/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file fixedwingpathfollower.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @brief This module compared @ref PositionActuatl to @ref ActiveWaypoint * and sets @ref AttitudeDesired. It only does this when the FlightMode field * of @ref ManualControlCommand is Auto. * * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Input object: ActiveWaypoint * Input object: PositionState * Input object: ManualControlCommand * Output object: AttitudeDesired * * This module will periodically update the value of the AttitudeDesired object. * * The module executes in its own thread in this example. * * Modules have no API, all communication to other modules is done through UAVObjects. * However modules may use the API exposed by shared libraries. * See the OpenPilot wiki for more details. * http://www.openpilot.org/OpenPilot_Application_Architecture * */ #include #include "hwsettings.h" #include "attitudestate.h" #include "pathdesired.h" // object that will be updated by the module #include "positionstate.h" #include "flightstatus.h" #include "pathstatus.h" #include "airspeedstate.h" #include "fixedwingpathfollowersettings.h" #include "fixedwingpathfollowerstatus.h" #include "homelocation.h" #include "stabilizationdesired.h" #include "stabilizationsettings.h" #include "systemsettings.h" #include "velocitydesired.h" #include "velocitystate.h" #include "taskinfo.h" #include #include "paths.h" #include "CoordinateConversions.h" // Private constants #define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 4 #define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 1548 #define TASK_PRIORITY (tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2) // Private variables static bool followerEnabled = false; static xTaskHandle pathfollowerTaskHandle; static PathDesiredData pathDesired; static PathStatusData pathStatus; static FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsData fixedwingpathfollowerSettings; // Private functions static void pathfollowerTask(void *parameters); static void SettingsUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev); static void updatePathVelocity(); static uint8_t updateFixedDesiredAttitude(); static void updateFixedAttitude(); static void airspeedStateUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent *ev); /** * Initialise the module, called on startup * \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed */ int32_t FixedWingPathFollowerStart() { if (followerEnabled) { // Start main task xTaskCreate(pathfollowerTask, (signed char *)"PathFollower", STACK_SIZE_BYTES / 4, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &pathfollowerTaskHandle); PIOS_TASK_MONITOR_RegisterTask(TASKINFO_RUNNING_PATHFOLLOWER, pathfollowerTaskHandle); } return 0; } /** * Initialise the module, called on startup * \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed */ int32_t FixedWingPathFollowerInitialize() { HwSettingsInitialize(); HwSettingsOptionalModulesData optionalModules; HwSettingsOptionalModulesGet(&optionalModules); if (optionalModules.FixedWingPathFollower == HWSETTINGS_OPTIONALMODULES_ENABLED) { followerEnabled = true; FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsInitialize(); FixedWingPathFollowerStatusInitialize(); PathDesiredInitialize(); PathStatusInitialize(); VelocityDesiredInitialize(); AirspeedStateInitialize(); } else { followerEnabled = false; } return 0; } MODULE_INITCALL(FixedWingPathFollowerInitialize, FixedWingPathFollowerStart); static float northVelIntegral = 0; static float eastVelIntegral = 0; static float downVelIntegral = 0; static float courseIntegral = 0; static float speedIntegral = 0; static float powerIntegral = 0; static float airspeedErrorInt = 0; // correct speed by measured airspeed static float indicatedAirspeedStateBias = 0; /** * Module thread, should not return. */ static void pathfollowerTask(__attribute__((unused)) void *parameters) { SystemSettingsData systemSettings; FlightStatusData flightStatus; portTickType lastUpdateTime; AirspeedStateConnectCallback(airspeedStateUpdatedCb); FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsConnectCallback(SettingsUpdatedCb); PathDesiredConnectCallback(SettingsUpdatedCb); FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsGet(&fixedwingpathfollowerSettings); PathDesiredGet(&pathDesired); // Main task loop lastUpdateTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); while (1) { // Conditions when this runs: // 1. Must have FixedWing type airframe // 2. Flight mode is PositionHold and PathDesired.Mode is Endpoint OR // FlightMode is PathPlanner and PathDesired.Mode is Endpoint or Path SystemSettingsGet(&systemSettings); if ((systemSettings.AirframeType != SYSTEMSETTINGS_AIRFRAMETYPE_FIXEDWING) && (systemSettings.AirframeType != SYSTEMSETTINGS_AIRFRAMETYPE_FIXEDWINGELEVON) && (systemSettings.AirframeType != SYSTEMSETTINGS_AIRFRAMETYPE_FIXEDWINGVTAIL)) { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GUIDANCE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_WARNING); vTaskDelay(1000); continue; } // Continue collecting data if not enough time vTaskDelayUntil(&lastUpdateTime, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.UpdatePeriod / portTICK_RATE_MS); FlightStatusGet(&flightStatus); PathStatusGet(&pathStatus); uint8_t result; // Check the combinations of flightmode and pathdesired mode if (flightStatus.ControlChain.PathFollower == FLIGHTSTATUS_CONTROLCHAIN_TRUE) { if (flightStatus.ControlChain.PathPlanner == FLIGHTSTATUS_CONTROLCHAIN_FALSE) { if (pathDesired.Mode == PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYENDPOINT) { updatePathVelocity(); result = updateFixedDesiredAttitude(); if (result) { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GUIDANCE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_OK); } else { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GUIDANCE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_WARNING); } } else { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GUIDANCE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_ERROR); } } else { pathStatus.UID = pathDesired.UID; pathStatus.Status = PATHSTATUS_STATUS_INPROGRESS; switch (pathDesired.Mode) { case PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYENDPOINT: case PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYVECTOR: case PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYCIRCLERIGHT: case PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYCIRCLELEFT: updatePathVelocity(); result = updateFixedDesiredAttitude(); if (result) { AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GUIDANCE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_OK); } else { pathStatus.Status = PATHSTATUS_STATUS_CRITICAL; AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GUIDANCE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_WARNING); } break; case PATHDESIRED_MODE_FIXEDATTITUDE: updateFixedAttitude(pathDesired.ModeParameters); AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GUIDANCE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_OK); break; case PATHDESIRED_MODE_DISARMALARM: AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GUIDANCE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL); break; default: pathStatus.Status = PATHSTATUS_STATUS_CRITICAL; AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GUIDANCE, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_ERROR); break; } } } else { // Be cleaner and get rid of global variables northVelIntegral = 0; eastVelIntegral = 0; downVelIntegral = 0; courseIntegral = 0; speedIntegral = 0; powerIntegral = 0; } PathStatusSet(&pathStatus); } } /** * Compute desired velocity from the current position and path * * Takes in @ref PositionState and compares it to @ref PathDesired * and computes @ref VelocityDesired */ static void updatePathVelocity() { PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); VelocityStateData velocityState; VelocityStateGet(&velocityState); // look ahead fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.CourseFeedForward seconds float cur[3] = { positionState.North + (velocityState.North * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.CourseFeedForward), positionState.East + (velocityState.East * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.CourseFeedForward), positionState.Down + (velocityState.Down * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.CourseFeedForward) }; struct path_status progress; path_progress(cast_struct_to_array(pathDesired.Start, pathDesired.Start.North), cast_struct_to_array(pathDesired.End, pathDesired.End.North), cur, &progress, pathDesired.Mode); float groundspeed; float altitudeSetpoint; switch (pathDesired.Mode) { case PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYCIRCLERIGHT: case PATHDESIRED_MODE_DRIVECIRCLERIGHT: case PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYCIRCLELEFT: case PATHDESIRED_MODE_DRIVECIRCLELEFT: groundspeed = pathDesired.EndingVelocity; altitudeSetpoint = pathDesired.End.Down; break; case PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYENDPOINT: case PATHDESIRED_MODE_DRIVEENDPOINT: case PATHDESIRED_MODE_FLYVECTOR: case PATHDESIRED_MODE_DRIVEVECTOR: default: groundspeed = pathDesired.StartingVelocity + (pathDesired.EndingVelocity - pathDesired.StartingVelocity) * boundf(progress.fractional_progress, 0, 1); altitudeSetpoint = pathDesired.Start.Down + (pathDesired.End.Down - pathDesired.Start.Down) * boundf(progress.fractional_progress, 0, 1); break; } // make sure groundspeed is not zero if (groundspeed < 1e-2f) { groundspeed = 1e-2f; } // calculate velocity - can be zero if waypoints are too close VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired; velocityDesired.North = progress.path_direction[0]; velocityDesired.East = progress.path_direction[1]; float error_speed = progress.error * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.HorizontalPosP; // if a plane is crossing its desired flightpath facing the wrong way (away from flight direction) // it would turn towards the flightpath to get on its desired course. This however would reverse the correction vector // once it crosses the flightpath again, which would make it again turn towards the flightpath (but away from its desired heading) // leading to an S-shape snake course the wrong way // this only happens especially if HorizontalPosP is too high, as otherwise the angle between velocity desired and path_direction won't // turn steep unless there is enough space complete the turn before crossing the flightpath // in this case the plane effectively needs to be turned around // indicators: // difference between correction_direction and velocitystate >90 degrees and // difference between path_direction and velocitystate >90 degrees ( 4th sector, facing away from everything ) // fix: ignore correction, steer in path direction until the situation has become better (condition doesn't apply anymore) if ( // calculating angles < 90 degrees through dot products ((progress.path_direction[0] * velocityState.North + progress.path_direction[1] * velocityState.East) < 0.0f) && ((progress.correction_direction[0] * velocityState.North + progress.correction_direction[1] * velocityState.East) < 