    <object name="PathDesired" singleinstance="true" settings="false" category="Navigation">
        <description>The endpoint or path the craft is trying to achieve.  Can come from @ref ManualControl or @ref PathPlanner </description>

	<field name="Start" units="m" type="float" elementnames="North,East,Down" default="0"/>
    	<field name="End" units="m" type="float" elementnames="North,East,Down" default="0"/>
	<field name="StartingVelocity" units="m/s" type="float" elements="1" default="0"/>
	<field name="EndingVelocity" units="m/s" type="float" elements="1" default="0"/>

	<!-- ensure the following Mode options are exactly the same as in pathaction mode -->
    	<field name="Mode" units="" type="enum" elements="1" options="GoToEndpoint,FollowVector,CircleRight,CircleLeft,
            FixedAttitude,SetAccessory,DisarmAlarm,Land,Brake,Velocity" default="GoToEndpoint" />

	<!-- Endpoint mode - move directly towards endpoint regardless of position -->
	<!-- Straight Mode - move across linear path through Start towards the waypoint end, adjusting velocity - continue straight -->
	<!-- Circle Mode - move a circular pattern around End with radius End-Start (straight line in the vertical)-->
	<field name="ModeParameters" units="" type="float" elements="4" default="0"/>

	<field name="UID" units="" type="int16" elements="1" default="0"/>
	<!-- unique ID confirmed with pathfollower in pathstatus to acknowledge a change in PathDesired -->

        <access gcs="readwrite" flight="readwrite"/>
        <telemetrygcs acked="false" updatemode="manual" period="0"/>
        <telemetryflight acked="false" updatemode="periodic" period="1000"/>
        <logging updatemode="manual" period="0"/>