/* # This file is Copyright 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Dean Hall. # # This file is part of the PyMite VM. # The PyMite VM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2. # # The PyMite VM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # A copy of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 # is seen in the file COPYING in this directory. */ #undef __FILE_ID__ #define __FILE_ID__ 0x06 /** * \file * \brief VM Heap * * VM heap operations. * All of PyMite's dynamic memory is obtained from this heap. * The heap provides dynamic memory on demand. */ #include "pm.h" /** Checks for heap size definition. */ #ifndef PM_HEAP_SIZE #warning PM_HEAP_SIZE not defined in src/platform/<yourplatform>/pmfeatures.h #elif PM_HEAP_SIZE & 3 #error PM_HEAP_SIZE is not a multiple of four #endif /** The size of the temporary roots stack */ #define HEAP_NUM_TEMP_ROOTS 24 /** * The maximum size a live chunk can be (a live chunk is one that is in use). * The live chunk size is limited by the size field in the *object* descriptor. * That field is nine bits with two assumed least significant bits (zeros): * (0x1FF << 2) == 2044 */ #define HEAP_MAX_LIVE_CHUNK_SIZE 2044 /** * The maximum size a free chunk can be (a free chunk is one that is not in use). * The free chunk size is limited by the size field in the *heap* descriptor. * That field is fourteen bits with two assumed least significant bits (zeros): * (0x3FFF << 2) == 65532 */ #define HEAP_MAX_FREE_CHUNK_SIZE 65532 /** The minimum size a chunk can be (rounded up to a multiple of 4) */ #define HEAP_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE ((sizeof(PmHeapDesc_t) + 3) & ~3) /** * Gets the GC's mark bit for the object. * This MUST NOT be called on objects that are free. */ #define OBJ_GET_GCVAL(pobj) ((((pPmObj_t)pobj)->od >> OD_MARK_SHIFT) & 1) /** * Sets the GC's mark bit for the object * This MUST NOT be called on objects that are free. */ #ifdef HAVE_GC #define OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, gcval) \ do \ { \ ((pPmObj_t)pobj)->od = (gcval) ? ((pPmObj_t)pobj)->od | OD_MARK_BIT \ : ((pPmObj_t)pobj)->od & ~OD_MARK_BIT;\ } \ while (0) #else #define OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, gcval) #endif /* HAVE_GC */ /** * The following is a diagram of the heap descriptor at the head of the chunk: * @verbatim * MSb LSb * 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 * pchunk-> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ * | S[9:2] | S := Size of the chunk (2 LSbs dropped) * +-+-+-----------+ F := Chunk free bit (not in use) * |F|R| S[15:10] | R := Bit reserved for future use * +-+-+-----------+ * | P(L) | P := hd_prev: Pointer to previous node * | P(H) | N := hd_next: Pointer to next node * | N(L) | * | N(H) | Theoretical min size == 6 * +---------------+ Effective min size == 8 * | unused space | (12 on 32-bit MCUs) * ... ... * | end chunk | * +---------------+ * @endverbatim */ typedef struct PmHeapDesc_s { /** Heap descriptor */ uint16_t hd; /** Ptr to prev heap chunk */ struct PmHeapDesc_s *prev; /** Ptr to next heap chunk */ struct PmHeapDesc_s *next; } PmHeapDesc_t, *pPmHeapDesc_t; typedef struct PmHeap_s { /* * WARNING: Leave 'base' field at the top of struct to increase chance * of alignment when compiler doesn't recognize the aligned attribute * which is specific to GCC */ /** Global declaration of heap. */ uint8_t base[PM_HEAP_SIZE]; /** Ptr to list of free chunks; sorted smallest to largest. */ pPmHeapDesc_t pfreelist; /** The amount of heap space available in free list */ #if PM_HEAP_SIZE > 65535 uint32_t avail; #else uint16_t avail; #endif #ifdef HAVE_GC /** Garbage collection mark value */ uint8_t gcval; /** Boolean to indicate if GC should run automatically */ uint8_t auto_gc; /* #239: Fix GC when 2+ unlinked allocs occur */ /** Stack of objects to be held as temporary roots */ pPmObj_t temp_roots[HEAP_NUM_TEMP_ROOTS]; uint8_t temp_root_index; #endif /* HAVE_GC */ } PmHeap_t, *pPmHeap_t; /** The PyMite heap */ static PmHeap_t pmHeap PM_PLAT_HEAP_ATTR; #if 0 static void heap_gcPrintFreelist(void) { pPmHeapDesc_t pchunk = pmHeap.pfreelist; printf("DEBUG: pmHeap.avail = %d\n", pmHeap.avail); printf("DEBUG: