------- TELEMETRY --------- The Telemetry system has been implemented, and is composed of a few major components: Telemetry.java - receives command to transmit objects through telemetry and also emits notification when transactions are completed TelemetryMonitor.java - monitors the FlightTelemetryStats and GCSTelemetryStats to establish when a working connection is in place. Also initiates downloading all the objects on a new connection. UAVObjectManager.java - the central data store. The data is actually stored within objects, but this maintains the handles to all of them. UAVTalk.java - the actual communication layer. Can packetize an object and insert into stream and process the incoming stream and update objects accordingly. ---- MESSAGE PASSING ---- The current implementation/analog to the slots/sockets in QT are Observers which are registered as added to an Observable. This is used extensibly within the telemetry system. I will continue to use this _within_ the Telemetry module so it doesn't depend on any android features. In android there is a constraint that UI operations should all be done from the UI thread. The most common way to do this is for the UI object (such as Activity) to instantiate a Handler to which messages or runnables are posted. So for external objects they will register a runnable somehow...