# # Top level Qt-Creator project file # # This meta-project allows qt-creator users to open # and configure a single project and to build all # required software to produce a GCS. This includes # regenerating all uavobject output. # # NOTE: To use this meta-project, you MUST perform these # steps once for each SVN checkout: # - Open <top>/ground/ground.pro in qt-creator # - Select the "Projects" tab # - Under Build Settings/General heading, click "Show Details" # - Activate "Shadow Build" # - Set your Build Directory to <top>/build/ground # # <top> = The full path to the base of your svn tree which should # contain "flight", "ground", etc. # There is a small problem with dependencies. qmake needs synthetic # files when it generates GCS Makefiles. But we do not have # uavobjgenerator at that time (on the 1st build). So we use the # following trick: at make stage in uavobjects we rerun qmake for # openpilotgcs.pro and regenerate GCS Makefiles using just built # synthetic files. It takes some extra time but solves the # dependency problem. # Please note that this meta-project intended only for qt-creator # users. Top level Makefile handles all dependencies itself and # doesn't use ground.pro. TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS = \ sub_openpilotgcs \ sub_uavobjects \ sub_uavobjgenerator # uavobjgenerator sub_uavobjgenerator.subdir = uavobjgenerator # uavobjects sub_uavobjects.subdir = uavobjects sub_uavobjects.depends = sub_uavobjgenerator # openpilotgcs sub_openpilotgcs.subdir = openpilotgcs sub_openpilotgcs.depends = sub_uavobjects