/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file uploadergadgetwidget.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins * @{ * @addtogroup YModemUploader YModem Serial Uploader Plugin * @{ * @brief The YModem protocol serial uploader plugin *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "uploadergadgetwidget.h" #include "version_info/version_info.h" #include "flightstatus.h" #include #include #include #define DFU_DEBUG true const int UploaderGadgetWidget::BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT = 20000; const int UploaderGadgetWidget::AUTOUPDATE_CLOSE_TIMEOUT = 7000; TimedDialog::TimedDialog(const QString &title, const QString &labelText, int timeout, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : QProgressDialog(labelText, tr("Cancel"), 0, timeout, parent, flags), bar(new QProgressBar(this)) { setWindowTitle(title); setAutoReset(false); // open immediately... setMinimumDuration(0); // setup progress bar bar->setRange(0, timeout); bar->setFormat(tr("Timing out in %1 seconds").arg(timeout)); setBar(bar); } int TimedDialog::exec() { QTimer timer(this); connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(perform())); setValue(0); timer.start(1000); int result = QProgressDialog::exec(); timer.stop(); return result; } void TimedDialog::perform() { setValue(value() + 1); int remaining = bar->maximum() - bar->value(); if (remaining > 0) { bar->setFormat(tr("Timing out in %1 seconds").arg(remaining)); } else { setResult(TimedDialog::TimedOut); close(); } } ConnectionWaiter::ConnectionWaiter(int targetDeviceCount, int timeout, QWidget *parent) : QObject(parent), eventLoop(this), timer(this), timeout(timeout), elapsed(0), targetDeviceCount(targetDeviceCount), result(ConnectionWaiter::Ok) { } int ConnectionWaiter::exec() { connect(USBMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceDiscovered(USBPortInfo)), this, SLOT(deviceEvent())); connect(USBMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(USBPortInfo)), this, SLOT(deviceEvent())); connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(perform())); timer.start(1000); emit timeChanged(0); eventLoop.exec(); return result; } void ConnectionWaiter::quit() { disconnect(USBMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceDiscovered(USBPortInfo)), this, SLOT(deviceEvent())); disconnect(USBMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(USBPortInfo)), this, SLOT(deviceEvent())); timer.stop(); eventLoop.exit(); } void ConnectionWaiter::perform() { ++elapsed; emit timeChanged(elapsed); int remaining = timeout - elapsed * 1000; if (remaining <= 0) { result = ConnectionWaiter::TimedOut; quit(); } } void ConnectionWaiter::deviceEvent() { if (USBMonitor::instance()->availableDevices(0x20a0, -1, -1, -1).length() == targetDeviceCount) { quit(); } } UploaderGadgetWidget::UploaderGadgetWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { m_config = new Ui_UploaderWidget(); m_config->setupUi(this); currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; resetOnly = false; dfu = NULL; msg = new QErrorMessage(this); // Listen to autopilot connection events ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); TelemetryManager *telMngr = pm->getObject(); connect(telMngr, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(onAutopilotConnect())); connect(telMngr, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(versionMatchCheck())); connect(telMngr, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(onAutopilotDisconnect())); connect(m_config->haltButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemHalt())); connect(m_config->resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemReset())); connect(m_config->bootButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemBoot())); connect(m_config->safeBootButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemSafeBoot())); connect(m_config->eraseBootButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemEraseBoot())); connect(m_config->rescueButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemRescue())); Core::ConnectionManager *cm = Core::ICore::instance()->connectionManager(); connect(cm, SIGNAL(deviceConnected(QIODevice *)), this, SLOT(onPhysicalHWConnect())); getSerialPorts(); m_config->autoUpdateButton->setEnabled(autoUpdateCapable()); connect(m_config->autoUpdateButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startAutoUpdate())); connect(m_config->autoUpdateOkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeAutoUpdate())); m_config->autoUpdateGroupBox->setVisible(false); QIcon