOk) { AlarmsClear(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_NAV); } else { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_NAV, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL); } } if (updatedSensors) { PIOS_CALLBACKSCHEDULER_Dispatch(stateEstimationCallback); } else { PIOS_CALLBACKSCHEDULER_Schedule(stateEstimationCallback, TIMEOUT_MS, CALLBACK_UPDATEMODE_SOONER); } } /** * Callback for eventdispatcher when RevoSettings has been updated */ static void settingsUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev) { RevoSettingsGet((RevoSettingsData *)&revoSettings); } /** * Callback for eventdispatcher when HomeLocation or other critical configs (auxmagsettings, ...) has been updated */ static void criticalConfigUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev) { // Ask for a filter init (necessary for LLA filter) // Only possible if disarmed fusionAlgorithm = FILTER_INIT_IF_POSSIBLE; } /** * Callback for eventdispatcher when any sensor UAVObject has been updated * updates the list of "recently updated UAVObjects" and dispatches the state estimator callback */ static void sensorUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev) { if (!ev) { return; } if (ev->obj == GyroSensorHandle()) { updatedSensors |= SENSORUPDATES_gyro; // shortcut - update GyroState right away GyroSensorData s; GyroStateData t; GyroSensorGet(&s); t.x = s.x + gyroDelta[0]; t.y = s.y + gyroDelta[1]; t.z = s.z + gyroDelta[2]; t.SensorReadTimestamp = s.SensorReadTimestamp; GyroStateSet(&t); } if (ev->obj == AccelSensorHandle()) { updatedSensors |= SENSORUPDATES_accel; } if (ev->obj == MagSensorHandle()) { updatedSensors |= SENSORUPDATES_boardMag; } if (ev->obj == AuxMagSensorHandle()) { updatedSensors |= SENSORUPDATES_auxMag; } if (ev->obj == GPSPositionSensorHandle()) { updatedSensors |= SENSORUPDATES_lla; } if (ev->obj == GPSVelocitySensorHandle()) { updatedSensors |= SENSORUPDATES_vel; } if (ev->obj == BaroSensorHandle()) { updatedSensors |= SENSORUPDATES_baro; } if (ev->obj == AirspeedSensorHandle()) { updatedSensors |= SENSORUPDATES_airspeed; } PIOS_CALLBACKSCHEDULER_Dispatch(stateEstimationCallback); } /** * @} * @} */