#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is Copyright 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Dean Hall. # # This file is part of the Python-on-a-Chip program. # Python-on-a-Chip is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1. # # Python-on-a-Chip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # A copy of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1 # is seen in the file COPYING in this directory. """ PyMite Image Creator ==================== Converts Python source files to a PyMite code image library. Performs code filtering to ensure it will run in PyMite. Formats the image as a raw binary file or a C file containing a byte array. 16- and 32-bit values are in LITTLE ENDIAN order. This matches both Python and the AVR compiler's access to EEPROM. The order of the images in the output is undetermined. If the Python source contains a native code declaration and '--native-file=filename" is specified, the native code is formatted as C functions and an array of functions and output to the given filename. When native functions are present, the user should specify where the native functions should be placed-- in the standard library or the user library--using the argument -s or -u, respectively. """ ## @file # @copybrief pmImgCreator ## @package pmImgCreator # @brief PyMite Image Creator # # See the source docstring for more details. __usage__ = """USAGE: pmImgCreator.py -f pmfeaturesfilename [-b|c] [-s|u] [OPTIONS] -o imgfilename file0.py [files...] -f <fn> Specify the file containing the PM_FEATURES dict to use -b Generates a raw binary file of the image -c Generates a C file of the image (default) -s Place native functions in the PyMite standard library (default) -u Place native functions in the user library OPTIONS: --native-file=filename If specified, pmImgCreator will write a C source file with native functions from the python files. --memspace=ram|flash Sets the memory space in which the image will be placed (default is "ram") """ import exceptions, string, sys, types, dis, os, time, getopt, struct, types ################################################################ # CONSTANTS ################################################################ # Exit error codes (from /usr/include/sysexits.h) EX_USAGE = 64 # remove documentation string from const pool REMOVE_DOC_STR = False # Pm obj descriptor type constants # Must match PmType_e in pm.h OBJ_TYPE_NON = 0x00 # None OBJ_TYPE_INT = 0x01 # Signed integer OBJ_TYPE_FLT = 0x02 # Floating point 32b OBJ_TYPE_STR = 0x03 # String OBJ_TYPE_TUP = 0x04 # Tuple (static sequence) OBJ_TYPE_COB = 0x05 # Code obj OBJ_TYPE_MOD = 0x06 # Module obj OBJ_TYPE_CLO = 0x07 # Class obj OBJ_TYPE_FXN = 0x08 # Funtion obj OBJ_TYPE_CLI = 0x09 # Class instance OBJ_TYPE_CIM = 0x0A # Code image OBJ_TYPE_NIM = 0x0B # Native func img OBJ_TYPE_NOB = 0x0C # Native func obj # All types after this never appear in an image # Number of bytes in a native image (constant) NATIVE_IMG_SIZE = 4 # Maximum number of objs in a tuple MAX_TUPLE_LEN = 253 # Maximum number of chars in a string (XXX bytes vs UTF-8 chars?) MAX_STRING_LEN = 999 # Maximum number of chars in a code img MAX_IMG_LEN = 32767 # Masks for co_flags (from Python's code.h) CO_OPTIMIZED = 0x0001 CO_NEWLOCALS = 0x0002 CO_VARARGS = 0x0004 CO_VARKEYWORDS = 0x0008 CO_NESTED = 0x0010 CO_GENERATOR = 0x0020 CO_NOFREE = 0x0040 # String used to ID a native method NATIVE_INDICATOR = "__NATIVE__" NATIVE_INDICATOR_LENGTH = len(NATIVE_INDICATOR) # String name of function table variable NATIVE_TABLE_NAME = {"std": "std_nat_fxn_table", "usr": "usr_nat_fxn_table" } # String name to prefix all native functions NATIVE_FUNC_PREFIX = "nat_" # Maximum number of locals a native func can have (frame.h) NATIVE_MAX_NUM_LOCALS = 8 # Issue #51: In Python 2.5, the module identifier changed from '?' to '<module>' if float(sys.version[:3]) < 2.5: MODULE_IDENTIFIER = "?" else: MODULE_IDENTIFIER = "<module>" # Old #152: Byte to append