/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup OpenPilotModules OpenPilot Modules * @{ * @addtogroup GSPModule GPS Module * @brief Process GPS information * @{ * * @file GPS.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @brief GPS module, handles GPS and NMEA stream * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ // **************** #include "openpilot.h" #include "GPS.h" #include #include "NMEA.h" #include "gpsposition.h" #include "homelocation.h" #include "gpstime.h" #include "gpssatellites.h" #include "WorldMagModel.h" #include "CoordinateConversions.h" #include "hwsettings.h" // **************** // Private functions static void gpsTask(void *parameters); static void updateSettings(); #ifdef PIOS_GPS_SETS_HOMELOCATION static void setHomeLocation(GPSPositionData * gpsData); static float GravityAccel(float latitude, float longitude, float altitude); #endif // **************** // Private constants #define GPS_TIMEOUT_MS 500 #if defined(REVOLUTION) #define NMEA_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH MAX_SVINFO_MSG_SIZE #else #define NMEA_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH 96 // 82 max NMEA msg size plus 12 margin (because some vendors add custom crap) plus CR plus Linefeed // same as in COM buffer #endif #ifdef PIOS_GPS_SETS_HOMELOCATION // Unfortunately need a good size stack for the WMM calculation #define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 950 #else #define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 650 #endif #define TASK_PRIORITY (tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1) // **************** // Private variables static uint32_t gpsPort; static bool gpsEnabled = false; static xTaskHandle gpsTaskHandle; static char* gps_rx_buffer; static uint32_t timeOfLastCommandMs; static uint32_t timeOfLastUpdateMs; static uint32_t numUpdates; static uint32_t numChecksumErrors; static uint32_t numParsingErrors; // **************** /** * Initialise the gps module * \return -1 if initialisation failed * \return 0 on success */ int32_t GPSStart(void) { if (gpsEnabled) { if (gpsPort) { // Start gps task xTaskCreate(gpsTask, (signed char *)"GPS", STACK_SIZE_BYTES/4, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &gpsTaskHandle); TaskMonitorAdd(TASKINFO_RUNNING_GPS, gpsTaskHandle); return 0; } AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GPS, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL); } return -1; } /** * Initialise the gps module * \return -1 if initialisation failed * \return 0 on success */ int32_t GPSInitialize(void) { gpsPort = PIOS_COM_GPS; #ifdef MODULE_GPS_BUILTIN gpsEnabled = true; #else HwSettingsInitialize(); uint8_t optionalModules[HWSETTINGS_OPTIONALMODULES_NUMELEM]; HwSettingsOptionalModulesGet(optionalModules); if (optionalModules[HWSETTINGS_OPTIONALMODULES_GPS] == HWSETTINGS_OPTIONALMODULES_ENABLED) gpsEnabled = true; else gpsEnabled = false; #endif if (gpsPort && gpsEnabled) { GPSPositionInitialize(); #if !defined(PIOS_GPS_MINIMAL) GPSTimeInitialize(); GPSSatellitesInitialize(); #endif #ifdef PIOS_GPS_SETS_HOMELOCATION HomeLocationInitialize(); #endif updateSettings(); gps_rx_buffer = pvPortMalloc(NMEA_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH); PIOS_Assert(gps_rx_buffer); return 0; } return -1; } MODULE_INITCALL(GPSInitialize, GPSStart) // **************** /** * Main gps task. It does not return. */ static void gpsTask(void *parameters) { portTickType xDelay = 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS; uint32_t timeNowMs = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS;; GPSPositionData GpsData; uint8_t rx_count = 0; bool start_flag = false; bool found_cr = false; int32_t gpsRxOverflow = 0; numUpdates = 0; numChecksumErrors = 0; numParsingErrors = 0; timeOfLastUpdateMs = timeNowMs; timeOfLastCommandMs = timeNowMs; // Loop forever while (1) { uint8_t c; // NMEA or