        DOSFS Embedded FAT-Compatible Filesystem
        (C) 2005 Lewin A.R.W. Edwards (sysadm@zws.com)

#ifndef _DOSFS_H
#define _DOSFS_H

#include <stdint.h>

// User-supplied functions
uint32_t DFS_ReadSector(uint8_t unit, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t sector, uint32_t count);
uint32_t DFS_WriteSector(uint8_t unit, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t sector, uint32_t count);

// Configurable items
#define MAX_PATH                64              // Maximum path length (increasing this will
                                                                // GREATLY increase stack requirements!)
#define DIR_SEPARATOR   '/'             // character separating directory components

// End of configurable items

// 32-bit error codes
#define DFS_OK                  0                        // no error
#define DFS_EOF                 1                       // end of file (not an error)
#define DFS_WRITEPROT   2                       // volume is write protected
#define DFS_NOTFOUND    3                       // path or file not found
#define DFS_PATHLEN             4                       // path too long
#define DFS_ALLOCNEW    5                       // must allocate new directory cluster
#define DFS_ERRMISC             0xffffffff      // generic error

// File access modes
#define DFS_READ                1                       // read-only
#define DFS_WRITE               2                       // write-only

// Miscellaneous constants
#define SECTOR_SIZE             512             // sector size in bytes

// Internal subformat identifiers
#define FAT12                   0
#define FAT16                   1
#define FAT32                   2

// DOS attribute bits
#define ATTR_READ_ONLY  0x01
#define ATTR_HIDDEN             0x02
#define ATTR_SYSTEM             0x04
#define ATTR_VOLUME_ID  0x08
#define ATTR_DIRECTORY  0x10
#define ATTR_ARCHIVE    0x20

        Directory entry structure
        note: if name[0] == 0xe5, this is a free dir entry
              if name[0] == 0x00, this is a free entry and all subsequent entries are free
                  if name[0] == 0x05, the first character of the name is 0xe5 [a kanji nicety]

        Date format: bit 0-4  = day of month (1-31)
                     bit 5-8  = month, 1=Jan..12=Dec
                                 bit 9-15 =     count of years since 1980 (0-127)
        Time format: bit 0-4  = 2-second count, (0-29)
                     bit 5-10 = minutes (0-59)
                                 bit 11-15= hours (0-23)
typedef struct _tagDIRENT {
        uint8_t name[11];                       // filename
        uint8_t attr;                           // attributes (see ATTR_* constant definitions)
        uint8_t reserved;                       // reserved, must be 0
        uint8_t crttimetenth;           // create time, 10ths of a second (0-199 are valid)
        uint8_t crttime_l;                      // creation time low byte
        uint8_t crttime_h;                      // creation time high byte
        uint8_t crtdate_l;                      // creation date low byte
        uint8_t crtdate_h;                      // creation date high byte
        uint8_t lstaccdate_l;           // last access date low byte
        uint8_t lstaccdate_h;           // last access date high byte
        uint8_t startclus_h_l;          // high word of first cluster, low byte (FAT32)
        uint8_t startclus_h_h;          // high word of first cluster, high byte (FAT32)
        uint8_t wrttime_l;                      // last write time low byte
        uint8_t wrttime_h;                      // last write time high byte
        uint8_t wrtdate_l;                      // last write date low byte
        uint8_t wrtdate_h;                      // last write date high byte
        uint8_t startclus_l_l;          // low word of first cluster, low byte
        uint8_t startclus_l_h;          // low word of first cluster, high byte
        uint8_t filesize_0;                     // file size, low byte
        uint8_t filesize_1;                     //
        uint8_t filesize_2;                     //
        uint8_t filesize_3;                     // file size, high byte

        Partition table entry structure
typedef struct _tagPTINFO {
        uint8_t         active;                 // 0x80 if partition active
        uint8_t         start_h;                // starting head
        uint8_t         start_cs_l;             // starting cylinder and sector (low byte)
        uint8_t         start_cs_h;             // starting cylinder and sector (high byte)
        uint8_t         type;                   // type ID byte
        uint8_t         end_h;                  // ending head
        uint8_t         end_cs_l;               // ending cylinder and sector (low byte)
        uint8_t         end_cs_h;               // ending cylinder and sector (high byte)
        uint8_t         start_0;                // starting sector# (low byte)
        uint8_t         start_1;                //
        uint8_t         start_2;                //
        uint8_t         start_3;                // starting sector# (high byte)
        uint8_t         size_0;                 // size of partition (low byte)
        uint8_t         size_1;                 //
        uint8_t         size_2;                 //
        uint8_t         size_3;                 // size of partition (high byte)

