/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file dialgadgetwidget.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010. * @see The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3 * @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins * @addtogroup DialPlugin Dial Plugin * @{ * @brief The main widget, where most action takes place *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "dialgadgetwidget.h" #include #include DialGadgetWidget::DialGadgetWidget(QWidget *parent) : QGraphicsView(parent) { // TODO: create a proper "needle" object instead of hardcoding all this // which is ugly (but easy). setMinimumSize(64,64); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); setScene(new QGraphicsScene(this)); setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing); m_renderer = new QSvgRenderer(); obj1 = NULL; obj2 = NULL; obj3 = NULL; m_text1 = NULL; m_text2 = NULL; m_text3 = NULL; // Should be initialized to NULL otherwise the setFont method // might segfault upon initialization if called before SetDialFile needle1Target = 0; needle2Target = 0; needle3Target = 0; // This timer mechanism makes needles rotate smoothly connect(&dialTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(rotateNeedles())); } DialGadgetWidget::~DialGadgetWidget() { // Do nothing } /*! \brief Connects the widget to the relevant UAVObjects */ void DialGadgetWidget::connectNeedles(QString object1, QString nfield1, QString object2, QString nfield2, QString object3, QString nfield3) { if (obj1 != NULL) disconnect(obj1,SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject*)),this,SLOT(updateNeedle1(UAVObject*))); if (obj2 != NULL) disconnect(obj2,SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject*)),this,SLOT(updateNeedle2(UAVObject*))); if (obj3 != NULL) disconnect(obj3,SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject*)),this,SLOT(updateNeedle3(UAVObject*))); ExtensionSystem::PluginManager *pm = ExtensionSystem::PluginManager::instance(); UAVObjectManager *objManager = pm->getObject(); // Check validity of arguments first, reject empty args and unknown fields. if (!(object1.isEmpty() || nfield1.isEmpty())) { obj1 = dynamic_cast( objManager->getObject(object1) ); if (obj1 != NULL ) { qDebug() << "Connected Object 1 (" << object1 << ")."; connect(obj1, SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject*)), this, SLOT(updateNeedle1(UAVObject*))); field1 = nfield1; } else { qDebug() << "Error: Object is unknown (" << object1 << ")."; } } // And do the same for the second needle. if (!(object2.isEmpty() || nfield2.isEmpty())) { obj2 = dynamic_cast( objManager->getObject(object2) ); if (obj2 != NULL ) { qDebug() << "Connected Object 2 (" << object2 << ")."; connect(obj2, SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject*)), this, SLOT(updateNeedle2(UAVObject*))); field2 = nfield2; } else { qDebug() << "Error: Object is unknown (" << object2 << ")."; } } // And do the same for the third needle. if (!(object3.isEmpty() || nfield3.isEmpty())) { obj3 = dynamic_cast( objManager->getObject(object3) ); if (obj3 != NULL ) { qDebug() << "Connected Object 3 (" << object3 << ")."; connect(obj3, SIGNAL(objectUpdated(UAVObject*)), this, SLOT(updateNeedle3(UAVObject*))); field3 = nfield3; } else { qDebug() << "Error: Object is unknown (" << object3 << ")."; } } } /*! \brief Called by the UAVObject which got updated */ void DialGadgetWidget::updateNeedle1(UAVObject *object1) { // Double check that the field exists: UAVObjectField* field = object1->getField(field1); if (field) { setNeedle1(field->getDouble()); } else { qDebug() << "Wrong field, maybe an issue with object disconnection ?"; } } /*! \brief Called by the UAVObject which got updated */ void DialGadgetWidget::updateNeedle2(UAVObject *object2) { UAVObjectField* field = object2->getField(field2); if (field) { setNeedle2(field->getDouble()); } else { qDebug() << "Wrong field, maybe an issue with object disconnection ?"; } } /*! \brief