rbi; rbi.addFile(QString(":uploader/images/view-refresh.svg")); m_config->refreshPorts->setIcon(rbi); bootButtonsSetEnable(false); connect(m_config->refreshPorts, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getSerialPorts())); connect(m_config->pbHelp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openHelp())); // And check whether by any chance we are not already connected if (telMngr->isConnected()) { onAutopilotConnect(); versionMatchCheck(); } } bool sortPorts(const QSerialPortInfo &s1, const QSerialPortInfo &s2) { return s1.portName() < s2.portName(); } /** Gets the list of serial ports */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::getSerialPorts() { QStringList list; // Populate the telemetry combo box: m_config->telemetryLink->clear(); list.append(QString("USB")); QList ports = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts(); // sort the list by port number (nice idea from PT_Dreamer :)) qSort(ports.begin(), ports.end(), sortPorts); foreach(QSerialPortInfo port, ports) { list.append(port.portName()); } m_config->telemetryLink->addItems(list); } QString UploaderGadgetWidget::getPortDevice(const QString &friendName) { QList ports = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts(); foreach(QSerialPortInfo port, ports) { if (port.portName() == friendName) { return port.portName(); } } return ""; } void UploaderGadgetWidget::connectSignalSlot(QWidget *widget) { connect(qobject_cast(widget), SIGNAL(uploadStarted()), this, SLOT(uploadStarted())); connect(qobject_cast(widget), SIGNAL(uploadEnded(bool)), this, SLOT(uploadEnded(bool))); connect(qobject_cast(widget), SIGNAL(downloadStarted()), this, SLOT(downloadStarted())); connect(qobject_cast(widget), SIGNAL(downloadEnded(bool)), this, SLOT(downloadEnded(bool))); } FlightStatus *UploaderGadgetWidget::getFlightStatus() { ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); Q_ASSERT(pm); UAVObjectManager *objManager = pm->getObject(); Q_ASSERT(objManager); FlightStatus *status = dynamic_cast(objManager->getObject(QString("FlightStatus"))); Q_ASSERT(status); return status; } void UploaderGadgetWidget::bootButtonsSetEnable(bool enabled) { m_config->bootButton->setEnabled(enabled); m_config->safeBootButton->setEnabled(enabled); // this feature is supported only on BL revision >= 4 bool isBL4 = ((dfu != NULL) && (dfu->devices[0].BL_Version >= 4)); m_config->eraseBootButton->setEnabled(isBL4 && enabled); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::onPhysicalHWConnect() { bootButtonsSetEnable(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->telemetryLink->setEnabled(false); } /** Enables widget buttons if autopilot connected */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::onAutopilotConnect() { QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(populate())); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::populate() { m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(true); m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(true); bootButtonsSetEnable(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->telemetryLink->setEnabled(false); // Add a very simple widget with Board model & serial number // Delete all previous tabs: while (m_config->systemElements->count()) { QWidget *qw = m_config->systemElements->widget(0); m_config->systemElements->removeTab(0); delete qw; } RunningDeviceWidget *dw = new RunningDeviceWidget(this); dw->populate(); m_config->systemElements->addTab(dw, QString("Connected Device")); } /** Enables widget buttons if autopilot disconnected */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::onAutopilotDisconnect() { m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(true); if (currentStep == IAP_STATE_BOOTLOADER) { m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->telemetryLink->setEnabled(false); } else { m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); m_config->telemetryLink->setEnabled(true); } } static void sleep(int ms) { QEventLoop eventLoop; QTimer::singleShot(ms, &eventLoop, SLOT(quit())); eventLoop.exec(); } /** Tell the mainboard to go to bootloader: - Send the relevant IAP commands - setup callback for MoBo acknowledge */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::goToBootloader(UAVObject *callerObj, bool success) { Q_UNUSED(callerObj); ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); UAVObjectManager *objManager = pm->getObject(); UAVObject *fwIAP = dynamic_cast(objManager->getObject(QString("FirmwareIAPObj"))); switch (currentStep) { case IAP_STATE_READY: m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); getSerialPorts(); // Useful in case a new serial port appeared since the initial list, // otherwise we won't find it when we stop the board. // The board is running, send the 1st IAP Reset order: