/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup OpenPilotModules OpenPilot Modules * @{ * @addtogroup PathPlanner Path Planner Module * @brief Executes a series of waypoints * @{ * * @file pathplanner.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2012. * @brief Executes a series of waypoints * * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "openpilot.h" #include "flightplan.h" #include "flightstatus.h" #include "airspeedstate.h" #include "pathaction.h" #include "pathdesired.h" #include "pathstatus.h" #include "positionstate.h" #include "velocitystate.h" #include "waypoint.h" #include "waypointactive.h" #include "taskinfo.h" #include #include "paths.h" // Private constants #define STACK_SIZE_BYTES 1024 #define TASK_PRIORITY CALLBACK_TASK_NAVIGATION #define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 2 #define PATH_PLANNER_UPDATE_RATE_MS 100 // can be slow, since we listen to status updates as well // Private types // Private functions static void pathPlannerTask(); static void commandUpdated(UAVObjEvent *ev); static void statusUpdated(UAVObjEvent *ev); static void updatePathDesired(); static void setWaypoint(uint16_t num); static uint8_t pathConditionCheck(); static uint8_t conditionNone(); static uint8_t conditionTimeOut(); static uint8_t conditionDistanceToTarget(); static uint8_t conditionLegRemaining(); static uint8_t conditionBelowError(); static uint8_t conditionAboveAltitude(); static uint8_t conditionAboveSpeed(); static uint8_t conditionPointingTowardsNext(); static uint8_t conditionPythonScript(); static uint8_t conditionImmediate(); // Private variables static DelayedCallbackInfo *pathPlannerHandle; static DelayedCallbackInfo *pathDesiredUpdaterHandle; static WaypointActiveData waypointActive; static WaypointData waypoint; static PathActionData pathAction; static bool pathplanner_active = false; /** * Module initialization */ int32_t PathPlannerStart() { // when the active waypoint changes, update pathDesired WaypointConnectCallback(commandUpdated); WaypointActiveConnectCallback(commandUpdated); PathActionConnectCallback(commandUpdated); PathStatusConnectCallback(statusUpdated); // Start main task callback DelayedCallbackDispatch(pathPlannerHandle); return 0; } /** * Module initialization */ int32_t PathPlannerInitialize() { FlightPlanInitialize(); PathActionInitialize(); PathStatusInitialize(); PathDesiredInitialize(); PositionStateInitialize(); AirspeedStateInitialize(); VelocityStateInitialize(); WaypointInitialize(); WaypointActiveInitialize(); pathPlannerHandle = DelayedCallbackCreate(&pathPlannerTask, CALLBACK_PRIORITY_REGULAR, TASK_PRIORITY, STACK_SIZE_BYTES); pathDesiredUpdaterHandle = DelayedCallbackCreate(&updatePathDesired, CALLBACK_PRIORITY_CRITICAL, TASK_PRIORITY, STACK_SIZE_BYTES); return 0; } MODULE_INITCALL(PathPlannerInitialize, PathPlannerStart); /** * Module task */ static void pathPlannerTask() { DelayedCallbackSchedule(pathPlannerHandle, PATH_PLANNER_UPDATE_RATE_MS, CALLBACK_UPDATEMODE_SOONER); bool endCondition = false; FlightStatusData flightStatus; FlightStatusGet(&flightStatus); if (flightStatus.FlightMode != FLIGHTSTATUS_FLIGHTMODE_PATHPLANNER) { pathplanner_active = false; return; } WaypointActiveGet(&waypointActive); if (pathplanner_active == false) { pathplanner_active = true; // This triggers callback to update variable waypointActive.Index = 0; WaypointActiveSet(&waypointActive); return; } WaypointInstGet(waypointActive.Index, &waypoint); PathActionInstGet(waypoint.Action, &pathAction); PathStatusData pathStatus; PathStatusGet(&pathStatus); PathDesiredData pathDesired; PathDesiredGet(&pathDesired); // delay next step until path follower has acknowledged the path mode if (pathStatus.UID != pathDesired.UID) { return; } // negative destinations DISABLE this feature if (pathStatus.Status == PATHSTATUS_STATUS_CRITICAL && waypointActive.Index != pathAction.ErrorDestination && pathAction.ErrorDestination >= 0) { setWaypoint(pathAction.ErrorDestination); return; } // check if condition has been met endCondition = pathConditionCheck(); // decide what to do switch (pathAction.Command) { case PATHACTION_COMMAND_ONNOTCONDITIONNEXTWAYPOINT: endCondition = !endCondition; case PATHACTION_COMMAND_ONCONDITIONNEXTWAYPOINT: if (endCondition) { setWaypoint(waypointActive.Index + 1); } break; case PATHACTION_COMMAND_ONNOTCONDITIONJUMPWAYPOINT: endCondition = !endCondition; case PATHACTION_COMMAND_ONCONDITIONJUMPWAYPOINT: if (endCondition) { if (pathAction.JumpDestination < 0) { // waypoint ids <0 code relative jumps setWaypoint(waypointActive.Index - pathAction.JumpDestination); } else { setWaypoint(pathAction.JumpDestination); } } break; case PATHACTION_COMMAND_IFCONDITIONJUMPWAYPOINTELSENEXTWAYPOINT: if (endCondition) { if (pathAction.JumpDestination < 0) { // waypoint ids <0 code relative jumps