/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup PIOS PIOS Core hardware abstraction layer * @{ * @addtogroup PIOS_SPEKTRUM Spektrum receiver functions * @brief Code to read Spektrum input * @{ * * @file pios_spektrum.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * Parts by Thorsten Klose (tk@midibox.org) (tk@midibox.org) * @brief USART commands. Inits USARTs, controls USARTs & Interrupt handlers. (STM32 dependent) * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Project Includes */ #include "pios.h" #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_SPEKTRUM) #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_PWM) #error "Both PWM and SPEKTRUM input defined, choose only one" #endif #if defined(PIOS_COM_AUX) #error "AUX com cannot be used with SPEKTRUM" #endif /* Global Variables */ /* Local Variables, use pios_usart */ static uint16_t CaptureValue[12]; /** * Initialise the onboard USARTs */ void PIOS_SPEKTRUM_Init(void) { // TODO: need setting flag for bind on next powerup if(0) { PIOS_SPEKTRUM_Bind(); } } /** * Get the value of an input channel * \param[in] Channel Number of the channel desired * \output -1 Channel not available * \output >0 Channel value */ int16_t PIOS_SPEKTRUM_Get(int8_t Channel) { /* Return error if channel not available */ if(Channel >= 12) { return -1; } return CaptureValue[Channel]; } /** * Spektrum bind function * \output 1 Successful bind * \output 0 Bind failed * \note Applications shouldn't call these functions directly */ uint8_t PIOS_SPEKTRUM_Bind(void) { #define PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT GPIOA #define PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN GPIO_Pin_10 GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; GPIO_StructInit(&GPIO_InitStructure); GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_2MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN; GPIO_Init(PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure); /* GPIO's Off */ /* TODO: powerup, RX line stay low for 75ms */ /* system init takes longer!!! */ /* I have no idea how long the powerup init window for satellite is but works with this */ PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT->BRR = PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN; //PIOS_DELAY_WaitmS(75); /* RX line, drive high for 10us */ PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT->BSRR = PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN; PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(10); /* RX line, drive low for 120us */ PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT->BRR = PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN; PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(120); /* RX line, drive high for 120us */ PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT->BSRR = PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN; PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(120); /* RX line, drive low for 120us */ PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT->BRR = PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN; PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(120); /* RX line, drive high for 120us */ PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT->BSRR = PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN; PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(120); /* RX line, drive low for 120us */ PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT->BRR = PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN; PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(120); /* RX line, drive high for 120us */ PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT->BSRR = PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN; PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(120); /* RX line, drive low for 120us */ PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT->BRR = PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN; PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(120); /* RX line, drive high for 120us */ PIOS_USART3_GPIO_PORT->BSRR = PIOS_USART3_RX_PIN; PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(120); /* RX line, set input and wait for data, PIOS_SPEKTRUM_Init */ return 1; } /** * Decodes a byte * \param[in] b byte which should be spektrum decoded * \return 0 if no error * \return -1 if USART not available * \return -2 if buffer full (retry) * \note Applications shouldn't call these functions directly */ int32_t PIOS_SPEKTRUM_Decode(uint8_t b) { static uint8_t prev_byte=0xFF,sync=0,bytecount=0,byte_array[20]={0}; static uint16_t channel=0,sync_word=0; uint8_t channeln=0,frame=0; uint16_t data=0; byte_array[bytecount]=b; bytecount++; if(sync==0) { sync_word=(prev_byte<<8)+b; if((sync_word&0xCCFE)==0) { if(sync_word&0x01) { sync=1; bytecount=2; } } } else { if((bytecount%2)==0) { channel=(prev_byte<<8)+b; frame=channel>>15; channeln=(channel>>10)&0x0F; data=channel&0x03FF; if(channeln < 12) CaptureValue[channeln]=data; } } if(bytecount==16) { //PIOS_COM_SendBufferNonBlocking(PIOS_COM_TELEM_RF,byte_array,16); bytecount=0; sync=0; } prev_byte=b; return 0; } /* Interrupt handler for USART3 */ void SPEKTRUM_IRQHandler(void) { /* check if RXNE flag is set */ if(USART1->SR & (1 << 5)) { uint8_t b = USART1->DR; if(PIOS_SPEKTRUM_Decode(b) < 0) { /* Here we could add some error handling */ } } if(USART1->SR & (1 << 7)) { // check if TXE flag is set /* Disable TXE interrupt (TXEIE=0) */ USART1->CR1 &= ~(1 << 7); } } #endif /** * @} * @} */