/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup OpenPilotModules OpenPilot Modules * @{ * @addtogroup PathFollower PID interface class * @brief PID loop for down control * @{ * * @file pidcontroldown.h * @author The LibrePilot Project, http://www.librepilot.org Copyright (C) 2017. * The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2015. * @brief Executes PID control for down direction * * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ extern "C" { #include <openpilot.h> #include <math.h> #include <pid.h> #include <CoordinateConversions.h> #include <sin_lookup.h> #include <pathdesired.h> #include <paths.h> #include "plans.h" #include <stabilizationdesired.h> #include <vtolselftuningstats.h> } #include "pidcontroldown.h" #define NEUTRALTHRUST_PH_POSITIONAL_ERROR_LIMIT 0.5f #define NEUTRALTHRUST_PH_VEL_DESIRED_LIMIT 0.2f #define NEUTRALTHRUST_PH_VEL_STATE_LIMIT 0.2f #define NEUTRALTHRUST_PH_VEL_ERROR_LIMIT 0.1f #define NEUTRALTHRUST_START_DELAY (2 * 20) // 2 seconds at rate of 20Hz (50ms update rate) #define NEUTRALTHRUST_END_COUNT (NEUTRALTHRUST_START_DELAY + (4 * 20)) // 4 second sample PIDControlDown::PIDControlDown() : deltaTime(0.0f), mVelocitySetpointTarget(0.0f), mVelocitySetpointCurrent(0.0f), mVelocityState(0.0f), mDownCommand(0.0f), mCallback(NULL), mNeutral(0.5f), mVelocityMax(1.0f), mPositionSetpointTarget(0.0f), mPositionState(0.0f), mMinThrust(0.1f), mMaxThrust(0.6f), mActive(false), mAllowNeutralThrustCalc(true) { Deactivate(); } PIDControlDown::~PIDControlDown() {} void PIDControlDown::Initialize(PIDControlDownCallback *callback) { mCallback = callback; } void PIDControlDown::SetThrustLimits(float min_thrust, float max_thrust) { mMinThrust = min_thrust; mMaxThrust = max_thrust; } void PIDControlDown::Deactivate() { mActive = false; } void PIDControlDown::Activate() { float currentThrust; StabilizationDesiredThrustGet(¤tThrust); pid2_transfer(&PID, currentThrust); mActive = true; } void PIDControlDown::UpdateParameters(float kp, float ki, float kd, float beta, float dT, float velocityMax) { float Td; // Derivative time constant float Ti; // Integral time constant float kt; // Feedback gain for integral windup avoidance float N = 10.0f; // N is the factor used to determine the // time constant for derivative filtering // Why 10? Maybe should be configurable? float Tf; // Low pass filter time constant for derivative filtering // Define Td, handling zero kp term (for I or ID controller) if (kp < 1e-6f) { Td = 1e6f; } else { Td = kd / kp; } // Define Ti, Tt and kt, handling zero ki term (for P or PD controller) if (ki < 1e-6f) { // Avoid Ti being infinite kt = 0.0f; } else { Ti = kp / ki; kt = 1.0f / Ti; } // Define Tf, according to controller type if (kd < 1e-6f) { // PI Controller or P Controller Tf = 0; } else { Tf = Td / N; } if (beta > 1.0f) { beta = 1.0f; } else if (beta < 0.4f) { beta = 0.4f; } pid2_configure(&PID, kp, ki, kd, Tf, kt, dT, beta, mNeutral, mNeutral, -1.0f); deltaTime = dT; mVelocityMax = velocityMax; } void PIDControlDown::UpdatePositionalParameters(float kp) { pid_configure(&PIDpos, kp, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } void PIDControlDown::UpdatePositionSetpoint(float setpointDown) { mPositionSetpointTarget = setpointDown; } void PIDControlDown::UpdatePositionState(float pvDown) { mPositionState = pvDown; setup_neutralThrustCalc(); } // This