/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup CopterControlBL CopterControl BootLoader * @brief These files contain the code to the CopterControl Bootloader. * * @{ * @file op_dfu.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @brief This file contains the DFU commands handling code * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "pios.h" #include <stdbool.h> #include "op_dfu.h" #include "pios_bl_helper.h" #include <pios_board_info.h> // programmable devices Device devicesTable[10]; uint8_t numberOfDevices = 0; DFUProgType currentProgrammingDestination; // flash, flash_trough spi uint8_t currentDeviceCanRead; uint8_t currentDeviceCanWrite; Device currentDevice; uint8_t Buffer[64]; uint8_t echoBuffer[64]; uint8_t SendBuffer[64]; uint8_t Command = 0; uint8_t EchoReqFlag = 0; uint8_t EchoAnsFlag = 0; uint8_t StartFlag = 0; uint32_t Aditionals = 0; uint32_t SizeOfTransfer = 0; uint32_t Expected_CRC = 0; uint8_t SizeOfLastPacket = 0; uint32_t Next_Packet = 0; uint8_t TransferType; uint32_t Count = 0; uint32_t Data; uint8_t Data0; uint8_t Data1; uint8_t Data2; uint8_t Data3; uint32_t Opt[3]; // Download vars uint32_t downSizeOfLastPacket = 0; uint32_t downPacketTotal = 0; uint32_t downPacketCurrent = 0; DFUTransfer downType = 0; /* Extern variables ----------------------------------------------------------*/ extern DFUStates DeviceState; extern uint8_t JumpToApp; extern int32_t platform_senddata(const uint8_t *msg, uint16_t msg_len); /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ static uint32_t baseOfAdressType(uint8_t type); static uint8_t isBiggerThanAvailable(uint8_t type, uint32_t size); static void OPDfuIni(uint8_t discover); bool flash_read(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t adr, DFUProgType type); /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ void sendData(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size); uint32_t CalcFirmCRC(void); void DataDownload(__attribute__((unused)) DownloadAction action) { if ((DeviceState == downloading)) { uint8_t packetSize; uint32_t offset; uint32_t partoffset; SendBuffer[0] = 0x01; SendBuffer[1] = Download; SendBuffer[2] = downPacketCurrent >> 24; SendBuffer[3] = downPacketCurrent >> 16; SendBuffer[4] = downPacketCurrent >> 8; SendBuffer[5] = downPacketCurrent; if (downPacketCurrent == downPacketTotal - 1) { packetSize = downSizeOfLastPacket; } else { packetSize = 14; } for (uint8_t x = 0; x < packetSize; ++x) { partoffset = (downPacketCurrent * 14 * 4) + (x * 4); offset = baseOfAdressType(downType) + partoffset; if (!flash_read(SendBuffer + (6 + x * 4), offset, currentProgrammingDestination)) { DeviceState = Last_operation_failed; } } downPacketCurrent = downPacketCurrent + 1; if (downPacketCurrent > downPacketTotal - 1) { DeviceState = Last_operation_Success; Aditionals = (uint32_t)Download; } sendData(SendBuffer + 1, 63); } } static uint32_t unpack_uint32(uint8_t *buffer) { uint32_t ret = buffer[0] << 24; ret += buffer[1] << 16; ret += buffer[2] << 8; ret += buffer[3]; return ret; } static void pack_uint32(uint32_t value, uint8_t *buffer) { buffer[0] = value >> 24; buffer[1] = value >> 16; buffer[2] = value >> 8; buffer[3] = value; } void processComand(uint8_t *xReceive_Buffer) { Command = xReceive_Buffer[COMMAND]; EchoReqFlag = (Command >> 7); EchoAnsFlag = (Command >> 6) & 0x01; StartFlag = (Command >> 5) & 0x01; Count = unpack_uint32(&xReceive_Buffer[COUNT]); Data = unpack_uint32(&xReceive_Buffer[DATA]); Data0 = xReceive_Buffer[DATA]; Data1 = xReceive_Buffer[DATA + 1]; Data2 = xReceive_Buffer[DATA + 2]; Data3 = xReceive_Buffer[DATA + 