after the last image in the list IMG_LIST_TERMINATOR = "\xFF" ################################################################ # GLOBALS ################################################################ # Number of bytes from top of code img to start of consts: # type, sizelo, sizehi, co_argcount, co_flags, co_stacksize, co_nlocals CO_IMG_FIXEDPART_SIZE = 7 # PyMite's unimplemented bytecodes (from Python 2.0 through 2.5) UNIMPLEMENTED_BCODES = [ "SLICE+1", "SLICE+2", "SLICE+3", "STORE_SLICE+0", "STORE_SLICE+1", "STORE_SLICE+2", "STORE_SLICE+3", "DELETE_SLICE+0", "DELETE_SLICE+1", "DELETE_SLICE+2", "DELETE_SLICE+3", "PRINT_ITEM_TO", "PRINT_NEWLINE_TO", "WITH_CLEANUP", "EXEC_STMT", "END_FINALLY", "SETUP_EXCEPT", "SETUP_FINALLY", "BUILD_SLICE", "CALL_FUNCTION_VAR", "CALL_FUNCTION_KW", "CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW", "EXTENDED_ARG", ] ################################################################ # CLASS ################################################################ class PmImgCreator: def __init__(self, pmfeatures_filename): # Issue #88: Consolidate HAVE_* platform feature definitions # Execute the pmfeatures file to get the features dict locs = {} execfile(pmfeatures_filename, {}, locs) global PM_FEATURES PM_FEATURES = locs['PM_FEATURES'] assert type(PM_FEATURES) == dict # Modify some globals based on the platform features global CO_IMG_FIXEDPART_SIZE global UNIMPLEMENTED_BCODES if PM_FEATURES["HAVE_CLOSURES"]: CO_IMG_FIXEDPART_SIZE += 1 # [co_nfreevars] if PM_FEATURES["HAVE_DEBUG_INFO"]: CO_IMG_FIXEDPART_SIZE += 2 # [co_firstlineno] if not PM_FEATURES["HAVE_DEL"]: UNIMPLEMENTED_BCODES.extend([ "DELETE_SUBSCR", "DELETE_NAME", "DELETE_GLOBAL", "DELETE_ATTR", "DELETE_FAST", ]) if not PM_FEATURES["HAVE_IMPORTS"]: UNIMPLEMENTED_BCODES.extend([ "IMPORT_STAR", "IMPORT_FROM", ]) if not PM_FEATURES["HAVE_ASSERT"]: UNIMPLEMENTED_BCODES.extend([ "RAISE_VARARGS", ]) if not PM_FEATURES["HAVE_CLASSES"]: UNIMPLEMENTED_BCODES.extend([ "BUILD_CLASS", ]) # Issue #7: Add support for the yield keyword if not PM_FEATURES["HAVE_GENERATORS"]: UNIMPLEMENTED_BCODES.extend([ "YIELD_VALUE", ]) # Issue #44: Add support for the backtick operation (UNARY_CONVERT) if not PM_FEATURES["HAVE_BACKTICK"]: UNIMPLEMENTED_BCODES.extend([ "UNARY_CONVERT", ]) # Issue #13: Add support for Python 2.6 bytecodes. # The *_TRUE_DIVIDE bytecodes require support for float type if not PM_FEATURES["HAVE_FLOAT"]: UNIMPLEMENTED_BCODES.extend([ "BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE", "INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE", ]) # Issue #56: Add support for decorators if not PM_FEATURES["HAVE_CLOSURES"]: UNIMPLEMENTED_BCODES.extend([ "MAKE_CLOSURE", "LOAD_CLOSURE", "LOAD_DEREF", "STORE_DEREF", ]) self.formatFromExt = {".c": self.format_img_as_c, ".bin": self.format_img_as_bin, } # bcode to mnemonic conversion (sparse list of strings) bcodes = dis.opname[:] # remove invalid bcodes for i in range(len(bcodes)): if bcodes[i][0] == '<': bcodes[i] = None # remove unimplmented bcodes for bcname in UNIMPLEMENTED_BCODES: if bcname in bcodes: i = bcodes.index(bcname) bcodes[i] = None # set class variables self.bcodes = bcodes # function renames self._U8_to_str = chr self._str_to_U8 = ord def set_options(self, outfn, imgtype, imgtarget, memspace, nativeFilename, infiles, ): self.outfn = outfn self.imgtype = imgtype self.imgtarget = imgtarget self.memspace = memspace self.nativeFilename = nativeFilename self.infiles = infiles ################################################################ # CONVERSION FUNCTIONS ################################################################ def convert_files(self,): """Attempts to convert all source files. Creates a dict whose keys are the filenames and values are the code object string. """ # init image dict imgs = {"imgs": [], "fns": []} # init module table and native table self.nativemods = [] self.nativetable = [] # if creating usr lib, create placeholder in 0th index if self.imgtarget == "usr": self.nativetable.append((NATIVE_FUNC_PREFIX + "placeholder_func", "\n /*\n" " * Use placeholder because an index \n" " * value of zero denotes the stdlib.