BOARD_TYPE := 0x03 BOARD_REVISION := 0x01 BOOTLOADER_VERSION := 0x04 HW_TYPE := 0x01 MCU := cortex-m3 CHIP := STM32F103CBT BOARD := STM32103CB_OPLINKMINI MODEL := MD MODEL_SUFFIX := _PX OPENOCD_JTAG_CONFIG := stlink-v2.cfg OPENOCD_CONFIG := stm32f1x.stlink.cfg # Flash memory map for OPLM: # Sector start size use # 0 0x0800 0000 1k BL # 1 0x0800 0400 1k BL # .. .. # 10 0x0800 2C00 1k BL # 11 0x0800 3000 1k FW # 12 0x0800 1000 1k FW # .. .. # 125 0x0801 F400 1k FW # 126 0x0801 F800 1k EE # 127 0x0801 FC00 1k EE # Note: These must match the values in link_$(BOARD)_memory.ld BL_BANK_BASE := 0x08000000 # Start of bootloader flash BL_BANK_SIZE := 0x00003000 # Should include BD_INFO region FW_BANK_BASE := 0x08003000 # Start of firmware flash FW_BANK_SIZE := 0x0001CC00 # Should include FW_DESC_SIZE FW_BANK_SIZE := 0x00019000 # Should include FW_DESC_SIZE EE_BANK_BASE := 0x0801C000 # EEPROM storage area EE_BANK_SIZE := 0x00004000 # Size of EEPROM storage area FW_DESC_SIZE := 0x00000064