/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup PIOS PIOS Core hardware abstraction layer * @{ * @addtogroup PIOS_RFM22B Radio Functions * @brief PIOS interface for RFM22B Radio * @{ * * @file pios_rfm22b_priv.h * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2012. * @brief RFM22B private definitions. * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef PIOS_RFM22B_PRIV_H #define PIOS_RFM22B_PRIV_H #include #include #include #include #include "pios_rfm22b.h" // ************************************ #define RFM22B_MAX_PACKET_LEN 64 #define RFM22B_NUM_CHANNELS 251 // External type definitions typedef int16_t (*t_rfm22_TxDataByteCallback)(void); typedef bool (*t_rfm22_RxDataCallback)(void *data, uint8_t len); enum pios_rfm22b_dev_magic { PIOS_RFM22B_DEV_MAGIC = 0x68e971b6, }; enum pios_radio_state { RADIO_STATE_UNINITIALIZED, RADIO_STATE_INITIALIZING, RADIO_STATE_RX_MODE, RADIO_STATE_RX_DATA, RADIO_STATE_RX_FAILURE, RADIO_STATE_TX_START, RADIO_STATE_TX_DATA, RADIO_STATE_TX_FAILURE, RADIO_STATE_TIMEOUT, RADIO_STATE_ERROR, RADIO_STATE_FATAL_ERROR, RADIO_STATE_NUM_STATES // Must be last }; enum pios_radio_event { RADIO_EVENT_DEFAULT, RADIO_EVENT_INT_RECEIVED, RADIO_EVENT_INITIALIZE, RADIO_EVENT_INITIALIZED, RADIO_EVENT_RX_MODE, RADIO_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE, RADIO_EVENT_TX_START, RADIO_EVENT_TIMEOUT, RADIO_EVENT_ERROR, RADIO_EVENT_FATAL_ERROR, RADIO_EVENT_NUM_EVENTS // Must be last }; enum pios_rfm22b_state { RFM22B_STATE_INITIALIZING, RFM22B_STATE_TRANSITION, RFM22B_STATE_RX_WAIT, RFM22B_STATE_RX_WAIT_SYNC, RFM22B_STATE_RX_MODE, RFM22B_STATE_TX_MODE, RFM22B_STATE_TRANSMITTING, RFM22B_STATE_NUM_STATES // Must be last }; #define RFM22B_RX_PACKET_STATS_LEN 4 enum pios_rfm22b_rx_packet_status { RADIO_GOOD_RX_PACKET = 0x00, RADIO_CORRECTED_RX_PACKET = 0x01, RADIO_ERROR_RX_PACKET = 0x2, RADIO_FAILURE_RX_PACKET = 0x3 }; typedef struct { uint32_t pairID; int8_t rssi; int8_t afc_correction; uint8_t lastContact; } rfm22b_pair_stats; enum pios_rfm22b_chip_power_state { RFM22B_IDLE_STATE = 0x00, RFM22B_RX_STATE = 0x01, RFM22B_TX_STATE = 0x10, RFM22B_INVALID_STATE = 0x11 }; // Device Status typedef union { struct { uint8_t state : 2; bool frequency_error : 1; bool header_error : 1; bool rx_fifo_empty : 1; bool fifo_underflow : 1; bool fifo_overflow : 1; }; uint8_t raw; } rfm22b_device_status_reg; // EzMAC Status typedef union { struct { bool packet_sent : 1; bool packet_transmitting : 1; bool crc_error : 1; bool valid_packet_received : 1; bool packet_receiving : 1; bool packet_searching : 1; bool crc_is_all_ones : 1; bool reserved; }; uint8_t raw; } rfm22b_ezmac_status_reg; // Interrrupt Status Register 1 typedef union { struct { bool crc_error : 1; bool valid_packet_received : 1; bool packet_sent_interrupt : 1; bool external_interrupt : 1; bool rx_fifo_almost_full : 1; bool tx_fifo_almost_empty : 1; bool tx_fifo_almost_full : 1; bool fifo_underoverflow_error : 1; }; uint8_t raw; } rfm22b_int_status_1; // Interrupt Status Register 2 typedef union { struct { bool poweron_reset : 1; bool chip_ready : 1; bool low_battery_detect : 1; bool wakeup_timer : 1; bool rssi_above_threshold : 1; bool invalid_preamble_detected : 1; bool valid_preamble_detected : 1; bool sync_word_detected : 1; }; uint8_t raw; } rfm22b_int_status_2; typedef struct { rfm22b_device_status_reg device_status; rfm22b_device_status_reg ezmac_status; rfm22b_int_status_1 