\n" " * This function should not be called.\n" " */\n" " PmReturn_t retval;\n" " PM_RAISE(retval, PM_RET_EX_SYS);\n" " return retval;\n" )) self.nfcount = 1 else: self.nfcount = 0 # for each src file, convert and format for fn in self.infiles: # try to compile and convert the file co = compile(open(fn).read(), fn, 'exec') imgs["fns"].append(fn) imgs["imgs"].append(self.co_to_str(co)) # Append null terminator to list of images imgs["fns"].append("img-list-terminator") imgs["imgs"].append(IMG_LIST_TERMINATOR) self.imgDict = imgs return def _str_to_U16(self, s): """Convert two bytes from a sequence to a 16-bit word. The bytes are expected in little endian order. LSB first. """ return self._str_to_U8(s[0]) | (self._str_to_U8(s[1]) << 8) def _U16_to_str(self, w): """Convert the 16-bit word, w, to a string of two bytes. The 2 byte string is in little endian order. DOES NOT INSERT TYPE BYTE. """ return self._U8_to_str(w & 0xff) + \ self._U8_to_str((w >> 8) & 0xff) def _float_to_str(self, f): """Convert the float object, f, to a string of four bytes in little-endian order. """ return struct.pack("<f", f) def _seq_to_str(self, seq): """Convert a Python sequence to a PyMite image. The sequence is converted to a tuple of objects. This handles both co_consts and co_names. This is recursive to handle tuples in the const pool. Return string shows type in the leading byte. """ # OPT _U8_to_str = self._U8_to_str # ensure tuple fits within limits assert len(seq) <= MAX_TUPLE_LEN # image string init with tuple marker and num elements imgstr = _U8_to_str(OBJ_TYPE_TUP) + \ _U8_to_str(len(seq)) # iterate through the sequence of objects for i in range(len(seq)): obj = seq[i] objtype = type(obj) # if it is a string if objtype == types.StringType: # ensure string is not too long assert len(obj) <= MAX_STRING_LEN # marker, string length, string itself imgstr += _U8_to_str(OBJ_TYPE_STR) + \ self._U16_to_str(len(obj)) + obj # if it is an integer elif objtype == types.IntType: # marker, int (little endian) imgstr += _U8_to_str(OBJ_TYPE_INT) + \ _U8_to_str(obj & 0xff) + \ _U8_to_str((obj >> 8) & 0xff) + \ _U8_to_str((obj >> 16) & 0xff) + \ _U8_to_str((obj >> 24) & 0xff) # if it is a code object elif objtype == types.CodeType: #determine if it's native or regular if (len(obj.co_consts) > 0 and (type(obj.co_consts[0]) == types.StringType) and (obj.co_consts[0][0:NATIVE_INDICATOR_LENGTH] == NATIVE_INDICATOR)): imgstr += self.no_to_str(obj) else: imgstr += self.co_to_str(obj) # if it is a tuple elif objtype == types.TupleType: imgstr += self._seq_to_str(obj) # if it is None elif objtype == types.NoneType: # marker, none (0) imgstr += _U8_to_str(OBJ_TYPE_NON) # if it is a float elif objtype == types.FloatType and PM_FEATURES["HAVE_FLOAT"]: imgstr += _U8_to_str(OBJ_TYPE_FLT) + self._float_to_str(obj) # other type? else: raise exceptions.NotImplementedError( "Unhandled type %s." % objtype) return imgstr # NOTE: if the total size of the fixed-sized fields changes, # be sure to change CO_IMG_FIXEDPART_SIZE above def co_to_str(self, co): """Converts a Python code object to a PyMite image. The code image is relocatable and goes in the device's memory. Return string shows type in the leading byte. """ # filter code object elements consts, names, code, nativecode = self._filter_co(co) # Type and size inserted below # Appends various constant-sized fields to the image imgstr = self._U8_to_str(co.co_argcount) + \ self._U8_to_str(co.co_flags & 0xFF) + \ self._U8_to_str(co.co_stacksize) + \ self._U8_to_str(co.co_nlocals) # Issue #56: Add support for closures if PM_FEATURES["HAVE_CLOSURES"]: imgstr += self._U8_to_str(len(co.co_freevars)) # Issue #103: Add debug info to exception reports if PM_FEATURES["HAVE_DEBUG_INFO"]: imgstr += self._U16_to_str(co.co_firstlineno) # Variable length objects # Appends