StabilizationWidget 0 0 639 470 Form Rate Stabilization (inner loop) Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Hint: read the toolips! First, work on rate stabilization. QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised Roll Slowly raise Kp until you start seeing clear oscillations when you fly. Then lower the value by 20% or so. 6 0.000100000000000 Pitch Slowly raise Kp until you start seeing clear oscillations when you fly. Then lower the value by 20% or so. 6 0.000100000000000 Kp Qt::AlignCenter I factor for rate stabilization is usually very low or even zero. 6 0.000100000000000 I factor for rate stabilization is usually very low or even zero. 6 0.000100000000000 Ki Qt::AlignCenter 6 0.000100000000000 6 0.000100000000000 ILimit Qt::AlignCenter If checked, the Roll and Pitch factors will be identical. When you change one, the other is updated. Link Yaw Slowly raise Kp until you start seeing clear oscillations when you fly. Then lower the value by 20% or so. You can usually go for higher values for Yaw factors. 6 0.000100000000000 As a rule of thumb, you can set YawRate Ki at roughly the same value as YawRate Kp. 6 0.000100000000000 6 0.000100000000000 Attitude Stabilization (outer loop) QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised If checked, the Roll and Pitch factors will be identical. When you change one, the other is updated. Link Roll Pitch Yaw Once Rate stabilization is done, you should increase the Kp factor until the airframe oscillates again, and go back down 20% or so. 6 0.100000000000000 Once Rate stabilization is done, you should increase the Kp factor until the airframe oscillates again, and go back down 20% or so. 6 0.100000000000000 Once Rate stabilization is done, you should increase the Kp factor until the airframe oscillates again, and go back down 20% or so. 6 0.100000000000000 Ki can usually be almost identical to Kp. 6 0.100000000000000 Ki can usually be almost identical to Kp. 6 0.100000000000000 Ki can usually be almost identical to Kp. 6 0.100000000000000 ILimit can be equal to three to four times Ki, but you can adjust depending on whether your airframe is well balanced, and your flying style. 6 0.100000000000000 ILimit can be equal to three to four times Ki, but you can adjust depending on whether your airframe is well balanced, and your flying style. 6 0.100000000000000 ILimit can be equal to three to four times Ki, but you can adjust depending on whether your airframe is well balanced, and your flying style. 6 0.100000000000000 Kp Qt::AlignCenter Ki Qt::AlignCenter ILimit Qt::AlignCenter 75 true Angle Limits: RollMax 180 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 PitchMax 180 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 YawMax 180 Qt::Vertical 20 40 If you check this, the GCS will udpate the stabilization factors automatically every 300ms, which will help for fast tuning. Update in real time Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Get Current Apply Save