/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file uploadergadgetwidget.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins * @{ * @addtogroup YModemUploader YModem Serial Uploader Plugin * @{ * @brief The YModem protocol serial uploader plugin *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "uploadergadgetwidget.h" #include "flightstatus.h" #include "delay.h" #include "devicewidget.h" #include "runningdevicewidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DFU_DEBUG true const int UploaderGadgetWidget::BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT = 20000; const int UploaderGadgetWidget::AUTOUPDATE_CLOSE_TIMEOUT = 7000; TimedDialog::TimedDialog(const QString &title, const QString &labelText, int timeout, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : QProgressDialog(labelText, tr("Cancel"), 0, timeout, parent, flags), bar(new QProgressBar(this)) { setWindowTitle(title); setAutoReset(false); // open immediately... setMinimumDuration(0); // setup progress bar bar->setRange(0, timeout); bar->setFormat(tr("Timing out in %1 seconds").arg(timeout)); setBar(bar); } void TimedDialog::perform() { setValue(value() + 1); int remaining = bar->maximum() - bar->value(); if (remaining > 0) { bar->setFormat(tr("Timing out in %1 seconds").arg(remaining)); } else { bar->setFormat(tr("Timed out after %1 seconds").arg(bar->maximum())); } } ConnectionWaiter::ConnectionWaiter(int targetDeviceCount, int timeout, QWidget *parent) : QObject(parent), eventLoop(this), timer(this), timeout(timeout), elapsed(0), targetDeviceCount(targetDeviceCount), result(ConnectionWaiter::Ok) {} int ConnectionWaiter::exec() { connect(USBMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceDiscovered(USBPortInfo)), this, SLOT(deviceEvent())); connect(USBMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(USBPortInfo)), this, SLOT(deviceEvent())); connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(perform())); timer.start(1000); emit timeChanged(0); eventLoop.exec(); return result; } void ConnectionWaiter::cancel() { quit(); result = ConnectionWaiter::Canceled; } void ConnectionWaiter::quit() { disconnect(USBMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceDiscovered(USBPortInfo)), this, SLOT(deviceEvent())); disconnect(USBMonitor::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(USBPortInfo)), this, SLOT(deviceEvent())); timer.stop(); eventLoop.exit(); } void ConnectionWaiter::perform() { ++elapsed; emit timeChanged(elapsed); int remaining = timeout - elapsed * 1000; if (remaining <= 0) { result = ConnectionWaiter::TimedOut; quit(); } } void ConnectionWaiter::deviceEvent() { if (USBMonitor::instance()->availableDevices(0x20a0, -1, -1, -1).length() == targetDeviceCount) { quit(); } } int ConnectionWaiter::openDialog(const QString &title, const QString &labelText, int targetDeviceCount, int timeout, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) { TimedDialog dlg(title, labelText, timeout / 1000, parent, flags); ConnectionWaiter waiter(targetDeviceCount, timeout, parent); connect(&dlg, SIGNAL(canceled()), &waiter, SLOT(cancel())); connect(&waiter, SIGNAL(timeChanged(int)), &dlg, SLOT(perform())); return waiter.exec(); } UploaderGadgetWidget::UploaderGadgetWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { m_config = new Ui_UploaderWidget(); m_config->setupUi(this); currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; resetOnly = false; dfu = NULL; // Listen to autopilot connection events ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); TelemetryManager *telMngr = pm->getObject(); connect(telMngr, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(onAutopilotConnect())); connect(telMngr, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(onAutopilotDisconnect())); Core::ConnectionManager *cm = Core::ICore::instance()->connectionManager(); connect(cm, SIGNAL(deviceConnected(QIODevice *)), this, SLOT(onPhysicalHWConnect())); connect(m_config->haltButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemHalt())); connect(m_config->resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemReset())); connect(m_config->bootButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemBoot())); connect(m_config->safeBootButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemSafeBoot())); connect(m_config->eraseBootButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemEraseBoot())); connect(m_config->rescueButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(systemRescue())); getSerialPorts(); connect(m_config->autoUpdateButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startAutoUpdate())); connect(m_config->autoUpdateOkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(closeAutoUpdate())); m_config->autoUpdateButton->setEnabled(autoUpdateCapable()); m_config->autoUpdateGroupBox->setVisible(false); m_config->refreshPorts->setIcon(QIcon(":uploader/images/view-refresh.svg")); bootButtonsSetEnable(false); connect(m_config->refreshPorts, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getSerialPorts())); connect(m_config->pbHelp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openHelp())); // And check whether by any chance we are not already connected if (telMngr->isConnected()) { onAutopilotConnect(); } } bool