fwIAP->getField("Command")->setValue("1122"); fwIAP->getField("BoardRevision")->setDouble(0); fwIAP->getField("BoardType")->setDouble(0); connect(fwIAP, SIGNAL(transactionCompleted(UAVObject *, bool)), this, SLOT(goToBootloader(UAVObject *, bool))); currentStep = IAP_STATE_STEP_1; clearLog(); log(QString("IAP Step 1")); fwIAP->updated(); break; case IAP_STATE_STEP_1: if (!success) { log(QString("Oops, failure step 1")); log("Reset did NOT happen"); currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; disconnect(fwIAP, SIGNAL(transactionCompleted(UAVObject *, bool)), this, SLOT(goToBootloader(UAVObject *, bool))); m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(true); break; } sleep(600); fwIAP->getField("Command")->setValue("2233"); currentStep = IAP_STATE_STEP_2; log(QString("IAP Step 2")); fwIAP->updated(); break; case IAP_STATE_STEP_2: if (!success) { log(QString("Oops, failure step 2")); log("Reset did NOT happen"); currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; disconnect(fwIAP, SIGNAL(transactionCompleted(UAVObject *, bool)), this, SLOT(goToBootloader(UAVObject *, bool))); m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(true); break; } sleep(600); fwIAP->getField("Command")->setValue("3344"); currentStep = IAP_STEP_RESET; log(QString("IAP Step 3")); fwIAP->updated(); break; case IAP_STEP_RESET: { currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; if (!success) { log("Oops, failure step 3"); log("Reset did NOT happen"); disconnect(fwIAP, SIGNAL(transactionCompleted(UAVObject *, bool)), this, SLOT(goToBootloader(UAVObject *, bool))); m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(true); break; } // The board is now reset: we have to disconnect telemetry Core::ConnectionManager *cm = Core::ICore::instance()->connectionManager(); QString dli = cm->getCurrentDevice().getConName(); QString dlj = cm->getCurrentDevice().getConName(); cm->disconnectDevice(); sleep(200); // Tell connections to stop their polling threads: otherwise it will mess up DFU cm->suspendPolling(); sleep(200); log("Board Halt"); m_config->boardStatus->setText("Bootloader"); if (dlj.startsWith("USB")) { m_config->telemetryLink->setCurrentIndex(m_config->telemetryLink->findText("USB")); } else { m_config->telemetryLink->setCurrentIndex(m_config->telemetryLink->findText(dli)); } disconnect(fwIAP, SIGNAL(transactionCompleted(UAVObject *, bool)), this, SLOT(goToBootloader(UAVObject *, bool))); currentStep = IAP_STATE_BOOTLOADER; // Tell the mainboard to get into bootloader state: log("Detecting devices, please wait a few seconds..."); if (!dfu) { if (dlj.startsWith("USB")) { dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, false, QString()); } else { dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, true, getPortDevice(dli)); } } if (!dfu->ready()) { log("Could not enter DFU mode."); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; m_config->boardStatus->setText("Bootloader?"); m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(true); return; } dfu->AbortOperation(); if (!dfu->enterDFU(0)) { log("Could not enter DFU mode."); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; m_config->boardStatus->setText("Bootloader?"); return; } // dfu.StatusRequest(); sleep(500); dfu->findDevices(); log(QString("Found ") + QString::number(dfu->numberOfDevices) + QString(" device(s).")); if (dfu->numberOfDevices < 0 || dfu->numberOfDevices > 3) { log("Inconsistent number of devices! Aborting"); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); return; } // Delete all previous tabs: while (m_config->systemElements->count()) { QWidget *qw = m_config->systemElements->widget(0); m_config->systemElements->removeTab(0); delete qw; } for (int i = 0; i < dfu->numberOfDevices; i++) { DeviceWidget *dw = new DeviceWidget(this); connectSignalSlot(dw); dw->setDeviceID(i); dw->setDfu(dfu); dw->populate(); m_config->systemElements->addTab(dw, QString("Device") + QString::number(i)); } // Need to re-enable in case we were not connected bootButtonsSetEnable(true); if (resetOnly) { resetOnly = false; delay::msleep(3500); systemBoot(); break; } } break; case IAP_STATE_BOOTLOADER: // We should never end up here anyway. break; } } void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemHalt() { FlightStatus *status = getFlightStatus(); // The board can not be halted when in armed state. // If board is armed, or arming. Show message with notice. if (status->getArmed() == FlightStatus::ARMED_DISARMED) { goToBootloader(); } else { QMessageBox mbox(this); mbox.setText(QString(tr("The controller board is armed and can not be halted.