
The disk_ioctl function cntrols device specified features and miscellaneous functions other than disk read/write.

DRESULT disk_ioctl (
  BYTE Drive,      /* Drive number */
  BYTE Command,    /* Control command code */
  void* Buffer     /* Data transfer buffer */


Specifies the drive number (0-9).
Specifies the command code.
Pointer to the parameter buffer depends on the command code. When it is not used, specify a NULL pointer.

Return Value

RES_OK (0)
The function succeeded.
Any error occured.
Invalid command code.
The disk drive has not been initialized.


The FatFs module uses only device independent commands described below. Any device dependent function is not used.

CTRL_SYNCMake sure that the disk drive has finished pending write process. When the disk I/O module has a write back cache, flush the dirty sector immediately. This command is not required in read-only configuration.

GET_SECTOR_SIZEReturns sector size of the drive into the WORD variable pointed by Buffer. This command is not required in single sector size configuration, _MAX_SS is 512.
GET_SECTOR_COUNTReturns total sectors on the drive into the DWORD variable pointed by Buffer. This command is used in only f_mkfs function.
GET_BLOCK_SIZEReturns erase block size of the memory array in unit of sector into the DWORD variable pointed by Buffer. When the erase block size is unknown or magnetic disk device, return 1. This command is used in only f_mkfs function.
