# Set up a default goal .DEFAULT_GOAL := help # Tried the best to support parallel (-j) builds. But since this Makefile # uses other Makefiles to build few targets which in turn have similar # dependencies on uavobjects and other generated files, it is difficult # to support parallel builds perfectly. But at least it was tested with # -j (unlimited job number) on Windows and Linux. # Locate the root of the tree WHEREAMI := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) ROOT_DIR := $(realpath $(WHEREAMI)/../) # Set up some macros BUILD_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/build VERSION_CMD := python $(ROOT_DIR)/make/scripts/version-info.py --path=$(ROOT_DIR) RELEASE_LBL := $(shell $(VERSION_CMD) --format=\$${DATE}-\$${TAG_OR_HASH8}) RELEASE_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/release-$(RELEASE_LBL) FW_DIR := $(RELEASE_DIR)/firmware-$(RELEASE_LBL) BL_DIR := $(FW_DIR)/bootloaders BLUPD_DIR := $(FW_DIR)/bootloader_updaters # Setup targets FW_TARGETS_COMMON := ahrs pipxtreme FW_TARGETS_INPUT := coptercontrol openpilot FW_TARGETS_TOOLS := coptercontrol FW_TARGETS := $(FW_TARGETS_COMMON) $(FW_TARGETS_INPUT) BL_TARGETS := $(addprefix bl_, $(FW_TARGETS)) BLUPD_TARGETS := $(addprefix blupd_, $(FW_TARGETS)) help: @echo @echo " This Makefile is known to work on Linux and Mac in a standard shell environment." @echo " It also works on Windows by following the instructions in ../make/winx86/README.txt." @echo @echo " Here is a summary of the available targets:" @echo @echo " [Release build and packaging]" @echo " release - Build and package the OpenPilot release" @echo " release_flight - Build and package the OpenPilot flight firmware" @echo @echo " Notes:" @echo " - the build directory will be removed first on every run" @echo " unless CLEAN_BUILD=NO is defined (recommended for testing only)" @echo " - release packages will be placed in $(RELEASE_DIR)" @echo # Clean and build uavobjects since all parts depend on them uavobjects: all_clean $(V1) $(MAKE) -C $(ROOT_DIR) $@ all_clean: ifneq ($(CLEAN_BUILD), NO) $(V1) $(MAKE) -C $(ROOT_DIR) $@ endif # Install template: # $1 = target # $2 = dependencies # $3 = install directory (must be defined) # $4 = installed file name prefix (optional) # $5 = installed file name suffix (optional) # $6 = extra make options (for instance, USE_SPEKTRUM=YES) # $7 = optional target suffix (for instance, clean, if target must be cleaned first) # $8 = list of targets to install (without _install suffix) # $9 = inner make target (usually install, but can be other to just build) define INSTALL_TEMPLATE $(1): $(2) ifneq ($(7),) $$(V1) +$(MAKE) -C $(ROOT_DIR) $(6) $(addsuffix _$(7), $(8)) endif $$(V1) +$(MAKE) -C $(ROOT_DIR) INSTALL_DIR=$(3) INSTALL_PFX=$(4) INSTALL_SFX=$(5) $(6) $(addsuffix _$(9), $(8)) .PHONY: $(1) endef # Firmware for different input drivers $(eval $(call INSTALL_TEMPLATE,fw_common,uavobjects,$(FW_DIR),,-$(RELEASE_LBL),,,$(FW_TARGETS_COMMON),install)) $(eval $(call INSTALL_TEMPLATE,fw_pwm,uavobjects,$(FW_DIR),,-pwm-$(RELEASE_LBL),,clean,$(FW_TARGETS_INPUT),install)) $(eval $(call INSTALL_TEMPLATE,fw_spektrum,uavobjects,$(FW_DIR),,-spektrum-$(RELEASE_LBL),USE_SPEKTRUM=YES,clean,$(FW_TARGETS_INPUT),install)) $(eval $(call INSTALL_TEMPLATE,fw_ppm,uavobjects,$(FW_DIR),,-ppm-$(RELEASE_LBL),USE_PPM=YES,clean,$(FW_TARGETS_INPUT),install)) # Bootloaders (change 'bin' to 'install' to install bootloaders too) $(eval $(call INSTALL_TEMPLATE,all_bl,uavobjects,$(BL_DIR),,-$(RELEASE_LBL),,,$(BL_TARGETS),bin)) # Bootloader Updaters $(eval $(call INSTALL_TEMPLATE,blupd_coptercontrol,all_bl,$(BLUPD_DIR),CopterControl_,-$(RELEASE_LBL),,,blupd_coptercontrol,install)) $(eval $(call INSTALL_TEMPLATE,blupd_ahrs,all_bl,$(BLUPD_DIR),AHRS_,-$(RELEASE_LBL),,,blupd_ahrs,install)) $(eval $(call INSTALL_TEMPLATE,blupd_openpilot,all_bl,$(BLUPD_DIR),OpenPilot_,-$(RELEASE_LBL),,,blupd_openpilot,install)) $(eval $(call INSTALL_TEMPLATE,blupd_pipxtreme,all_bl,$(BLUPD_DIR),PipXtreme_,-$(RELEASE_LBL),,,blupd_pipxtreme,install)) # CopterControl flash eraser tool $(eval $(call INSTALL_TEMPLATE,fw_tools,uavobjects,$(BLUPD_DIR),,-FlashEraser-$(RELEASE_LBL),ERASE_FLASH=YES,clean,$(FW_TARGETS_TOOLS),install)) # Order-only dependencies # They are bit complicated to support parallel (-j) builds and to # create the pwm/ppm/spektrum and CC flash eraser targets in a sequence of build steps fw_pwm: | # default dependencies fw_spektrum: | fw_pwm # sequential build fw_ppm: | fw_spektrum # sequential build fw_tools: | fw_spektrum # sequential build, replace fw_spektrum by fw_ppm if uncommented below release_fw: | fw_common fw_pwm fw_spektrum # fw_ppm release_blupd: | $(BLUPD_TARGETS) release_flight: | release_fw release_blupd fw_tools release_ground: | ground_package release: | release_flight release_ground .PHONY: help uavobjects all_clean release release_flight release_fw release_blupd release_ground # Decide on a verbosity level based on the V= parameter export AT := @ ifndef V export V0 := export V1 := $(AT) else ifeq ($(V), 0) export V0 := $(AT) export V1 := $(AT) else ifeq ($(V), 1) endif ifneq ($(V),1) MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory endif # Platform-dependent stuff PLATFORM := win32 UNAME := $(shell uname) ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux) PLATFORM := linux endif ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin) PLATFORM := osx endif include $(WHEREAMI)/Makefile.$(PLATFORM)