/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file coreconstants.h * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * Parts by Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) Copyright (C) 2009. * @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins * @{ * @addtogroup CorePlugin Core Plugin * @{ * @brief The Core GCS plugin *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef CORECONSTANTS_H #define CORECONSTANTS_H namespace Core { namespace Constants { #define GCS_VERSION_MAJOR 0 #define GCS_VERSION_MINOR 0 #define GCS_VERSION_RELEASE 1 #define STRINGIFY_INTERNAL(x) #x #define STRINGIFY(x) STRINGIFY_INTERNAL(x) #define GCS_VERSION STRINGIFY(GCS_VERSION_MAJOR) \ "." STRINGIFY(GCS_VERSION_MINOR) \ "." STRINGIFY(GCS_VERSION_RELEASE) const char * const GCS_VERSION_LONG = GCS_VERSION; const char * const GCS_AUTHOR = "OpenPilot Project"; const char * const GCS_YEAR = "2010"; #ifdef GCS_REVISION const char * const GCS_REVISION_STR = STRINGIFY(GCS_REVISION); #else const char * const GCS_REVISION_STR = ""; #endif #undef GCS_VERSION #undef STRINGIFY #undef STRINGIFY_INTERNAL //modes const char * const MODE_WELCOME = "Welcome"; const char * const MODE_UAVGADGET = "Mode 1"; const int P_MODE_WELCOME = 100; const int P_MODE_UAVGADGET = 90; //menubar const char * const MENU_BAR = "GCS.MenuBar"; //menus const char * const M_FILE = "GCS.Menu.File"; const char * const M_FILE_OPEN = "GCS.Menu.File.Open"; const char * const M_FILE_NEW = "GCS.Menu.File.New"; const char * const M_FILE_RECENTFILES = "GCS.Menu.File.RecentFiles"; const char * const M_EDIT = "GCS.Menu.Edit"; const char * const M_EDIT_ADVANCED = "GCS.Menu.Edit.Advanced"; const char * const M_TOOLS = "GCS.Menu.Tools"; const char * const M_WINDOW = "GCS.Menu.Window"; const char * const M_WINDOW_PANES = "GCS.Menu.Window.Panes"; const char * const M_HELP = "GCS.Menu.Help"; //contexts const char * const C_GLOBAL = "Global Context"; const int C_GLOBAL_ID = 0; const char * const C_WELCOME_MODE = "Core.WelcomeMode"; const char * const C_UAVGADGET_MODE = "Core.UAVGadgetMode"; const char * const C_UAVGADGETMANAGER = "Core.UAVGadgetManager"; const char * const C_NAVIGATION_PANE = "Core.NavigationPane"; const char * const C_PROBLEM_PANE = "Core.ProblemPane"; //default editor kind const char * const K_DEFAULT_TEXT_EDITOR = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("OpenWith::Editors", "Plain Text Editor"); const char * const K_DEFAULT_BINARY_EDITOR = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("OpenWith::Editors", "Binary Editor"); //actions const char * const UNDO = "GCS.Undo"; const char * const REDO = "GCS.Redo"; const char * const COPY = "GCS.Copy"; const char * const PASTE = "GCS.Paste"; const char * const CUT = "GCS.Cut"; const char * const SELECTALL = "GCS.SelectAll"; const char * const NEW = "GCS.New"; const char * const OPEN = "GCS.Open"; const char * const OPEN_WITH = "GCS.OpenWith"; const char * const REVERTTOSAVED = "GCS.RevertToSaved"; const char * const SAVE = "GCS.Save"; const char * const SAVEAS = "GCS.SaveAs"; const char * const SAVEALL = "GCS.SaveAll"; const char * const EXIT = "GCS.Exit"; const char * const OPTIONS = "GCS.Options"; const char * const TOGGLE_SIDEBAR = "GCS.ToggleSidebar"; const char * const TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN = "GCS.ToggleFullScreen"; const char * const MINIMIZE_WINDOW = "GCS.MinimizeWindow"; const char * const ZOOM_WINDOW = "GCS.ZoomWindow"; const char * const SPLIT = "GCS.Split"; const char * const SPLIT_SIDE_BY_SIDE = "GCS.SplitSideBySide"; const char * const REMOVE_CURRENT_SPLIT = "GCS.RemoveCurrentSplit"; const char * const REMOVE_ALL_SPLITS = "GCS.RemoveAllSplits"; const char * const GOTO_OTHER_SPLIT = "GCS.GotoOtherSplit"; const char * const SAVEASDEFAULT = "GCS.SaveAsDefaultLayout"; const char * const RESTOREDEFAULT = "GCS.RestoreDefaultLayout"; const char * const HIDE_TOOLBARS = "GCS.HideToolbars"; const char * const CLOSE = "GCS.Close"; const char * const CLOSEALL = "GCS.CloseAll"; const char * const CLOSEOTHERS = "GCS.CloseOthers"; const char * const GOTONEXT = "GCS.GotoNext"; const char * const GOTOPREV = "GCS.GotoPrevious"; const char * const GOTONEXTINHISTORY = "GCS.GotoNextInHistory"; const char * const GOTOPREVINHISTORY = "GCS.GotoPreviousInHistory"; const char * const GO_BACK = "GCS.GoBack"; const char * const GO_FORWARD = "GCS.GoForward"; const char * const GOTOPREVIOUSGROUP = "GCS.GotoPreviousTabGroup"; const char * const GOTONEXTGROUP = "GCS.GotoNextTabGroup"; const char * const WINDOWSLIST = "GCS.WindowsList"; const char * const ABOUT_OPENPILOTGCS = "GCS.AboutOpenPilotGCS"; const char * const ABOUT_PLUGINS = "GCS.AboutPlugins"; const char * const ABOUT_QT = "GCS.AboutQt"; const char * const S_RETURNTOEDITOR = "GCS.ReturnToEditor"; const char * const OPEN_IN_EXTERNAL_EDITOR = "GCS.OpenInExternalEditor"; // default groups const char * const G_DEFAULT_ONE = "GCS.Group.Default.One"; const char * const G_DEFAULT_TWO = "GCS.Group.Default.Two"; const char * const G_DEFAULT_THREE = "GCS.Group.Default.Three"; // main menu bar groups const char * const G_FILE = "GCS.Group.File"; const char * const G_EDIT = "GCS.Group.Edit"; const char * const G_VIEW = "GCS.Group.View"; const char * const G_TOOLS = "GCS.Group.Tools"; const char * const G_WINDOW = "GCS.Group.Window"; const char * const G_HELP = "GCS.Group.Help"; // file menu groups const char * const G_FILE_NEW = "GCS.Group.File.New"; const char * const G_FILE_OPEN = "GCS.Group.File.Open"; const char * const G_FILE_PROJECT = "GCS.Group.File.Project"; const char * const G_FILE_SAVE = "GCS.Group.File.Save"; const char * const G_FILE_CLOSE = "GCS.Group.File.Close"; const char * const G_FILE_OTHER = "GCS.Group.File.Other"; // edit menu groups const char * const G_EDIT_UNDOREDO = "GCS.Group.Edit.UndoRedo"; const char * const G_EDIT_COPYPASTE = "GCS.Group.Edit.CopyPaste"; const char * const G_EDIT_SELECTALL = "GCS.Group.Edit.SelectAll"; const char * const G_EDIT_ADVANCED = "GCS.Group.Edit.Advanced"; const char * const G_EDIT_FIND = "GCS.Group.Edit.Find"; const char * const G_EDIT_OTHER = "GCS.Group.Edit.Other"; // advanced edit menu groups const char * const G_EDIT_FORMAT = "GCS.Group.Edit.Format"; const char * const G_EDIT_COLLAPSING = "GCS.Group.Edit.Collapsing"; const char * const G_EDIT_BLOCKS = "GCS.Group.Edit.Blocks"; const char * const G_EDIT_FONT = "GCS.Group.Edit.Font"; const char * const G_EDIT_EDITOR = "GCS.Group.Edit.Editor"; // window menu groups const char * const G_WINDOW_SIZE = "GCS.Group.Window.Size"; const char * const G_WINDOW_PANES = "GCS.Group.Window.Panes"; const char * const G_WINDOW_SPLIT = "GCS.Group.Window.Split"; const char * const G_WINDOW_NAVIGATE = "GCS.Group.Window.Navigate"; const char * const G_WINDOW_OTHER = "GCS.Group.Window.Other"; const char * const G_WINDOW_HIDE_TOOLBAR = "GCS.Group.Window.Hide"; // help groups (global) const char * const G_HELP_HELP = "GCS.Group.Help.Help"; const char * const G_HELP_ABOUT = "GCS.Group.Help.About"; const char * const ICON_MINUS = ":/core/images/minus.png"; const char * const ICON_PLUS = ":/core/images/plus.png"; const char * const ICON_NEWFILE = ":/core/images/filenew.png"; const char * const ICON_OPENFILE = ":/core/images/fileopen.png"; const char * const ICON_SAVEFILE = ":/core/images/filesave.png"; const char * const ICON_UNDO = ":/core/images/undo.png"; const char * const ICON_REDO = ":/core/images/redo.png"; const char * const ICON_COPY = ":/core/images/editcopy.png"; const char * const ICON_PASTE = ":/core/images/editpaste.png"; const char * const ICON_CUT = ":/core/images/editcut.png"; const char * const ICON_NEXT = ":/core/images/next.png"; const char * const ICON_PREV = ":/core/images/prev.png"; const char * const ICON_DIR = ":/core/images/dir.png"; const char * const ICON_CLEAN_PANE = ":/core/images/clean_pane_small.png"; const char * const ICON_CLEAR = ":/core/images/clear.png"; const char * const ICON_FIND = ":/core/images/find.png"; const char * const ICON_FINDNEXT = ":/core/images/findnext.png"; const char * const ICON_REPLACE = ":/core/images/replace.png"; const char * const ICON_RESET = ":/core/images/reset.png"; const char * const ICON_MAGNIFIER = ":/core/images/magnifier.png"; const char * const ICON_TOGGLE_SIDEBAR = ":/core/images/sidebaricon.png"; const char * const ICON_INFO = ":/core/images/infoicon.png"; const char * const ICON_EXIT = ":/core/images/exiticon.png"; const char * const ICON_OPTIONS = ":/core/images/optionsicon.png"; const char * const ICON_HELP = ":/core/images/helpicon.png"; const char * const ICON_OPENPILOT = ":/core/images/openpiloticon.png"; // wizard kind const char * const WIZARD_TYPE_FILE = "GCS::WizardType::File"; const char * const WIZARD_TYPE_CLASS = "GCS::WizardType::Class"; } // namespace Constants } // namespace Core #endif // CORECONSTANTS_H