/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file flightgearbridge.h * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins * @{ * @addtogroup HITLPlugin HITL Plugin * @{ * @brief The Hardware In The Loop plugin *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "fgsimulator.h" #include "extensionsystem/pluginmanager.h" #include "coreplugin/icore.h" #include "coreplugin/threadmanager.h" const float FGSimulator::FT2M = 0.3048; const float FGSimulator::KT2MPS = 0.514444444; const float FGSimulator::INHG2KPA = 3.386; //FGSimulator::FGSimulator(QString hostAddr, int outPort, int inPort, bool manual, QString binPath, QString dataPath) : // Simulator(hostAddr, outPort, inPort, manual, binPath, dataPath), // fgProcess(NULL) //{ // // Note: Only tested on windows 7 //#if defined(Q_WS_WIN) // cmdShell = QString("c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe"); //#else // cmdShell = QString("bash"); //#endif //} FGSimulator::FGSimulator(const SimulatorSettings& params) : Simulator(params) { } FGSimulator::~FGSimulator() { disconnect(simProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(processReadyRead())); } void FGSimulator::setupUdpPorts(const QString& host, int inPort, int outPort) { inSocket->bind(QHostAddress(host), inPort); } bool FGSimulator::setupProcess() { QMutexLocker locker(&lock); // Copy FlightGear generic protocol configuration file to the FG protocol directory // NOTE: Not working on Windows 7, if FG is installed in the "Program Files", // likelly due to permissions. The file should be manually copied to data/Protocol/opfgprotocol.xml // QFile xmlFile(":/flightgear/genericprotocol/opfgprotocol.xml"); // xmlFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); // QString xml = xmlFile.readAll(); // xmlFile.close(); // QFile xmlFileOut(pathData + "/Protocol/opfgprotocol.xml"); // xmlFileOut.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); // xmlFileOut.write(xml.toAscii()); // xmlFileOut.close(); Qt::HANDLE mainThread = QThread::currentThreadId(); qDebug() << "setupProcess Thread: "<< mainThread; simProcess = new QProcess(); simProcess->setReadChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); connect(simProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(processReadyRead())); // Note: Only tested on windows 7 #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) QString cmdShell("c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe"); #else QString cmdShell("bash"); #endif // Start shell (Note: Could not start FG directly on Windows, only through terminal!) simProcess->start(cmdShell); if (simProcess->waitForStarted() == false) { emit processOutput("Error:" + simProcess->errorString()); return false; } // Setup arguments // Note: The input generic protocol is set to update at a much higher rate than the actual updates are sent by the GCS. // If this is not done then a lag will be introduced by FlightGear, likelly because the receive socket buffer builds up during startup. QString args("--fg-root=\"" + settings.dataPath + "\" --timeofday=dusk --httpd=5400 --enable-hud --in-air --altitude=2000 --vc=100 --generic=socket,out,50,localhost,5500,udp,opfgprotocol"); if(!settings.manual) { args.append(" --generic=socket,in,400,localhost,5501,udp,opfgprotocol"); } // Start FlightGear QString cmd("\"" + settings.binPath + "\" " + args + "\n"); simProcess->write(cmd.toAscii()); return true; } void FGSimulator::processReadyRead() { QByteArray bytes = simProcess->readAllStandardOutput(); QString str(bytes); if ( !str.contains("Error reading data") ) // ignore error { emit processOutput(str); } } void FGSimulator::transmitUpdate() { // Read ActuatorDesired from autopilot ActuatorDesired::DataFields actData = actDesired->getData(); float ailerons = actData.Roll; float elevator = -actData.Pitch; float rudder = actData.Yaw; float throttle = actData.Throttle; // Send update to FlightGear QString cmd; cmd = QString("%1,%2,%3,%4\n") .arg(ailerons) .arg(elevator) .arg(rudder) .arg(throttle); QByteArray data = cmd.toAscii(); outSocket->writeDatagram(data, QHostAddress(settings.hostAddress), settings.outPort); } void FGSimulator::processUpdate(QString& data) { // Split QStringList fields = data.split(","); // Get xRate (deg/s) // float xRate = fields[0].toFloat() * 180.0/M_PI; // Get yRate (deg/s) // float yRate = fields[1].toFloat() * 180.0/M_PI; // Get zRate (deg/s) // float zRate = fields[2].toFloat() * 180.0/M_PI; // Get xAccel (m/s^2) // float xAccel = fields[3].toFloat() * FT2M; // Get yAccel (m/s^2) // float yAccel = fields[4].toFloat() * FT2M; // Get xAccel (m/s^2) // float zAccel = fields[5].toFloat() * FT2M; // Get pitch (deg) float pitch = fields[6].toFloat(); // Get pitchRate (deg/s) // float pitchRate = fields[7].toFloat(); // Get roll (deg) float roll = fields[8].toFloat(); // Get rollRate (deg/s) // float rollRate = fields[9].toFloat(); // Get yaw (deg) float yaw = fields[10].toFloat(); // Get yawRate (deg/s) // float yawRate = fields[11].toFloat(); // Get latitude (deg) float latitude = fields[12].toFloat(); // Get longitude (deg) float longitude = fields[13].toFloat(); // Get heading (deg) float heading = fields[14].toFloat(); // Get altitude (m) float altitude = fields[15].toFloat() * FT2M; // Get altitudeAGL (m) float altitudeAGL = fields[16].toFloat() * FT2M; // Get groundspeed (m/s) float groundspeed = fields[17].toFloat() * KT2MPS; // Get airspeed (m/s) // float airspeed = fields[18].toFloat() * KT2MPS; // Get temperature (degC) float temperature = fields[19].toFloat(); // Get pressure (kpa) float pressure = fields[20].toFloat() * INHG2KPA; // Update AltitudeActual object BaroAltitude::DataFields altActualData; altActualData.Altitude = altitudeAGL; altActualData.Temperature = temperature; altActualData.Pressure = pressure; altActual->setData(altActualData); // Update attActual object AttitudeActual::DataFields attActualData; attActualData.Roll = roll; attActualData.Pitch = pitch; attActualData.Yaw = yaw; attActualData.q1 = 0; attActualData.q2 = 0; attActualData.q3 = 0; attActualData.q4 = 0; attActual->setData(attActualData); // Update gps objects PositionActual::DataFields gpsData; gpsData.Altitude = altitude; gpsData.Heading = heading; gpsData.Groundspeed = groundspeed; gpsData.Latitude = latitude; gpsData.Longitude = longitude; gpsData.Satellites = 10; gpsData.Status = PositionActual::STATUS_FIX3D; posActual->setData(gpsData); }