freelist:\n"); while (pchunk != C_NULL) { printf("DEBUG: free chunk (%d bytes) @ 0x%0x\n", OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk), (int)pchunk); pchunk = pchunk->next; } } #endif #if 0 /** DEBUG: dumps the heap and roots list to a file */ static void heap_dump(void) { static int n = 0; uint16_t s; uint32_t i; void *b; char filename[32]; FILE *fp; snprintf(filename, 32, "pmheapdump%02d.bin", n++); fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); /* magic : PMDUMP for little endian or PMUDMP for big endian */ fwrite(&"PM", 1, 2, fp); s = 0x5544; fwrite(&s, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp); fwrite(&"MP", 1, 2, fp); /* pointer size */ s = sizeof(intptr_t); fwrite(&s, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp); /* dump version */ s = 1; fwrite(&s, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp); /* pmfeatures */ s = 0; #ifdef USE_STRING_CACHE s |= 1<<0; #endif #ifdef HAVE_DEFAULTARGS s |= 1<<1; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CLOSURES s |= 1<<2; #endif #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES s |= 1<<3; #endif fwrite(&s, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp); /* size of heap */ i = PM_HEAP_SIZE; fwrite(&i, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp); /* Write base address of heap */ b=&pmHeap.base; fwrite((void*)(&b), sizeof(intptr_t), 1, fp); /* Write contents of heap */ fwrite(&pmHeap.base, 1, PM_HEAP_SIZE, fp); /* Write num roots*/ i = 10; fwrite(&i, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp); /* Write heap root ptrs */ fwrite((void *)&gVmGlobal.pnone, sizeof(intptr_t), 1, fp); fwrite((void *)&gVmGlobal.pfalse, sizeof(intptr_t), 1, fp); fwrite((void *)&gVmGlobal.ptrue, sizeof(intptr_t), 1, fp); fwrite((void *)&gVmGlobal.pzero, sizeof(intptr_t), 1, fp); fwrite((void *)&gVmGlobal.pone, sizeof(intptr_t), 1, fp); fwrite((void *)&gVmGlobal.pnegone, sizeof(intptr_t), 1, fp); fwrite((void *)&gVmGlobal.pcodeStr, sizeof(intptr_t), 1, fp); fwrite((void *)&gVmGlobal.builtins, sizeof(intptr_t), 1, fp); fwrite((void *)&gVmGlobal.nativeframe, sizeof(intptr_t), 1, fp); fwrite((void *)&gVmGlobal.threadList, sizeof(intptr_t), 1, fp); fclose(fp); } #endif /* Removes the given chunk from the free list; leaves list in sorted order */ static PmReturn_t heap_unlinkFromFreelist(pPmHeapDesc_t pchunk) { C_ASSERT(pchunk != C_NULL); pmHeap.avail -= OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk); if (pchunk->next != C_NULL) { pchunk->next->prev = pchunk->prev; } /* If pchunk was the first chunk in the free list, update the heap ptr */ if (pchunk->prev == C_NULL) { pmHeap.pfreelist = pchunk->next; } else { pchunk->prev->next = pchunk->next; } return PM_RET_OK; } /* Inserts in order a chunk into the free list. Caller adjusts heap state */ static PmReturn_t heap_linkToFreelist(pPmHeapDesc_t pchunk) { uint16_t size; pPmHeapDesc_t pscan; /* Ensure the object is already free */ C_ASSERT(OBJ_GET_FREE(pchunk) != 0); pmHeap.avail += OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk); /* If free list is empty, add to head of list */ if (pmHeap.pfreelist == C_NULL) { pmHeap.pfreelist = pchunk; pchunk->next = C_NULL; pchunk->prev = C_NULL; return PM_RET_OK; } /* Scan free list for insertion point */ pscan = pmHeap.pfreelist; size = OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk); while ((OBJ_GET_SIZE(pscan) < size) && (pscan->next != C_NULL)) { pscan = pscan->next; } /* * Insert chunk after the scan chunk (next is NULL). * This is a slightly rare case where the last chunk in the free list * is smaller than the chunk being freed. */ if (size > OBJ_GET_SIZE(pscan)) { pchunk->next = pscan->next; pscan->next = pchunk; pchunk->prev = pscan; } /* Insert chunk before the scan chunk */ else { pchunk->next = pscan; pchunk->prev = pscan->prev; /* If chunk will be first item in free list */ if (pscan->prev == C_NULL) { pmHeap.pfreelist = pchunk; } else { pscan->prev->next = pchunk; } pscan->prev = pchunk; } return PM_RET_OK; } /* * Initializes the heap state variables */ PmReturn_t heap_init(void) { pPmHeapDesc_t pchunk; #if PM_HEAP_SIZE > 65535 uint32_t hs; #else uint16_t hs; #endif #if __DEBUG__ /* Fill the heap with a non-NULL