3]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Opt[i] = unpack_uint32(&xReceive_Buffer[DATA + 4 * (i + 1)]); } Command = Command & 0b00011111; if (EchoReqFlag == 1) { memcpy(echoBuffer, xReceive_Buffer, 64); } switch (Command) { case EnterDFU: if (((DeviceState == BLidle) && (Data0 < numberOfDevices)) || (DeviceState == DFUidle) || (DeviceState == failed_jump)) { if (Data0 > 0) { OPDfuIni(true); } DeviceState = DFUidle; currentProgrammingDestination = devicesTable[Data0].programmingType; currentDeviceCanRead = devicesTable[Data0].readWriteFlags & 0x01; currentDeviceCanWrite = devicesTable[Data0].readWriteFlags >> 1 & 0x01; currentDevice = devicesTable[Data0]; uint8_t result = 0; switch (currentProgrammingDestination) { case Self_flash: result = PIOS_BL_HELPER_FLASH_Ini(); break; case Remote_flash_via_spi: result = true; break; default: DeviceState = Last_operation_failed; Aditionals = (uint16_t)Command; } if (result != 1) { DeviceState = Last_operation_failed; Aditionals = (uint32_t)Command; } } break; case Upload: if ((DeviceState == DFUidle) || (DeviceState == uploading)) { if ((StartFlag == 1) && (Next_Packet == 0)) { TransferType = Data0; SizeOfTransfer = Count; Next_Packet = 1; Expected_CRC = unpack_uint32(&xReceive_Buffer[DATA + 2]); SizeOfLastPacket = Data1; if (isBiggerThanAvailable(TransferType, (SizeOfTransfer - 1) * 14 * 4 + SizeOfLastPacket * 4) == true) { DeviceState = outsideDevCapabilities; Aditionals = (uint32_t)Command; } else { uint8_t result = 1; if (TransferType == FW) { switch (currentProgrammingDestination) { case Self_flash: result = PIOS_BL_HELPER_FLASH_Start(); break; case Remote_flash_via_spi: result = false; break; default: break; } } if (result != 1) { DeviceState = Last_operation_failed; Aditionals = (uint32_t)Command; } else { DeviceState = uploading; } } } else if ((StartFlag != 1) && (Next_Packet != 0)) { if (Count > SizeOfTransfer) { DeviceState = too_many_packets; Aditionals = Count; } else if (Count == Next_Packet - 1) { uint8_t numberOfWords = 14; if (Count == SizeOfTransfer - 1) { // is this the last packet? numberOfWords = SizeOfLastPacket; } uint8_t result = 0; uint32_t offset; uint32_t aux;; switch (currentProgrammingDestination) { case Self_flash: for (uint8_t x = 0; x < numberOfWords; ++x) { offset = 4 * x; Data = unpack_uint32(&xReceive_Buffer[DATA + offset]); aux = baseOfAdressType(TransferType) + (uint32_t)( Count * 14 * 4 + x * 4); result = 0; for (int retry = 0; retry < MAX_WRI_RETRYS; ++retry) { if (result == 0) { result = (FLASH_ProgramWord(aux, Data) == FLASH_COMPLETE) ? 1 : 0; } } } break; case Remote_flash_via_spi: result = false; // No support for this for the OPLink Mini break; default: result = 0; break; } if (result != 1) { DeviceState = Last_operation_failed; Aditionals = (uint32_t)Command; } ++Next_Packet; } else { DeviceState = wrong_packet_received; Aditionals = Count; } } else { DeviceState = Last_operation_failed; Aditionals = (uint32_t)Command; } } break; case Req_Capabilities: OPDfuIni(true); Buffer[0] = 0x01; Buffer[1] = Rep_Capabilities; if (Data0 == 0) { Buffer[2] = 0; Buffer[3] = 0; Buffer[4] = 0; Buffer[5] = 0; Buffer[6] = 0; Buffer[7] = numberOfDevices; uint16_t WRFlags = 0; for (int x = 0; x < numberOfDevices; ++x) { WRFlags = ((devicesTable[x].readWriteFlags << (x * 2)) | WRFlags); } Buffer[8] = WRFlags >> 8; Buffer[9] = WRFlags; } else { pack_uint32(devicesTable[Data0 - 1].sizeOfCode, &Buffer[2]); Buffer[6] = Data0; Buffer[7] = devicesTable[Data0 - 1].BL_Version; Buffer[8] = devicesTable[Data0 - 1].sizeOfDescription; Buffer[9] = devicesTable[Data0 - 1].devID; pack_uint32(devicesTable[Data0 - 