defineReplace(cleanPath) { win32:1 ~= s|\\\\|/|g contains(1, ^/.*):pfx = / else:pfx = segs = $$split(1, /) out = for(seg, segs) { equals(seg, ..):out = $$member(out, 0, -2) else:!equals(seg, .):out += $$seg } return($$join(out, /, $$pfx)) } defineReplace(targetPath) { return($$replace(1, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP)) } # For use in custom compilers which just copy files win32:i_flag = i defineReplace(stripSrcDir) { win32 { !contains(1, ^.:.*):1 = $$OUT_PWD/$$1 } else { !contains(1, ^/.*):1 = $$OUT_PWD/$$1 } out = $$cleanPath($$1) out ~= s|^$$re_escape($$PWD/)||$$i_flag return($$out) } isEmpty(TEST):CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { !debug_and_release|build_pass { TEST = 1 } } isEmpty(IDE_LIBRARY_BASENAME) { IDE_LIBRARY_BASENAME = lib } DEFINES += IDE_LIBRARY_BASENAME=\\\"$$IDE_LIBRARY_BASENAME\\\" equals(TEST, 1) { QT +=testlib DEFINES += WITH_TESTS } IDE_SOURCE_TREE = $$PWD isEmpty(IDE_BUILD_TREE) { sub_dir = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ sub_dir ~= s,^$$re_escape($$PWD),, IDE_BUILD_TREE = $$cleanPath($$OUT_PWD) IDE_BUILD_TREE ~= s,$$re_escape($$sub_dir)$,, } IDE_APP_PATH = $$IDE_BUILD_TREE/bin macx { IDE_APP_TARGET = "OpenPilot GCS" IDE_LIBRARY_PATH = $$IDE_APP_PATH/$${IDE_APP_TARGET}.app/Contents/PlugIns IDE_PLUGIN_PATH = $$IDE_LIBRARY_PATH IDE_LIBEXEC_PATH = $$IDE_APP_PATH/$${IDE_APP_TARGET}.app/Contents/Resources IDE_DATA_PATH = $$IDE_APP_PATH/$${IDE_APP_TARGET}.app/Contents/Resources IDE_DOC_PATH = $$IDE_DATA_PATH/doc contains(QT_CONFIG, ppc):CONFIG += ppc x86 copydata = 1 } else { win32 { contains(TEMPLATE, vc.*)|contains(TEMPLATE_PREFIX, vc):vcproj = 1 IDE_APP_TARGET = openpilotgcs } else { IDE_APP_WRAPPER = openpilotgcs IDE_APP_TARGET = openpilotgcs.bin } IDE_LIBRARY_PATH = $$IDE_BUILD_TREE/$$IDE_LIBRARY_BASENAME/openpilotgcs IDE_PLUGIN_PATH = $$IDE_LIBRARY_PATH/plugins IDE_LIBEXEC_PATH = $$IDE_APP_PATH # FIXME IDE_DATA_PATH = $$IDE_BUILD_TREE/share/openpilotgcs IDE_DOC_PATH = $$IDE_BUILD_TREE/share/doc/openpilotgcs !isEqual(IDE_SOURCE_TREE, $$IDE_BUILD_TREE):copydata = 1 } INCLUDEPATH += \ $$IDE_SOURCE_TREE/src/libs DEPENDPATH += \ $$IDE_SOURCE_TREE/src/libs LIBS += -L$$IDE_LIBRARY_PATH # DEFINES += QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII DEFINES += QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII #DEFINES += QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS #DEFINES += QT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION unix { CONFIG(debug, debug|release):OBJECTS_DIR = $${OUT_PWD}/.obj/debug-shared CONFIG(release, debug|release):OBJECTS_DIR = $${OUT_PWD}/.obj/release-shared CONFIG(debug, debug|release):MOC_DIR = $${OUT_PWD}/.moc/debug-shared CONFIG(release, debug|release):MOC_DIR = $${OUT_PWD}/.moc/release-shared RCC_DIR = $${OUT_PWD}/.rcc UI_DIR = $${OUT_PWD}/.uic } linux-g++-* { # Bail out on non-selfcontained libraries. Just a security measure # to prevent checking in code that does not compile on other platforms. QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined -Wl,--no-undefined }