value to bring out any heap bugs. */ sli_memset(pmHeap.base, 0xAA, sizeof(pmHeap.base)); #endif /* Init heap globals */ pmHeap.pfreelist = C_NULL; pmHeap.avail = 0; #ifdef HAVE_GC pmHeap.gcval = (uint8_t)0; pmHeap.temp_root_index = (uint8_t)0; heap_gcSetAuto(C_TRUE); #endif /* HAVE_GC */ /* Create as many max-sized chunks as possible in the freelist */ for (pchunk = (pPmHeapDesc_t)pmHeap.base, hs = PM_HEAP_SIZE; hs >= HEAP_MAX_FREE_CHUNK_SIZE; hs -= HEAP_MAX_FREE_CHUNK_SIZE) { OBJ_SET_FREE(pchunk, 1); OBJ_SET_SIZE(pchunk, HEAP_MAX_FREE_CHUNK_SIZE); heap_linkToFreelist(pchunk); pchunk = (pPmHeapDesc_t)((uint8_t *)pchunk + HEAP_MAX_FREE_CHUNK_SIZE); } /* Add any leftover memory to the freelist */ if (hs >= HEAP_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) { /* Round down to a multiple of four */ hs = hs & ~3; OBJ_SET_FREE(pchunk, 1); OBJ_SET_SIZE(pchunk, hs); heap_linkToFreelist(pchunk); } C_DEBUG_PRINT(VERBOSITY_LOW, "heap_init(), id=%p, s=%d\n", pmHeap.base, pmHeap.avail); string_cacheInit(); return PM_RET_OK; } /** * Obtains a chunk of memory from the free list * * Performs the Best Fit algorithm. * Iterates through the freelist to see if a chunk of suitable size exists. * Shaves a chunk to perfect size iff the remainder is greater than * the minimum chunk size. * * @param size Requested chunk size * @param r_pchunk Return ptr to chunk * @return Return status */ static PmReturn_t heap_getChunkImpl(uint16_t size, uint8_t **r_pchunk) { PmReturn_t retval; pPmHeapDesc_t pchunk; pPmHeapDesc_t premainderChunk; C_ASSERT(r_pchunk != C_NULL); /* Skip to the first chunk that can hold the requested size */ pchunk = pmHeap.pfreelist; while ((pchunk != C_NULL) && (OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk) < size)) { pchunk = pchunk->next; } /* No chunk of appropriate size was found, raise OutOfMemory exception */ if (pchunk == C_NULL) { *r_pchunk = C_NULL; PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_MEM); return retval; } /* Remove the chunk from the free list */ retval = heap_unlinkFromFreelist(pchunk); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Check if a chunk should be carved from what is available */ if (OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk) - size >= HEAP_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) { /* Create the heap descriptor for the remainder chunk */ premainderChunk = (pPmHeapDesc_t)((uint8_t *)pchunk + size); OBJ_SET_FREE(premainderChunk, 1); OBJ_SET_SIZE(premainderChunk, OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk) - size); /* Put the remainder chunk back in the free list */ retval = heap_linkToFreelist(premainderChunk); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Convert the chunk from a heap descriptor to an object descriptor */ OBJ_SET_SIZE(pchunk, 0); OBJ_SET_FREE(pchunk, 0); OBJ_SET_SIZE(pchunk, size); C_DEBUG_PRINT(VERBOSITY_HIGH, "heap_getChunkImpl()carved, id=%p, s=%d\n", pchunk, size); } else { /* Set chunk's type to none (overwrites size field's high byte) */ OBJ_SET_TYPE((pPmObj_t)pchunk, OBJ_TYPE_NON); OBJ_SET_FREE(pchunk, 0); C_DEBUG_PRINT(VERBOSITY_HIGH, "heap_getChunkImpl()exact, id=%p, s=%d\n", pchunk, OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk)); } /* * Set the chunk's GC mark so it will be collected during the next GC cycle * if it is not reachable */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pchunk, pmHeap.gcval); /* Return the chunk */ *r_pchunk = (uint8_t *)pchunk; return retval; } /* * Allocates chunk of memory. * Filters out invalid sizes. * Rounds the size up to the next multiple of 4. * Obtains a chunk of at least the desired size. */ PmReturn_t heap_getChunk(uint16_t requestedsize, uint8_t **r_pchunk) { PmReturn_t retval; uint16_t adjustedsize; /* Ensure size request is valid */ if (requestedsize > HEAP_MAX_LIVE_CHUNK_SIZE) { PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_MEM); return retval; } else if (requestedsize < HEAP_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE) { requestedsize = HEAP_MIN_CHUNK_SIZE; } /* * Round up the size to a multiple of 4 bytes. * This maintains alignment on 32-bit platforms (required). */ adjustedsize = ((requestedsize + 3) & ~3); /* Attempt to get a chunk */ retval = heap_getChunkImpl(adjustedsize, r_pchunk); #ifdef HAVE_GC /* Perform GC if out of memory, gc is enabled and not in native session */ if ((retval == PM_RET_EX_MEM) && (pmHeap.auto_gc == C_TRUE) && (gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_active == C_FALSE)) { retval = heap_gcRun(); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Attempt to get a chunk */ retval = heap_getChunkImpl(adjustedsize, r_pchunk); } #endif /* HAVE_GC */ /* Ensure that the pointer is 4-byte aligned */ if (retval == PM_RET_OK) { C_ASSERT(((intptr_t)*r_pchunk & 3) == 0); } return retval; } /* Releases chunk to the free list */ PmReturn_t heap_freeChunk(pPmObj_t ptr) { PmReturn_t retval; C_DEBUG_PRINT(VERBOSITY_HIGH, "heap_freeChunk(), id=%p, s=%d\n", ptr, OBJ_GET_SIZE(ptr)); /* Ensure the chunk falls within the heap */ C_ASSERT(((uint8_t *)ptr >= pmHeap.base) && ((uint8_t *)ptr < pmHeap.base + PM_HEAP_SIZE)); /* Insert the chunk into the freelist */ OBJ_SET_FREE(ptr, 1); /* Clear type so that heap descriptor's size's upper byte is zero */ OBJ_SET_TYPE(ptr, 0); retval = heap_linkToFreelist((pPmHeapDesc_t)ptr); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); return retval; } /* Returns, by reference, the number of bytes available in the heap */ #if PM_HEAP_SIZE > 65535 uint32_t #else uint16_t #endif heap_getAvail(void) { return pmHeap.avail; } #ifdef HAVE_GC /* * Marks the given object and the objects it references. * * @param pobj Any non-free heap object * @return Return code */ static PmReturn_t heap_gcMarkObj(pPmObj_t pobj) { PmReturn_t retval = PM_RET_OK; int16_t i = 0; int16_t n; PmType_t type; /* Return if ptr is null or object is already marked */ if (pobj == C_NULL) { return retval; } if (OBJ_GET_GCVAL(pobj) == pmHeap.gcval) { return retval; } /* The pointer must be within the heap (native frame is special case) */ C_ASSERT((((uint8_t *)pobj >= &pmHeap.base[0]) && ((uint8_t *)pobj <= &pmHeap.base[PM_HEAP_SIZE])) || ((uint8_t *)pobj == (uint8_t *)&gVmGlobal.nativeframe)); /* The object must not already be free */ C_ASSERT(OBJ_GET_FREE(pobj) == 0); type = (PmType_t)OBJ_GET_TYPE(pobj); switch (type) { /* Objects with no references to other objects */ case OBJ_TYPE_NON: case OBJ_TYPE_INT: case OBJ_TYPE_FLT: case OBJ_TYPE_STR: case OBJ_TYPE_NOB: case OBJ_TYPE_BOOL: case OBJ_TYPE_CIO: OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); break; case OBJ_TYPE_TUP: i = ((pPmTuple_t)pobj)->length; /* Mark tuple head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark each obj in tuple */ while (--i >= 0) { retval = heap_gcMarkObj(((pPmTuple_t)pobj)->val[i]); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); } break; case OBJ_TYPE_LST: /* Mark the list */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the seglist */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmList_t)pobj)->val); break; case OBJ_TYPE_DIC: /* Mark the dict head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the keys seglist */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmDict_t)pobj)->d_keys); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the vals seglist */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmDict_t)pobj)->d_vals); break; case OBJ_TYPE_COB: /* Mark the code obj head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the names tuple */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmCo_t)pobj)->co_names); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the consts tuple */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmCo_t)pobj)->co_consts); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* #122: Mark the code image if it is in RAM */ if (((pPmCo_t)pobj)->co_memspace == MEMSPACE_RAM) { retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t) (((pPmCo_t)pobj)->co_codeimgaddr)); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); } #ifdef HAVE_CLOSURES /* #256: Add support for closures */ /* Mark the cellvars tuple */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmCo_t)pobj)->co_cellvars); #endif /* HAVE_CLOSURES */ break; case OBJ_TYPE_MOD: case OBJ_TYPE_FXN: /* Module and Func objs are implemented via the PmFunc_t */ /* Mark the func obj head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the