ScopeGadgetOptionsPage 0 0 753 576 Form 0 QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Plain true 0 0 753 576 0 QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Bitstream Charter 75 true X-Axis Plot Type: Qt::StrongFocus Data Size: Qt::StrongFocus seconds 5000 30 300 Update Interval: Qt::StrongFocus ms 10 30000 500 1000 Bitstream Charter 75 true Y-axis UAVObject: Qt::StrongFocus UAVField: Qt::StrongFocus Color: Qt::StrongFocus Choose Y-axis scale factor: Qt::StrongFocus false Math window size false 16777215 16777215 Qt::StrongFocus samples 1 1001 10 1 Math function: Qt::StrongFocus QLayout::SetFixedSize Qt::Vertical 20 100 Add a new curve to the scope, or update it if the UAVObject and UAVField is the same. Add Update Remove the curve from the scope. Remove Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 15 Qt::Vertical 0 200 QAbstractItemView::SelectItems 100 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Log data to csv file (not interpolated) New file on connect Logging path 0 0 true 255 0 0 255 0 0 120 120 120 1 Utils::PathChooser QWidget
cmbPlotType spnDataSize spnRefreshInterval cmbUAVObjects cmbUAVField mathFunctionComboBox spnMeanSamples btnColor cmbScale btnAddCurve btnRemoveCurve lstCurves LoggingEnable LoggingConnect