\n\n" "Please make sure the board is not armed and then press halt again to proceed\n" "or use the rescue option to force a firmware upgrade."))); mbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); mbox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); mbox.exec(); } } /** Tell the mainboard to reset: - Send the relevant IAP commands - setup callback for MoBo acknowledge */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemReset() { FlightStatus *status = getFlightStatus(); // The board can not be reset when in armed state. // If board is armed, or arming. Show message with notice. if (status->getArmed() == FlightStatus::ARMED_DISARMED) { resetOnly = true; if (dfu) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; } clearLog(); log("Board Reset initiated."); goToBootloader(); } else { QMessageBox mbox(this); mbox.setText(QString(tr("The controller board is armed and can not be reset.\n\n" "Please make sure the board is not armed and then press reset again to proceed\n" "or power cycle to force a board reset."))); mbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); mbox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); mbox.exec(); } } void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemBoot() { commonSystemBoot(false, false); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemSafeBoot() { commonSystemBoot(true, false); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemEraseBoot() { QMessageBox msgBox; int result; msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Erase Settings")); msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Do you want to erase all settings from the board?\nSettings cannot be recovered after this operation.\nThe board will be restarted and all the setting erased")); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Help); result = msgBox.exec(); if (result == QMessageBox::Ok) { commonSystemBoot(true, true); } else if (result == QMessageBox::Help) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(tr("http://wiki.openpilot.org/display/Doc/Erase+board+settings"), QUrl::StrictMode)); } } /** * Tells the system to boot (from Bootloader state) * @param[in] safeboot Indicates whether the firmware should use the stock HWSettings */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::commonSystemBoot(bool safeboot, bool erase) { clearLog(); bootButtonsSetEnable(false); // Suspend telemety & polling in case it is not done yet Core::ConnectionManager *cm = Core::ICore::instance()->connectionManager(); cm->disconnectDevice(); cm->suspendPolling(); QString devName = m_config->telemetryLink->currentText(); log("Attempting to boot the system through " + devName + "."); repaint(); if (!dfu) { if (devName == "USB") { dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, false, QString()); } else { dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, true, getPortDevice(devName)); } } dfu->AbortOperation(); if (!dfu->enterDFU(0)) { log("Could not enter DFU mode."); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; bootButtonsSetEnable(true); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); // Boot not possible, maybe Rescue OK? return; } log("Booting system..."); dfu->JumpToApp(safeboot, erase); // Restart the polling thread cm->resumePolling(); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); m_config->telemetryLink->setEnabled(true); m_config->boardStatus->setText("Running"); if (currentStep == IAP_STATE_BOOTLOADER) { // Freeze the tabs, they are not useful anymore and their buttons // will cause segfaults or weird stuff if we use them. for (int i = 0; i < m_config->systemElements->count(); i++) { // OP-682 arriving here too "early" (before the devices are refreshed) was leading to a crash // OP-682 the crash was due to an unchecked cast in the line below that would cast a RunningDeviceGadget to a DeviceGadget DeviceWidget *qw = dynamic_cast(m_config->systemElements->widget(i)); if (qw) { // OP-682 fixed a second crash by disabling *all* buttons in the device widget // disabling the buttons is only half of the solution as even if the buttons are enabled // the app should not crash qw->freeze(); } } } currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; log("You can now reconnect telemetry..."); delete dfu; // Frees up the USB/Serial port too dfu = NULL; } bool UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdateCapable() { return QDir(":/firmware").exists(); } bool UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdate() { Core::ConnectionManager *cm = Core::ICore::instance()->connectionManager(); cm->disconnectDevice(); cm->suspendPolling(); if (dfu) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; } if (USBMonitor::instance()->availableDevices(0x20a0, -1, -1, -1).length() > 0) { // wait for all boards to be disconnected ConnectionWaiter