is a pure position hold position control void PIDControlDown::ControlPosition() { // Current progress location relative to end float velDown = 0.0f; velDown = pid_apply(&PIDpos, mPositionSetpointTarget - mPositionState, deltaTime); UpdateVelocitySetpoint(velDown); run_neutralThrustCalc(); } void PIDControlDown::ControlPositionWithPath(struct path_status *progress) { // Current progress location relative to end float velDown = progress->path_vector[2]; velDown += pid_apply(&PIDpos, progress->correction_vector[2], deltaTime); UpdateVelocitySetpoint(velDown); } void PIDControlDown::run_neutralThrustCalc(void) { // if auto thrust and we have not run a correction calc check for PH and stability to then run an assessment // note that arming into this flight mode is not allowed, so assumption here is that // we have not landed. If GPSAssist+Manual/Cruise control thrust mode is used, a user overriding the // altitude maintaining PID will have moved the throttle state to FLIGHTSTATUS_ASSISTEDTHROTTLESTATE_MANUAL. // In manualcontrol.c the state will stay in manual throttle until the throttle command exceeds the vtol thrust min, // avoiding auto-takeoffs. Therefore no need to check that here. if (neutralThrustEst.have_correction != true) { // Make FSM specific bool stable = (fabsf(mPositionSetpointTarget - mPositionState) < NEUTRALTHRUST_PH_POSITIONAL_ERROR_LIMIT && fabsf(mVelocitySetpointCurrent) < NEUTRALTHRUST_PH_VEL_DESIRED_LIMIT && fabsf(mVelocityState) < NEUTRALTHRUST_PH_VEL_STATE_LIMIT && fabsf(mVelocitySetpointCurrent - mVelocityState) < NEUTRALTHRUST_PH_VEL_ERROR_LIMIT); if (stable) { if (neutralThrustEst.start_sampling) { neutralThrustEst.count++; // delay count for 2 seconds into hold allowing for stablisation if (neutralThrustEst.count > NEUTRALTHRUST_START_DELAY) { neutralThrustEst.sum += PID.I; if (PID.I < neutralThrustEst.min) { neutralThrustEst.min = PID.I; } if (PID.I > neutralThrustEst.max) { neutralThrustEst.max = PID.I; } } if (neutralThrustEst.count >= NEUTRALTHRUST_END_COUNT) { // 6 seconds have past // lets take an average neutralThrustEst.average = neutralThrustEst.sum / (float)(NEUTRALTHRUST_END_COUNT - NEUTRALTHRUST_START_DELAY); neutralThrustEst.correction = neutralThrustEst.average; PID.I -= neutralThrustEst.average; neutralThrustEst.start_sampling = false; neutralThrustEst.have_correction = true; // Write a new adjustment value // vtolSelfTuningStats.NeutralThrustOffset was incremental adjusted above VtolSelfTuningStatsData vtolSelfTuningStats; VtolSelfTuningStatsGet(&vtolSelfTuningStats); // add the average remaining i value to the vtolSelfTuningStats.NeutralThrustOffset += neutralThrustEst.correction; vtolSelfTuningStats.NeutralThrustCorrection = neutralThrustEst.correction; // the i term thrust correction value applied vtolSelfTuningStats.NeutralThrustAccumulator = PID.I; // the actual iaccumulator value after correction vtolSelfTuningStats.NeutralThrustRange = neutralThrustEst.max - neutralThrustEst.min; VtolSelfTuningStatsSet(&vtolSelfTuningStats); } } else { // start a tick count neutralThrustEst.start_sampling = true; neutralThrustEst.count = 0; neutralThrustEst.sum = 0.0f; neutralThrustEst.max = 0.0f; neutralThrustEst.min = 0.0f; } } else { // reset sampling as we did't get 6 continuous seconds neutralThrustEst.start_sampling = false; } } // else