        Master Boot Record structure
typedef struct _tagMBR {
        uint8_t bootcode[0x1be];        // boot sector
        PTINFO ptable[4];                       // four partition table structures
        uint8_t sig_55;                         // 0x55 signature byte
        uint8_t sig_aa;                         // 0xaa signature byte

        BIOS Parameter Block structure (FAT12/16)
typedef struct _tagBPB {
        uint8_t bytepersec_l;           // bytes per sector low byte (0x00)
        uint8_t bytepersec_h;           // bytes per sector high byte (0x02)
        uint8_t secperclus;                     // sectors per cluster (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 are valid)
        uint8_t reserved_l;                     // reserved sectors low byte
        uint8_t reserved_h;                     // reserved sectors high byte
        uint8_t numfats;                        // number of FAT copies (2)
        uint8_t rootentries_l;          // number of root dir entries low byte (0x00 normally)
        uint8_t rootentries_h;          // number of root dir entries high byte (0x02 normally)
        uint8_t sectors_s_l;            // small num sectors low byte
        uint8_t sectors_s_h;            // small num sectors high byte
        uint8_t mediatype;                      // media descriptor byte
        uint8_t secperfat_l;            // sectors per FAT low byte
        uint8_t secperfat_h;            // sectors per FAT high byte
        uint8_t secpertrk_l;            // sectors per track low byte
        uint8_t secpertrk_h;            // sectors per track high byte
        uint8_t heads_l;                        // heads low byte
        uint8_t heads_h;                        // heads high byte
        uint8_t hidden_0;                       // hidden sectors low byte
        uint8_t hidden_1;                       // (note - this is the number of MEDIA sectors before
        uint8_t hidden_2;                       // first sector of VOLUME - we rely on the MBR instead)
        uint8_t hidden_3;                       // hidden sectors high byte
        uint8_t sectors_l_0;            // large num sectors low byte
        uint8_t sectors_l_1;            //
        uint8_t sectors_l_2;            //
        uint8_t sectors_l_3;            // large num sectors high byte

        Extended BIOS Parameter Block structure (FAT12/16)
typedef struct _tagEBPB {
        uint8_t unit;                           // int 13h drive#
        uint8_t head;                           // archaic, used by Windows NT-class OSes for flags
        uint8_t signature;                      // 0x28 or 0x29
        uint8_t serial_0;                       // serial#
        uint8_t serial_1;                       // serial#
        uint8_t serial_2;                       // serial#
        uint8_t serial_3;                       // serial#
        uint8_t label[11];                      // volume label
        uint8_t system[8];                      // filesystem ID

        Extended BIOS Parameter Block structure (FAT32)
typedef struct _tagEBPB32 {
        uint8_t fatsize_0;                      // big FAT size in sectors low byte
        uint8_t fatsize_1;                      //
        uint8_t fatsize_2;                      //
        uint8_t fatsize_3;                      // big FAT size in sectors high byte
        uint8_t extflags_l;                     // extended flags low byte
        uint8_t extflags_h;                     // extended flags high byte
        uint8_t fsver_l;                        // filesystem version (0x00) low byte
        uint8_t fsver_h;                        // filesystem version (0x00) high byte
        uint8_t root_0;                         // cluster of root dir, low byte
        uint8_t root_1;                         //
        uint8_t root_2;                         //
        uint8_t root_3;                         // cluster of root dir, high byte
        uint8_t fsinfo_l;                       // sector pointer to FSINFO within reserved area, low byte (2)
        uint8_t fsinfo_h;                       // sector pointer to FSINFO within reserved area, high byte (0)
        uint8_t bkboot_l;                       // sector pointer to backup boot sector within reserved area, low byte (6)
        uint8_t bkboot_h;                       // sector pointer to backup boot sector within reserved area, high byte (0)
        uint8_t reserved[12];           // reserved, should be 0

        uint8_t unit;                           // int 13h drive#
        uint8_t head;                           // archaic, used by Windows NT-class OSes for flags
        uint8_t signature;                      // 0x28 or 0x29
        uint8_t serial_0;                       // serial#
        uint8_t serial_1;                       // serial#
        uint8_t serial_2;                       // serial#
        uint8_t serial_3;                       // serial#
        uint8_t label[11];                      // volume label
        uint8_t system[8];                      // filesystem ID
} EBPB32, *PEBPB32;