setWaypoint(waypointActive.Index - pathAction.JumpDestination); } else { setWaypoint(pathAction.JumpDestination); } } else { setWaypoint(waypointActive.Index + 1); } break; } } // callback function when status changed, issue execution of state machine void commandUpdated(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev) { DelayedCallbackDispatch(pathDesiredUpdaterHandle); } // callback function when waypoints changed in any way, update pathDesired void statusUpdated(__attribute__((unused)) UAVObjEvent *ev) { DelayedCallbackDispatch(pathPlannerHandle); } // callback function when waypoints changed in any way, update pathDesired void updatePathDesired() { // only ever touch pathDesired if pathplanner is enabled if (!pathplanner_active) { return; } PathDesiredData pathDesired; // find out current waypoint WaypointActiveGet(&waypointActive); WaypointInstGet(waypointActive.Index, &waypoint); PathActionInstGet(waypoint.Action, &pathAction); pathDesired.End.North = waypoint.Position.North; pathDesired.End.East = waypoint.Position.East; pathDesired.End.Down = waypoint.Position.Down; pathDesired.EndingVelocity = waypoint.Velocity; pathDesired.Mode = pathAction.Mode; pathDesired.ModeParameters[0] = pathAction.ModeParameters[0]; pathDesired.ModeParameters[1] = pathAction.ModeParameters[1]; pathDesired.ModeParameters[2] = pathAction.ModeParameters[2]; pathDesired.ModeParameters[3] = pathAction.ModeParameters[3]; pathDesired.UID = waypointActive.Index; if (waypointActive.Index == 0) { PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); // First waypoint has itself as start point (used to be home position but that proved dangerous when looping) /*pathDesired.Start[PATHDESIRED_START_NORTH] = waypoint.Position[WAYPOINT_POSITION_NORTH]; pathDesired.Start[PATHDESIRED_START_EAST] = waypoint.Position[WAYPOINT_POSITION_EAST]; pathDesired.Start[PATHDESIRED_START_DOWN] = waypoint.Position[WAYPOINT_POSITION_DOWN];*/ pathDesired.Start.North = positionState.North; pathDesired.Start.East = positionState.East; pathDesired.Start.Down = positionState.Down; pathDesired.StartingVelocity = pathDesired.EndingVelocity; } else { // Get previous waypoint as start point WaypointData waypointPrev; WaypointInstGet(waypointActive.Index - 1, &waypointPrev); pathDesired.Start.North = waypointPrev.Position.North; pathDesired.Start.East = waypointPrev.Position.East; pathDesired.Start.Down = waypointPrev.Position.Down; pathDesired.StartingVelocity = waypointPrev.Velocity; } PathDesiredSet(&pathDesired); } // helper function to go to a specific waypoint static void setWaypoint(uint16_t num) { FlightPlanData flightPlan; FlightPlanGet(&flightPlan); // here it is assumed that the flight plan has been validated (waypoint count is consistent) if (num >= flightPlan.WaypointCount) { // path plans wrap around num = 0; } waypointActive.Index = num; WaypointActiveSet(&waypointActive); } // execute the appropriate condition and report result static uint8_t pathConditionCheck() { // i thought about a lookup table, but a switch is safer considering there could be invalid EndCondition ID's switch (pathAction.EndCondition) { case PATHACTION_ENDCONDITION_NONE: return conditionNone(); break; case PATHACTION_ENDCONDITION_TIMEOUT: return conditionTimeOut(); break; case PATHACTION_ENDCONDITION_DISTANCETOTARGET: return conditionDistanceToTarget(); break; case PATHACTION_ENDCONDITION_LEGREMAINING: return conditionLegRemaining(); break; case PATHACTION_ENDCONDITION_BELOWERROR: return conditionBelowError(); break; case PATHACTION_ENDCONDITION_ABOVEALTITUDE: return conditionAboveAltitude(); break; case PATHACTION_ENDCONDITION_ABOVESPEED: return conditionAboveSpeed(); break; case PATHACTION_ENDCONDITION_POINTINGTOWARDSNEXT: return conditionPointingTowardsNext(); break; case PATHACTION_ENDCONDITION_PYTHONSCRIPT: return conditionPythonScript(); break; case PATHACTION_ENDCONDITION_IMMEDIATE: return conditionImmediate(); break; default: // invalid endconditions are always true to prevent freezes return true; break; } } /* the None condition is always false */ static uint8_t conditionNone() { return false; } /** * the Timeout condition measures time this waypoint is active * Parameter 0: timeout in seconds */ static uint8_t conditionTimeOut() { static uint16_t toWaypoint; static uint32_t toStarttime; // reset timer if waypoint changed if (waypointActive.Index != toWaypoint) { toWaypoint = waypointActive.Index; toStarttime = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw(); } if (PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(toStarttime) >= 1e6f * pathAction.ConditionParameters[0]) { // make sure we reinitialize even if the same waypoint comes twice toWaypoint = 0xFFFF; return true; } return false; } /** * the DistanceToTarget measures distance to a waypoint * returns true if closer * Parameter 