/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup OpenPilotModules OpenPilot Modules * @{ * @addtogroup AHRSCommsModule AHRSComms Module * @brief Handles communication with AHRS and updating position * Specifically updates the the @ref AttitudeActual "AttitudeActual" and @ref AttitudeRaw "AttitudeRaw" settings objects * @{ * * @file ahrs_comms.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @brief Module to handle all comms to the AHRS on a periodic basis. * * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * ******************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Input object: AttitudeSettings * Output object: AttitudeActual * * This module will periodically update the value of latest attitude solution * that is available from the AHRS. * The module settings can configure how often AHRS is polled for a new solution. * * The module executes in its own thread. * * UAVObjects are automatically generated by the UAVObjectGenerator from * the object definition XML file. * * Modules have no API, all communication to other modules is done through UAVObjects. * However modules may use the API exposed by shared libraries. * See the OpenPilot wiki for more details. * http://www.openpilot.org/OpenPilot_Application_Architecture * */ #include "ahrs_comms.h" #include "attitudeactual.h" #include "attitudesettings.h" #include "attituderaw.h" #include "ahrsstatus.h" #include "alarms.h" #include "baroaltitude.h" #include "stdbool.h" #include "positionactual.h" #include "homelocation.h" #include "pios_opahrs.h" // library for OpenPilot AHRS access functions #include "pios_opahrs_proto.h" // Private constants #define STACK_SIZE 400 #define TASK_PRIORITY (tskIDLE_PRIORITY+4) // Private types // Private variables static xTaskHandle taskHandle; // Private functions static void ahrscommsTask(void* parameters); static void load_baro_altitude(struct opahrs_msg_v1_req_altitude * altitude); static void load_magnetic_north(struct opahrs_msg_v1_req_north * north); static void load_position_actual(struct opahrs_msg_v1_req_gps * gps); static void update_attitude_actual(struct opahrs_msg_v1_rsp_attitude * attitude); static void update_attitude_raw(struct opahrs_msg_v1_rsp_attituderaw * attituderaw); static void update_ahrs_status(struct opahrs_msg_v1_rsp_serial * serial); static bool BaroAltitudeIsUpdatedFlag = false; static void BaroAltitudeUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent * ev) { BaroAltitudeIsUpdatedFlag = true; } static bool PositionActualIsUpdatedFlag = false; static void PositionActualUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent * ev) { PositionActualIsUpdatedFlag = true; } static bool HomeLocationIsUpdatedFlag = false; static void HomeLocationUpdatedCb(UAVObjEvent * ev) { HomeLocationIsUpdatedFlag = true; } static bool AHRSKnowsHome = FALSE; /** * Initialise the module, called on startup * \returns 0 on success or -1 if initialisation failed */ int32_t AHRSCommsInitialize(void) { BaroAltitudeConnectCallback(BaroAltitudeUpdatedCb); PositionActualConnectCallback(PositionActualUpdatedCb); HomeLocationConnectCallback(HomeLocationUpdatedCb); PIOS_OPAHRS_Init(); // Start main task xTaskCreate(ahrscommsTask, (signed char*)"AHRSComms", STACK_SIZE, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY, &taskHandle); return 0; } static uint16_t attitude_errors = 0, attituderaw_errors = 0, position_errors = 0, home_errors = 0, altitude_errors = 0; /** * Module thread, should not return. */ static void ahrscommsTask(void* parameters) { enum opahrs_result result; // Main task loop while (1) { struct opahrs_msg_v1 rsp; AlarmsSet(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_AHRSCOMMS, SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_CRITICAL); /* Whenever resyncing, assume AHRS doesn't reset and doesn't know home */ AHRSKnowsHome = FALSE; /* Spin here until we're in sync */ while (PIOS_OPAHRS_resync() != OPAHRS_RESULT_OK) { vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_RATE_MS); } /* Give the other side a chance to keep up */ //vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_RATE_MS); if (PIOS_OPAHRS_GetSerial(&rsp) == OPAHRS_RESULT_OK) { update_ahrs_status(&(rsp.payload.user.v.rsp.serial)); } else { /* Comms error */ continue; } AlarmsClear(SYSTEMALARMS_ALARM_AHRSCOMMS); /* We're in sync with the AHRS, spin here until an error occurs */ while (1) { AttitudeSettingsData settings; /* Update settings with latest value */ AttitudeSettingsGet(&settings); if ((result = PIOS_OPAHRS_GetAttitude(&rsp)) == OPAHRS_RESULT_OK) { update_attitude_actual(&(rsp.payload.user.v.rsp.attitude)); } else { /* Comms error */ attitude_errors++; break; } if ((result = PIOS_OPAHRS_GetAttitudeRaw(&rsp)) == OPAHRS_RESULT_OK) { update_attitude_raw(&(rsp.payload.user.v.rsp.attituderaw)); } else { /* Comms error */ attituderaw_errors++; break; } if (BaroAltitudeIsUpdatedFlag) { struct opahrs_msg_v1 req; load_baro_altitude(&(req.payload.user.v.req.altitude)); if ((result = PIOS_OPAHRS_SetBaroAltitude(&req)) == OPAHRS_RESULT_OK) { BaroAltitudeIsUpdatedFlag = false; } else { /* Comms error */ altitude_errors++; break; } } if (PositionActualIsUpdatedFlag) { struct opahrs_msg_v1 req; load_position_actual(&(req.payload.user.v.req.gps)); if ((result = PIOS_OPAHRS_SetPositionActual(&req)) == OPAHRS_RESULT_OK) { PositionActualIsUpdatedFlag = false; } else { /* Comms error */ position_errors++; break; } } if (HomeLocationIsUpdatedFlag || !AHRSKnowsHome) { struct opahrs_msg_v1 req; load_magnetic_north(&(req.payload.user.v.req.north)); if ((result = PIOS_OPAHRS_SetMagNorth(&req)) == OPAHRS_RESULT_OK) { HomeLocationIsUpdatedFlag = false; AHRSKnowsHome = TRUE; } else { /* Comms error */ PIOS_LED_Off(LED2); home_errors++; break; } } /* Wait for the next update interval */ vTaskDelay( settings.UpdatePeriod / portTICK_RATE_MS ); } } } static void load_magnetic_north(struct opahrs_msg_v1_req_north * mag_north) { HomeLocationData data; HomeLocationGet(&data); mag_north->Be[0] = data.Be[0]; mag_north->Be[1] = data.Be[1]; mag_north->Be[2] = data.Be[2]; if(data.Be[0] == 0 && data.Be[1] == 0 && data.Be[2] == 0) { // in case nothing has been set go to default to prevent NaN in attitude solution mag_north->Be[0] = 1; mag_north->Be[1] = 0; mag_north->Be[2] = 0; } else { // normalize for unit length here float len = sqrt(data.Be[0] * data.Be[0] + data.Be[1] * data.Be[1] + data.Be[2] * data.Be[2]); mag_north->Be[0] = data.Be[0] / len; mag_north->Be[1] = data.Be[1] / len; mag_north->Be[2] = data.Be[2] / len; } } static void load_baro_altitude(struct opahrs_msg_v1_req_altitude * altitude) { BaroAltitudeData data; BaroAltitudeGet(&data); altitude->altitude = data.Altitude; altitude->pressure = data.Pressure; altitude->temperature = data.Temperature; } static void load_position_actual(struct opahrs_msg_v1_req_gps * gps) { PositionActualData data; PositionActualGet(&data); gps->latitude = data.Latitude; gps->longitude = data.Longitude; gps->altitude = data.GeoidSeparation; gps->heading = data.Heading; gps->groundspeed = data.Groundspeed; gps->status = data.Status; } static void update_attitude_actual(struct opahrs_msg_v1_rsp_attitude * attitude) { AttitudeActualData data; data.q1 = attitude->quaternion.q1; data.q2 = attitude->quaternion.q2; data.q3 = attitude->quaternion.q3; data.q4 = attitude->quaternion.q4; data.Roll = attitude->euler.roll; data.Pitch = attitude->euler.pitch; data.Yaw = attitude->euler.yaw; AttitudeActualSet(&data); } static void update_attitude_raw(struct opahrs_msg_v1_rsp_attituderaw * attituderaw) { AttitudeRawData data; data.magnetometers[ATTITUDERAW_MAGNETOMETERS_X] = attituderaw->mags.x; data.magnetometers[ATTITUDERAW_MAGNETOMETERS_Y] = attituderaw->mags.y; data.magnetometers[ATTITUDERAW_MAGNETOMETERS_Z] = attituderaw->mags.z; data.gyros[ATTITUDERAW_GYROS_X] = attituderaw->gyros.x; data.gyros[ATTITUDERAW_GYROS_Y] = attituderaw->gyros.y; data.gyros[ATTITUDERAW_GYROS_Z] = attituderaw->gyros.z; data.gyros_filtered[ATTITUDERAW_GYROS_FILTERED_X] = attituderaw->gyros_filtered.x; data.gyros_filtered[ATTITUDERAW_GYROS_FILTERED_Y] = attituderaw->gyros_filtered.y; data.gyros_filtered[ATTITUDERAW_GYROS_FILTERED_Z] = attituderaw->gyros_filtered.z; data.gyrotemp[ATTITUDERAW_GYROTEMP_XY] = attituderaw->gyros.xy_temp; data.gyrotemp[ATTITUDERAW_GYROTEMP_Z] = attituderaw->gyros.z_temp; data.accels[ATTITUDERAW_ACCELS_X] = attituderaw->accels.x; data.accels[ATTITUDERAW_ACCELS_Y] = attituderaw->accels.y; data.accels[ATTITUDERAW_ACCELS_Z] = attituderaw->accels.z; data.accels_filtered[ATTITUDERAW_ACCELS_FILTERED_X] = attituderaw->accels_filtered.x; data.accels_filtered[ATTITUDERAW_ACCELS_FILTERED_Y] = attituderaw->accels_filtered.y; data.accels_filtered[ATTITUDERAW_ACCELS_FILTERED_Z] = attituderaw->accels_filtered.z; AttitudeRawSet(&data); } static void update_ahrs_status(struct opahrs_msg_v1_rsp_serial * serial) { AhrsStatusData data; // Get the current object data AhrsStatusGet(&data); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(serial->serial_bcd); i++) { data.SerialNumber[i] = serial->serial_bcd[i]; } data.CommErrors[AHRSSTATUS_COMMERRORS_ATTITUDE] = attitude_errors; data.CommErrors[AHRSSTATUS_COMMERRORS_ATTITUDERAW] = attituderaw_errors; data.CommErrors[AHRSSTATUS_COMMERRORS_POSITIONACTUAL] = position_errors; data.CommErrors[AHRSSTATUS_COMMERRORS_HOMELOCATION] = home_errors; data.CommErrors[AHRSSTATUS_COMMERRORS_ALTITUDE] = altitude_errors; AhrsStatusSet(&data); } /** * @} * @} */