BOARD_TYPE := 0x10 BOARD_REVISION := 0x03 BOOTLOADER_VERSION := 0x04 HW_TYPE := 0x01 MCU := cortex-m4 PIOS_DEVLIB := $(PIOS)/stm32f30x CHIP := STM32F303xE OPENOCD_JTAG_CONFIG := foss-jtag.revb.cfg OPENOCD_CONFIG := stm32f1x.cfg BL_BANK_BASE := 0x08000000 # Start of bootloader flash BL_BANK_SIZE := 0x00004000 # Should include BD_INFO region # Some KB for settings storage (32kb) EE_BANK_BASE := 0x08004000 # EEPROM storage area EE_BANK_SIZE := 0x00008000 # EEPROM storage size FW_BANK_BASE := 0x0800C000 # Start of firmware flash FW_BANK_SIZE := 0x00034000 # Should include FW_DESC_SIZE (208kB) FW_DESC_SIZE := 0x00000064 OSCILLATOR_FREQ := 8000000