SINGLE-SENTENCE GPS mode // This blocks the task until there is something on the buffer while (PIOS_COM_ReceiveBuffer(gpsPort, &c, 1, xDelay) > 0) { // detect start while acquiring stream if (!start_flag && (c == '$')) { case START: // detect protocol switch (c) { case UBX_SYNC1: // first UBX sync char found proto_state = UBX_SY2; continue; case '$': // NMEA identifier found proto_state = NMEA; found_cr = false; rx_count = 0; break; default: continue; } break; case UBX_SY2: if (c == UBX_SYNC2) // second UBX sync char found { proto_state = UBX_CLASS; found_cr = false; rx_count = 0; } else { proto_state = START; // reset state } continue; case UBX_CLASS: ubx->header.class = c; proto_state = UBX_ID; continue; case UBX_ID: ubx->header.id = c; proto_state = UBX_LEN1; continue; case UBX_LEN1: ubx->header.len = c; proto_state = UBX_LEN2; continue; case UBX_LEN2: ubx->header.len += (c << 8); if ((sizeof (UBXHeader)) + ubx->header.len > NMEA_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH) { gpsRxOverflow++; proto_state = START; found_cr = false; rx_count = 0; } else { proto_state = UBX_PAYLOAD; } continue; case UBX_PAYLOAD: if (rx_count < ubx->header.len) { ubx->payload.payload[rx_count] = c; if (++rx_count == ubx->header.len) proto_state = UBX_CHK1; } else proto_state = START; continue; case UBX_CHK1: ubx->header.ck_a = c; proto_state = UBX_CHK2; continue; case UBX_CHK2: ubx->header.ck_b = c; if (checksum_ubx_message(ubx)) // message complete and valid { parse_ubx_message(ubx, &GpsData); timeNowMs = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS; timeOfLastUpdateMs = timeNowMs; timeOfLastCommandMs = timeNowMs; } proto_state = START; continue; case NMEA: break; } else if (!start_flag) continue; if (rx_count >= NMEA_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH) { // The buffer is already full and we haven't found a valid NMEA sentence. // Flush the buffer and note the overflow event. gpsRxOverflow++; start_flag = false; found_cr = false; rx_count = 0; } else { gps_rx_buffer[rx_count] = c; rx_count++; } // look for ending '\r\n' sequence if (!found_cr && (c == '\r') ) found_cr = true; else if (found_cr && (c != '\n') ) found_cr = false; // false end flag else if (found_cr && (c == '\n') ) { // The NMEA functions require a zero-terminated string // As we detected \r\n, the string as for sure 2 bytes long, we will also strip the \r\n gps_rx_buffer[rx_count-2] = 0; // prepare to parse next sentence start_flag = false; found_cr = false; rx_count = 0; // Our rxBuffer must look like this now: // [0] = '$' // ... = zero or more bytes of sentence payload // [end_pos - 1] = '\r' // [end_pos] = '\n' // // Prepare to consume the sentence from the buffer // Validate the checksum over the sentence if (!NMEA_checksum(&gps_rx_buffer[1])) { // Invalid checksum. May indicate dropped characters on Rx. //PIOS_DEBUG_PinHigh(2); ++numChecksumErrors; //PIOS_DEBUG_PinLow(2); } else { // Valid checksum, use this packet to update the GPS position if (!NMEA_update_position(&gps_rx_buffer[1])) { //PIOS_DEBUG_PinHigh(2); ++numParsingErrors; //PIOS_DEBUG_PinLow(2); } else ++numUpdates; timeNowMs = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS; timeOfLastUpdateMs = timeNowMs; timeOfLastCommandMs = timeNowMs; } } } // Check for GPS timeout timeNowMs = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS; if ((timeNowMs - timeOfLastUpdateMs) >= GPS_TIMEOUT_MS) { // we have not received any valid GPS sentences for a while. // either the GPS is not plugged in or a hardware problem or the GPS has locked up. GPSPositionGet(&GpsData); GpsData.Status = GPSPOSITION_STATUS_NOGPS; GPSPositionSet(&GpsData); AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GPS, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_ERROR); } else { // we appear to be receiving GPS sentences OK, we've had an update GPSPositionGet(&GpsData); #ifdef PIOS_GPS_SETS_HOMELOCATION