sortPorts(const QSerialPortInfo &s1, const QSerialPortInfo &s2) { return s1.portName() < s2.portName(); } /** Gets the list of serial ports */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::getSerialPorts() { QStringList list; // Populate the telemetry combo box: m_config->telemetryLink->clear(); list.append(QString("USB")); QList ports = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts(); // sort the list by port number (nice idea from PT_Dreamer :)) qSort(ports.begin(), ports.end(), sortPorts); foreach(QSerialPortInfo port, ports) { list.append(port.portName()); } m_config->telemetryLink->addItems(list); } QString UploaderGadgetWidget::getPortDevice(const QString &friendName) { QList ports = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts(); foreach(QSerialPortInfo port, ports) { if (port.portName() == friendName) { return port.portName(); } } return ""; } void UploaderGadgetWidget::connectSignalSlot(QWidget *widget) { connect(qobject_cast(widget), SIGNAL(uploadStarted()), this, SLOT(uploadStarted())); connect(qobject_cast(widget), SIGNAL(uploadEnded(bool)), this, SLOT(uploadEnded(bool))); connect(qobject_cast(widget), SIGNAL(downloadStarted()), this, SLOT(downloadStarted())); connect(qobject_cast(widget), SIGNAL(downloadEnded(bool)), this, SLOT(downloadEnded(bool))); } FlightStatus *UploaderGadgetWidget::getFlightStatus() { ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); Q_ASSERT(pm); UAVObjectManager *objManager = pm->getObject(); Q_ASSERT(objManager); FlightStatus *status = dynamic_cast(objManager->getObject("FlightStatus")); Q_ASSERT(status); return status; } void UploaderGadgetWidget::bootButtonsSetEnable(bool enabled) { m_config->bootButton->setEnabled(enabled); m_config->safeBootButton->setEnabled(enabled); // this feature is supported only on BL revision >= 4 bool isBL4 = ((dfu != NULL) && (dfu->devices[0].BL_Version >= 4)); m_config->eraseBootButton->setEnabled(isBL4 && enabled); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::onPhysicalHWConnect() { bootButtonsSetEnable(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->telemetryLink->setEnabled(false); } /** Enables widget buttons if autopilot connected */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::onAutopilotConnect() { QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(populate())); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::populate() { m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(true); m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(true); bootButtonsSetEnable(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->telemetryLink->setEnabled(false); // Add a very simple widget with Board model & serial number // Delete all previous tabs: while (m_config->systemElements->count()) { QWidget *qw = m_config->systemElements->widget(0); m_config->systemElements->removeTab(0); delete qw; } RunningDeviceWidget *dw = new RunningDeviceWidget(this); dw->populate(); m_config->systemElements->addTab(dw, tr("Connected Device")); } /** Enables widget buttons if autopilot disconnected */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::onAutopilotDisconnect() { m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(true); if (currentStep == IAP_STATE_BOOTLOADER) { m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->telemetryLink->setEnabled(false); } else { m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); m_config->telemetryLink->setEnabled(true); } } static void sleep(int ms) { QEventLoop eventLoop; QTimer::singleShot(ms, &eventLoop, SLOT(quit())); eventLoop.exec(); } /** Tell the mainboard to go to bootloader: - Send the relevant IAP commands - setup callback for MoBo acknowledge */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::goToBootloader(UAVObject *callerObj, bool success) { Q_UNUSED(callerObj); ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); UAVObjectManager *objManager = pm->getObject(); UAVObject *fwIAP = dynamic_cast(objManager->getObject("FirmwareIAPObj")); switch (currentStep) { case IAP_STATE_READY: m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); getSerialPorts(); // Useful in case a new serial port appeared since the initial list, // otherwise we won't find it when we stop the board. // The board is running, send the 1st IAP Reset order: fwIAP->getField("Command")->setValue("1122"); fwIAP->getField("BoardRevision")->setDouble(0); fwIAP->getField("BoardType")->setDouble(0); connect(fwIAP, SIGNAL(transactionCompleted(UAVObject *, bool)), this, SLOT(goToBootloader(UAVObject *, bool))); currentStep = IAP_STATE_STEP_1; clearLog(); log("IAP Step 1"); fwIAP->updated(); break; case IAP_STATE_STEP_1: if (!success) { log("Oops, failure step 1"); log("Reset did NOT happen"); currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; disconnect(fwIAP, SIGNAL(transactionCompleted(UAVObject *, bool)), this, SLOT(goToBootloader(UAVObject *, bool))); m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(true); break; } sleep(600); fwIAP->getField("Command")->setValue("2233"); currentStep = IAP_STATE_STEP_2; log("IAP Step 2"); fwIAP->updated(); break; case IAP_STATE_STEP_2: if (!success) { log("Oops, failure step 2"); log("Reset did NOT