 * @addtogroup LibrePilotModules LibrePilot Modules
 * @{
 * @addtogroup PathFollower FSM
 * @brief Executes auto takeoff sequence via an FSM
 * @{
 * @file       vtolautotakeofffsm.h
 * @author     The LibrePilot Project, http://www.librepilot.org Copyright (C) 2016-2018
 *             The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2015.
 * @brief      Executes FSM for auto takeoff sequence
 * @see        The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

extern "C" {
#include "statusvtolautotakeoff.h"
#include "pathfollowerfsm.h"

// AutoTakeoffing state machine
typedef enum {
    AUTOTAKEOFF_STATE_INACTIVE = 0, // Inactive state is the initialised state on startup
    AUTOTAKEOFF_STATE_CHECKSTATE, // Initial condition checks
    AUTOTAKEOFF_STATE_SLOWSTART, // Slow start motors
    AUTOTAKEOFF_STATE_THRUSTUP, // Ramp motors up to neutral thrust
    AUTOTAKEOFF_STATE_TAKEOFF, // Ascend to target velocity
    AUTOTAKEOFF_STATE_HOLD, // Hold position as completion of the sequence
    AUTOTAKEOFF_STATE_THRUSTDOWN, // Thrust down sequence
    AUTOTAKEOFF_STATE_THRUSTOFF, // Thrust is now off
    AUTOTAKEOFF_STATE_ABORT, // Abort on error triggers fallback to land
} PathFollowerFSM_AutoTakeoffState_T;

class VtolAutoTakeoffFSM : public PathFollowerFSM {
    static VtolAutoTakeoffFSM *p_inst;

    static VtolAutoTakeoffFSM *instance()
        if (!p_inst) {
            p_inst = new VtolAutoTakeoffFSM();
        return p_inst;
    int32_t Initialize(VtolPathFollowerSettingsData *vtolPathFollowerSettings,
                       PathDesiredData *pathDesired,
                       FlightStatusData *flightStatus);
    void Inactive(void);
    void Activate(void);
    void Update(void);
    void BoundThrust(float &ulow, float &uhigh);
    PathFollowerFSMState_T GetCurrentState(void);
    void ConstrainStabiDesired(StabilizationDesiredData *stabDesired);
    uint8_t PositionHoldState(void);
    void setControlState(StatusVtolAutoTakeoffControlStateOptions controlState);


    // FSM instance data type
    typedef struct {
        StatusVtolAutoTakeoffData fsmAutoTakeoffStatus;
        StatusVtolAutoTakeoffStateOptions currentState;
        TakeOffLocationData takeOffLocation;
        uint32_t stateRunCount;
        uint32_t stateTimeoutCount;
        float    sum1;
        float    sum2;
        float    expectedAutoTakeoffPositionNorth;
        float    expectedAutoTakeoffPositionEast;
        float    thrustLimit;
        float    boundThrustMin;
        float    boundThrustMax;
        uint8_t  observationCount;
        uint8_t  observation2Count;
        uint8_t  flZeroStabiHorizontal;
        uint8_t  flConstrainThrust;
        uint8_t  flLowAltitude;
        uint8_t  flAltitudeHold;
    } VtolAutoTakeoffFSMData_T;

    // FSM state structure
    typedef struct {
        void(VtolAutoTakeoffFSM::*setup) (void); // Called to initialise the state
        void(VtolAutoTakeoffFSM::*run) (uint8_t); // Run the event detection code for a state
    } PathFollowerFSM_AutoTakeoffStateHandler_T;

    // Private variables
    VtolAutoTakeoffFSMData_T *mAutoTakeoffData;
    VtolPathFollowerSettingsData *vtolPathFollowerSettings;
    PathDesiredData *pathDesired;
    FlightStatusData *flightStatus;

    void setup_inactive(void);

    void setup_checkstate(void);

    void setup_slowstart(void);
    void run_slowstart(uint8_t);

    void setup_takeoff(void);
    void run_takeoff(uint8_t);

    void setup_hold(void);
    void run_hold(uint8_t);

    void setup_thrustup(void);
    void run_thrustup(uint8_t);

    void setup_thrustdown(void);
    void run_thrustdown(uint8_t);

    void setup_thrustoff(void);
    void run_thrustoff(uint8_t);

    void setup_disarmed(void);
    void run_disarmed(uint8_t);

    void initFSM(void);
    void setState(StatusVtolAutoTakeoffStateOptions newState, StatusVtolAutoTakeoffStateExitReasonOptions reason);
    int32_t runState();
    int32_t runAlways();

    void updateVtolAutoTakeoffFSMStatus();
    float assessAltitude(void);

    void setStateTimeout(int32_t count);

    static PathFollowerFSM_AutoTakeoffStateHandler_T sAutoTakeoffStateTable[AUTOTAKEOFF_STATE_SIZE];