#include "math.h" #include "mex.h" #include "insgps.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdint.h" #include "stdbool.h" bool mlStringCompare(const mxArray * mlVal, char * cStr); bool mlGetFloatArray(const mxArray * mlVal, float * dest, int numel); // constants/macros/typdefs #define NUMX 13 // number of states, X is the state vector #define NUMW 9 // number of plant noise inputs, w is disturbance noise vector #define NUMV 10 // number of measurements, v is the measurement noise vector #define NUMU 6 // number of deterministic inputs, U is the input vector extern float F[NUMX][NUMX], G[NUMX][NUMW], H[NUMV][NUMX]; // linearized system matrices extern float Be[3]; // local magnetic unit vector in NED frame extern float P[NUMX][NUMX], X[NUMX]; // covariance matrix and state vector extern float Q[NUMW], R[NUMV]; // input noise and measurement noise variances extern float K[NUMX][NUMV]; // feedback gain matrix void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { char * function_name; float accel_data[3]; float gyro_data[3]; float mag_data[3]; float pos_data[3]; float vel_data[3]; float baro_data; float dT; //All code and internal function calls go in here! if(!mxIsChar(prhs[0])) { mexErrMsgTxt("First parameter must be name of a function\n"); return; } if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSGPSInit")) { INSGPSInit(); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSStatePrediction")) { if(nrhs != 4) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for state prediction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], gyro_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[2], accel_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[3], &dT, 1)) return; INSStatePrediction(gyro_data, accel_data, dT); INSCovariancePrediction(dT); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSFullCorrection")) { if(nrhs != 5) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for correction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], mag_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[2], pos_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[3], vel_data ,3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[4], &baro_data, 1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with the input parameters\n"); return; } FullCorrection(mag_data, pos_data, vel_data, baro_data); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSMagCorrection")) { if(nrhs != 2) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for correction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], mag_data, 1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with the input parameters\n"); return; } MagCorrection(mag_data); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSMagVelBaroCorrection")) { if(nrhs != 4) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for correction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], mag_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[2], vel_data ,3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[3], &baro_data, 1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with the input parameters\n"); return; } MagVelBaroCorrection(mag_data, vel_data, baro_data); } else if(mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSVelBaroCorrection")) { if(nrhs != 3) { mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of inputs for correction\n"); return; } if(!mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], vel_data, 3) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[2], &baro_data, 1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with the input parameters\n"); return; } VelBaroCorrection(vel_data, baro_data); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetPosVelVar")) { float pos_var; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], &pos_var, 1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } INSSetPosVelVar(pos_var); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetGyroBias")) { float gyro_bias[3]; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], gyro_bias, 3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } INSSetGyroBias(gyro_bias); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetAccelVar")) { float accel_var[3]; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], accel_var, 3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } INSSetAccelVar(accel_var); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetGyroVar")) { float gyro_var[3]; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], gyro_var, 3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } INSSetGyroVar(gyro_var); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetMagNorth")) { float mag_north[3]; float Bmag; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], mag_north, 3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } Bmag = sqrt(mag_north[0] * mag_north[0] + mag_north[1] * mag_north[1] + mag_north[2] * mag_north[2]); mag_north[0] = mag_north[0] / Bmag; mag_north[1] = mag_north[1] / Bmag; mag_north[2] = mag_north[2] / Bmag; INSSetMagNorth(mag_north); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetMagVar")) { float mag_var[3]; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], mag_var, 3)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } INSSetMagVar(mag_var); } else if (mlStringCompare(prhs[0], "INSSetState")) { int i; float new_state[NUMX]; if((nrhs != 2) || !mlGetFloatArray(prhs[1], new_state, NUMX)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error with input parameters\n"); return; } for(i = 0; i < NUMX; i++) X[i] = new_state[i]; } else { mexErrMsgTxt("Unknown function"); } if(nlhs > 0) { // return current state vector double * data_out; int i; plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,13,0); data_out = mxGetData(plhs[0]); for(i = 0; i < NUMX; i++) data_out[i] = X[i]; } if(nlhs > 1) { //return covariance estimate double * data_copy = mxCalloc(NUMX*NUMX, sizeof(double)); int i, j, k; plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(13,13,0); for(i = 0; i < NUMX; i++) for(j = 0; j < NUMX; j++) { data_copy[j + i * NUMX] = P[j][i]; } mxSetData(plhs[1], data_copy); } if(nlhs > 2) { //return covariance estimate double * data_copy = mxCalloc(NUMX*NUMV, sizeof(double)); int i, j, k; plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(NUMX,NUMV,0); for(i = 0; i < NUMX; i++) for(j = 0; j < NUMV; j++) { data_copy[j + i * NUMX] = K[i][j]; } mxSetData(plhs[2], data_copy); } return; } bool mlGetFloatArray(const mxArray * mlVal, float * dest, int numel) { if(!mxIsNumeric(mlVal) || (!mxIsDouble(mlVal) && !mxIsSingle(mlVal)) || (mxGetNumberOfElements(mlVal) != numel)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Data misformatted (either not double or not the right number)"); return false; } if(mxIsSingle(mlVal)) { memcpy(dest,mxGetData(mlVal),numel*sizeof(*dest)); } else { int i; double * data_in = mxGetData(mlVal); for(i = 0; i < numel; i++) dest[i] = data_in[i]; } return true; } bool mlStringCompare(const mxArray * mlVal, char * cStr) { int i; char * mlCStr = 0; bool val = false; int strLen = mxGetNumberOfElements(mlVal); mlCStr = mxCalloc((1+strLen), sizeof(*mlCStr)); if(!mlCStr) return false; if(mxGetString(mlVal, mlCStr, strLen+1)) goto cleanup; for(i = 0; i < strLen; i++) { if(mlCStr[i] != cStr[i]) goto cleanup; } if(cStr[i] == '\0') val = true; cleanup: if(mlCStr) { mxFree(mlCStr); mlCStr = 0; } return val; }