code obj */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmFunc_t)pobj)->f_co); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the attr dict */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmFunc_t)pobj)->f_attrs); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the globals dict */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmFunc_t)pobj)->f_globals); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); #ifdef HAVE_DEFAULTARGS /* Mark the default args tuple */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmFunc_t)pobj)->f_defaultargs); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); #endif /* HAVE_DEFAULTARGS */ #ifdef HAVE_CLOSURES /* #256: Mark the closure tuple */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmFunc_t)pobj)->f_closure); #endif /* HAVE_CLOSURES */ break; #ifdef HAVE_CLASSES case OBJ_TYPE_CLI: /* Mark the obj head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the class */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmInstance_t)pobj)->cli_class); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the attrs dict */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmInstance_t)pobj)->cli_attrs); break; case OBJ_TYPE_MTH: /* Mark the obj head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the instance */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmMethod_t)pobj)->m_instance); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the func */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmMethod_t)pobj)->m_func); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the attrs dict */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmMethod_t)pobj)->m_attrs); break; case OBJ_TYPE_CLO: /* Mark the obj head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the attrs dict */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmClass_t)pobj)->cl_attrs); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the base tuple */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmClass_t)pobj)->cl_bases); break; #endif /* HAVE_CLASSES */ /* * An obj in ram should not be of these types. * Images arrive in RAM as string objects (image is array of bytes) */ case OBJ_TYPE_CIM: case OBJ_TYPE_NIM: PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); return retval; case OBJ_TYPE_FRM: { pPmObj_t *ppobj2 = C_NULL; /* Mark the frame obj head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the previous frame, if this isn't a generator's frame */ /* Issue #129: Fix iterator losing its object */ if ((((pPmFrame_t)pobj)->fo_func->f_co->co_flags & CO_GENERATOR) == 0) { retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmFrame_t)pobj)->fo_back); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); } /* Mark the fxn obj */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmFrame_t)pobj)->fo_func); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the blockstack */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t) ((pPmFrame_t)pobj)->fo_blockstack); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the attrs dict */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmFrame_t)pobj)->fo_attrs); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the globals dict */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmFrame_t)pobj)->fo_globals); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark each obj in the locals list and the stack */ ppobj2 = ((pPmFrame_t)pobj)->fo_locals; while (ppobj2 < ((pPmFrame_t)pobj)->fo_sp) { retval = heap_gcMarkObj(*ppobj2); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); ppobj2++; } break; } case OBJ_TYPE_BLK: /* Mark the block obj head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the next block in the stack */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmBlock_t)pobj)->next); break; case OBJ_TYPE_SGL: /* Mark the seglist obj head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the seglist's segments */ n = ((pSeglist_t)pobj)->sl_length; pobj = (pPmObj_t)((pSeglist_t)pobj)->sl_rootseg; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* Mark the segment item */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj(((pSegment_t)pobj)->s_val[i % SEGLIST_OBJS_PER_SEG]); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the segment obj head */ if ((i % SEGLIST_OBJS_PER_SEG) == 0) { OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); } /* Point to the next segment */ else if ((i % SEGLIST_OBJS_PER_SEG) == (SEGLIST_OBJS_PER_SEG - 1)) { pobj = (pPmObj_t)((pSegment_t)pobj)->next; if (pobj == C_NULL) { break; } } } break; case OBJ_TYPE_SQI: /* Mark the sequence iterator obj head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the sequence */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj(((pPmSeqIter_t)pobj)->si_sequence); break; case OBJ_TYPE_THR: /* Mark the thread obj head */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the current frame */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmThread_t)pobj)->pframe); break; case OBJ_TYPE_NFM: /* * Mark the obj desc. This doesn't really do much since the * native frame is declared static (not from the heap), but this * is here in case that ever changes */ OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); /* Mark the native frame's remaining fields if active */ if (gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_active) { /* Mark the frame stack */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t) gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_back); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the function object */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t) gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_func); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the stack object */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj(gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_stack); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the args to the native func */ for (i = 0; i < NATIVE_GET_NUM_ARGS(); i++) { retval = heap_gcMarkObj(gVmGlobal.nativeframe.nf_locals[i]); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); } } break; #ifdef HAVE_BYTEARRAY case OBJ_TYPE_BYA: OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)((pPmBytearray_t)pobj)->val); break; case OBJ_TYPE_BYS: OBJ_SET_GCVAL(pobj, pmHeap.gcval); break; #endif /* HAVE_BYTEARRAY */ default: /* There should be no invalid types */ PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS); break; } return retval; } /* * Marks the root objects so they won't be collected during the sweep phase. * Recursively marks all objects reachable from the roots. */ static PmReturn_t heap_gcMarkRoots(void) { PmReturn_t retval; uint8_t i; /* Toggle the GC marking value so it differs from the last run */ pmHeap.gcval ^= 1; /* Mark the constant objects */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj(PM_NONE); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); retval = heap_gcMarkObj(PM_FALSE); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); retval = heap_gcMarkObj(PM_TRUE); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); retval = heap_gcMarkObj(PM_ZERO); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); retval = heap_gcMarkObj(PM_ONE); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); retval = heap_gcMarkObj(PM_NEGONE); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); retval = heap_gcMarkObj(PM_CODE_STR); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the builtins dict */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj(PM_PBUILTINS); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the native frame if it is active */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)&gVmGlobal.nativeframe); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the thread list */ retval = heap_gcMarkObj((pPmObj_t)gVmGlobal.threadList); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Mark the temporary roots */ for (i = 0; i < pmHeap.temp_root_index; i++) { retval = heap_gcMarkObj(pmHeap.temp_roots[i]); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); } return retval; } #if USE_STRING_CACHE /** * Unlinks free objects from the string cache. * This function must only be called by the GC after the heap has been marked * and before the heap has been swept. * * This solves the problem where a string object would be collected * but its chunk was still linked into the free list * * @param gcval