names (tuple) to the image s = self._seq_to_str(names) lennames = len(s) imgstr += s # Issue #103: Add debug info to exception reports lenlnotab = 0 lenfilename = 0 if PM_FEATURES["HAVE_DEBUG_INFO"]: # Appends line number table (string) to the image assert len(co.co_lnotab) <= MAX_STRING_LEN s = self._U8_to_str(OBJ_TYPE_STR) + \ self._U16_to_str(len(co.co_lnotab)) + co.co_lnotab lenlnotab = len(s) imgstr += s # Appends filename (string) to the image # fn = os.path.split(co.co_filename)[-1] fn = co.co_filename assert len(fn) <= MAX_STRING_LEN s = self._U8_to_str(OBJ_TYPE_STR) + \ self._U16_to_str(len(fn) + 1) + fn + '\0' lenfilename = len(s) imgstr += s # Appends consts tuple to the image s = self._seq_to_str(consts) lenconsts = len(s) imgstr += s # Issue #56: Add support for closures # Appends cellvars tuple to the image if PM_FEATURES["HAVE_CLOSURES"]: # Lookup the index of the cellvar name in co_varnames; -1 if not in l = [-1,] * len(co.co_cellvars) for i,name in enumerate(co.co_cellvars): if name in co.co_varnames: l[i] = list(co.co_varnames).index(name) s = self._seq_to_str(tuple(l)) lenconsts += len(s) imgstr += s # Appends bytecode (or native index) to image imgstr += code size = CO_IMG_FIXEDPART_SIZE + lennames + lenlnotab + lenfilename + \ lenconsts + len(code) # Inserts type and size (skipped earlier) imgstr = self._U8_to_str(OBJ_TYPE_CIM) + \ self._U16_to_str(size) + \ imgstr assert len(imgstr) <= MAX_IMG_LEN return imgstr def no_to_str(self, co): """Convert a native code object to a PyMite image. The native image is relocatable and goes in the device's memory. Return string shows type in the leading byte. """ # filter code object elements consts, names, code, nativecode = self._filter_co(co) # list of strings to build image # set image type byte objtype = OBJ_TYPE_NIM # Create native image string # (type, argcount, funcindex) imgstr = (self._U8_to_str(OBJ_TYPE_NIM) + self._U8_to_str(co.co_argcount) + code) # ensure string length fits within S16 type assert len(imgstr) <= MAX_IMG_LEN return imgstr ################################################################ # FILTER FUNCTION ################################################################ def _filter_co(self, co): """Run the Python code obj, co, through various filters. Ensure it is compliant with PyMite restrictions. Consts filter: Ensure num consts is less than 256. Replace __doc__ with None if present. Flags filter: Check co_flags for flags that indicate an unsupported feature Supported flags: CO_NOFREE, CO_OPTIMIZED, CO_NEWLOCALS, CO_NESTED, Unsupported flags: CO_VARARGS, CO_VARKEYWORDS Conditionally supported flags: CO_GENERATOR if HAVE_GENERATORS Native code filter: If this function has a native indicator, extract the native code from the doc string and clear the doc string. Ensure num args is less or equal to NATIVE_MAX_NUM_LOCALS. Names/varnames filter: Ensure num names is less than 256. If co_name is the module identifier replace it with the trimmed module name otherwise just append the name to co_name. Bcode filter: Raise NotImplementedError for an invalid bcode. If all is well, return the filtered consts list, names list, code string and native code. """ ## General filter # ensure values fit within U8 type size assert len(co.co_consts) < 256, "too many constants." assert len(co.co_names) < 256, "too many names." assert co.co_argcount < 256, "too many arguments." assert co.co_stacksize < 256, "too large of a stack." assert co.co_nlocals < 256, "too many local variables." # make consts a list so a single element can be modified consts = list(co.co_consts) # Check co_flags unsupported_flags = CO_VARARGS | CO_VARKEYWORDS if not PM_FEATURES["HAVE_GENERATORS"]: unsupported_flags |= CO_GENERATOR assert co.co_flags & unsupported_flags == 0,\ "Unsupported code identified by co_flags (%s)." % hex(co.co_flags) # get trimmed src file name and module name fn = os.path.basename(co.co_filename) mn = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] # init