1].FW_Crc, &Buffer[10]); Buffer[14] = devicesTable[Data0 - 1].devID >> 8; Buffer[15] = devicesTable[Data0 - 1].devID; } sendData(Buffer + 1, 63); break; case JumpFW: if (Data == 0x5AFE) { /* Force board into safe mode */ PIOS_IAP_WriteBootCount(0xFFFF); } // pass any Opt value to the firmware PIOS_IAP_WriteBootCmd(0, Opt[0]); PIOS_IAP_WriteBootCmd(1, Opt[1]); PIOS_IAP_WriteBootCmd(2, Opt[2]); FLASH_Lock(); JumpToApp = 1; break; case Reset: PIOS_SYS_Reset(); break; case Abort_Operation: Next_Packet = 0; DeviceState = DFUidle; break; case Op_END: if (DeviceState == uploading) { if (Next_Packet - 1 == SizeOfTransfer) { Next_Packet = 0; if ((TransferType != FW) || (Expected_CRC == CalcFirmCRC())) { DeviceState = Last_operation_Success; } else { DeviceState = CRC_Fail; } } if (Next_Packet - 1 < SizeOfTransfer) { Next_Packet = 0; DeviceState = too_few_packets; } } break; case Download_Req: if (DeviceState == DFUidle) { downType = Data0; downPacketTotal = Count; downSizeOfLastPacket = Data1; if (isBiggerThanAvailable(downType, (downPacketTotal - 1) * 14 + downSizeOfLastPacket) == 1) { DeviceState = outsideDevCapabilities; Aditionals = (uint32_t)Command; } else { downPacketCurrent = 0; DeviceState = downloading; } } else { DeviceState = Last_operation_failed; Aditionals = (uint32_t)Command; } break; case Status_Request: Buffer[0] = 0x01; Buffer[1] = Status_Rep; if (DeviceState == wrong_packet_received) { pack_uint32(Aditionals, &Buffer[2]); } else { Buffer[2] = 0; Buffer[3] = ((uint16_t)Aditionals) >> 8; Buffer[4] = ((uint16_t)Aditionals); Buffer[5] = 0; } Buffer[6] = DeviceState; Buffer[7] = 0; Buffer[8] = 0; Buffer[9] = 0; sendData(Buffer + 1, 63); if (DeviceState == Last_operation_Success) { DeviceState = DFUidle; } break; case Status_Rep: break; } if (EchoReqFlag == 1) { echoBuffer[1] = echoBuffer[1] | EchoAnsFlag; sendData(echoBuffer + 1, 63); } } void OPDfuIni(uint8_t discover) { const struct pios_board_info *bdinfo = &pios_board_info_blob; Device dev; dev.programmingType = Self_flash; dev.readWriteFlags = (BOARD_READABLE | (BOARD_WRITABLE << 1)); dev.startOfUserCode = bdinfo->fw_base; dev.sizeOfCode = bdinfo->fw_size; dev.sizeOfDescription = bdinfo->desc_size; dev.BL_Version = bdinfo->bl_rev; dev.FW_Crc = CalcFirmCRC(); dev.devID = (bdinfo->board_type << 8) | (bdinfo->board_rev); dev.devType = bdinfo->hw_type; numberOfDevices = 1; devicesTable[0] = dev; if (discover) { // TODO check other devices trough spi or whatever } } uint32_t baseOfAdressType(DFUTransfer type) { switch (type) { case FW: return currentDevice.startOfUserCode; break; case Descript: return currentDevice.startOfUserCode + currentDevice.sizeOfCode; break; default: return 0; } } uint8_t isBiggerThanAvailable(DFUTransfer type, uint32_t size) { switch (type) { case FW: return (size > currentDevice.sizeOfCode) ? 1 : 0; break; case Descript: return (size > currentDevice.sizeOfDescription) ? 1 : 0; break; default: return true; } } uint32_t CalcFirmCRC() { switch (currentProgrammingDestination) { case Self_flash: return PIOS_BL_HELPER_CRC_Memory_Calc(); break; case Remote_flash_via_spi: return 0; break; default: return 0; break; } } void sendData(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size) { platform_senddata(buf, size); } bool flash_read(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t adr, DFUProgType type) { switch (type) { case Remote_flash_via_spi: return false; // We should not get this for the OPLink Mini break; case Self_flash: for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 4; ++x) { buffer[x] = *PIOS_BL_HELPER_FLASH_If_Read(adr + x); } return true; break; default: return false; } }