/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : usb_desc.c * Author : MCD Application Team * Version : V3.2.1 * Date : 07/05/2010 * Description : Descriptors for Custom HID Demo ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "usb_lib.h" #include "usb_desc.h" /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Extern variables ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USB Standard Device Descriptor */ #define VENDOR_ID 0x20A0 #define USB_PRODUCT_ID 0x4117 #define USB_VERSION_ID 0x0200 const uint8_t CustomHID_DeviceDescriptor[CUSTOMHID_SIZ_DEVICE_DESC] = { 0x12, /*bLength */ USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /*bDescriptorType*/ 0x00, /*bcdUSB */ 0x02, 0x00, /*bDeviceClass*/ 0x00, /*bDeviceSubClass*/ 0x00, /*bDeviceProtocol*/ 0x40, /*bMaxPacketSize40*/ (uint8_t)((VENDOR_ID) & 0xff), /*idVendor */ (uint8_t)((VENDOR_ID) >> 8), (uint8_t)((USB_PRODUCT_ID) & 0xff), /*idProduct */ (uint8_t)((USB_PRODUCT_ID) >> 8), (uint8_t)((USB_VERSION_ID) & 0xff), /*bcdDevice */ (uint8_t)((USB_VERSION_ID) >> 8), 1, /*Index of string descriptor describing manufacturer */ 2, /*Index of string descriptor describing product*/ 3, /*Index of string descriptor describing the device serial number */ 0x01 /*bNumConfigurations*/ } ; /* CustomHID_DeviceDescriptor */ /* USB Configuration Descriptor */ /* All Descriptors (Configuration, Interface, Endpoint, Class, Vendor */ const uint8_t CustomHID_ConfigDescriptor[CUSTOMHID_SIZ_CONFIG_DESC] = { 0x09, /* bLength: Configuation Descriptor size */ USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType: Configuration */ CUSTOMHID_SIZ_CONFIG_DESC, /* wTotalLength: Bytes returned */ 0x00, 0x01, /* bNumInterfaces: 1 interface */ 0x01, /* bConfigurationValue: Configuration value */ 0x00, /* iConfiguration: Index of string descriptor describing the configuration*/ 0xC0, /* bmAttributes: Bus powered */ 0x32, /* MaxPower 100 mA: this current is used for detecting Vbus */ /************** Descriptor of Custom HID interface ****************/ /* 09 */ 0x09, /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */ USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE,/* bDescriptorType: Interface descriptor type */ 0x00, /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */ 0x00, /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */ 0x02, /* bNumEndpoints */ 0x03, /* bInterfaceClass: HID */ 0x00, /* bInterfaceSubClass : 1=BOOT, 0=no boot */ 0x00, /* nInterfaceProtocol : 0=none, 1=keyboard, 2=mouse */ 0, /* iInterface: Index of string descriptor */ /******************** Descriptor of Custom HID HID ********************/ /* 18 */ 0x09, /* bLength: HID Descriptor size */ HID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType: HID */ 0x10, /* bcdHID: HID Class Spec release number */ 0x01, 0x00, /* bCountryCode: Hardware target country */ 0x01, /* bNumDescriptors: Number of HID class descriptors to follow */ 0x22, /* bDescriptorType */ CUSTOMHID_SIZ_REPORT_DESC,/* diff:36 wItemLength: Total length of Report descriptor */ 0x00, /******************** Descriptor of Custom HID endpoints ******************/ /* 27 */ 0x07, /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType: */ 0x81, /* bEndpointAddress: Endpoint Address (IN) */ 0x03, /* bmAttributes: Interrupt endpoint */ 0x40, /* diff:0x40 wMaxPacketSize: 2 Bytes max */ 0x00, 0x08, /* diff:0x08 bInterval: Polling Interval (32 ms) */ /* 34 */ 0x07, /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */ USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType: */ /* Endpoint descriptor type */ 0x01, /* bEndpointAddress: */ /* Endpoint Address (OUT) */ 0x03, /* bmAttributes: Interrupt endpoint */ 0x40, /* diff:0x40 wMaxPacketSize: 2 Bytes max */ 0x00, 0x08, /* diff:0x08 bInterval: Polling Interval (20 ms) */ /* 41 */ } ; /* diff:lots CustomHID_ConfigDescriptor */ const uint8_t CustomHID_ReportDescriptor[CUSTOMHID_SIZ_REPORT_DESC] = { 0x06, 0x9c, 0xff, /* diff:0x06, 0x9c, 0xff, USAGE_PAGE (Vendor Page: 0xFF00) */ 0x09, 0x01, /* USAGE (Demo Kit) */ 0xa1, 0x01, /* COLLECTION (Application) */ /* 6 */ /* DATA 1 */ 0x85, 0x01, /* REPORT_ID (1) */ 0x09, 0x02, /* USAGE (LED 1) */ 0x15, 0x00, /* LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0) */ 0x25, 0xff, /* LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1) */ 0x75, 0x08, /* REPORT_SIZE (8) */ 0x95, 9, /* REPORT_COUNT (1) */ 0x81, 0x83, /* FEATURE (Data,Var,Abs,Vol) */ /* Led 2 */ 0x85, 0x02, /* REPORT_ID 2 */ 0x09, 0x03, /* USAGE (LED 2) */ 0x15, 0x00, /* LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0) */ 0x25, 0xff, /* LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1) */ 0x75, 0x08, /* REPORT_SIZE (8) */ 0x95, 9, /* REPORT_COUNT (1) */ 0x91, 0x82, /* FEATURE (Data,Var,Abs,Vol) */ /* 161 */ 0xc0 /* END_COLLECTION */ }; /* CustomHID_ReportDescriptor */ /* USB String Descriptors (optional) */ const uint8_t CustomHID_StringLangID[CUSTOMHID_SIZ_STRING_LANGID] = { CUSTOMHID_SIZ_STRING_LANGID, USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, 0x09, 0x04 } ; /* LangID = 0x0409: U.S. English */ const uint8_t CustomHID_StringVendor[CUSTOMHID_SIZ_STRING_VENDOR] = { CUSTOMHID_SIZ_STRING_VENDOR, /* Size of Vendor string */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType*/ /* Manufacturer: "STMicroelectronics" */ 'S', 0, 'T', 0, 'M', 0, 'i', 0, 'c', 0, 'r', 0, 'o', 0, 'e', 0, 'l', 0, 'e', 0, 'c', 0, 't', 0, 'r', 0, 'o', 0, 'n', 0, 'i', 0, 'c', 0, 's', 0 }; const uint8_t CustomHID_StringProduct[CUSTOMHID_SIZ_STRING_PRODUCT] = { CUSTOMHID_SIZ_STRING_PRODUCT, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ 'S', 0, 'T', 0, 'M', 0, '3', 0, '2', 0, ' ', 0, 'C', 0, 'u', 0, 's', 0, 't', 0, 'm', 0, ' ', 0, 'H', 0, 'I', 0, 'D', 0 }; uint8_t CustomHID_StringSerial[CUSTOMHID_SIZ_STRING_SERIAL] = { CUSTOMHID_SIZ_STRING_SERIAL, /* bLength */ USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE, /* bDescriptorType */ 'S', 0, 'T', 0, 'M', 0,'3', 0,'2', 0, '1', 0, '0', 0 }; /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/