int_status_1; rfm22b_int_status_2 int_status_2; } rfm22b_device_status; struct pios_rfm22b_dev { enum pios_rfm22b_dev_magic magic; struct pios_rfm22b_cfg cfg; // The SPI bus information uint32_t spi_id; uint32_t slave_num; // Should this modem ack as a coordinator. bool coordinator; // The device ID uint32_t deviceID; // The coordinator ID (0 if this modem is a coordinator). uint32_t coordinatorID; // The task handle xTaskHandle taskHandle; // The potential paired statistics rfm22b_pair_stats pair_stats[OPLINKSTATUS_PAIRIDS_NUMELEM]; // ISR pending semaphore xSemaphoreHandle isrPending; // The main COM callback functions. pios_com_callback rx_in_cb; uint32_t rx_in_context; pios_com_callback tx_out_cb; uint32_t tx_out_context; uint8_t last_stream_sent; // The Aux COM callback functions. pios_com_callback aux_rx_in_cb; uint32_t aux_rx_in_context; pios_com_callback aux_tx_out_cb; uint32_t aux_tx_out_context; // the transmit power to use for data transmissions uint8_t tx_power; // The RF datarate lookup index. uint8_t datarate; // The radio state machine state enum pios_radio_state state; // The event queue handle xQueueHandle eventQueue; // The device status registers. rfm22b_device_status status_regs; // The error statistics counters uint16_t prev_rx_seq_num; uint32_t rx_packet_stats[RFM22B_RX_PACKET_STATS_LEN]; // The RFM22B state machine state enum pios_rfm22b_state rfm22b_state; // The packet statistics struct rfm22b_stats stats; // Stats uint16_t errors; // RSSI in dBm int8_t rssi_dBm; // The tx data packet uint8_t tx_packet[RFM22B_MAX_PACKET_LEN]; // The current tx packet uint8_t *tx_packet_handle; // The tx data read index uint16_t tx_data_rd; // The tx data write index uint16_t tx_data_wr; // The tx packet sequence number uint16_t tx_seq; // The rx data packet uint8_t rx_packet[RFM22B_MAX_PACKET_LEN]; // The rx data packet uint8_t *rx_packet_handle; // The receive buffer write index uint16_t rx_buffer_wr; // The receive buffer write index uint16_t rx_packet_len; // The PPM buffer int16_t ppm[RFM22B_PPM_NUM_CHANNELS]; // The PPM packet received callback. PPMReceivedCallback ppm_callback; // The PPM callback context uint32_t ppm_context; // The id that the packet was received from uint32_t rx_destination_id; // The maximum packet length (including header, etc.) uint8_t max_packet_len; // The packet transmit time in ms. uint8_t packet_time; // Do all packets originate from the coordinator modem? bool one_way_link; // Should this modem send PPM data? bool ppm_send_mode; // Should this modem receive PPM data? bool ppm_recv_mode; // Are we sending / receiving only PPM data? bool ppm_only_mode; // The base freq in Hertz uint32_t base_freq; // The channel list uint8_t channels[RFM22B_NUM_CHANNELS]; // The number of frequency hopping channels. uint8_t num_channels; // The frequency hopping step size float frequency_step_size; // current frequency hop channel uint8_t channel; // current frequency hop channel index uint8_t channel_index; // afc correction reading (in Hz) int32_t afc_correction_Hz; // The packet timers. portTickType packet_start_ticks; portTickType tx_complete_ticks; portTickType time_delta; portTickType last_contact; }; // External function definitions bool PIOS_RFM22_EXT_Int(void); bool PIOS_RFM22B_Validate(struct pios_rfm22b_dev *rfm22b_dev); // Global variable definitions extern const struct pios_com_driver pios_rfm22b_com_driver; #endif /* PIOS_RFM22B_PRIV_H */ /** * @} * @} */