# This file is Copyright 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Dean Hall.
# This file is part of the PyMite VM.
# The PyMite VM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.
# The PyMite VM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# A copy of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2
# is seen in the file COPYING in this directory.

#ifndef __INT_H__
#define __INT_H__

 * \file
 * \brief Integer Object Type
 * Integer object type header.

 * Integer obj
 * 32b signed integer
typedef struct PmInt_s
    /** Object descriptor */
    PmObjDesc_t od;

    /** Integer value */
    int32_t val;
} PmInt_t,

 * Creates a duplicate Integer object
 * Created specifically for the index value in FOR_LOOP.
 * @param   pint Pointer to int obj to duplicate.
 * @param   r_pint Return by ref, ptr to new int
 * @return  Return status
PmReturn_t int_dup(pPmObj_t pint, pPmObj_t *r_pint);

 * Creates a new Integer object
 * @param   val Value to assign int (signed 32-bit).
 * @param   r_pint Return by ref, ptr to new int
 * @return  Return status
PmReturn_t int_new(int32_t val, pPmObj_t *r_pint);

 * Implements the UNARY_POSITIVE bcode.
 * Creates a new int with the same value as the given int.
 * @param   pobj Pointer to integer object
 * @param   r_pint Return by reference, ptr to int
 * @return  Return status
PmReturn_t int_positive(pPmObj_t pobj, pPmObj_t *r_pint);

 * Implements the UNARY_NEGATIVE bcode.
 * Creates a new int with a value that is the negative of the given int.
 * @param   pobj Pointer to target object
 * @param   r_pint Return by ref, ptr to int
 * @return  Return status
PmReturn_t int_negative(pPmObj_t pobj, pPmObj_t *r_pint);

 * Implements the UNARY_INVERT bcode.
 * Creates a new int with a value that is
 * the bitwise inversion of the given int.
 * @param   pobj Pointer to integer to invert
 * @param   r_pint Return by reference; new integer
 * @return  Return status
PmReturn_t int_bitInvert(pPmObj_t pobj, pPmObj_t *r_pint);

 * Sends out an integer object in decimal notation with MSB first.
 * The number is preceded with a "-" when necessary.
 * @param pObj Ptr to int object
 * @return Return status
PmReturn_t int_print(pPmObj_t pint);

 * Prints the byte in ascii-coded hexadecimal out the platform output
 * @param b Byte to print
PmReturn_t int_printHexByte(uint8_t b);

 * Prints the integer in ascii-coded hexadecimal out the platform output
 * @param n Integer to print
PmReturn_t _int_printHex(intptr_t n);

 * Prints the Int object in ascii-coded hexadecimal out the platform output
 * @param pint Pointer to Int object
PmReturn_t int_printHex(pPmObj_t pint);
#endif /* HAVE_PRINT */

 * Returns by reference an integer that is x raised to the power of y.
 * @param px The integer base
 * @param py The integer exponent
 * @param r_pn Return by reference; New integer with value of x ** y
 * @return Return status
PmReturn_t int_pow(pPmObj_t px, pPmObj_t py, pPmObj_t *r_pn);

#endif /* __INT_H__ */