#!/bin/bash APP=$1 PLUGINS=${APP}/Contents/PlugIns OP_PLUGINS=${APP}/Contents/PlugIns/OpenPilot QT_LIBS="QtGui QtCore QtSvg QtSql QtOpenGL QtNetwork QtXml QtDBus QtScript phonon" echo $1 macdeployqt "${APP}" for f in "${PLUGINS}/"*.dylib "${OP_PLUGINS}/"*.dylib do for g in $QT_LIBS do install_name_tool -change ${g}.framework/Versions/4/${g} @executable_path/../Frameworks/${g}.framework/Versions/4/${g} "${f}" done done # should be redundant but some libs missed by main app and macdeployqt for f in ${QT_LIBS} SDL do echo "Copying ${f}" cp -r /Library/Frameworks/${f}.framework "${APP}/Contents/Frameworks/" echo "Changing package identification of ${f}" install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/${f}.framework/Versions/4/QtCore "${APP}/Contents/Frameworks/${f}.framework/Versions/4/${f}" echo "Changing package linkages" for g in $QT_LIBS do install_name_tool -change ${g}.framework/Versions/4/${g} @executable_path/../Frameworks/${g}.framework/Versions/4/${g} "${APP}/Contents/Frameworks/${f}.framework/Versions/4/${f}" done done # deleting unnecessary files echo "Deleting unnecessary files" find "${APP}/Contents/Frameworks" -iname "current" -exec rm -rf \{\} \; find "${APP}/Contents/Frameworks" -iname "4.0" -exec rm -rf \{\} \; find "${APP}/Contents/Frameworks" -iname "*_debug*" -exec rm -rf \{\} \;