/** ****************************************************************************** * @addtogroup PIOS PIOS Core hardware abstraction layer * @{ * @addtogroup PIOS_OVERO OVERO Functions * @brief PIOS interface to read and write to overo * @{ * * @file pios_overo.c * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2012. * @brief Hardware Abstraction Layer for Overo communications * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * @notes * *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include /** * Configures the SPI device to use a double buffered DMA for transferring * data. At the end of each transfer (NSS goes high) it makes sure to reset * the DMA counter to the beginning of each packet and swap to the next * buffer */ #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_SPI) #include #define PACKET_SIZE 1024 static void PIOS_OVERO_NSS_IRQHandler(); static const struct pios_exti_cfg pios_exti_overo_cfg __exti_config = { .vector = PIOS_OVERO_NSS_IRQHandler, .line = EXTI_Line15, .pin = { .gpio = GPIOA, .init = { .GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_15, .GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz, .GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN, .GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_OD, .GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL, }, }, .irq = { .init = { .NVIC_IRQChannel = EXTI15_10_IRQn, .NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = PIOS_IRQ_PRIO_MID, .NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0, .NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE, }, }, .exti = { .init = { .EXTI_Line = EXTI_Line15, // matches above GPIO pin .EXTI_Mode = EXTI_Mode_Interrupt, .EXTI_Trigger = EXTI_Trigger_Rising, .EXTI_LineCmd = ENABLE, }, }, }; static bool PIOS_OVERO_validate(struct pios_overo_dev * com_dev) { /* Should check device magic here */ return(true); } #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) static struct pios_overo_dev * PIOS_OVERO_alloc(void) { return (malloc(sizeof(struct pios_overo_dev))); } #else #error Unsupported #endif //! Global variable struct pios_overo_dev * overo_dev; /** * Initialises Overo pins * \param[in] mode currently only mode 0 supported * \return < 0 if initialisation failed */ int32_t PIOS_Overo_Init(const struct pios_overo_cfg * cfg) { PIOS_Assert(cfg); overo_dev = (struct pios_overo_dev *) PIOS_OVERO_alloc(); if (!overo_dev) goto out_fail; /* Bind the configuration to the device instance */ overo_dev->cfg = cfg; /* Disable callback function */ overo_dev->callback = NULL; /* Set a null buffer initially */ overo_dev->new_tx_buffer = 0; overo_dev->new_rx_buffer = 0; /* only legal for single-slave config */ PIOS_Assert(overo_dev->cfg->slave_count == 1); SPI_SSOutputCmd(overo_dev->cfg->regs, (overo_dev->cfg->init.SPI_Mode == SPI_Mode_Master) ? ENABLE : DISABLE); /* Initialize the GPIO pins */ /* note __builtin_ctz() due to the difference between GPIO_PinX and GPIO_PinSourceX */ GPIO_PinAFConfig(overo_dev->cfg->sclk.gpio, __builtin_ctz(overo_dev->cfg->sclk.init.GPIO_Pin), overo_dev->cfg->remap); GPIO_PinAFConfig(overo_dev->cfg->mosi.gpio, __builtin_ctz(overo_dev->cfg->mosi.init.GPIO_Pin), overo_dev->cfg->remap); GPIO_PinAFConfig(overo_dev->cfg->miso.gpio, __builtin_ctz(overo_dev->cfg->miso.init.GPIO_Pin), overo_dev->cfg->remap); GPIO_PinAFConfig(overo_dev->cfg->ssel[0].gpio, __builtin_ctz(overo_dev->cfg->ssel[0].init.GPIO_Pin), overo_dev->cfg->remap); GPIO_Init(overo_dev->cfg->sclk.gpio, (GPIO_InitTypeDef*)&(overo_dev->cfg->sclk.init)); GPIO_Init(overo_dev->cfg->mosi.gpio, (GPIO_InitTypeDef*)&(overo_dev->cfg->mosi.init)); GPIO_Init(overo_dev->cfg->miso.gpio, (GPIO_InitTypeDef*)&(overo_dev->cfg->miso.init)); /* Configure DMA for SPI Rx */ DMA_DeInit(overo_dev->cfg->dma.rx.channel); DMA_Cmd(overo_dev->cfg->dma.rx.channel, DISABLE); DMA_Init(overo_dev->cfg->dma.rx.channel, (DMA_InitTypeDef*)&(overo_dev->cfg->dma.rx.init)); /* Configure DMA for SPI Tx */ DMA_DeInit(overo_dev->cfg->dma.tx.channel); DMA_Cmd(overo_dev->cfg->dma.tx.channel, DISABLE); DMA_Init(overo_dev->cfg->dma.tx.channel, (DMA_InitTypeDef*)&(overo_dev->cfg->dma.tx.init)); /* Initialize the SPI block */ SPI_DeInit(overo_dev->cfg->regs); SPI_Init(overo_dev->cfg->regs, (SPI_InitTypeDef*)&(overo_dev->cfg->init)); /* Configure CRC calculation */ if (overo_dev->cfg->use_crc) { SPI_CalculateCRC(overo_dev->cfg->regs, ENABLE); } else { SPI_CalculateCRC(overo_dev->cfg->regs, DISABLE); } /* Enable SPI */ SPI_Cmd(overo_dev->cfg->regs, ENABLE); /* Enable SPI interrupts to DMA */ SPI_I2S_DMACmd(overo_dev->cfg->regs, SPI_I2S_DMAReq_Tx | SPI_I2S_DMAReq_Rx, ENABLE); /* Configure DMA interrupt */ NVIC_Init((NVIC_InitTypeDef*)&(overo_dev->cfg->dma.irq.init)); /* Configure the interrupt for rising edge of NSS */ PIOS_EXTI_Init(&pios_exti_overo_cfg); return(0); out_fail: return(-1); } /** * Transfers a block of bytes via DMA. * \param[in] overo_id SPI device handle * \param[in] send_buffer pointer to buffer which should be sent.
