include(openpilotgcs.pri) TEMPLATE = subdirs # Copy Qt runtime libraries into the build directory (to run or package) equals(copydata, 1) { # Windows release only, no debug target DLLs ending with 'd' # It is assumed that SDL.dll can be found in the same directory as mingw32-make.exe win32 { # set debug suffix if needed CONFIG(debug, debug|release):DS = "d" # copy Qt DLLs QT_DLLS = Qt5Core$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Gui$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Widgets$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Network$${DS}.dll \ Qt5OpenGL$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Sql$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Svg$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Test$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Xml$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Declarative$${DS}.dll \ Qt5XmlPatterns$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Script$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Concurrent$${DS}.dll \ Qt5PrintSupport$${DS}.dll \ Qt5OpenGL$${DS}.dll \ Qt5SerialPort$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Multimedia$${DS}.dll \ Qt5MultimediaWidgets$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Quick$${DS}.dll \ Qt5Qml$${DS}.dll \ Qt5V8$${DS}.dll \ icuin51.dll \ icudt51.dll \ icuuc51.dll # it is more robust to take the following DLLs from Qt rather than from MinGW QT_DLLS += libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll \ libstdc++-6.dll \ libwinpthread-1.dll for(dll, QT_DLLS) { data_copy.commands += $(COPY_FILE) $$targetPath(\"$$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/$$dll\") $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dll\") $$addNewline() } # create Qt plugin directories QT_PLUGIN_DIRS = iconengines \ imageformats \ platforms \ mediaservice \ sqldrivers for(dir, QT_PLUGIN_DIRS) { data_copy.commands += -@$(MKDIR) $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dir\") $$addNewline() } # copy Qt plugin DLLs QT_PLUGIN_DLLS = iconengines/qsvgicon$${DS}.dll \ imageformats/qgif$${DS}.dll \ imageformats/qico$${DS}.dll \ imageformats/qjpeg$${DS}.dll \ imageformats/qmng$${DS}.dll \ imageformats/qsvg$${DS}.dll \ imageformats/qtiff$${DS}.dll \ platforms/qwindows$${DS}.dll \ mediaservice/dsengine$${DS}.dll \ sqldrivers/qsqlite$${DS}.dll for(dll, QT_PLUGIN_DLLS) { data_copy.commands += $(COPY_FILE) $$targetPath(\"$$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/$$dll\") $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dll\") $$addNewline() } # create QtQuick2 plugin directories QT_QUICK2_DIRS = qtquick \ qtquick2 \ qtquick/controls \ qtquick/dialogs \ qtquick/layouts \ qtquick/localstorage \ qtquick/particles.2 \ qtquick/privatewidgets \ qtquick/window.2 \ qtquick/xmllistmodel for(dir, QT_QUICK2_DIRS) { data_copy.commands += -@$(MKDIR) $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dir\") $$addNewline() } # copy MinGW DLLs MINGW_DLLS = SDL.dll for(dll, MINGW_DLLS) { data_copy.commands += $(COPY_FILE) $$targetPath(\"$$(QTMINGW)/$$dll\") $$targetPath(\"$$GCS_APP_PATH/$$dll\") $$addNewline() } = FORCE QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += data_copy } }