happen"); currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; disconnect(fwIAP, SIGNAL(transactionCompleted(UAVObject *, bool)), this, SLOT(goToBootloader(UAVObject *, bool))); m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(true); break; } sleep(600); fwIAP->getField("Command")->setValue("3344"); currentStep = IAP_STEP_RESET; log("IAP Step 3"); fwIAP->updated(); break; case IAP_STEP_RESET: { currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; if (!success) { log("Oops, failure step 3"); log("Reset did NOT happen"); disconnect(fwIAP, SIGNAL(transactionCompleted(UAVObject *, bool)), this, SLOT(goToBootloader(UAVObject *, bool))); m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(true); break; } // The board is now reset: we have to disconnect telemetry Core::ConnectionManager *cm = Core::ICore::instance()->connectionManager(); QString dli = cm->getCurrentDevice().getConName(); QString dlj = cm->getCurrentDevice().getConName(); cm->disconnectDevice(); sleep(200); // Tell connections to stop their polling threads: otherwise it will mess up DFU cm->suspendPolling(); sleep(200); log("Board Halt"); m_config->boardStatus->setText(tr("Bootloader")); if (dlj.startsWith("USB")) { m_config->telemetryLink->setCurrentIndex(m_config->telemetryLink->findText("USB")); } else { m_config->telemetryLink->setCurrentIndex(m_config->telemetryLink->findText(dli)); } disconnect(fwIAP, SIGNAL(transactionCompleted(UAVObject *, bool)), this, SLOT(goToBootloader(UAVObject *, bool))); currentStep = IAP_STATE_BOOTLOADER; // Tell the mainboard to get into bootloader state: log("Detecting devices, please wait a few seconds..."); if (!dfu) { if (dlj.startsWith("USB")) { dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, false, QString()); } else { dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, true, getPortDevice(dli)); } } if (!dfu->ready()) { log("Could not enter DFU mode."); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; m_config->boardStatus->setText(tr("Bootloader?")); m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(true); return; } dfu->AbortOperation(); if (!dfu->enterDFU(0)) { log("Could not enter DFU mode."); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; m_config->boardStatus->setText(tr("Bootloader?")); return; } // dfu.StatusRequest(); sleep(500); dfu->findDevices(); log(QString("Found %1 device(s).").arg(QString::number(dfu->numberOfDevices))); if (dfu->numberOfDevices < 0 || dfu->numberOfDevices > 3) { log("Inconsistent number of devices! Aborting"); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); return; } // Delete all previous tabs: while (m_config->systemElements->count()) { QWidget *qw = m_config->systemElements->widget(0); m_config->systemElements->removeTab(0); delete qw; } for (int i = 0; i < dfu->numberOfDevices; i++) { DeviceWidget *dw = new DeviceWidget(this); connectSignalSlot(dw); dw->setDeviceID(i); dw->setDfu(dfu); dw->populate(); m_config->systemElements->addTab(dw, tr("Device") + QString::number(i)); } // Need to re-enable in case we were not connected bootButtonsSetEnable(true); if (resetOnly) { resetOnly = false; delay::msleep(3500); systemBoot(); break; } } break; case IAP_STATE_BOOTLOADER: // We should never end up here anyway. break; } } void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemHalt() { // The board can not be halted when in armed state. // If board is armed, or arming. Show message with notice. FlightStatus *status = getFlightStatus(); if (status->getArmed() == FlightStatus::ARMED_DISARMED) { goToBootloader(); } else { cannotHaltMessageBox(); } } /** Tell the mainboard to reset: - Send the relevant IAP commands - setup callback for MoBo acknowledge */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemReset() { FlightStatus *status = getFlightStatus(); // The board can not be reset when in armed state. // If board is armed, or arming. Show message with notice. if (status->getArmed() == FlightStatus::ARMED_DISARMED) { resetOnly = true; if (dfu) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; } clearLog(); log("Board Reset initiated."); goToBootloader(); } else { cannotResetMessageBox(); } } void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemBoot() { commonSystemBoot(false, false); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemSafeBoot() { commonSystemBoot(true, false); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemEraseBoot() { switch (confirmEraseSettingsMessageBox()) { case QMessageBox::Ok: commonSystemBoot(true, true); break; case QMessageBox::Help: QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(tr("http://wiki.openpilot.org/display/Doc/Erase+board+settings"), QUrl::StrictMode)); break; } } /** * Tells the system to boot (from Bootloader state) * @param[in] safeboot Indicates whether the firmware should use the stock HWSettings */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::commonSystemBoot(bool safeboot, bool erase) { clearLog(); bootButtonsSetEnable(false); // Suspend telemety & polling in case it is not done yet Core::ConnectionManager *cm = Core::ICore::instance()->connectionManager(); cm->disconnectDevice(); cm->suspendPolling(); QString devName = m_config->telemetryLink->currentText(); log("Attempting to boot the system through " + devName + "."); repaint(); if (!dfu) { if (devName == "USB") { dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, false, QString()); } else { dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, true, getPortDevice(devName)); } } dfu->AbortOperation(); if (!dfu->enterDFU(0)) { log("Could not enter DFU mode."); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; bootButtonsSetEnable(true); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); // Boot not possible, maybe Rescue OK? return; } log("Booting system..."); dfu->JumpToApp(safeboot, erase); // Restart the polling thread cm->resumePolling(); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); m_config->telemetryLink->setEnabled(true); m_config->boardStatus->setText(tr("Running")); if (currentStep == IAP_STATE_BOOTLOADER) { // Freeze the tabs, they are not useful anymore and their buttons // will cause segfaults or weird stuff if we use them. for (int i = 0; i < m_config->systemElements->count(); i++) { // OP-682 arriving here too "early" (before the devices are refreshed) was leading to a crash // OP-682 the crash was due to an unchecked cast in the line below that would cast a RunningDeviceGadget to a DeviceGadget DeviceWidget *qw = dynamic_cast(m_config->systemElements->widget(i)); if (qw) { // OP-682 fixed a second crash by disabling *all* buttons in the device widget // disabling the buttons is only half of the solution as even if the buttons are enabled // the app should not crash qw->freeze(); } } } currentStep = IAP_STATE_READY; log("You can now reconnect telemetry..."); delete dfu; // Frees up the USB/Serial port too dfu = NULL; } bool UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdateCapable() { return QDir(":/firmware").exists(); } bool UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdate() { Core::ConnectionManager *cm = Core::ICore::instance()->connectionManager(); cm->disconnectDevice(); cm->suspendPolling(); if (dfu) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; } if (USBMonitor::instance()->availableDevices(0x20a0, -1, -1, -1).length() > 0) { // wait for all boards to be disconnected ConnectionWaiter waiter(0, BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT); connect(&waiter, SIGNAL(timeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(autoUpdateDisconnectProgress(int))); if (waiter.exec() == ConnectionWaiter::TimedOut) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant(tr("Timed out while waiting for all boards to be disconnected!"))); return false; } } // wait for a board to connect ConnectionWaiter waiter(1, BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT); connect(&waiter, SIGNAL(timeChanged(int)), this, SLOT(autoUpdateConnectProgress(int))); if (waiter.exec() == ConnectionWaiter::TimedOut) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant(tr("Timed out while waiting for a board to be connected!"))); return false; } dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, false, QString()); dfu->AbortOperation(); emit autoUpdateSignal(JUMP_TO_BL, QVariant()); if (!dfu->enterDFU(0)) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } if (!dfu->findDevices() || (dfu->numberOfDevices != 1)) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } if (dfu->numberOfDevices > 5) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } QString filename; emit autoUpdateSignal(LOADING_FW, QVariant()); switch (dfu->devices[0].ID) { case 0x301: filename = "fw_oplinkmini"; break; case 0x401: case 0x402: filename = "fw_coptercontrol"; break; case 0x501: filename = "fw_osd"; break; case 0x902: filename = "fw_revoproto"; break; case 0x903: filename = "fw_revolution"; break; case 0x904: filename = "fw_discoveryf4bare"; break; default: emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; break; } filename = ":/firmware/" + filename + ".opfw"; QByteArray firmware; if (!QFile::exists(filename)) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } QEventLoop eventLoop; firmware = file.readAll(); connect(dfu, SIGNAL(progressUpdated(int)), this, SLOT(autoUpdateFlashProgress(int))); connect(dfu, SIGNAL(uploadFinished(OP_DFU::Status)), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit())); emit autoUpdateSignal(UPLOADING_FW, QVariant()); if (!dfu->enterDFU(0)) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } dfu->AbortOperation(); if (!dfu->UploadFirmware(filename, false, 0)) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } eventLoop.exec(); QByteArray desc = firmware.right(100); emit autoUpdateSignal(UPLOADING_DESC, QVariant()); if (dfu->UploadDescription(desc) != OP_DFU::Last_operation_Success) { emit autoUpdateSignal(FAILURE, QVariant()); return false; } systemBoot(); emit autoUpdateSignal(SUCCESS, QVariant()); return true; } void UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdateDisconnectProgress(int value) { emit autoUpdateSignal(WAITING_DISCONNECT, value); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdateConnectProgress(int value) { emit autoUpdateSignal(WAITING_CONNECT, value); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdateFlashProgress(int value) { emit autoUpdateSignal(UPLOADING_FW, value); } /** Attempt a guided procedure to put both boards in BL mode when the system is not bootable */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::systemRescue() { Core::ConnectionManager *cm = Core::ICore::instance()->connectionManager(); cm->disconnectDevice(); // stop the polling thread: otherwise it will mess up DFU cm->suspendPolling(); // Delete all previous tabs: while (m_config->systemElements->count()) { QWidget *qw = m_config->systemElements->widget(0); m_config->systemElements->removeTab(0); delete qw; } // Existing DFU objects will have a handle over USB and will // disturb everything for the rescue process: if (dfu) { delete dfu; dfu = NULL; } // Avoid users pressing Rescue twice. m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); // Now we're good to go clearLog(); log("**********************************************************"); log("** Follow those instructions to attempt a system rescue **"); log("**********************************************************"); log("You will be prompted to first connect USB, then system power"); // Check if boards are connected and, if yes, prompt user to disconnect them all if (USBMonitor::instance()->availableDevices(0x20a0, -1, -1, -1).length() > 0) { QString labelText = QString("


").arg(tr("Please disconnect your OpenPilot board.")); int result = ConnectionWaiter::openDialog(tr("System Rescue"), labelText, 0, BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT, this); switch (result) { case ConnectionWaiter::Canceled: m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; case ConnectionWaiter::TimedOut: QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("System Rescue"), tr("Timed out while waiting for all boards to be disconnected!")); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; } } // Now prompt user to connect board QString labelText = QString("


").arg(tr("Please connect your OpenPilot board.")).arg(tr("Board must be connected to the USB port!")); int result = ConnectionWaiter::openDialog(tr("System Rescue"), labelText, 1, BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT, this); switch (result) { case ConnectionWaiter::Canceled: m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; case ConnectionWaiter::TimedOut: QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("System Rescue"), tr("Timed out while waiting for a board to be connected!")); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; } log("Detecting first board..."); dfu = new DFUObject(DFU_DEBUG, false, QString()); dfu->AbortOperation(); if (!dfu->enterDFU(0)) { log("Could not enter DFU mode."); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; } if (!dfu->findDevices() || (dfu->numberOfDevices != 1)) { log("Could not detect a board, aborting!"); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; } log(QString("Found %1 device(s).").arg(dfu->numberOfDevices)); if (dfu->numberOfDevices > 5) { log("Inconsistent number of devices, aborting!"); delete dfu; dfu = NULL; cm->resumePolling(); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); return; } for (int i = 0; i < dfu->numberOfDevices; i++) { DeviceWidget *dw = new DeviceWidget(this); connectSignalSlot(dw); dw->setDeviceID(i); dw->setDfu(dfu); dw->populate(); m_config->systemElements->addTab(dw, tr("Device") + QString::number(i)); } m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(true); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); // So that we can boot from the GUI afterwards. currentStep = IAP_STATE_BOOTLOADER; } void UploaderGadgetWidget::uploadStarted() { m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(false); m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::uploadEnded(bool succeed) { Q_UNUSED(succeed); // device is halted so no halt m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(true); // device is halted so no reset m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::downloadStarted() { m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(false); m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(false); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::downloadEnded(bool succeed) { Q_UNUSED(succeed); // device is halted so no halt m_config->haltButton->setEnabled(false); bootButtonsSetEnable(true); // device is halted so no reset m_config->resetButton->setEnabled(false); m_config->rescueButton->setEnabled(true); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::startAutoUpdate() { m_config->buttonFrame->setEnabled(false); m_config->splitter->setEnabled(false); m_config->autoUpdateGroupBox->setVisible(true); m_config->autoUpdateOkButton->setEnabled(false); connect(this, SIGNAL(autoUpdateSignal(uploader::AutoUpdateStep, QVariant)), this, SLOT(autoUpdateStatus(uploader::AutoUpdateStep, QVariant))); autoUpdate(); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::finishAutoUpdate() { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(autoUpdateSignal(uploader::AutoUpdateStep, QVariant)), this, SLOT(autoUpdateStatus(uploader::AutoUpdateStep, QVariant))); m_config->autoUpdateOkButton->setEnabled(true); // wait a bit and "close" auto update QTimer::singleShot(AUTOUPDATE_CLOSE_TIMEOUT, this, SLOT(closeAutoUpdate())); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::closeAutoUpdate() { m_config->autoUpdateGroupBox->setVisible(false); m_config->buttonFrame->setEnabled(true); m_config->splitter->setEnabled(true); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::autoUpdateStatus(uploader::AutoUpdateStep