/** ****************************************************************************** * @file pios_flash_internal.c * @author PhoenixPilot, http://github.com/PhoenixPilot, Copyright (C) 2012 * @addtogroup * @{ * @addtogroup * @{ * @brief Provides a flash driver for the STM32 internal flash sectors *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "pios.h" #ifdef PIOS_INCLUDE_FLASH_INTERNAL #include "stm32f4xx_flash.h" #include "pios_flash_internal_priv.h" #include "pios_flash.h" #include <stdbool.h> struct device_flash_sector { uint32_t start; uint32_t size; uint16_t st_sector; }; static struct device_flash_sector flash_sectors[] = { [0] = { .start = 0x08000000, .size = 16 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_0, }, [1] = { .start = 0x08004000, .size = 16 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_1, }, [2] = { .start = 0x08008000, .size = 16 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_2, }, [3] = { .start = 0x0800C000, .size = 16 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_3, }, [4] = { .start = 0x08010000, .size = 64 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_4, }, [5] = { .start = 0x08020000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_5, }, [6] = { .start = 0x08040000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_6, }, [7] = { .start = 0x08060000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_7, }, [8] = { .start = 0x08080000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_8, }, [9] = { .start = 0x080A0000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_9, }, [10] = { .start = 0x080C0000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_10, }, [11] = { .start = 0x080E0000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_11, }, [12] = { .start = 0x08100000, .size = 16 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_12, }, [13] = { .start = 0x08104000, .size = 16 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_13, }, [14] = { .start = 0x08108000, .size = 16 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_14, }, [15] = { .start = 0x0810C000, .size = 16 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_15, }, [16] = { .start = 0x08110000, .size = 64 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_16, }, [17] = { .start = 0x08120000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_17, }, [18] = { .start = 0x08140000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_18, }, [19] = { .start = 0x08160000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_19, }, [20] = { .start = 0x08180000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_20, }, [21] = { .start = 0x081A0000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_21, }, [22] = { .start = 0x081C0000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_22, }, [23] = { .start = 0x081E0000, .size = 128 * 1024, .st_sector = FLASH_Sector_23, }, }; static bool PIOS_Flash_Internal_GetSectorInfo(uint32_t address, uint8_t *sector_number, uint32_t *sector_start, uint32_t *sector_size) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NELEMENTS(flash_sectors); i++) { struct device_flash_sector *sector = &flash_sectors[i]; if ((address >= sector->start) && (address < (sector->start + sector->size))) { /* address lies within this sector */ *sector_number = sector->st_sector; *sector_start = sector->start; *sector_size = sector->size; return true; } } return false; } enum pios_internal_flash_dev_magic { PIOS_INTERNAL_FLASH_DEV_MAGIC = 0x33445902, }; struct pios_internal_flash_dev { enum pios_internal_flash_dev_magic magic; #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) xSemaphoreHandle transaction_lock; #endif /* defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) */ }; static bool PIOS_Flash_Internal_Validate(struct pios_internal_flash_dev *flash_dev) { return flash_dev && (flash_dev->magic == PIOS_INTERNAL_FLASH_DEV_MAGIC); } #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) static struct pios_internal_flash_dev *PIOS_Flash_Internal_alloc(void) { struct pios_internal_flash_dev *flash_dev; flash_dev = (struct pios_internal_flash_dev *)pios_malloc(sizeof(*flash_dev)); if (!flash_dev) { return NULL; } flash_dev->magic = PIOS_INTERNAL_FLASH_DEV_MAGIC; return flash_dev; } #else static struct pios_internal_flash_dev pios_internal_flash_devs[PIOS_INTERNAL_FLASH_MAX_DEVS]; static uint8_t pios_internal_flash_num_devs; static struct pios_internal_flash_dev *PIOS_Flash_Internal_alloc(void) { struct pios_internal_flash_dev *flash_dev; if (pios_internal_flash_num_devs >= PIOS_INTERNAL_FLASH_MAX_DEVS) { return NULL; } flash_dev = &pios_internal_flash_devs[pios_internal_flash_num_devs++]; flash_dev->magic = PIOS_INTERNAL_FLASH_DEV_MAGIC; return flash_dev; } #endif /* defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) */ int32_t PIOS_Flash_Internal_Init(uintptr_t *flash_id, __attribute__((unused)) const struct pios_flash_internal_cfg *cfg) { struct pios_internal_flash_dev *flash_dev; flash_dev = PIOS_Flash_Internal_alloc(); if (flash_dev == NULL) { return -1; } #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) flash_dev->transaction_lock = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); #endif /* defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) */ *flash_id = (uintptr_t)flash_dev; return 0; } /********************************** * * Provide a PIOS flash driver API * *********************************/ #include "pios_flash.h" static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Internal_StartTransaction(uintptr_t flash_id) { struct pios_internal_flash_dev *flash_dev = (struct pios_internal_flash_dev *)flash_id; if (!PIOS_Flash_Internal_Validate(flash_dev)) { return -1; } #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) if (xSemaphoreTake(flash_dev->transaction_lock, portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE) { return -2; } #endif /* defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) */ /* Unlock the internal flash so we can write to it */ FLASH_Unlock(); return 0; } static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Internal_EndTransaction(uintptr_t flash_id) { struct pios_internal_flash_dev *flash_dev = (struct pios_internal_flash_dev *)flash_id; if (!PIOS_Flash_Internal_Validate(flash_dev)) { return -1; } #if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) if (xSemaphoreGive(flash_dev->transaction_lock) != pdTRUE) { return -2; } #endif /* defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_FREERTOS) */ /* Lock the internal flash again so we can no longer write to it */ FLASH_Lock(); return 0; } static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Internal_EraseSector(uintptr_t flash_id, uint32_t addr) { struct pios_internal_flash_dev *flash_dev = (struct pios_internal_flash_dev *)flash_id; if (!PIOS_Flash_Internal_Validate(flash_dev)) { return -1; } uint8_t sector_number; uint32_t sector_start; uint32_t sector_size; if (!PIOS_Flash_Internal_GetSectorInfo(addr, §or_number, §or_start, §or_size)) { /* We're asking for an invalid flash address */ return -2; } if (FLASH_EraseSector(sector_number, VoltageRange_3) != FLASH_COMPLETE) { return -3; } return 0; } static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Internal_WriteData(uintptr_t flash_id, uint32_t addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { PIOS_Assert(data); struct pios_internal_flash_dev *flash_dev = (struct pios_internal_flash_dev *)flash_id; if (!PIOS_Flash_Internal_Validate(flash_dev)) { return -1; } uint8_t sector_number; uint32_t sector_start; uint32_t sector_size; /* Ensure that the base address is in a valid sector */ if (!PIOS_Flash_Internal_GetSectorInfo(addr, §or_number, §or_start, §or_size)) { /* We're asking for an invalid flash address */ return -2; } /* Ensure that the entire write occurs within the same sector */ if ((uintptr_t)addr + len > sector_start + sector_size) { /* Write crosses the end of the sector */ return -3; } FLASH_Status status; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len / 4; i++) { uint32_t data_word = *(uint32_t *)(data + i * 4); status = FLASH_ProgramWord(addr + i * 4, data_word); if (status != FLASH_COMPLETE) { return -4; } } /* Write the data */ for (uint16_t i = len - len % 4; i < len; i++) { status = FLASH_ProgramByte(addr + i, data[i]); if (status != FLASH_COMPLETE) { return -5; } } return 0; } static int32_t PIOS_Flash_Internal_ReadData(uintptr_t flash_id, uint32_t addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { PIOS_Assert(data); struct pios_internal_flash_dev *flash_dev = (struct pios_internal_flash_dev *)flash_id; if (!PIOS_Flash_Internal_Validate(flash_dev)) { return -1; } uint8_t sector_number; uint32_t sector_start; uint32_t sector_size; /* Ensure that the base address is in a valid sector */ if (!PIOS_Flash_Internal_GetSectorInfo(addr, §or_number, §or_start, §or_size)) { /* We're asking for an invalid flash address */ return -2; } /* Ensure that the entire read occurs within the same sector */ if ((uintptr_t)addr + len > sector_start + sector_size) { /* Read crosses the end of the sector */ return -3; } /* Read the data into the buffer directly */ memcpy(data, (void *)addr, len); return 0; } /* Provide a flash driver to external drivers */ const struct pios_flash_driver pios_internal_flash_driver = { .start_transaction = PIOS_Flash_Internal_StartTransaction, .end_transaction = PIOS_Flash_Internal_EndTransaction, .erase_sector = PIOS_Flash_Internal_EraseSector, .write_data = PIOS_Flash_Internal_WriteData, .read_data = PIOS_Flash_Internal_ReadData, }; #endif /* PIOS_INCLUDE_FLASH_INTERNAL */