/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup OpenPilotLibraries OpenPilot Libraries * @{ * @addtogroup Navigation * @brief setups RTH/PH and other pathfollower/pathplanner status * @{ * * @file plan.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2014. * * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * ******************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <plans.h> #include <openpilot.h> #include <attitudesettings.h> #include <takeofflocation.h> #include <pathdesired.h> #include <positionstate.h> #include <flightmodesettings.h> #include <manualcontrolcommand.h> #include <attitudestate.h> #include <sin_lookup.h> #define UPDATE_EXPECTED 0.02f #define UPDATE_MIN 1.0e-6f #define UPDATE_MAX 1.0f #define UPDATE_ALPHA 1.0e-2f /** * @brief initialize UAVOs and structs used by this library */ void plan_initialize() { TakeOffLocationInitialize(); PositionStateInitialize(); PathDesiredInitialize(); FlightModeSettingsInitialize(); AttitudeStateInitialize(); ManualControlCommandInitialize(); } /** * @brief setup pathplanner/pathfollower for positionhold */ void plan_setup_positionHold() { PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); PathDesiredData pathDesired; PathDesiredGet(&pathDesired); FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetData offset; FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetGet(&offset); float startingVelocity; FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldStartingVelocityGet(&startingVelocity); pathDesired.End.North = positionState.North; pathDesired.End.East = positionState.East; pathDesired.End.Down = positionState.Down; pathDesired.Start.North = positionState.North + offset.Horizontal; // in FlyEndPoint the direction of this vector does not matter pathDesired.Start.East = positionState.East; pathDesired.Start.Down = positionState.Down; pathDesired.StartingVelocity = startingVelocity; pathDesired.EndingVelocity = 0.0f; pathDesired.Mode = PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYENDPOINT; PathDesiredSet(&pathDesired); } /** * @brief setup pathplanner/pathfollower for return to base */ void plan_setup_returnToBase() { // Simple Return To Base mode - keep altitude the same applying configured delta, fly to takeoff position float positionStateDown; PositionStateDownGet(&positionStateDown); PathDesiredData pathDesired; PathDesiredGet(&pathDesired); TakeOffLocationData takeoffLocation; TakeOffLocationGet(&takeoffLocation); // TODO: right now VTOLPF does fly straight to destination altitude. // For a safer RTB destination altitude will be the higher between takeofflocation and current position (corrected with safety margin) float destDown; FlightModeSettingsReturnToBaseAltitudeOffsetGet(&destDown); destDown = MIN(positionStateDown, takeoffLocation.Down) - destDown; FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetData offset; FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetGet(&offset); float startingVelocity; FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldStartingVelocityGet(&startingVelocity); pathDesired.End.North = takeoffLocation.North; pathDesired.End.East = takeoffLocation.East; pathDesired.End.Down = destDown; pathDesired.Start.North = takeoffLocation.North + offset.Horizontal; // in FlyEndPoint the direction of this vector does not matter pathDesired.Start.East = takeoffLocation.East; pathDesired.Start.Down = destDown; pathDesired.StartingVelocity = startingVelocity; pathDesired.EndingVelocity = 0.0f; pathDesired.Mode = PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYENDPOINT; PathDesiredSet(&pathDesired); } void plan_setup_land() { plan_setup_positionHold(); } /** * @brief execute land */ void plan_run_land() { PathDesiredEndData pathDesiredEnd; PathDesiredEndGet(&pathDesiredEnd); PositionStateDownGet(&pathDesiredEnd.Down); pathDesiredEnd.Down += 5; PathDesiredEndSet(&pathDesiredEnd); } /** * @brief positionvario functionality */ static bool vario_hold = true; static float hold_position[3]; static void plan_setup_PositionVario() { vario_hold = true; plan_setup_positionHold(); } void plan_setup_PositionVarioFPV() { plan_setup_PositionVario(); } void plan_setup_PositionVarioLOS() { plan_setup_PositionVario(); } void plan_setup_PositionVarioNSEW() { plan_setup_PositionVario(); } #define DEADBAND 0.1f static bool normalizeDeadband(float controlVector[4]) { bool moving = false; // roll, pitch, yaw between -1 and +1 // thrust between 0 and 1 mapped to -1 to +1 controlVector[3] = (2.0f * controlVector[3]) - 1.0f; int t; for (t = 0; t < 4; t++) { if (controlVector[t] < -DEADBAND) { moving = true; controlVector[t] += DEADBAND; } else if (controlVector[t] > DEADBAND) { moving = true; controlVector[t] -= DEADBAND; } else { controlVector[t] = 0.0f; } // deadband has been cut out, scale value