        Logical Boot Record structure (volume boot sector)
typedef struct _tagLBR {
        uint8_t jump[3];                        // JMP instruction
        uint8_t oemid[8];                       // OEM ID, space-padded
        BPB bpb;                                        // BIOS Parameter Block
        union {
                EBPB ebpb;                              // FAT12/16 Extended BIOS Parameter Block
                EBPB32 ebpb32;                  // FAT32 Extended BIOS Parameter Block
        } ebpb;
        uint8_t code[420];                      // boot sector code
        uint8_t sig_55;                         // 0x55 signature byte
        uint8_t sig_aa;                         // 0xaa signature byte

        Volume information structure (Internal to DOSFS)
typedef struct _tagVOLINFO {
        uint8_t unit;                           // unit on which this volume resides
        uint8_t filesystem;                     // formatted filesystem

// These two fields aren't very useful, so support for them has been commented out to
// save memory. (Note that the "system" tag is not actually used by DOS to determine
// filesystem type - that decision is made entirely on the basis of how many clusters
// the drive contains. DOSFS works the same way).
// See tag: OEMID in dosfs.c
//      uint8_t oemid[9];                       // OEM ID ASCIIZ
//      uint8_t system[9];                      // system ID ASCIIZ
        uint8_t label[12];                      // volume label ASCIIZ
        uint32_t startsector;           // starting sector of filesystem
        uint8_t secperclus;                     // sectors per cluster
        uint16_t reservedsecs;          // reserved sectors
        uint32_t numsecs;                       // number of sectors in volume
        uint32_t secperfat;                     // sectors per FAT
        uint16_t rootentries;           // number of root dir entries

        uint32_t numclusters;           // number of clusters on drive

        // The fields below are PHYSICAL SECTOR NUMBERS.
        uint32_t fat1;                          // starting sector# of FAT copy 1
        uint32_t rootdir;                       // starting sector# of root directory (FAT12/FAT16) or cluster (FAT32)
        uint32_t dataarea;                      // starting sector# of data area (cluster #2)

        Flags in DIRINFO.flags
#define DFS_DI_BLANKENT         0x01    // Searching for blank entry

        Directory search structure (Internal to DOSFS)
typedef struct _tagDIRINFO {
        uint32_t currentcluster;        // current cluster in dir
        uint8_t currentsector;          // current sector in cluster
        uint8_t currententry;           // current dir entry in sector
        uint8_t *scratch;                       // ptr to user-supplied scratch buffer (one sector)
        uint8_t flags;                          // internal DOSFS flags

        File handle structure (Internal to DOSFS)
typedef struct _tagFILEINFO {
        PVOLINFO volinfo;                       // VOLINFO used to open this file
        uint32_t dirsector;                     // physical sector containing dir entry of this file
        uint8_t diroffset;                      // # of this entry within the dir sector
        uint8_t mode;                           // mode in which this file was opened
        uint32_t firstcluster;          // first cluster of file
        uint32_t filelen;                       // byte length of file

        uint32_t cluster;                       // current cluster
        uint32_t pointer;                       // current (BYTE) pointer

        Get starting sector# of specified partition on drive #unit
        NOTE: This code ASSUMES an MBR on the disk.
        scratchsector should point to a SECTOR_SIZE scratch area
        Returns 0xffffffff for any error.
        If pactive is non-NULL, this function also returns the partition active flag.
        If pptype is non-NULL, this function also returns the partition type.
        If psize is non-NULL, this function also returns the partition size.
uint32_t DFS_GetPtnStart(uint8_t unit, uint8_t *scratchsector, uint8_t pnum, uint8_t *pactive, uint8_t *pptype, uint32_t *psize);