HomeLocationData home; HomeLocationGet(&home); if ((GpsData.Status == GPSPOSITION_STATUS_FIX3D) && (home.Set == HOMELOCATION_SET_FALSE)) setHomeLocation(&GpsData); #endif //criteria for GPS-OK taken from this post... //http://forums.openpilot.org/topic/1523-professors-insgps-in-svn/page__view__findpost__p__5220 if ((GpsData.PDOP < 3.5) && (GpsData.Satellites >= 7)) AlarmsClear(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GPS); else if (GpsData.Status == GPSPOSITION_STATUS_FIX3D) AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GPS, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_WARNING); else AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_GPS, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL); } } } #ifdef PIOS_GPS_SETS_HOMELOCATION /* * Estimate the acceleration due to gravity for a particular location in LLA */ static float GravityAccel(float latitude, float longitude, float altitude) { // WGS84 gravity model. The effect of gravity over latitude is strong // enough to change the estimated accelerometer bias in those apps. double sinsq = sin((double)latitude); sinsq *= sinsq; // Likewise, over the altitude range of a high-altitude balloon, the effect // due to change in altitude can also affect the model. return (float)(9.7803267714 * (1 + 0.00193185138639*sinsq) / sqrt(1 - 0.00669437999013*sinsq) - 3.086e-6*altitude); } // **************** static void setHomeLocation(GPSPositionData * gpsData) { HomeLocationData home; HomeLocationGet(&home); GPSTimeData gps; GPSTimeGet(&gps); if (gps.Year >= 2000) { // Store LLA home.Latitude = gpsData->Latitude; home.Longitude = gpsData->Longitude; home.Altitude = gpsData->Altitude + gpsData->GeoidSeparation; // Compute home ECEF coordinates and the rotation matrix into NED double LLA[3] = { ((double)home.Latitude) / 10e6, ((double)home.Longitude) / 10e6, ((double)home.Altitude) }; double ECEF[3]; RneFromLLA(LLA, (float (*)[3])home.RNE); LLA2ECEF(LLA, ECEF); // TODO: Currently UAVTalk only supports float but these conversions use double // need to find out if they require that precision and if so extend UAVTAlk home.ECEF[0] = (int32_t) (ECEF[0] * 100); home.ECEF[1] = (int32_t) (ECEF[1] * 100); home.ECEF[2] = (int32_t) (ECEF[2] * 100); // Compute magnetic flux direction at home location if (WMM_GetMagVector(LLA[0], LLA[1], LLA[2], gps.Month, gps.Day, gps.Year, &home.Be[0]) >= 0) { // calculations appeared to go OK // Compute local acceleration due to gravity. Vehicles that span a very large // range of altitude (say, weather balloons) may need to update this during the // flight. home.g_e = GravityAccel(LLA[0], LLA[1], LLA[2]); home.Set = HOMELOCATION_SET_TRUE; HomeLocationSet(&home); } } } #endif /** * Update the GPS settings, called on startup. * FIXME: This should be in the GPSSettings object. But objects have * too much overhead yet. Also the GPS has no any specific settings * like protocol, etc. Thus the HwSettings object which contains the * GPS port speed is used for now. */ static void updateSettings() { if (gpsPort) { // Retrieve settings uint8_t speed; HwSettingsGPSSpeedGet(&speed); // Set port speed switch (speed) { case HWSETTINGS_GPSSPEED_2400: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(gpsPort, 2400); break; case HWSETTINGS_GPSSPEED_4800: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(gpsPort, 4800); break; case HWSETTINGS_GPSSPEED_9600: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(gpsPort, 9600); break; case HWSETTINGS_GPSSPEED_19200: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(gpsPort, 19200); break; case HWSETTINGS_GPSSPEED_38400: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(gpsPort, 38400); break; case HWSETTINGS_GPSSPEED_57600: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(gpsPort, 57600); break; case HWSETTINGS_GPSSPEED_115200: PIOS_COM_ChangeBaud(gpsPort, 115200); break; } } } /** * @} * @} */