fn = '~/Desktop/kenn_stationary (2011-12-26 14:51:11 +0000)'; fid = fopen(fn); dat = uint8(fread(fid,'uint8')); fclose(fid); accel = []; accel_idx = 0; gyro = []; gyro_idx = 0; mag = []; mag_idx = 0; latitude = []; longitude = []; altitude = []; heading = []; groundspeed = []; gps_satellites = []; gps_time = []; gps_idx = 0; baro = []; baro_idx = 0; total = length(dat); count = 0; head = 0; last_time = 0; while head < (length(dat) - 200) count = count + 1; if count >= 100 disp(sprintf('%0.3g%%',(head/total) * 100)); count = 0; end head = head + find(dat(head+1:end)==255,1,'first'); % Get the time time = typecast(flipud(dat(head+(1:2))),'uint16'); if (time - last_time) ~= 2 && (time-last_time) ~= (hex2dec('10000')-2) last_time = time; disp('Err'); continue end last_time = time; head = head + 2; % Get the accels accel_idx = accel_idx + 1; if accel_idx > size(accel,1) accel(accel_idx * 2,:) = 0; end accel(accel_idx,1:3) = typecast(dat(head+(1:12)),'single'); head = head + 12; accel(accel_idx,4) = time; % Get the gyros gyro_idx = gyro_idx + 1; if gyro_idx > size(gyro,1); gyro(gyro_idx * 2,:) = 0; end gyro(gyro_idx,1:4) = typecast(dat(head+(1:16)),'single'); head = head + 16; gyro(gyro_idx,5) = time; if dat(head+1) == 1 % Process the mag data head = head+1; mag_idx = mag_idx + 1; if mag_idx > size(mag,1) mag(mag_idx * 2, :) = 0; end mag(mag_idx,1:3) = typecast(dat(head + (1:12)),'single'); head = head+12; mag(mag_idx,4) = time; end if dat(head+1) == 2 % Process the GPS data % typedef struct { % int32_t Latitude; % int32_t Longitude; % float Altitude; % float GeoidSeparation; % float Heading; % float Groundspeed; % float PDOP; % float HDOP; % float VDOP; % uint8_t Status; % int8_t Satellites; % } __attribute__((packed)) GPSPositionData; head = head+1; gps_idx = gps_idx + 1; if gps_idx > length(latitude) latitude(gps_idx * 2) = 0; longitude(gps_idx * 2) = 0; altitude(gps_idx * 2) = 0; heading(gps_idx * 2) = 0; groundspeed(gps_idx * 2) = 0; gps_satellites(gps_idx * 2) = 0; gps_time(gps_idx * 2) = 0; end latitude(gps_idx) = double(typecast(dat(head+(1:4)),'int32')) / 1e7; longitude(gps_idx) = double(typecast(dat(head+(5:8)),'int32')) / 1e7; altitude(gps_idx) = typecast(dat(head+(9:12)),'single'); heading(gps_idx) = typecast(dat(head+(17:20)),'single'); groundspeed(gps_idx) = typecast(dat(head+(21:24)),'single'); gps_satelites(gps_idx) = dat(head+38); gps_time(gps_idx) = time; head = head + 9 * 4 + 2; end if dat(head+1) == 3 % Process the baro data head = head + 1; baro_idx = baro_idx + 1; if baro_idx > size(baro,1) baro(baro_idx * 2,:) = 0; end baro(baro_idx,1) = typecast(dat(head+(1:4)),'single'); baro(baro_idx,2) = time; end end accel(accel_idx+1:end,:) = []; gyro(gyro_idx+1:end,:) = []; mag(mag_idx+1:end) = []; latitude(gps_idx+1:end) = []; longitude(gps_idx+1:end) = []; altitude(gps_idx+1:end) = []; groundspeed(gps_idx+1:end) = []; gps_satellites(gps_idx+1:end) = []; gps_time(gps_idx+1:end) = []; baro(baro_idx+1:end,:) = [];