we already have a correction for this PH run } void PIDControlDown::setup_neutralThrustCalc(void) { // reset neutral thrust assessment. // and do once for each position hold engagement neutralThrustEst.start_sampling = false; neutralThrustEst.count = 0; neutralThrustEst.sum = 0.0f; neutralThrustEst.have_correction = false; neutralThrustEst.average = 0.0f; neutralThrustEst.correction = 0.0f; neutralThrustEst.min = 0.0f; neutralThrustEst.max = 0.0f; } void PIDControlDown::UpdateNeutralThrust(float neutral) { if (mActive) { // adjust neutral and achieve bumpless transfer PID.va = neutral; pid2_transfer(&PID, mDownCommand); } mNeutral = neutral; } void PIDControlDown::UpdateVelocitySetpoint(float setpoint) { mVelocitySetpointTarget = setpoint; if (fabsf(mVelocitySetpointTarget) > mVelocityMax) { // maintain sign but set to max mVelocitySetpointTarget *= mVelocityMax / fabsf(mVelocitySetpointTarget); } } void PIDControlDown::RateLimit(float *spDesired, float *spCurrent, float rateLimit) { float velocity_delta = *spDesired - *spCurrent; if (fabsf(velocity_delta) < 1e-6f) { *spCurrent = *spDesired; return; } // Calculate the rate of change float accelerationDesired = velocity_delta / deltaTime; if (fabsf(accelerationDesired) > rateLimit) { accelerationDesired *= rateLimit / accelerationDesired; } if (fabsf(accelerationDesired) < 0.1f) { *spCurrent = *spDesired; } else { *spCurrent += accelerationDesired * deltaTime; } } void PIDControlDown::UpdateBrakeVelocity(float startingVelocity, float dT, float brakeRate, float currentVelocity, float *updatedVelocity) { if (startingVelocity >= 0.0f) { *updatedVelocity = startingVelocity - dT * brakeRate; if (*updatedVelocity > currentVelocity) { *updatedVelocity = currentVelocity; } if (*updatedVelocity < 0.0f) { *updatedVelocity = 0.0f; } } else { *updatedVelocity = startingVelocity + dT * brakeRate; if (*updatedVelocity < currentVelocity) { *updatedVelocity = currentVelocity; } if (*updatedVelocity > 0.0f) { *updatedVelocity = 0.0f; } } } void PIDControlDown::UpdateVelocityStateWithBrake(float pvDown, float path_time, float brakeRate) { mVelocityState = pvDown; float velocitySetpointDesired; UpdateBrakeVelocity(mVelocitySetpointTarget, path_time, brakeRate, pvDown, &velocitySetpointDesired); // Calculate the rate of change // RateLimit(velocitySetpointDesired[iaxis], mVelocitySetpointCurrent[iaxis], 2.0f ); mVelocitySetpointCurrent = velocitySetpointDesired; } // Update velocity state called per dT. Also update current // desired velocity void PIDControlDown::UpdateVelocityState(float pv) { mVelocityState = pv; if (mCallback) { // The FSM controls the actual descent velocity and introduces step changes as required float velocitySetpointDesired = mCallback->BoundVelocityDown(mVelocitySetpointTarget); // RateLimit(velocitySetpointDesired, mVelocitySetpointCurrent, 2.0f ); mVelocitySetpointCurrent = velocitySetpointDesired; } else { mVelocitySetpointCurrent = mVelocitySetpointTarget; } } float PIDControlDown::GetVelocityDesired(void) { return mVelocitySetpointCurrent; } float PIDControlDown::GetDownCommand(void) { float ulow = mMinThrust; float uhigh = mMaxThrust; if (mCallback) { mCallback->BoundThrust(ulow, uhigh); } float downCommand = pid2_apply(&PID, mVelocitySetpointCurrent, mVelocityState, ulow, uhigh); mDownCommand = downCommand; return mDownCommand; }