The current value for chunks marked by the GC */ static PmReturn_t heap_purgeStringCache(uint8_t gcval) { PmReturn_t retval; pPmString_t *ppstrcache; pPmString_t pstr; /* Update string cache pointer if the first string objs are not marked */ retval = string_getCache(&ppstrcache); if (ppstrcache == C_NULL) { return retval; } while ((*ppstrcache != C_NULL) && (OBJ_GET_GCVAL(*ppstrcache) != gcval)) { *ppstrcache = (*ppstrcache)->next; } if (*ppstrcache == C_NULL) { return retval; } /* Unlink remaining strings that are not marked */ for (pstr = *ppstrcache; pstr->next != C_NULL;) { /* Unlink consecutive non-marked strings */ while ((pstr->next != C_NULL) && (OBJ_GET_GCVAL(pstr->next) != gcval)) { pstr->next = pstr->next->next; } /* If not at end of cache, string must be marked, skip it */ if (pstr->next != C_NULL) { pstr = pstr->next; } } return retval; } #endif /* * Reclaims any object that does not have a current mark. * Puts it in the free list. Coalesces all contiguous free chunks. */ static PmReturn_t heap_gcSweep(void) { PmReturn_t retval; pPmObj_t pobj; pPmHeapDesc_t pchunk; uint16_t totalchunksize; #if USE_STRING_CACHE retval = heap_purgeStringCache(pmHeap.gcval); #endif /* Start at the base of the heap */ pobj = (pPmObj_t)pmHeap.base; while ((uint8_t *)pobj < &pmHeap.base[PM_HEAP_SIZE]) { /* Skip to the next unmarked or free chunk within the heap */ while (!OBJ_GET_FREE(pobj) && (OBJ_GET_GCVAL(pobj) == pmHeap.gcval) && ((uint8_t *)pobj < &pmHeap.base[PM_HEAP_SIZE])) { pobj = (pPmObj_t)((uint8_t *)pobj + OBJ_GET_SIZE(pobj)); } /* Stop if reached the end of the heap */ if ((uint8_t *)pobj >= &pmHeap.base[PM_HEAP_SIZE]) { break; } /* Accumulate the sizes of all consecutive unmarked or free chunks */ totalchunksize = 0; /* Coalesce all contiguous free chunks */ pchunk = (pPmHeapDesc_t)pobj; while (OBJ_GET_FREE(pchunk) || (!OBJ_GET_FREE(pchunk) && (OBJ_GET_GCVAL(pchunk) != pmHeap.gcval))) { if ((totalchunksize + OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk)) > HEAP_MAX_FREE_CHUNK_SIZE) { break; } totalchunksize = totalchunksize + OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk); /* * If the chunk is already free, unlink it because its size * is about to change */ if (OBJ_GET_FREE(pchunk)) { retval = heap_unlinkFromFreelist(pchunk); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); } /* Otherwise free and reclaim the unmarked chunk */ else { OBJ_SET_TYPE(pchunk, 0); OBJ_SET_FREE(pchunk, 1); } C_DEBUG_PRINT(VERBOSITY_HIGH, "heap_gcSweep(), id=%p, s=%d\n", pchunk, OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk)); /* Proceed to the next chunk */ pchunk = (pPmHeapDesc_t) ((uint8_t *)pchunk + OBJ_GET_SIZE(pchunk)); /* Stop if it's past the end of the heap */ if ((uint8_t *)pchunk >= &pmHeap.base[PM_HEAP_SIZE]) { break; } } /* Set the heap descriptor data */ OBJ_SET_FREE(pobj, 1); OBJ_SET_SIZE(pobj, totalchunksize); /* Insert chunk into free list */ retval = heap_linkToFreelist((pPmHeapDesc_t)pobj); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); /* Continue to the next chunk */ pobj = (pPmObj_t)pchunk; } return PM_RET_OK; } /* Runs the mark-sweep garbage collector */ PmReturn_t heap_gcRun(void) { PmReturn_t retval; /* #239: Fix GC when 2+ unlinked allocs occur */ /* This assertion fails when there are too many objects on the temporary * root stack and a GC occurs; consider increasing PM_HEAP_NUM_TEMP_ROOTS */ C_ASSERT(pmHeap.temp_root_index < HEAP_NUM_TEMP_ROOTS); C_DEBUG_PRINT(VERBOSITY_LOW, "heap_gcRun()\n"); /*heap_dump();*/ retval = heap_gcMarkRoots(); PM_RETURN_IF_ERROR(retval); retval = heap_gcSweep(); /*heap_dump();*/ return retval; } /* Enables or disables automatic garbage collection */ PmReturn_t heap_gcSetAuto(uint8_t auto_gc) { pmHeap.auto_gc = auto_gc; return PM_RET_OK; } void heap_gcPushTempRoot(pPmObj_t pobj, uint8_t *r_objid) { if (pmHeap.temp_root_index < HEAP_NUM_TEMP_ROOTS) { *r_objid = pmHeap.temp_root_index; pmHeap.temp_roots[pmHeap.temp_root_index] = pobj; pmHeap.temp_root_index++; } return; } void heap_gcPopTempRoot(uint8_t objid) { pmHeap.temp_root_index = objid; } #else void heap_gcPushTempRoot(pPmObj_t pobj, uint8_t *r_objid) {} void heap_gcPopTempRoot(uint8_t objid) {} #endif /* HAVE_GC */