0: distance in meters * Parameter 1: flag: 0=2d 1=3d */ static uint8_t conditionDistanceToTarget() { float distance; PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); if (pathAction.ConditionParameters[1] > 0.5f) { distance = sqrtf(powf(waypoint.Position.North - positionState.North, 2) + powf(waypoint.Position.East - positionState.East, 2) + powf(waypoint.Position.Down - positionState.Down, 2)); } else { distance = sqrtf(powf(waypoint.Position.North - positionState.North, 2) + powf(waypoint.Position.East - positionState.East, 2)); } if (distance <= pathAction.ConditionParameters[0]) { return true; } return false; } /** * the LegRemaining measures how far the pathfollower got on a linear path segment * returns true if closer to destination (path more complete) * Parameter 0: relative distance (0= complete, 1= just starting) */ static uint8_t conditionLegRemaining() { PathDesiredData pathDesired; PositionStateData positionState; PathDesiredGet(&pathDesired); PositionStateGet(&positionState); float cur[3] = { positionState.North, positionState.East, positionState.Down }; struct path_status progress; path_progress(cast_struct_to_array(pathDesired.Start, pathDesired.Start.North), cast_struct_to_array(pathDesired.End, pathDesired.End.North), cur, &progress, pathDesired.Mode); if (progress.fractional_progress >= 1.0f - pathAction.ConditionParameters[0]) { return true; } return false; } /** * the BelowError measures the error on a path segment * returns true if error is below margin * Parameter 0: error margin (in m) */ static uint8_t conditionBelowError() { PathDesiredData pathDesired; PositionStateData positionState; PathDesiredGet(&pathDesired); PositionStateGet(&positionState); float cur[3] = { positionState.North, positionState.East, positionState.Down }; struct path_status progress; path_progress(cast_struct_to_array(pathDesired.Start, pathDesired.Start.North), cast_struct_to_array(pathDesired.End, pathDesired.End.North), cur, &progress, pathDesired.Mode); if (progress.error <= pathAction.ConditionParameters[0]) { return true; } return false; } /** * the AboveAltitude measures the flight altitude relative to home position * returns true if above critical altitude * WARNING! Altitudes are always negative (down coordinate) * Parameter 0: altitude in meters (negative!) */ static uint8_t conditionAboveAltitude() { PositionStateData positionState; PositionStateGet(&positionState); if (positionState.Down <= pathAction.ConditionParameters[0]) { return true; } return false; } /** * the AboveSpeed measures the movement speed (3d) * returns true if above critical speed * Parameter 0: speed in m/s * Parameter 1: flag: 0=groundspeed 1=airspeed */ static uint8_t conditionAboveSpeed() { VelocityStateData velocityState; VelocityStateGet(&velocityState); float velocity = sqrtf(velocityState.North * velocityState.North + velocityState.East * velocityState.East + velocityState.Down * velocityState.Down); // use airspeed if requested and available if (pathAction.ConditionParameters[1] > 0.5f) { AirspeedStateData airspeed; AirspeedStateGet(&airspeed); velocity = airspeed.CalibratedAirspeed; } if (velocity >= pathAction.ConditionParameters[0]) { return true; } return false; } /** * the PointingTowardsNext measures the horizontal movement vector direction relative to the next waypoint * regardless whether this waypoint will ever be active (Command could jump to another one on true) * This is useful for curve segments where the craft should stop circling when facing a certain way (usually the next waypoint) * returns true if within a certain angular margin * Parameter 0: degrees variation allowed */ static uint8_t conditionPointingTowardsNext() { uint16_t nextWaypointId = waypointActive.Index + 1; if (nextWaypointId >= UAVObjGetNumInstances(WaypointHandle())) { nextWaypointId = 0; } WaypointData nextWaypoint; WaypointInstGet(nextWaypointId, &nextWaypoint); float angle1 = atan2f((nextWaypoint.Position.North - waypoint.Position.North), (nextWaypoint.Position.East - waypoint.Position.East)); VelocityStateData velocity; VelocityStateGet(&velocity); float angle2 = atan2f(velocity.North, velocity.East); // calculate the absolute angular difference angle1 = fabsf(RAD2DEG(angle1 - angle2)); while (angle1 > 360) { angle1 -= 360; } if (angle1 <= pathAction.ConditionParameters[0]) { return true; } return false; } /** * the PythonScript is supposed to read the output of a PyMite program running at the same time * and return based on its output, likely read out through some to be defined UAVObject * TODO XXX NOT YET IMPLEMENTED * returns always true until implemented * Parameter 0-3: defined by user script */ static uint8_t conditionPythonScript() { return true; } /* the immediate condition is always true */ static uint8_t conditionImmediate() { return true; } /** * @} * @} */