        Retrieve volume info from BPB and store it in a VOLINFO structure
        You must provide the unit and starting sector of the filesystem, and
        a pointer to a sector buffer for scratch
        Attempts to read BPB and glean information about the FS from that.
        Returns 0 OK, nonzero for any error.
uint32_t DFS_GetVolInfo(uint8_t unit, uint8_t *scratchsector, uint32_t startsector, PVOLINFO volinfo);

        Open a directory for enumeration by DFS_GetNextDirEnt
        You must supply a populated VOLINFO (see DFS_GetVolInfo)
        The empty string or a string containing only the directory separator are
        considered to be the root directory.
        Returns 0 OK, nonzero for any error.
uint32_t DFS_OpenDir(PVOLINFO volinfo, uint8_t *dirname, PDIRINFO dirinfo);

        Get next entry in opened directory structure. Copies fields into the dirent
        structure, updates dirinfo. Note that it is the _caller's_ responsibility to
        handle the '.' and '..' entries.
        A deleted file will be returned as a NULL entry (first char of filename=0)
        by this code. Filenames beginning with 0x05 will be translated to 0xE5
        automatically. Long file name entries will be returned as NULL.
        returns DFS_EOF if there are no more entries, DFS_OK if this entry is valid,
        or DFS_ERRMISC for a media error
uint32_t DFS_GetNext(PVOLINFO volinfo, PDIRINFO dirinfo, PDIRENT dirent);

        Open a file for reading or writing. You supply populated VOLINFO, a path to the file,
        mode (DFS_READ or DFS_WRITE) and an empty fileinfo structure. You also need to
        provide a pointer to a sector-sized scratch buffer.
        Returns various DFS_* error states. If the result is DFS_OK, fileinfo can be used
        to access the file from this point on.
uint32_t DFS_OpenFile(PVOLINFO volinfo, uint8_t *path, uint8_t mode, uint8_t *scratch, PFILEINFO fileinfo);

        Read an open file
        You must supply a prepopulated FILEINFO as provided by DFS_OpenFile, and a
        pointer to a SECTOR_SIZE scratch buffer.
        Note that returning DFS_EOF is not an error condition. This function updates the
        successcount field with the number of bytes actually read.
uint32_t DFS_ReadFile(PFILEINFO fileinfo, uint8_t *scratch, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *successcount, uint32_t len);

        Write an open file
        You must supply a prepopulated FILEINFO as provided by DFS_OpenFile, and a
        pointer to a SECTOR_SIZE scratch buffer.
        This function updates the successcount field with the number of bytes actually written.
uint32_t DFS_WriteFile(PFILEINFO fileinfo, uint8_t *scratch, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *successcount, uint32_t len);

        Seek file pointer to a given position
        This function does not return status - refer to the fileinfo->pointer value
        to see where the pointer wound up.
        Requires a SECTOR_SIZE scratch buffer
void DFS_Seek(PFILEINFO fileinfo, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *scratch);

        Delete a file
        scratch must point to a sector-sized buffer
uint32_t DFS_UnlinkFile(PVOLINFO volinfo, uint8_t *path, uint8_t *scratch);

        Fetch FAT entry for specified cluster number
        You must provide a scratch buffer for one sector (SECTOR_SIZE) and a populated VOLINFO
        Returns a FAT32 BAD_CLUSTER value for any error, otherwise the contents of the desired
        FAT entry.
        scratchcache should point to a UINT32. This variable caches the physical sector number
        last read into the scratch buffer for performance enhancement reasons.
uint32_t DFS_GetFAT(PVOLINFO volinfo, uint8_t *scratch, uint32_t *scratchcache, uint32_t cluster);

// TK: added 2009-02-12
        Close a file
        No original function of DosFS driver
        It has no effect if writing to SD Card, it's only used by the DosFS wrapper in emulation
uint32_t DFS_Close(PFILEINFO fileinfo);

// TK: added 2008-18-12
// for caching - this feature has to be explicitely enabled, as it isn't reentrant
// and requires to use the same buffer pointer whenever reading a file
void DFS_CachingEnabledSet(uint8_t enable);

// TK: added 2008-18-12
// missing pendant to DFS_CanonicalToDir
char *DFS_DirToCanonical(char *dest, char *src);

// If we are building a host-emulation version, include host support
#ifdef HOSTVER
#include "hostemu.h"

#endif // _DOSFS_H