0.0f)) { error_speed = 0; } // calculate correction - can also be zero if correction vector is 0 or no error present velocityDesired.North += progress.correction_direction[0] * error_speed; velocityDesired.East += progress.correction_direction[1] * error_speed; // scale to correct length float l = sqrtf(velocityDesired.North * velocityDesired.North + velocityDesired.East * velocityDesired.East); velocityDesired.North *= groundspeed / l; velocityDesired.East *= groundspeed / l; float downError = altitudeSetpoint - positionState.Down; velocityDesired.Down = downError * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.VerticalPosP; // update pathstatus pathStatus.error = progress.error; pathStatus.fractional_progress = progress.fractional_progress; VelocityDesiredSet(&velocityDesired); } /** * Compute desired attitude from a fixed preset * */ static void updateFixedAttitude(float *attitude) { StabilizationDesiredData stabDesired; StabilizationDesiredGet(&stabDesired); stabDesired.Roll = attitude[0]; stabDesired.Pitch = attitude[1]; stabDesired.Yaw = attitude[2]; stabDesired.Thrust = attitude[3]; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Roll = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_ATTITUDE; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Pitch = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_ATTITUDE; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Yaw = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_RATE; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Thrust = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_MANUAL; StabilizationDesiredSet(&stabDesired); } /** * Compute desired attitude from the desired velocity * * Takes in @ref NedState which has the acceleration in the * NED frame as the feedback term and then compares the * @ref VelocityState against the @ref VelocityDesired */ static uint8_t updateFixedDesiredAttitude() { uint8_t result = 1; float dT = fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.UpdatePeriod / 1000.0f; // Convert from [ms] to [s] VelocityDesiredData velocityDesired; VelocityStateData velocityState; StabilizationDesiredData stabDesired; AttitudeStateData attitudeState; StabilizationSettingsData stabSettings; FixedWingPathFollowerStatusData fixedwingpathfollowerStatus; AirspeedStateData airspeedState; SystemSettingsData systemSettings; float groundspeedState; float groundspeedDesired; float indicatedAirspeedState; float indicatedAirspeedDesired; float airspeedError; float pitchCommand; float descentspeedDesired; float descentspeedError; float powerCommand; float fluidMovement[2]; float heading; float headingError; float correctedHeading; float course; float courseComponent[2]; float correctedCourse; float courseError; float courseCommand; FixedWingPathFollowerStatusGet(&fixedwingpathfollowerStatus); VelocityStateGet(&velocityState); StabilizationDesiredGet(&stabDesired); VelocityDesiredGet(&velocityDesired); AttitudeStateGet(&attitudeState); StabilizationSettingsGet(&stabSettings); AirspeedStateGet(&airspeedState); SystemSettingsGet(&systemSettings); /** * Calculate where we are heading and why (wind issues) */ heading = RAD2DEG(atan2f(velocityState.East, velocityState.North)); headingError = heading - attitudeState.Yaw; if (headingError < -180.0f) { headingError += 360.0f; } if (headingError > 180.0f) { headingError -= 360.0f; } // Error condition: wind speed is higher than airspeed. We are forced backwards! fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Wind = 0; if ((headingError > fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.Safetymargins.Wind || headingError < -fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.Safetymargins.Wind) && fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.Safetymargins.Wind > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on // we are flying backwards fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Wind = 1; result = 0; } /** * Compute speed error (required for thrust and pitch) */ // Current ground speed groundspeedState = sqrtf(velocityState.East * velocityState.East + velocityState.North * velocityState.North); // assume groundspeed is negative if we are flying backwards (otherwise increasing airspeed would reduce groundspeed) if (fabsf(headingError) > 90.0f) { groundspeedState = -groundspeedState; } // note that airspeedStateBias is ( calibratedAirspeed - groundSpeed ) at the time of measurement, // but thanks to accelerometers, groundspeed reacts faster to changes in direction // than airspeed and gps sensors alone indicatedAirspeedState = groundspeedState + indicatedAirspeedStateBias; // fluidMovement is a vector describing the aproximate movement vector in surrounding fluid (2d) fluidMovement[0] = indicatedAirspeedState * cosf(DEG2RAD(attitudeState.Yaw)); fluidMovement[1] = indicatedAirspeedState * sinf(DEG2RAD(attitudeState.Yaw)); // Desired ground speed groundspeedDesired = sqrtf(velocityDesired.North * velocityDesired.North + velocityDesired.East * velocityDesired.East); // take negative speeds into account (if we are supposed to go the opposite way) // this has two advantages: // 1. it reduces speed to minimum for tight turns -- reducing speed = turn quicker - especially since we pull up to reduce speed ;) // 2. in the unlikely case that we can fly backwards in strong headwind, we will - leads to awesome position hold ;) if ((velocityDesired.North * fluidMovement[0] + velocityDesired.East * fluidMovement[1]) < 0.0f) { // difference >90 degrees groundspeedDesired = -groundspeedDesired; } indicatedAirspeedDesired = boundf(groundspeedDesired + indicatedAirspeedStateBias, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.HorizontalVelMin, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.HorizontalVelMax); // Airspeed error airspeedError = indicatedAirspeedDesired - indicatedAirspeedState; // Vertical speed error descentspeedDesired = boundf( velocityDesired.Down, -fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.VerticalVelMax, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.VerticalVelMax); descentspeedError = descentspeedDesired - velocityState.Down; // Error condition: plane too slow or too fast fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Highspeed = 0; fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Lowspeed = 0; if (indicatedAirspeedState > systemSettings.AirSpeedMax * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.Safetymargins.Overspeed) { fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Overspeed = 1; result = 0; } if (indicatedAirspeedState > fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.HorizontalVelMax * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.Safetymargins.Highspeed) { fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Highspeed = 1; result = 0; } if (indicatedAirspeedState < fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.HorizontalVelMin * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.Safetymargins.Lowspeed) { fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Lowspeed = 1; result = 0; } if (indicatedAirspeedState < systemSettings.AirSpeedMin * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.Safetymargins.Stallspeed) { fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Stallspeed = 1; result = 0; } if (indicatedAirspeedState < 1e-6f) { // prevent division by zero, abort without controlling anything. This guidance mode is not suited for takeoff or touchdown, or handling stationary planes // also we cannot handle planes flying backwards, lets just wait until the nose drops fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Lowspeed = 1; return 0; } /** * Compute desired thrust command */ // compute saturated integral error thrust response. Make integral leaky for better performance. Approximately 30s time constant. if (fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PowerPI.Ki > 0) { powerIntegral = boundf(powerIntegral + -descentspeedError * dT, -fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PowerPI.ILimit / fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PowerPI.Ki, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PowerPI.ILimit / fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PowerPI.Ki ) * (1.0f - 1.0f / (1.0f + 30.0f / dT)); } else { powerIntegral = 0; } // Compute the cross feed from vertical speed to pitch, with saturation float speedErrorToPowerCommandComponent = boundf( (airspeedError / fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.HorizontalVelMin) * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.AirspeedToPowerCrossFeed.Kp, -fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.AirspeedToPowerCrossFeed.Max, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.AirspeedToPowerCrossFeed.Max ); // Compute final thrust response powerCommand = -descentspeedError * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PowerPI.Kp + powerIntegral * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PowerPI.Ki + speedErrorToPowerCommandComponent; // Output internal state to telemetry fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Error.Power = descentspeedError; fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.ErrorInt.Power = powerIntegral; fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Command.Power = powerCommand; // set thrust stabDesired.Thrust = boundf(fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.ThrustLimit.Neutral + powerCommand, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.ThrustLimit.Min, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.ThrustLimit.Max); // Error condition: plane cannot hold altitude at current speed. fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Lowpower = 0; if (fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.ThrustLimit.Neutral + powerCommand >= fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.ThrustLimit.Max && // thrust at maximum velocityState.Down > 0 && // we ARE going down descentspeedDesired < 0 && // we WANT to go up airspeedError > 0 && // we are too slow already fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.Safetymargins.Lowpower > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Lowpower = 1; result = 0; } // Error condition: plane keeps climbing despite minimum thrust (opposite of above) fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Highpower = 0; if (fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.ThrustLimit.Neutral + powerCommand <= fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.ThrustLimit.Min && // thrust at minimum velocityState.Down < 0 && // we ARE going up descentspeedDesired > 0 && // we WANT to go down airspeedError < 0 && // we are too fast already fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.Safetymargins.Highpower > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Highpower = 1; result = 0; } /** * Compute desired pitch command */ if (fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.SpeedPI.Ki > 0) { // Integrate with saturation airspeedErrorInt = boundf(airspeedErrorInt + airspeedError * dT, -fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.SpeedPI.ILimit / fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.SpeedPI.Ki, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.SpeedPI.ILimit / fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.SpeedPI.Ki); } // Compute the cross feed from vertical speed to pitch, with saturation float verticalSpeedToPitchCommandComponent = boundf(-descentspeedError * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.VerticalToPitchCrossFeed.Kp, -fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.VerticalToPitchCrossFeed.Max, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.VerticalToPitchCrossFeed.Max ); // Compute the pitch command as err*Kp + errInt*Ki + X_feed. pitchCommand = -(airspeedError * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.SpeedPI.Kp + airspeedErrorInt * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.SpeedPI.Ki ) + verticalSpeedToPitchCommandComponent; fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Error.Speed = airspeedError; fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.ErrorInt.Speed = airspeedErrorInt; fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Command.Speed = pitchCommand; stabDesired.Pitch = boundf(fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PitchLimit.Neutral + pitchCommand, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PitchLimit.Min, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PitchLimit.Max); // Error condition: high speed dive fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Pitchcontrol = 0; if (fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PitchLimit.Neutral + pitchCommand >= fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.PitchLimit.Max && // pitch demand is full up velocityState.Down > 0 && // we ARE going down descentspeedDesired < 0 && // we WANT to go up airspeedError < 0 && // we are too fast already fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.Safetymargins.Pitchcontrol > 0.5f) { // alarm switched on fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Errors.Pitchcontrol = 1; result = 0; } /** * Compute desired roll command */ // Calculate wind corrected heading angle - this approach avoids oscillation at high airspeed but low groundspeed situations (headwind) correctedHeading = RAD2DEG(atan2f(velocityState.East + fluidMovement[1], velocityState.North + fluidMovement[0])); course = RAD2DEG(atan2f(velocityDesired.East, velocityDesired.North)); if (groundspeedDesired >= 0.0f || groundspeedDesired <= fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.HorizontalVelMin - indicatedAirspeedStateBias) { courseComponent[0] = 2.0f *indicatedAirspeedState *cosf(DEG2RAD(course)); courseComponent[1] = 2.0f *indicatedAirspeedState *sinf(DEG2RAD(course)); } else { // small negative groundspeeds can be achieved if flying slowly into head wind - this allows hovering on the spot ;) courseComponent[0] = -groundspeedDesired *cosf(DEG2RAD(course)); courseComponent[1] = -groundspeedDesired *sinf(DEG2RAD(course)); } correctedCourse = RAD2DEG(atan2f(courseComponent[1] + fluidMovement[1], courseComponent[0] + fluidMovement[0])); courseError = correctedCourse - correctedHeading; if (courseError < -180.0f) { courseError += 360.0f; } if (courseError > 180.0f) { courseError -= 360.0f; } courseIntegral = boundf(courseIntegral + courseError * dT * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.CoursePI.Ki, -fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.CoursePI.ILimit, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.CoursePI.ILimit); courseCommand = (courseError * fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.CoursePI.Kp + courseIntegral); fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Error.Course = courseError; fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.ErrorInt.Course = courseIntegral; fixedwingpathfollowerStatus.Command.Course = courseCommand; stabDesired.Roll = boundf(fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.RollLimit.Neutral + courseCommand, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.RollLimit.Min, fixedwingpathfollowerSettings.RollLimit.Max); // TODO: find a check to determine loss of directional control. Likely needs some check of derivative /** * Compute desired yaw command */ // TODO implement raw control mode for yaw and base on Accels.Y stabDesired.Yaw = 0; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Roll = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_ATTITUDE; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Pitch = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_ATTITUDE; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Yaw = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_MANUAL; stabDesired.StabilizationMode.Thrust = STABILIZATIONDESIRED_STABILIZATIONMODE_MANUAL; StabilizationDesiredSet(&stabDesired); FixedWingPathFollowerStatusSet(&fixedwingpathfollowerStatus); return result; } static void SettingsUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev) { FixedWingPathFollowerSettingsGet(&fixedwingpathfollowerSettings); PathDesiredGet(&pathDesired); } static void airspeedStateUpdatedCb(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev) { AirspeedStateData airspeedState; VelocityStateData velocityState; AirspeedStateGet(&airspeedState); VelocityStateGet(&velocityState); float groundspeed = sqrtf(velocityState.East * velocityState.East + velocityState.North * velocityState.North); indicatedAirspeedStateBias = airspeedState.CalibratedAirspeed - groundspeed; // note - we do fly by Indicated Airspeed (== calibrated airspeed) // however since airspeed is updated less often than groundspeed, we use sudden changes to groundspeed to offset the airspeed by the same measurement. }