@echo off rem rem This file should be put into C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\ subdirectory rem (or similar, depeding on where the msysGit package was installed) rem to provide a shell prompt in the unix-like build environment on Windows. rem rem Currently supported on NT-class systems only (Windows XP and above). rem rem See also: rem README.txt rem http://wiki.openpilot.org/display/Doc/GCS+Development+on+Windows rem http://wiki.openpilot.org/display/Doc/Firmware+Development+on+Windows rem rem Based on the msys.bat file from the MSYS package rem http://www.mingw.org/wiki/msys rem rem Shared directories for toolchains rem set DL_DIR=C:/LibrePilot/downloads rem set TOOLS_DIR=C:/LibrePilot/tools rem this should let run MSYS shell on x64 if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "AMD64" ( SET COMSPEC=%WINDIR%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe ) rem some MSYS environment variables if "x%MSYSTEM%" == "x" set MSYSTEM=MINGW32 if not "x%DISPLAY%" == "x" set DISPLAY= rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem To build the OpenPilot software we need few tools in the PATH. rem Here we attempt to guess tools location searching in the given rem directories first, and in the PATH last, if not found where expected. rem rem Please note that if you have few similar tools installed somewhere but rem not in the expected location, and they are in the PATH, then the script rem can detect wrong directories. For instance, if you have QtSDK installed rem on the D: drive, but have separately installed MinGW toolkit which is rem in the PATH, then this script detects this MinGW instead of QtSDK's one. rem As a result, the SDL headers will not be found, if they were copied into rem QtSDK's MinGW directory. In that case make sure that you have correct rem directories specified here. rem rem Also the SDL should be installed into Qt directories to build the GCS. rem Check the wiki or ground/openpilotgcs/copydata.pro for details. rem rem Also you can add any paths below just by adding extra 'call :which' rem lines with the following parameters: rem - environment variable which will be set to the tool location, if found; rem - expected directory for the executable which will be searched first; rem - any executable file which will be searched in the given directory rem or in the PATH, if not found where expected. rem All they will be added to the PATH in order of appearance. rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- set NOT_FOUND= set PATH_DIRS= rem Replace %ProgramFiles% by %ProgramFiles(x86)% for 64bit system call :which MSYSGIT "%ProgramFiles%\Git\bin" git.exe call :which QTMINGW "C:\QtSDK\mingw\bin" mingw32-make.exe call :which QTSDK "C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\bin" qmake.exe call :which ARMGCC "C:\OpenPilot\gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_6-2012q4\bin" arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe call :which PYTHON "C:\Python27" python.exe call :which UNSIS "%ProgramFiles%\NSIS\Unicode" makensis.exe if "%NOT_FOUND%" == "" goto set_path echo: echo Some tools were not found in the PATH or expected location: for %%f in (%NOT_FOUND%) do echo %%f echo You may want to install them and/or update paths in the %0 file. echo: rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem Provide a clean environment for command line build. We remove the rem msysGit cmd subdirectory as well, so no recursive sh call can occur. rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :set_path set PATH=%SYSTEMROOT%\system32;%SYSTEMROOT% set PATH=%PATH_DIRS%;%PATH% rem echo PATH: %PATH% rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem Start a shell. rem Any shell script can be passed to it via command line of this batch file. rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not exist "%MSYSGIT%\bash.exe" goto no_bash call "%MSYSGIT%\bash.exe" --login -i %* goto :eof :no_bash echo Cannot find bash, exiting with error exit 1 rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem Attempt to find executable in the directory given or in the PATH rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :which rem search in the directory given first for %%F in (%2) do set FP=%%~F\%3 if exist "%FP%" goto found_directly rem search in the PATH last for %%F in (%3) do set FP=%%~$PATH:F if exist "%FP%" goto found_in_path :not_found for %%F in (%2) do set FP=%%~F rem echo %3: not found, expected in %FP% set FP= set NOT_FOUND=%NOT_FOUND% %3 goto set :found_directly for %%F in ("%FP%") do set FP=%%~dpsF rem echo %3: found at: %FP% goto set :found_in_path for %%F in ("%FP%") do set FP=%%~dpsF rem echo %3: found in the PATH: %FP% :set rem set results regardless of was it found or not set %1=%FP% rem echo %1=%FP% if "%FP%" == "" goto :eof if not "%PATH_DIRS%" == "" set PATH_DIRS=%PATH_DIRS%; set PATH_DIRS=%PATH_DIRS%%FP% goto :eof