/* ****************************************************************************** * * @file vtolbrakefsm.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2015. * @brief Vtol brake finate state machine to regulate behaviour of the * brake controller. * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ extern "C" { #include <openpilot.h> #include <callbackinfo.h> #include <math.h> #include <pid.h> #include <CoordinateConversions.h> #include <sin_lookup.h> #include <pathdesired.h> #include <paths.h> #include "plans.h" #include <sanitycheck.h> #include <vtolpathfollowersettings.h> #include <flightstatus.h> #include <flightmodesettings.h> #include <pathstatus.h> #include <positionstate.h> #include <velocitystate.h> #include <velocitydesired.h> #include <stabilizationdesired.h> #include <attitudestate.h> #include <manualcontrolcommand.h> #include <systemsettings.h> #include <stabilizationbank.h> #include <stabilizationdesired.h> #include <vtolselftuningstats.h> #include <pathsummary.h> } // C++ includes #include <vtolbrakefsm.h> // Private constants #define TIMER_COUNT_PER_SECOND (1000 / vtolPathFollowerSettings->UpdatePeriod) #define BRAKE_FRACTIONALPROGRESS_STARTVELOCITYCHECK 0.95f #define BRAKE_EXIT_VELOCITY_LIMIT 0.15f VtolBrakeFSM::PathFollowerFSM_BrakeStateHandler_T VtolBrakeFSM::sBrakeStateTable[BRAKE_STATE_SIZE] = { [BRAKE_STATE_INACTIVE] = { .setup = 0, .run = 0 }, [BRAKE_STATE_BRAKE] = { .setup = &VtolBrakeFSM::setup_brake, .run = &VtolBrakeFSM::run_brake }, [BRAKE_STATE_HOLD] = { .setup = 0, .run = 0 } }; // pointer to a singleton instance VtolBrakeFSM *VtolBrakeFSM::p_inst = 0; VtolBrakeFSM::VtolBrakeFSM() : mBrakeData(0), vtolPathFollowerSettings(0), pathDesired(0), flightStatus(0) {} // Private types // Private functions // Public API methods /** * Initialise the module, called on startup * \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed */ int32_t VtolBrakeFSM::Initialize(VtolPathFollowerSettingsData *ptr_vtolPathFollowerSettings, PathDesiredData *ptr_pathDesired, FlightStatusData *ptr_flightStatus, PathStatusData *ptr_pathStatus) { PIOS_Assert(ptr_vtolPathFollowerSettings); PIOS_Assert(ptr_pathDesired); PIOS_Assert(ptr_flightStatus); // allow for Initialize being called more than once. if (!mBrakeData) { mBrakeData = (VtolBrakeFSMData_T *)pios_malloc(sizeof(VtolBrakeFSMData_T)); PIOS_Assert(mBrakeData); } memset(mBrakeData, 0, sizeof(VtolBrakeFSMData_T)); vtolPathFollowerSettings = ptr_vtolPathFollowerSettings; pathDesired = ptr_pathDesired; flightStatus = ptr_flightStatus; pathStatus = ptr_pathStatus; initFSM(); return 0; } void VtolBrakeFSM::Inactive(void) { memset(mBrakeData, 0, sizeof(VtolBrakeFSMData_T)); initFSM(); } // Initialise the FSM void VtolBrakeFSM::initFSM(void) { mBrakeData->currentState = BRAKE_STATE_INACTIVE; } void VtolBrakeFSM::Activate() { memset(mBrakeData, 0, sizeof(VtolBrakeFSMData_T)); mBrakeData->currentState = BRAKE_STATE_INACTIVE; setState(BRAKE_STATE_BRAKE, FSMBRAKESTATUS_STATEEXITREASON_NONE); } PathFollowerFSMState_T VtolBrakeFSM::GetCurrentState(void) { switch (mBrakeData->currentState) { case BRAKE_STATE_INACTIVE: return PFFSM_STATE_INACTIVE; break; default: return PFFSM_STATE_ACTIVE; break; } } void VtolBrakeFSM::Update() { runState(); } int32_t VtolBrakeFSM::runState(void) { uint8_t flTimeout = false; mBrakeData->stateRunCount++; if (mBrakeData->stateTimeoutCount > 0 && mBrakeData->stateRunCount > mBrakeData->stateTimeoutCount) { flTimeout = true; } // If the current state has a static function, call it if (sBrakeStateTable[mBrakeData->currentState].run) { (this->*sBrakeStateTable[mBrakeData->currentState].run)(flTimeout); } return 0; } // Set the new state and perform setup for subsequent state run calls // This is called by state run functions on event detection that drive // state transitions. void VtolBrakeFSM::setState(PathFollowerFSM_BrakeState_T newState, __attribute__((unused)) VtolBrakeFSMStatusStateExitReasonOptions reason) { // mBrakeData->fsmBrakeStatus.StateExitReason[mBrakeData->currentState] = reason; if (mBrakeData->currentState == newState) { return; } mBrakeData->currentState = newState; // Restart state timer counter mBrakeData->stateRunCount = 0; // Reset state timeout to disabled/zero mBrakeData->stateTimeoutCount = 0; if (sBrakeStateTable[mBrakeData->currentState].setup) { (this->*sBrakeStateTable[mBrakeData->currentState].setup)(); } } // Timeout utility function for use by state init implementations void VtolBrakeFSM::setStateTimeout(int32_t count) { mBrakeData->stateTimeoutCount = count; } // FSM Setup and Run method implementation // State: WAITING FOR DESCENT RATE void VtolBrakeFSM::setup_brake(void) { setStateTimeout(TIMER_COUNT_PER_SECOND * pathDesired->ModeParameters[PATHDESIRED_MODEPARAMETER_BRAKE_TIMEOUT]); mBrakeData->observationCount = 0; mBrakeData->observation2Count = 0; } void VtolBrakeFSM::run_brake(uint8_t flTimeout) { // Brake mode end condition checks bool exit_brake = false; VelocityStateData velocityState; PathSummaryData pathSummary; if (flTimeout) { pathSummary.brake_exit_reason = PATHSUMMARY_BRAKE_EXIT_REASON_TIMEOUT; exit_brake = true; } else if (pathStatus->fractional_progress > BRAKE_FRACTIONALPROGRESS_STARTVELOCITYCHECK) { VelocityStateGet(&velocityState); if (fabsf(velocityState.East) < BRAKE_EXIT_VELOCITY_LIMIT && fabsf(velocityState.North) < BRAKE_EXIT_VELOCITY_LIMIT) { pathSummary.brake_exit_reason = PATHSUMMARY_BRAKE_EXIT_REASON_PATHCOMPLETED; exit_brake = true; } } if (exit_brake) { // Calculate the distance error between the originally desired // stopping point and the actual brake-exit point. PositionStateData p; PositionStateGet(&p); float north_offset = pathDesired->End.North - p.North; float east_offset = pathDesired->End.East - p.East; float down_offset = pathDesired->End.Down - p.Down; pathSummary.brake_distance_offset = sqrtf(north_offset * north_offset + east_offset * east_offset + down_offset * down_offset); pathSummary.time_remaining = pathDesired->ModeParameters[PATHDESIRED_MODEPARAMETER_BRAKE_TIMEOUT] - pathStatus->path_time; pathSummary.fractional_progress = pathStatus->fractional_progress; float cur_velocity = velocityState.North * velocityState.North + velocityState.East * velocityState.East + velocityState.Down * velocityState.Down; cur_velocity = sqrtf(cur_velocity); pathSummary.decelrate = (pathDesired->StartingVelocity - cur_velocity) / pathStatus->path_time; pathSummary.brakeRateActualDesiredRatio = pathSummary.decelrate / vtolPathFollowerSettings->BrakeRate; pathSummary.velocityIntoHold = cur_velocity; pathSummary.Mode = PATHSUMMARY_MODE_BRAKE; pathSummary.UID = pathStatus->UID; PathSummarySet(&pathSummary); setState(BRAKE_STATE_HOLD, FSMBRAKESTATUS_STATEEXITREASON_NONE); } } uint8_t VtolBrakeFSM::PositionHoldState(void) { return mBrakeData->currentState == BRAKE_STATE_HOLD; }