# This file is Copyright 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Dean Hall.
# This file is part of the PyMite VM.
# The PyMite VM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.
# The PyMite VM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# A copy of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2
# is seen in the file COPYING in this directory.

#ifndef __SEGLIST_H__
#define __SEGLIST_H__

 * \file
 * \brief Segmented List data structure
 * A seglist is a linked list of segments.
 * A segment is an array of ptrs to objects
 * (with a pointer to the next segment).
 * Seglists are used to implement Lists and Dicts.
 * This implementation of Seglist is straight.
 * That is, the next pointer in the final segment
 * contains C_NULL.
 * This implementation of Seglist is dense.
 * That is, there are no gaps in a segment.
 * All entries point to an object, except entries
 * that are beyond the index of the last item.

/** Defines the length of the object array in a segment */

/** Segment - an array of ptrs to objs */
typedef struct Segment_s
    /** object descriptor */
    PmObjDesc_t od;
    /** array of ptrs to objs */
    pPmObj_t s_val[SEGLIST_OBJS_PER_SEG];
    /** ptr to next segment */
    struct Segment_s *next;
} Segment_t,

/** Seglist - linked list of segments with current index info */
typedef struct Seglist_s
    /** object descriptor */
    PmObjDesc_t od;
    /** ptr to first segment in list */
    pSegment_t sl_rootseg;
    /** ptr to last segment */
    pSegment_t sl_lastseg;
    /** index of (one past) last obj in last segment */
    int16_t sl_length;
} Seglist_t,

 * Puts the new object at the end of the list.
 * This is intended for the List type where
 * the List index matches the order of the Seglist index.
 * Makes room if necessary by adding new segments.
 * @param pseglist Ptr to seglist
 * @param pobj Pointer to object to append
 * @return Return status
PmReturn_t seglist_appendItem(pSeglist_t pseglist, pPmObj_t pobj);

 * Clears the the seglist by unlinking the root segment.
 * @param pseglist Ptr to seglist to empty
PmReturn_t seglist_clear(pSeglist_t pseglist);

 * Finds the first obj equal to pobj in the seglist.
 * Starts searching the list at the given segnum and indx.
 * @param   pseglist The seglist to search
 * @param   pobj The object to match
 * @param   r_index Return arg; the index of where to start the search.
 *          If a match is found, return the index by reference.
 *          If no match is found, this value is undefined.
 * @return  Return status; PM_RET_OK means a matching object
 *          was found.  PM_RET_ERR otherwise.
PmReturn_t seglist_findEqual(pSeglist_t pseglist,
                             pPmObj_t pobj, int16_t *r_index);

 * Gets the item in the seglist at the given coordinates.
 * The segment number and the index within the segment
 * are the coordinates of the object to get.
 * @param   pseglist Ptr to seglist to scan
 * @param   index Index of item to get
 * @param   r_pobj Return arg; Ptr to object at the index
 * @return  Return status; PM_RET_OK if object found.
 *          PM_RET_ERR otherwise.
PmReturn_t seglist_getItem(pSeglist_t pseglist,
                           int16_t index, pPmObj_t *r_pobj);

 * Allocates a new empty seglist
 * @param   r_pseglist return; Address of ptr to new seglist
 * @return  Return status
PmReturn_t seglist_new(pSeglist_t *r_pseglist);

 * Puts the item in the next available slot in the first available segment.
 * This is intended for the Dict type where
 * the Seglist index is insignificant.
 * Pushing an object assures it will be found early
 * during a call to seglist_findEqual().
 * @param   pseglist Ptr to seglist in which object is placed.
 * @param   pobj Ptr to object which is inserted.
 * @param   index Index into seglist before which item is inserted
 * @return  Return status; PM_RET_OK if the item was inserted.
 *              Any error condition comes from heap_getChunk.
PmReturn_t seglist_insertItem(pSeglist_t pseglist,
                              pPmObj_t pobj, int16_t index);

 * Puts the item in the designated slot and segment.
 * This is intended to be used after seglist_findEqual()
 * returns the proper indeces.
 * @param   pseglist Ptr to seglist in which object is placed.
 * @param   pobj Ptr to object which is set.
 * @param   index Index into seglist of where to put object.
 * @return  Return status; PM_RET_OK if object is set.
 *              PM_RET_ERR otherwise.
PmReturn_t seglist_setItem(pSeglist_t pseglist, pPmObj_t pobj, int16_t index);

 * Removes the item at the given index.
 * @param   pseglist Ptr to seglist in which object is removed.
 * @param   index Index into seglist of where to put object.
 * @return  Return status
PmReturn_t seglist_removeItem(pSeglist_t pseglist, uint16_t index);

#endif /* __SEGLIST_H__ */