# # Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ifndef OPENPILOT_IS_COOL $(error Top level Makefile must be used to build this target) endif # Set developer code and compile options. # Set to YES to compile for debugging DEBUG ?= NO # Set to YES to use the Servo output pins for debugging via scope or logic analyser ENABLE_DEBUG_PINS ?= NO # Include objects that are just nice information to show STACK_DIAGNOSTICS ?= NO MIXERSTATUS_DIAGNOSTICS ?= NO RATEDESIRED_DIAGNOSTICS ?= NO I2C_WDG_STATS_DIAGNOSTICS ?= NO DIAG_TASKS ?= NO # Or just turn on all the above diagnostics. WARNING: this consumes massive amounts of memory. ALL_DIGNOSTICS ?= NO # Paths TOPDIR = . OPSYSTEM = $(TOPDIR)/System OPSYSTEMINC = $(OPSYSTEM)/inc PIOSINC = $(PIOS)/inc PIOSCOMMON = $(PIOS)/Common PIOSBOARDS = $(PIOS)/Boards FLIGHTLIBINC = $(FLIGHTLIB)/inc ## UAVTalk and UAVObject manager OPUAVOBJINC = $(OPUAVOBJ)/inc OPUAVTALKINC = $(OPUAVTALK)/inc ## Math MATHLIB = $(FLIGHTLIB)/math MATHLIBINC = $(FLIGHTLIB)/math ## FreeRTOS support FREERTOS_DIR = $(PIOSCOMMON)/Libraries/FreeRTOS include $(FREERTOS_DIR)/library.mk ## Misc DOXYGENDIR = $(ROOT_DIR)/flight/Doc/Doxygen OPTESTS = $(TOPDIR)/Tests ## PIOS Hardware ifeq ($(MCU),cortex-m3) include $(PIOS)/STM32F10x/library.mk else ifeq ($(MCU),cortex-m4) include $(PIOS)/STM32F4xx/library.mk else $(error Unsupported MCU: $(MCU)) endif # List C source files here (C dependencies are automatically generated). # Use file-extension c for "c-only"-files ## PIOS Hardware (Common Peripherals) SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_adxl345.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_bma180.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_bmp085.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_etasv3.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_gcsrcvr.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_hcsr04.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_hmc5843.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_hmc5883.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_i2c_esc.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_l3gd20.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_mpu6000.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_mpxv.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_ms5611.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_video.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_wavplay.c ## PIOS Hardware (Common) SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_com.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_com_msg.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_crc.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_flashfs_logfs.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_flash_jedec.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_rcvr.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_rfm22b.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_rfm22b_com.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_sbus.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_sdcard.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/printf-stdarg.c # PIOS USB related files SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_usb_desc_hid_cdc.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_usb_desc_hid_only.c SRC += $(PIOSCOMMON)/pios_usb_util.c ## Libraries for flight calculations SRC += $(FLIGHTLIB)/fifo_buffer.c SRC += $(FLIGHTLIB)/taskmonitor.c SRC += $(FLIGHTLIB)/packet_handler.c SRC += $(FLIGHTLIB)/sanitycheck.c SRC += $(FLIGHTLIB)/CoordinateConversions.c SRC += $(MATHLIB)/sin_lookup.c SRC += $(MATHLIB)/pid.c ## Modules SRC += ${foreach MOD, ${MODULES}, ${wildcard ${OPMODULEDIR}/${MOD}/*.c}} SRC += ${foreach MOD, ${OPTMODULES}, ${wildcard ${OPMODULEDIR}/${MOD}/*.c}} # List C source files here which must be compiled in ARM-Mode (no -mthumb). # Use file-extension c for "c-only"-files SRCARM += # List C++ source files here. # Use file-extension .cpp for C++-files (not .C) CPPSRC += # List C++ source files here which must be compiled in ARM-Mode. # Use file-extension .cpp for C++-files (not .C) CPPSRCARM += # List Assembler source files here. # Make them always end in a capital .S. Files ending in a lowercase .s # will not be considered source files but generated files (assembler # output from the compiler), and will be deleted upon "make clean"! # Even though the DOS/Win* filesystem matches both .s and .S the same, # it will preserve the spelling of the filenames, and gcc itself does # care about how the name is spelled on its command-line. ASRC += # List Assembler source files here which must be assembled in ARM-Mode. ASRCARM += # List any extra directories to look for include files here. # Each directory must be seperated by a space. EXTRAINCDIRS += $(PIOS) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(PIOSINC) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(FLIGHTLIBINC) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(PIOSCOMMON) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(PIOSBOARDS) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(HWDEFSINC) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(OPSYSTEMINC) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(MATHLIBINC) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(OPUAVOBJINC) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(OPUAVTALKINC) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(OPUAVSYNTHDIR) # Modules EXTRAINCDIRS += $(foreach mod, $(OPTMODULES) $(MODULES), $(OPMODULEDIR)/$(mod)/inc) $(OPMODULEDIR)/System/inc # List any extra directories to look for library files here. # Also add directories where the linker should search for # includes from linker-script to the list # Each directory must be seperated by a space. EXTRA_LIBDIRS += # Extra Libraries # Each library-name must be seperated by a space. # i.e. to link with libxyz.a, libabc.a and libefsl.a: # EXTRA_LIBS = xyz abc efsl # for newlib-lpc (file: libnewlibc-lpc.a): # EXTRA_LIBS = newlib-lpc EXTRA_LIBS += m # Compiler flags CFLAGS += # Declare all non-optional modules as built-in to force inclusion CDEFS += $(foreach mod, $(notdir $(MODULES)), -DMODULE_$(mod)_BUILTIN) # The following Makefile command, ifneq (,$(filter) $(A), $(B) $(C)) # is equivalent to the pseudocode `if (A == B || A == C)` ifneq (,$(filter YES,$(STACK_DIAGNOSTICS) $(ALL_DIGNOSTICS))) CFLAGS += -DSTACK_DIAGNOSTICS endif ifneq (,$(filter YES,$(MIXERSTATUS_DIAGNOSTICS) $(ALL_DIGNOSTICS))) CFLAGS += -DMIXERSTATUS_DIAGNOSTICS endif ifneq (,$(filter YES,$(RATEDESIRED_DIAGNOSTICS) $(ALL_DIGNOSTICS))) CFLAGS += -DRATEDESIRED_DIAGNOSTICS endif ifneq (,$(filter YES,$(I2C_WDG_STATS_DIAGNOSTICS) $(ALL_DIGNOSTICS))) CFLAGS += -DI2C_WDG_STATS_DIAGNOSTICS endif ifneq (,$(filter YES,$(DIAG_TASKS) $(ALL_DIGNOSTICS))) CFLAGS += -DDIAG_TASKS endif # Set linker-script name depending on selected submodel name ifeq ($(MCU),cortex-m3) LDFLAGS += -T$(LINKER_SCRIPTS_PATH)/link_$(BOARD)_memory.ld LDFLAGS += -T$(LINKER_SCRIPTS_PATH)/link_$(BOARD)_sections.ld else ifeq ($(MCU),cortex-m4) LDFLAGS += $(addprefix -T,$(LINKER_SCRIPTS_APP)) endif