waiter(0, BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT); connect(&waiter, SIGNAL(timeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(autoUpdateDisconnectProgress(int))); if (waiter.exec() == ConnectionWaiter::TimedOut) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant(tr("Timed out while waiting for all boards to be disconnected!"))); return false; } } // wait for a board to connect ConnectionWaiter waiter(1, BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT); connect(&waiter, SIGNAL(timeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(autoUpdateConnectProgress(int))); if (waiter.exec() == ConnectionWaiter::TimedOut) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant(tr("Timed out while waiting for a board to be connected!"))); return false; } dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, false, QString()); dfu->AbortOperation(); emit autoUpdateSignal(JUMP_TO_BL, QVariant()); if (!dfu->enterDFU(0)) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } if (!dfu->findDevices() || (dfu->numberOfDevices != 1)) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } if (dfu->numberOfDevices > 5) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } QString filename; emit autoUpdateSignal(LOADING_FW, QVariant()); switch (dfu->devices[0].ID) { case 0x301: filename = "fw_oplinkmini"; break; case 0x401: case 0x402: filename = "fw_coptercontrol"; break; case 0x501: filename = "fw_osd"; break; case 0x902: filename = "fw_revoproto"; break; case 0x903: filename = "fw_revolution"; break; default: emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; break; } filename = ":/firmware/" + filename + ".opfw"; QByteArray firmware; if (!QFile::exists(filename)) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } QEventLoop eventLoop; firmware = file.readAll(); connect(dfu, SIGNAL(progressUpdated(int)), this, SLOT(autoUpdateFlashProgress(int))); connect(dfu, SIGNAL(uploadFinished(OP_DFU::Status)), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit())); emit autoUpdateSignal(UPLOADING_FW, QVariant()); if (!dfu->enterDFU(0)) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } dfu->AbortOperation(); if (!dfu->UploadFirmware(filename, false, 0)) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } eventLoop.exec(); QByteArray desc = firmware.right(100); emit autoUpdateSignal(UPLOADING_DESC, QVariant()); if (dfu->UploadDescription(desc) != OP_DFU::Last_operation_Success) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } systemBoot(); emit autoUpdateSignal(SUCCESS, QVariant()); return true; } void UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdateDisconnectProgress(int value) { emit autoUpdateSignal(WAITING_DISCONNECT, value); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdateConnectProgress(int value) { emit autoUpdateSignal(WAITING_CONNECT, value); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdateFlashProgress(int value) { emit autoUpdateSignal(UPLOADING_FW, value); } /** Attempt a guided procedure to put both boards in BL mode when the system is not bootable */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemRescue() { Core::ConnectionManager *cm = Core::ICore::instance()->connectionManager(); cm->disconnectDevice(); // stop the polling thread: otherwise it will mess up DFU cm->suspendPolling(); // Delete all previous tabs: while (m_config->systemElements->count()) { QWidget *qw = m_config->systemElements->widget(0); m_config->systemElements->removeTab(0); delete qw; } // Existing DFU objects will have a handle over USB and will // disturb everything for the rescue process: if (dfu) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; } // Avoid users pressing Rescue twice. m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); // Now we're good to go clearLog(); log("**********************************************************"); log("** Follow those instructions to attempt a system rescue **"); log("**********************************************************"); log("You will be prompted to first connect USB, then system power"); // Check if board is connected and, if yes, prompt user to disconnect board if (USBMonitor::instance()->availableDevices(0x20a0, -1, -1, -1).length() > 0) { QString labelText = QString("


").arg(tr("Please disconnect your OpenPilot board.")); TimedDialog progressDlg(tr("System Rescue"), labelText, 20); connect(USBMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(USBPortInfo)), &progressDlg, SLOT(accept())); switch(progressDlg.exec()) { case TimedDialog::Rejected: // user canceled dialog m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; case TimedDialog::TimedOut: QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("System Rescue"), tr("No board disconnection was detected!")); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; } } // Now prompt user to connect board QString labelText = QString("


