+ Halt/Reset buttons don't work if board is armed. But no way to use them if "Always armed". Use rescue as workaround. + Missing Translations, use English. + Radio Wizard confused by a reversed throttle, fix it on your transmitter before starting wizard. + [Windows 8] USB Driver is broken. + Firmware Update Instructions on Firmware Tab not entirely accurate for all upgrade paths. + Radio Wizard Throttle display does not show full range properly. + Tricopter's using Vehicle Wizard need to check servo does not need reversed manually. + XAircraft ESCs uses non-standard PPM range which may cause issues with Vehicle Wizard. + Spectrum Satellite Receivers setup in Radio Wizard may have wrong protocol set. + Old Intel 965 have an OpenGL bug that turns the QML PFD black and while. + [OP-691] Helicopter configuration change still resets camera/accessory mixers (some code refactoring is desired).