* If NULL, 0xff (all-one) will be sent. * \param[in] receive_buffer pointer to buffer which should get the received values.
* If NULL, received bytes will be discarded. * \param[in] len number of bytes which should be transfered * \param[in] callback pointer to callback function which will be executed * from DMA channel interrupt once the transfer is finished. * If NULL, no callback function will be used, and PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock() will * block until the transfer is finished. * \return >= 0 if no error during transfer * \return -1 if disabled SPI port selected * \return -3 if function has been called during an ongoing DMA transfer */ int32_t PIOS_Overo_SetNewBuffer(const uint8_t *send_buffer, uint8_t *receive_buffer, uint16_t len) { bool valid = PIOS_OVERO_validate(overo_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid) bool overrun = overo_dev->new_tx_buffer || overo_dev->new_rx_buffer; /* Cache next buffer */ overo_dev->new_tx_buffer = (uint32_t) send_buffer; overo_dev->new_rx_buffer = (uint32_t) receive_buffer; /* No error */ return overrun ? -1 : 0; } /** * Set the callback function */ int32_t PIOS_Overo_SetCallback(void *callback) { overo_dev->callback = callback; return 0; } /** * On the rising edge of NSS schedule a new transaction. This cannot be * done by the DMA complete because there is 150 us between that and the * Overo deasserting the CS line. We don't want to spin that long in an * isr. * * 1. Disable the DMA channel * 2. Check that the DMA counter is at the end of the buffer (increase an * error counter if not) * 3. Reset the DMA counter to the end of the beginning of the buffer * 4. Swap the buffer * 5. Enable the DMA channel */ void PIOS_OVERO_NSS_IRQHandler() { static uint32_t error_counter = 0; bool valid = PIOS_OVERO_validate(overo_dev); PIOS_Assert(valid) /* Disable the SPI peripheral */ SPI_Cmd(overo_dev->cfg->regs, DISABLE); /* Disable the DMA commands */ DMA_Cmd(overo_dev->cfg->dma.tx.channel, DISABLE); DMA_Cmd(overo_dev->cfg->dma.rx.channel, DISABLE); /* Check that the previous DMA transfer completed */ if(DMA_GetCurrDataCounter(overo_dev->cfg->dma.tx.channel) || DMA_GetCurrDataCounter(overo_dev->cfg->dma.rx.channel)) error_counter++; // Activate the new buffer DMA_MemoryTargetConfig(overo_dev->cfg->dma.tx.channel, overo_dev->new_tx_buffer, DMA_Memory_0); DMA_MemoryTargetConfig(overo_dev->cfg->dma.rx.channel, overo_dev->new_rx_buffer, DMA_Memory_0); // Enable DMA, Slave first DMA_SetCurrDataCounter(overo_dev->cfg->dma.tx.channel, PACKET_SIZE); DMA_SetCurrDataCounter(overo_dev->cfg->dma.rx.channel, PACKET_SIZE); /* Reenable the SPI peripheral */ SPI_Cmd(overo_dev->cfg->regs, ENABLE); /* Enable SPI interrupts to DMA */ SPI_I2S_DMACmd(overo_dev->cfg->regs, SPI_I2S_DMAReq_Tx, ENABLE); SPI_I2S_DMACmd(overo_dev->cfg->regs, SPI_I2S_DMAReq_Rx, ENABLE); /* Enable the DMA endpoints for valid buffers */ if(overo_dev->new_rx_buffer) DMA_Cmd(overo_dev->cfg->dma.rx.channel, ENABLE); if(overo_dev->new_tx_buffer) DMA_Cmd(overo_dev->cfg->dma.tx.channel, ENABLE); /* Indicate these buffers have been used */ overo_dev->new_tx_buffer = 0; overo_dev->new_rx_buffer = 0; if (overo_dev->callback != NULL) overo_dev->callback(true, true); } #endif /** * @} * @} */