").arg(tr("Please connect your OpenPilot board.")).arg(tr("Board must be connected by USB!")); TimedDialog progressDlg(tr("System Rescue"), labelText, 20); connect(USBMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceDiscovered(USBPortInfo)), &progressDlg, SLOT(accept())); switch(progressDlg.exec()) { case TimedDialog::Rejected: // user canceled dialog m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; case TimedDialog::TimedOut: QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("System Rescue"), tr("No board connection was detected!")); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; } log("Detecting first board..."); dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, false, QString()); dfu->AbortOperation(); if (!dfu->enterDFU(0)) { log("Could not enter DFU mode."); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; } if (!dfu->findDevices() || (dfu->numberOfDevices != 1)) { log("Could not detect a board, aborting!"); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; } log(QString("Found %1 device(s).").arg(dfu->numberOfDevices)); if (dfu->numberOfDevices > 5) { log("Inconsistent number of devices, aborting!"); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; } for (int i = 0; i < dfu->numberOfDevices; i++) { DeviceWidget *dw = new DeviceWidget(this); connectSignalSlot(dw); dw->setDeviceID(i); dw->setDfu(dfu); dw->populate(); m_config->systemElements->addTab(dw, QString("Device") + QString::number(i)); } m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(true); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); // So that we can boot from the GUI afterwards. currentStep = IAP_STATE_BOOTLOADER; } void UploaderGadgetWidget::uploadStarted() { m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(false); m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::uploadEnded(bool succeed) { Q_UNUSED(succeed); // device is halted so no halt m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(true); // device is halted so no reset m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::downloadStarted() { m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(false); m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::downloadEnded(bool succeed) { Q_UNUSED(succeed); // device is halted so no halt m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(true); // device is halted so no reset m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::startAutoUpdate() { m_config->buttonFrame->setEnabled(false); m_config->splitter->setEnabled(false); m_config->autoUpdateGroupBox->setVisible(true); m_config->autoUpdateOkButton->setEnabled(false); connect(this, SIGNAL(autoUpdateSignal(uploader::AutoUpdateStep, QVariant)), this, SLOT(autoUpdateStatus(uploader::AutoUpdateStep, QVariant))); autoUpdate(); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::finishAutoUpdate() { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(autoUpdateSignal(uploader::AutoUpdateStep, QVariant)), this, SLOT(autoUpdateStatus(uploader::AutoUpdateStep, QVariant))); m_config->autoUpdateOkButton->setEnabled(true); // wait a bit and "close" auto update QTimer::singleShot(AUTOUPDATE_CLOSE_TIMEOUT, this, SLOT(closeAutoUpdate())); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::closeAutoUpdate() { m_config->autoUpdateGroupBox->setVisible(false); m_config->buttonFrame->setEnabled(true); m_config->splitter->setEnabled(true); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdateStatus(uploader::AutoUpdateStep status, QVariant value) { QString msg; int remaining; switch (status) { case uploader::WAITING_DISCONNECT: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText("Waiting for all OpenPilot boards to be disconnected from USB."); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setMaximum(BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT / 1000); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setValue(value.toInt()); remaining = m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->maximum() - m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->value(); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setFormat(tr("Timing out in %1 seconds").arg(remaining)); break; case uploader::WAITING_CONNECT: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText("Please connect the OpenPilot board to the USB port."); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setMaximum(BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT / 1000); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setValue(value.toInt()); remaining = m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->maximum() - m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->value(); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setFormat(tr("Timing out in %1 seconds").arg(remaining)); break; case uploader::JUMP_TO_BL: m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setValue(0); m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText("Bringing the board into boot loader mode."); break; case uploader::LOADING_FW: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText("Preparing to upload firmware to the board."); break; case uploader::UPLOADING_FW: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText("Uploading firmware to the board."); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setFormat("%p%"); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setMaximum(100); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setValue(value.toInt()); break; case uploader::UPLOADING_DESC: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText("Uploading description of the new firmware to the board."); break; case uploader::BOOTING: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText("Rebooting the board."); break; case uploader::SUCCESS: m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setValue(m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->maximum()); msg = tr("Board was updated successfully.") + " " + tr("Press OK to finish."); m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(msg)); finishAutoUpdate(); break; case uploader::FAILURE: QString msg = value.toString(); if (msg.isEmpty()) { msg = "Something went wrong, you will have to manually upgrade the board."; } msg += " " + tr("Press OK to finish."); m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(msg)); finishAutoUpdate(); break; } } /** Update log entry */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::log(QString str) { qDebug() << "UploaderGadgetWidget -" << str; m_config->textBrowser->append(str); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::clearLog() { m_config->textBrowser->clear(); } /** * Remove all the device widgets... */ UploaderGadgetWidget::~UploaderGadgetWidget() { while (m_config->systemElements->count()) { QWidget *qw = m_config->systemElements->widget(0); m_config->systemElements->removeTab(0); delete qw; qw = 0; } } /** Shows a message box with an error string. @param errorString The error string to display. @param errorNumber Not used */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::error(QString errorString, int errorNumber) { Q_UNUSED(errorNumber); m_config->boardStatus->setText(errorString); QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgBox.setText(errorString); msgBox.exec(); } /** Shows a message box with an information string. @param infoString The information string to display. @param infoNumber Not used */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::info(QString infoString, int infoNumber) { Q_UNUSED(infoNumber); m_config->boardStatus->setText(infoString); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::versionMatchCheck() { ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); UAVObjectUtilManager *utilMngr = pm->getObject(); deviceDescriptorStruct boardDescription = utilMngr->getBoardDescriptionStruct(); QByteArray uavoHashArray; QString uavoHash = VersionInfo::uavoHashArray(); uavoHash.chop(2); uavoHash.remove(0, 2); uavoHash = uavoHash.trimmed(); bool ok; foreach(QString str, uavoHash.split(",")) { uavoHashArray.append(str.toInt(&ok, 16)); } QByteArray fwVersion = boardDescription.uavoHash; if (fwVersion != uavoHashArray) { QString gcsDescription = VersionInfo::revision(); QString gcsGitHash = gcsDescription.mid(gcsDescription.indexOf(":") + 1, 8); gcsGitHash.remove(QRegExp("^[0]*")); QString gcsGitDate = gcsDescription.mid(gcsDescription.indexOf(" ") + 1, 14); QString gcsUavoHashStr; QString fwUavoHashStr; foreach(char i, fwVersion) { fwUavoHashStr.append(QString::number(i, 16).right(2)); } foreach(char i, uavoHashArray) { gcsUavoHashStr.append(QString::number(i, 16).right(2)); } QString gcsVersion = gcsGitDate + " (" + gcsGitHash + "-" + gcsUavoHashStr.left(8) + ")"; QString fwVersion = boardDescription.gitDate + " (" + boardDescription.gitHash + "-" + fwUavoHashStr.left(8) + ")"; QString warning = QString(tr( "GCS and firmware versions of the UAV objects set do not match which can cause configuration problems. " "GCS version: %1 Firmware version: %2.")).arg(gcsVersion).arg(fwVersion); msg->showMessage(warning); } } void UploaderGadgetWidget::openHelp() { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("http://wiki.openpilot.org/x/AoBZ", QUrl::StrictMode)); }