# We use python to extract git version info and generate some other files, # but it may be installed locally. The expected python version should be # kept in sync with make/tools.mk. PYTHON_DIR = qt-5.4.1/Tools/mingw491_32/opt/bin # Search the python using environment override first GCS_TOOLS_DIR = $$(GCS_TOOLS_DIR) !isEmpty(GCS_TOOLS_DIR):exists($$GCS_TOOLS_DIR/$$PYTHON_DIR/python*) { PYTHON = \"$$GCS_TOOLS_DIR/$$PYTHON_DIR/python\" } else { # If not found, search the predefined tools path exists($$ROOT_DIR/tools/$$PYTHON_DIR/python*) { PYTHON = \"$$ROOT_DIR/tools/$$PYTHON_DIR/python\" } else { # not found, hope it's in the path... PYTHON_VER = "$$system(python --version 2>&1)" contains(PYTHON_VER, "Python 2.*") { PYTHON = \"python\" } else { PYTHON = \"python2\" } } } PYTHON = $$replace(PYTHON, \\\\, /) message(Using python interpreter: $$PYTHON)