back to [-1,+1] controlVector[t] *= (1.0f / (1.0f - DEADBAND)); controlVector[t] = boundf(controlVector[t], -1.0f, 1.0f); } return moving; } typedef enum { FPV, LOS, NSEW } vario_type; static void getVector(float controlVector[4], vario_type type) { FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetData offset; FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetGet(&offset); // scale controlVector[3] (thrust) by vertical/horizontal to have vertical plane less sensitive controlVector[3] *= offset.Vertical / offset.Horizontal; float length = sqrtf(controlVector[0] * controlVector[0] + controlVector[1] * controlVector[1] + controlVector[3] * controlVector[3]); if (length <= 1e-9f) { length = 1.0f; // should never happen as getVector is not called if control within deadband } { float direction[3] = { controlVector[1] / length, // pitch is north controlVector[0] / length, // roll is east controlVector[3] / length // thrust is down }; controlVector[0] = direction[0]; controlVector[1] = direction[1]; controlVector[2] = direction[2]; } controlVector[3] = length * offset.Horizontal; // rotate north and east - rotation angle based on type float angle; switch (type) { case NSEW: angle = 0.0f; // NSEW no rotation takes place break; case FPV: // local rotation, using current yaw AttitudeStateYawGet(&angle); break; case LOS: // determine location based on vector from takeoff to current location { PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); TakeOffLocationData takeoffLocation; TakeOffLocationGet(&takeoffLocation); angle = RAD2DEG(atan2f(positionState.East - takeoffLocation.East, positionState.North - takeoffLocation.North)); } break; } // rotate horizontally by angle { float rotated[2] = { controlVector[0] * cos_lookup_deg(angle) - controlVector[1] * sin_lookup_deg(angle), controlVector[0] * sin_lookup_deg(angle) + controlVector[1] * cos_lookup_deg(angle) }; controlVector[0] = rotated[0]; controlVector[1] = rotated[1]; } } static void plan_run_PositionVario(vario_type type) { float controlVector[4]; PathDesiredData pathDesired; PathDesiredGet(&pathDesired); FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetData offset; FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetGet(&offset); ManualControlCommandRollGet(&controlVector[0]); ManualControlCommandPitchGet(&controlVector[1]); ManualControlCommandYawGet(&controlVector[2]); ManualControlCommandThrustGet(&controlVector[3]); // check if movement is desired if (normalizeDeadband(controlVector) == false) { // no movement desired, re-enter positionHold at current start-position if (!vario_hold) { vario_hold = true; // new hold position is the position that was previously the start position pathDesired.End.North = hold_position[0]; pathDesired.End.East = hold_position[1]; pathDesired.End.Down = hold_position[2]; // while the new start position has the same offset as in position hold pathDesired.Start.North = pathDesired.End.North + offset.Horizontal; // in FlyEndPoint the direction of this vector does not matter pathDesired.Start.East = pathDesired.End.East; pathDesired.Start.Down = pathDesired.End.Down; PathDesiredSet(&pathDesired); } } else { PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); // flip pitch to have pitch down (away) point north controlVector[1] = -controlVector[1]; getVector(controlVector, type); // layout of control Vector : unitVector in movement direction {0,1,2} vector length {3} velocity {4} if (vario_hold) { // start position is the position that was previously the hold position vario_hold = false; hold_position[0] = pathDesired.End.North; hold_position[1] = pathDesired.End.East; hold_position[2] = pathDesired.End.Down; } else { // start position is advanced according to movement - in the direction of ControlVector only // projection using scalar product float kp = (positionState.North - hold_position[0]) * controlVector[0] + (positionState.East - hold_position[1]) * controlVector[1] + (positionState.Down - hold_position[2]) * -controlVector[2]; if (kp > 0.0f) { hold_position[0] += kp * controlVector[0]; hold_position[1] += kp * controlVector[1]; hold_position[2] += kp * -controlVector[2]; } } // new destination position is advanced based on controlVector pathDesired.End.North = hold_position[0] + controlVector[0] * controlVector[3]; pathDesired.End.East = hold_position[1] + controlVector[1] * controlVector[3]; pathDesired.End.Down = hold_position[2] - controlVector[2] * controlVector[3]; // the new start position has the same offset as in position hold pathDesired.Start.North = pathDesired.End.North + offset.Horizontal; // in FlyEndPoint the direction of this vector does not matter pathDesired.Start.East = pathDesired.End.East; pathDesired.Start.Down = pathDesired.End.Down; PathDesiredSet(&pathDesired); } } void