# # Rules to add CMSIS2 to a PiOS target # CMSIS_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(CMSIS_DIR)Include # Rules to build the ARM DSP library ifeq ($(USE_DSP_LIB), YES) DSPLIB_NAME := dsp CMSIS_DSPLIB := $(CMSIS_DIR)DSP_Lib/Source # Compile all files into output directory DSPLIB_SRC := $(sort $(wildcard $(CMSIS_DSPLIB)/*/*.c)) DSPLIB_SRCBASE := $(notdir $(basename $(DSPLIB_SRC))) $(foreach src, $(DSPLIB_SRC), $(eval $(call COMPILE_C_TEMPLATE, $(src)))) # Define the object files directory and a list of object files for the library DSPLIB_OBJDIR = $(OUTDIR) DSPLIB_OBJ = $(addprefix $(DSPLIB_OBJDIR)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(DSPLIB_SRCBASE))) # Create a library file $(eval $(call ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE, $(OUTDIR)/lib$(DSPLIB_NAME).a, $(DSPLIB_OBJ), $(DSPLIB_OBJDIR))) # Add library to the list of linked objects ALLLIB += $(OUTDIR)/lib$(DSPLIB_NAME).a endif