status, QVariant value) { QString msg; int remaining; switch (status) { case uploader::WAITING_DISCONNECT: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText(tr("Waiting for all OpenPilot boards to be disconnected from USB.")); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setMaximum(BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT / 1000); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setValue(value.toInt()); remaining = m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->maximum() - m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->value(); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setFormat(tr("Timing out in %1 seconds").arg(remaining)); break; case uploader::WAITING_CONNECT: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText(tr("Please connect the OpenPilot board to the USB port.")); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setMaximum(BOARD_EVENT_TIMEOUT / 1000); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setValue(value.toInt()); remaining = m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->maximum() - m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->value(); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setFormat(tr("Timing out in %1 seconds").arg(remaining)); break; case uploader::JUMP_TO_BL: m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setValue(0); m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText(tr("Bringing the board into boot loader mode.")); break; case uploader::LOADING_FW: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText(tr("Preparing to upload firmware to the board.")); break; case uploader::UPLOADING_FW: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText(tr("Uploading firmware to the board.")); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setFormat("%p%"); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setMaximum(100); m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setValue(value.toInt()); break; case uploader::UPLOADING_DESC: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText(tr("Uploading description of the new firmware to the board.")); break; case uploader::BOOTING: m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText(tr("Rebooting the board.")); break; case uploader::SUCCESS: m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->setValue(m_config->autoUpdateProgressBar->maximum()); msg = tr("Board was updated successfully."); msg += " " + tr("Press OK to finish."); m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(msg)); finishAutoUpdate(); break; case uploader::FAILURE: msg = value.toString(); if (msg.isEmpty()) { msg = tr("Something went wrong, you will have to manually upgrade the board."); } msg += " " + tr("Press OK to finish."); m_config->autoUpdateLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(msg)); finishAutoUpdate(); break; } } /** Update log entry */ void UploaderGadgetWidget::log(QString str) { qDebug() << "UploaderGadgetWidget -" << str; m_config->textBrowser->append(str); } void UploaderGadgetWidget::clearLog() { m_config->textBrowser->clear(); } /** * Remove all the device widgets... */ UploaderGadgetWidget::~UploaderGadgetWidget() { while (m_config->systemElements->count()) { QWidget *qw = m_config->systemElements->widget(0); m_config->systemElements->removeTab(0); delete qw; qw = 0; } } void UploaderGadgetWidget::openHelp() { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(tr("http://wiki.openpilot.org/x/AoBZ"), QUrl::StrictMode)); } int UploaderGadgetWidget::confirmEraseSettingsMessageBox() { QMessageBox msgBox(this); msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Confirm Settings Erase?")); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Question); msgBox.setText(tr("Do you want to erase all settings from the board?")); msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Settings cannot be recovered after this operation.\nThe board will be restarted and all settings erased.")); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Help); return msgBox.exec(); } int UploaderGadgetWidget::cannotHaltMessageBox() { QMessageBox msgBox(this); msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Cannot Halt Board!")); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.setText(tr("The controller board is armed and can not be halted.")); msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Please make sure the board is not armed and then press Halt again to proceed or use Rescue to force a firmware upgrade.")); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); return msgBox.exec(); } int UploaderGadgetWidget::cannotResetMessageBox() { QMessageBox msgBox(this); msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Cannot Reset Board!")); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.setText(tr("The controller board is armed and can not be reset.")); msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Please make sure the board is not armed and then press reset again to proceed or power cycle to force a board reset.")); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); return msgBox.exec(); }