 * @file       ahrs_comm_objects.c
 * @author     The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
 * @brief      AHRS comms AUVObjects. This file defined teh objects to be used.
 * @see        The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

#include "pios.h"
#include "ahrs_spi_comm.h"
#include "pios_debug.h"

static AttitudeRawData AttitudeRaw;
static AttitudeActualData AttitudeActual;
static BaroAltitudeData BaroAltitude;
static GPSPositionData GPSPosition;
static HomeLocationData HomeLocation;
static InsStatusData InsStatus;
static InsSettingsData InsSettings;
static FirmwareIAPObjData FirmwareIAPObj;
static PositionActualData PositionActual;
static VelocityActualData VelocityActual;
static GPSSatellitesData GPSSatellites;
static GPSTimeData GPSTime;

AhrsSharedObject objectHandles[MAX_AHRS_OBJECTS];

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *)0)

#ifdef IN_AHRS

//slightly hacky - implement our own version of the xxxHandle() functions
#define CREATEHANDLE(n,obj) \
	void * obj##Handle() {return (&objectHandles[n]);}

CREATEHANDLE(0, AttitudeRaw);
CREATEHANDLE(1, AttitudeActual);
CREATEHANDLE(2, InsSettings);
CREATEHANDLE(4, BaroAltitude);
CREATEHANDLE(6, PositionActual);
CREATEHANDLE(7, VelocityActual);
CREATEHANDLE(8, HomeLocation);
CREATEHANDLE(10, GPSSatellites);

#if 12 != MAX_AHRS_OBJECTS	//sanity check
#error We did not create the correct number of xxxHandle() functions

#define ADDHANDLE(idx,obj) {\
		int n = idx;\
		objectHandles[n].data = &obj;\
		objectHandles[n].size = sizeof(obj);\
		objectHandles[n].index = n;\


static void ObjectUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent * ev);

#define ADDHANDLE(idx,obj) {\
		int n = idx;\
		objectHandles[n].data = &obj;\
		objectHandles[n].uavHandle = obj##Handle();\
		objectHandles[n].size = sizeof(obj);\
		objectHandles[n].index = n;\


void AhrsInitHandles(void)
	int idx = 0;
//Note: the first item in this list has the highest priority
//the last has the lowest priority
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, AttitudeRaw);
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, AttitudeActual);
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, InsSettings);
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, InsStatus);
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, BaroAltitude);
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, GPSPosition);
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, PositionActual);
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, VelocityActual);
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, HomeLocation);
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, FirmwareIAPObj);
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, GPSSatellites);
	ADDHANDLE(idx++, GPSTime);

	if (idx != MAX_AHRS_OBJECTS) {
//Note: Only connect objects that the AHRS needs to read
//When the AHRS writes to these the data does a round trip
//AHRS->OP->AHRS due to these events
#ifndef IN_AHRS

AhrsObjHandle AhrsFromIndex(uint8_t index)
	if (index >= MAX_AHRS_OBJECTS) {
		return (NULL);
	return (&objectHandles[index]);

#ifndef IN_AHRS

AhrsObjHandle AhrsFromUAV(UAVObjHandle obj)
	if (objectHandles[0].uavHandle == NULL) {	//Oops - we haven't been initialised!
	for (int ct = 0; ct < MAX_AHRS_OBJECTS; ct++) {
		if (objectHandles[ct].uavHandle == obj) {
			return (&objectHandles[ct]);
	return (NULL);

/** Callback to update AHRS from UAVObjects
static void ObjectUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent * ev)
	if (!(ev->event & EV_MASK_ALL_UPDATES)) {
	AhrsObjHandle hdl = AhrsFromUAV(ev->obj);
	if (hdl) {
		AhrsSharedData data;	//this is guaranteed to be big enough
		UAVObjGetData(ev->obj, &data);
		AhrsSetData(hdl, &data);