plan_run_PositionVarioFPV() { plan_run_PositionVario(FPV); } void plan_run_PositionVarioLOS() { plan_run_PositionVario(LOS); } void plan_run_PositionVarioNSEW() { plan_run_PositionVario(NSEW); } /** * @brief setup pathplanner/pathfollower for AutoCruise */ static PiOSDeltatimeConfig actimeval; void plan_setup_AutoCruise() { PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); PathDesiredData pathDesired; PathDesiredGet(&pathDesired); FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetData offset; FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetGet(&offset); float startingVelocity; FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldStartingVelocityGet(&startingVelocity); // initialization is flight in direction of the nose. // the velocity is not relevant, as it will be reset by the run function even during first call float angle; AttitudeStateYawGet(&angle); float vector[2] = { cos_lookup_deg(angle), sin_lookup_deg(angle) }; hold_position[0] = positionState.North; hold_position[1] = positionState.East; hold_position[2] = positionState.Down; pathDesired.End.North = hold_position[0] + vector[0]; pathDesired.End.East = hold_position[1] + vector[1]; pathDesired.End.Down = hold_position[2]; // start position has the same offset as in position hold pathDesired.Start.North = pathDesired.End.North + offset.Horizontal; // in FlyEndPoint the direction of this vector does not matter pathDesired.Start.East = pathDesired.End.East; pathDesired.Start.Down = pathDesired.End.Down; pathDesired.StartingVelocity = startingVelocity; pathDesired.EndingVelocity = 0.0f; pathDesired.Mode = PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYENDPOINT; PathDesiredSet(&pathDesired); // re-iniztializing deltatime is valid and also good practice here since // getAverageSeconds() has not been called/updated in a long time if we were in a different flightmode. PIOS_DELTATIME_Init(&actimeval, UPDATE_EXPECTED, UPDATE_MIN, UPDATE_MAX, UPDATE_ALPHA); } /** * @brief execute autocruise */ void plan_run_AutoCruise() { PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); PathDesiredData pathDesired; PathDesiredGet(&pathDesired); FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetData offset; FlightModeSettingsPositionHoldOffsetGet(&offset); float controlVector[4]; ManualControlCommandRollGet(&controlVector[0]); ManualControlCommandPitchGet(&controlVector[1]); ManualControlCommandYawGet(&controlVector[2]); controlVector[3] = 0.5f; // dummy, thrust is normalized separately normalizeDeadband(controlVector); // return value ignored ManualControlCommandThrustGet(&controlVector[3]); // no deadband as we are using thrust for velocity controlVector[3] = boundf(controlVector[3], 1e-6f, 1.0f); // bound to above zero, to prevent loss of vector direction // normalize old desired movement vector float vector[3] = { pathDesired.End.North - hold_position[0], pathDesired.End.East - hold_position[1], pathDesired.End.Down - hold_position[2] }; float length = sqrtf(vector[0] * vector[0] + vector[1] * vector[1] + vector[2] * vector[2]); if (length < 1e-9f) { length = 1.0f; // should not happen since initialized properly in setup() } vector[0] /= length; vector[1] /= length; vector[2] /= length; // start position is advanced according to actual movement - in the direction of desired vector only // projection using scalar product float kp = (positionState.North - hold_position[0]) * vector[0] + (positionState.East - hold_position[1]) * vector[1] + (positionState.Down - hold_position[2]) * vector[2]; if (kp > 0.0f) { hold_position[0] += kp * vector[0]; hold_position[1] += kp * vector[1]; hold_position[2] += kp * vector[2]; } // new angle is equal to old angle plus offset depending on yaw input and time // (controlVector is normalized with a deadband, change is zero within deadband) float angle = RAD2DEG(atan2f(vector[1], vector[0])); float dT = PIOS_DELTATIME_GetAverageSeconds(&actimeval); angle += 10.0f * controlVector[2] * dT; // TODO magic value could eventually end up in a to be created settings // resulting movement vector is scaled by velocity demand in controlvector[3] [0.0-1.0] vector[0] = cosf(DEG2RAD(angle)) * offset.Horizontal * controlVector[3]; vector[1] = sinf(DEG2RAD(angle)) * offset.Horizontal * controlVector[3]; vector[2] = -controlVector[1] * offset.Vertical * controlVector[3]; pathDesired.End.North = hold_position[0] + vector[0]; pathDesired.End.East = hold_position[1] + vector[1]; pathDesired.End.Down = hold_position[2] + vector[2]; // start position has the same offset as in position hold pathDesired.Start.North = pathDesired.End.North + offset.Horizontal; // in FlyEndPoint the direction of this vector does not matter pathDesired.Start.East = pathDesired.End.East; pathDesired.Start.Down = pathDesired.End.Down; PathDesiredSet(&pathDesired); }