native code nativecode = None ## Bcode filter # bcode string s = co.co_code # filtered code string code = "" # iterate through the string lno = 0 i = 0 len_s = len(s) while i < len_s: #get char c = ord(s[i]) #ensure no illegal bytecodes are present if self.bcodes[c] == None: raise NotImplementedError( "Illegal bytecode (%d/%s/%s) " "comes at offset %d in file %s." % (c, hex(c), dis.opname[c], i, co.co_filename)) #if simple bcode, copy one byte if c < dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT: code += s[i] i += 1 #else copy three bytes else: # Raise error if default arguments exist and are not configured if (not PM_FEATURES["HAVE_DEFAULTARGS"] and c == dis.opmap["MAKE_FUNCTION"] and self._str_to_U16(s[i+1:i+3]) > 0): raise NotImplementedError( "Bytecode (%d/%s/%s) not configured " "to support default arguments; " "comes at offset %d in file %s." % (c, hex(c), dis.opname[c], i, co.co_filename)) # Otherwise, copy the code (3 bytes) code += s[i:i+3] i += 3 # if the first const is a String, if (len(consts) > 0 and type(consts[0]) == types.StringType): ## Native code filter # if this CO is intended to be a native func. if (consts[0][:NATIVE_INDICATOR_LENGTH] == NATIVE_INDICATOR): # ensure num args is less or equal # to NATIVE_MAX_NUM_LOCALS assert co.co_nlocals <= NATIVE_MAX_NUM_LOCALS # extract native code and clear doc string nativecode = consts[0][NATIVE_INDICATOR_LENGTH:] consts[0] = None # If this co is a module # Old #28: Module root must keep its bytecode if co.co_name == MODULE_IDENTIFIER: self.nativemods.append((co.co_filename, nativecode)) # Else this co is a function; # replace code with native table index else: # stdlib code gets a positive index if self.imgtarget == "std": code = self._U16_to_str(len(self.nativetable)) # usr code gets a negative index else: code = self._U16_to_str(-len(self.nativetable)) # native function name is # "nat_<modname>_<pyfuncname>". # append (nat func name, nat code) to table self.nativetable.append( ("%s%02d_%s_%s" % (NATIVE_FUNC_PREFIX, self.nfcount, mn, co.co_name), nativecode)) self.nfcount += 1 ## Consts filter # if want to remove __doc__ string # WARNING: this heuristic is not always accurate elif (REMOVE_DOC_STR and len(co.co_names) > 0 and co.co_names[0] == "__doc__"): consts[0] = None ## Names filter names = list(co.co_names) # Remove __doc__ name if requested if REMOVE_DOC_STR and len(names) > 0 and names[0] == "__doc__": names[0] = '' # if co_name is the module identifier change it to module name if co.co_name == MODULE_IDENTIFIER: names.append(mn) # else use unmodified co_name else: names.append(co.co_name) return consts, names, code, nativecode ################################################################ # IMAGE WRITING FUNCTIONS ################################################################ def write_image_file(self,): """Writes an image file """ fmtfxn = self.formatFromExt[self.imgtype] f = open(self.outfn, 'wb') f.write(fmtfxn()) f.close() def write_native_file(self,): """Writes native functions if filename was given """ if not self.nativeFilename: return f = open(self.nativeFilename, 'wb') f.write(self.format_native_table()) f.close() def format_img_as_bin(self,): """format_img_as_bin() --> string Write image bytes to raw binary string. The resulting string is suitable to write to a file. """ # no reformatting necessary, join all object images return string.join(self.imgDict["imgs"], "") def format_img_as_c(self,): """format_img_as_c() --> string Format image bytes to a string that is a C byte array. The C byte array can be located in RAM or program memory. The byte array is named lib_img. """ # list of filenames fns = self.imgDict["fns"] imgs = self.imgDict["imgs"] # create intro fileBuff = [] fileBuff.append("/**\n" " * PyMite library image file.\n" " *\n" " * Automatically created from:\n" " * \t%s\n" " * by pmImgCreator.py on\n" " * %s.\n" " * \n" " * Byte count: %d\n" " * \n" " * Selected memspace type: %s\n" " * \n" " * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.