# copy legacy OpenGL DLL TEMPLATE = aux include(gcs.pri) MESAWIN_DIR = $$(MESAWIN_DIR) isEmpty(MESAWIN_DIR):MESAWIN_DIR = $${TOOLS_DIR}/mesawin # opengl32.dll will be copied to ./bin/opengl32/ for the installer to use # the installer packages the dll and optionally allows to install it to ./bin/ # this implies that the opengl32.dll will not be used in a dev environment, # unless it is copied to the ./bin/ ... exists($${MESAWIN_DIR}) { contains(QT_ARCH, i386) { # take opengl32.dll from mesa (32 bit) OPENGL_DIR = $${MESAWIN_DIR}/opengl32_32 } else { # take opengl32.dll from mesa (64 bit) OPENGL_DIR = $${MESAWIN_DIR}/opengl32_64 } } else { # take opengl32.dll from mingw32/bin/ # WARNING : doesn't currently work, GCS crashes at startup when using msys2 opengl32.dll warning("msys2 opengl32.dll breaks GCS, please install mesa with: make mesawin_install") # skip installing opengl32.dll, the package target will fail when creating the installer #OPENGL_DIR = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS] } OPENGL_DLLS = \ opengl32.dll exists($${OPENGL_DIR}):for(dll, OPENGL_DLLS) { addCopyFileTarget($${dll},$${OPENGL_DIR},$${GCS_APP_PATH}/opengl32) }