\n" " * ANY CHANGES WILL BE LOST.\n" " */\n\n" % (string.join(fns, "\n *\t"), time.ctime(time.time()), len(string.join(imgs, "")), self.memspace.upper() ) ) fileBuff.append("/* Place the image into %s */\n" "#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "extern\n" "#endif\n" "unsigned char const\n" % self.memspace.upper() ) if self.memspace.lower() == "flash": fileBuff.append("#if defined(__AVR__)\n" "__attribute__((progmem))\n" "#endif\n" ) fileBuff.append("%slib_img[] =\n" "{\n" % (self.imgtarget) ) # for each src file, convert and format i = 0 for fn in fns: # get img string for this file img = imgs[i] i += 1 # print all bytes fileBuff.append("\n\n/* %s */" % fn) j = 0 while j < len(img): if (j % 8) == 0: fileBuff.append("\n ") fileBuff.append("0x%02X, " % ord(img[j])) j += 1 # finish off array fileBuff.append("\n};\n") return string.join(fileBuff, "") def format_native_table(self,): """format_native_table() --> string Format native table to a C file containing native functions and a function table. """ # create intro fileBuff = [] fileBuff.append("#undef __FILE_ID__\n" "#define __FILE_ID__ 0x0A\n" "/**\n" " * PyMite %s native function file\n" " *\n" " * automatically created by pmImgCreator.py\n" " * on %s\n" " *\n" " * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.\n" " * ANY CHANGES WILL BE LOST.\n" " *\n" " * @file %s\n" " */\n\n" "#define __IN_LIBNATIVE_C__\n" "#include \"pm.h\"\n\n" % (self.imgtarget, time.ctime(time.time()), self.nativeFilename ) ) # module-level native sections (for #include headers) for (modname, modstr) in self.nativemods: fileBuff.append("/* From: %s */%s\n" % (modname, modstr)) # for each entry create fxn for (funcname, funcstr) in self.nativetable: fileBuff.append("PmReturn_t\n" "%s(pPmFrame_t *ppframe)\n" "{\n" "%s\n" "}\n\n" % (funcname, funcstr)) # create fxn table fileBuff.append("/* Native function lookup table */\n" "pPmNativeFxn_t const %s[] =\n" "{\n" % NATIVE_TABLE_NAME[self.imgtarget]) # put all native funcs in the table for (funcname, funcstr) in self.nativetable: fileBuff.append(" %s,\n" % funcname) fileBuff.append("};\n") return string.join(fileBuff, "") ################################################################ # MAIN ################################################################ def parse_cmdline(): """Parses the command line for options. """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:bcsuo:", ["memspace=", "native-file="]) except: print __usage__ sys.exit(EX_USAGE) # Parse opts for the image type to write imgtype = ".c" imgtarget = "std" memspace = "ram" outfn = None nativeFilename = None for opt in opts: if opt[0] == "-b": imgtype = ".bin" elif opt[0] == "-c": imgtype = ".c" elif opt[0] == "-s": imgtarget = "std" elif opt[0] == "-u": imgtarget = "usr" elif opt[0] == "--memspace": # Error if memspace switch given without arg if not opt[1] or (opt[1].lower() not in ["ram", "flash"]): print "Only one of these memspace types allowed: ram, flash" print __usage__ sys.exit(EX_USAGE) memspace = opt[1] elif opt[0] == "--native-file": # Error if switch given without arg if not opt[1]: print "Specify a filename like this: --native-file=libnative.c" print __usage__ sys.exit(EX_USAGE) nativeFilename = opt[1] elif opt[0] == "-f": pmfeatures_filename = opt[1] elif opt[0] == "-o": # Error if out filename switch given without arg if not opt[1]: print __usage__ sys.exit(EX_USAGE) outfn = opt[1] # Error if no image type was given if not imgtype: print __usage__ sys.exit(EX_USAGE) # Error if no input filenames are given if len(args) == 0: print __usage__ sys.exit(EX_USAGE) return outfn, imgtype, imgtarget, memspace, nativeFilename, args, pmfeatures_filename def main(): outfn, imgtyp, imgtarget, memspace, natfn, fns, pmfn = parse_cmdline() pic = PmImgCreator(pmfn) pic.set_options(outfn, imgtyp, imgtarget, memspace, natfn, fns) pic.convert_files() pic.write_image_file() pic.write_native_file() if __name__ == "__main__": main()