Called by the UAVObject which got updated */ void DialGadgetWidget::updateNeedle3(UAVObject *object3) { UAVObjectField* field = object3->getField(field3); if (field) { setNeedle3(field->getDouble()); } else { qDebug() << "Wrong field, maybe an issue with object disconnection ?"; } } /* Initializes the dial file, and does all the one-time calculations for display later. This is the method which really initializes the dial. */ void DialGadgetWidget::setDialFile(QString dfn, QString bg, QString fg, QString n1, QString n2, QString n3, QString n1Move, QString n2Move, QString n3Move) { fgenabled = false; n2enabled = false; n3enabled = false; QGraphicsScene *l_scene = scene(); if (QFile::exists(dfn) && m_renderer->load(dfn) && m_renderer->isValid()) { l_scene->clear(); // This also deletes all items contained in the scene. m_background = new QGraphicsSvgItem(); // All other items will be clipped to the shape of the background m_background->setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape| QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsToShape); m_foreground = new QGraphicsSvgItem(); m_needle1 = new QGraphicsSvgItem(); m_needle2 = new QGraphicsSvgItem(); m_needle3 = new QGraphicsSvgItem(); m_needle1->setParentItem(m_background); m_needle2->setParentItem(m_background); m_needle3->setParentItem(m_background); m_foreground->setParentItem(m_background); // We assume the dial contains at least the background // and needle1 m_background->setSharedRenderer(m_renderer); m_background->setElementId(bg); l_scene->addItem(m_background); m_needle1->setSharedRenderer(m_renderer); m_needle1->setElementId(n1); // Note: no need to add the item explicitely because it // is done automatically since it's a child item of the // background. //l_scene->addItem(m_needle1); // The dial gadget allows Needle1 and Needle2 to be // the same element, for combined movement. Needle3 // is always independent. if (n1 == n2) { m_needle2 = m_needle1; n2enabled = true; } else { if (m_renderer->elementExists(n2)) { m_needle2->setSharedRenderer(m_renderer); m_needle2->setElementId(n2); //l_scene->addItem(m_needle2); n2enabled = true; } } if (m_renderer->elementExists(n3)) { m_needle3->setSharedRenderer(m_renderer); m_needle3->setElementId(n3); //l_scene->addItem(m_needle3); n3enabled = true; } if (m_renderer->elementExists(fg)) { m_foreground->setSharedRenderer(m_renderer); m_foreground->setElementId(fg); //l_scene->addItem(m_foreground); fgenabled = true; } rotateN1 = false; horizN1 = false; vertN1 = false; rotateN2 = false; horizN2 = false; vertN2 = false; rotateN3 = false; horizN3 = false; vertN3 = false; // Now setup the rotation/translation settings: // this is UGLY UGLY UGLY, sorry... if (n1Move.contains("Rotate")) { rotateN1 = true; } else if (n1Move.contains("Horizontal")) { horizN1 = true; } else if (n1Move.contains("Vertical")) { vertN1 = true; } if (n2Move.contains("Rotate")) { rotateN2 = true; } else if (n2Move.contains("Horizontal")) { horizN2 = true; } else if (n2Move.contains("Vertical")) { vertN2 = true; } if (n3Move.contains("Rotate")) { rotateN3 = true; } else if (n3Move.contains("Horizontal")) { horizN3 = true; } else if (n3Move.contains("Vertical")) { vertN3 = true; } l_scene->setSceneRect(m_background->boundingRect()); // Now Initialize the center for all transforms of the dial needles to the // center of the background: // - Move the center of the needle to the center of the background. QRectF rectB = m_background->boundingRect(); QRectF rectN = m_needle1->boundingRect(); m_needle1->setPos(rectB.width()/2-rectN.width()/2,rectB.height()/2-rectN.height()/2); // - Put the transform origin point of the needle at its center. m_needle1->setTransformOriginPoint(rectN.width()/2,rectN.height()/2); // Check whether the dial also wants display the numeric value: if (m_renderer->elementExists(n1+"-text")) { QMatrix textMatrix = m_renderer->matrixForElement(n1+"-text"); qreal startX = textMatrix.mapRect(m_renderer->boundsOnElement(n1+"-text")).x(); qreal startY = textMatrix.mapRect(m_renderer->boundsOnElement(n1+"-text")).y(); QTransform matrix; matrix.translate(startX,startY); m_text1 = new QGraphicsTextItem("0.00"); m_text1->setDefaultTextColor(QColor("White")); m_text1->setTransform(matrix,false); l_scene->addItem(m_text1); } else { m_text1 = NULL; } if ((n1 != n2) && n2enabled) { // Only do it for needle2 if it is not the same as n1 rectN = m_needle2->boundingRect(); m_needle2->setPos(rectB.width()/2-rectN.width()/2,rectB.height()/2-rectN.height()/2); m_needle2->setTransformOriginPoint(rectN.width()/2,rectN.height()/2); // Check whether the dial also wants display the numeric value: if (m_renderer->elementExists(n2+"-text")) { QMatrix textMatrix = m_renderer->matrixForElement(n2+"-text"); qreal startX = textMatrix.mapRect(m_renderer->boundsOnElement(n2+"-text")).x(); qreal startY = textMatrix.mapRect(m_renderer->boundsOnElement(n2+"-text")).y(); QTransform matrix; matrix.translate(startX,startY); m_text2 = new QGraphicsTextItem("0.00"); m_text2->setDefaultTextColor(QColor("White")); m_text2->setTransform(matrix,false); l_scene->addItem(m_text2); } else { m_text2 = NULL; } } if (n3enabled) { rectN = m_needle3->boundingRect(); m_needle3->setPos(rectB.width()/2-rectN.width()/2,rectB.height()/2-rectN.height()/2); m_needle3->setTransformOriginPoint(rectN.width()/2,rectN.height()/2); // Check whether the dial also wants display the numeric value: if (m_renderer->elementExists(n3+"-text")) { QMatrix textMatrix = m_renderer->matrixForElement(n3+"-text"); qreal startX = textMatrix.mapRect(m_renderer->boundsOnElement(n3+"-text")).x(); qreal startY = textMatrix.mapRect(m_renderer->boundsOnElement(n3+"-text")).y(); QTransform matrix; matrix.translate(startX,startY); m_text3 = new QGraphicsTextItem("0.00"); m_text3->setDefaultTextColor(QColor("White")); m_text3->setTransform(matrix,false); l_scene->addItem(m_text3); } else { m_text3 = NULL; } } // Last: we just loaded the dial file which is by default positioned on a "zero" value // of the needles, so we have to reset the needle values too upon dial file loading, otherwise // we would end up with an offset whenever we change a dial file and the needle value // is not zero at that time. needle1Value = 0; needle2Value = 0; needle3Value = 0; if (!dialTimer.isActive()) dialTimer.start(); dialError = false; } else { qDebug()<<"no file: display default background."; m_renderer->load(QString(":/dial/images/empty.svg")); l_scene->clear(); // This also deletes all items contained in the scene. m_background = new QGraphicsSvgItem(); m_background->setSharedRenderer(m_renderer); l_scene->addItem(m_background); m_text1 = NULL; m_text2 = NULL; m_text3 = NULL; m_needle1 = NULL; m_needle2 = NULL; m_needle3 = NULL; dialError = true; } } void DialGadgetWidget::paint() { update(); } void DialGadgetWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { // Skip painting until the dial file is loaded if (! m_renderer->isValid()) { qDebug()<<"Dial file not loaded, not rendering"; return; } QGraphicsView::paintEvent(event); } // This event enables the dial to be dynamically resized // whenever the gadget is resized, taking advantage of the vector // nature of SVG dials. void DialGadgetWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { fitInView(m_background, Qt::KeepAspectRatio ); } void DialGadgetWidget::setDialFont(QString fontProps) { QFont font = QFont("Arial",12); font.fromString(fontProps); if (m_text1) { m_text1->setFont(font); } } // Converts the value into an angle: // this enables smooth rotation in rotateNeedles below void DialGadgetWidget::setNeedle1(double value) { if (rotateN1) { needle1Target = 360*value*n1Factor/(n1MaxValue-n1MinValue); } if (horizN1) { needle1Target = value*n1Factor/(n1MaxValue-n1MinValue); } if (vertN1) { needle1Target = value*n1Factor/(n1MaxValue-n1MinValue); } if (!dialTimer.isActive()) dialTimer.start(); if (m_text1) { QString s; s.sprintf("%.2f",value*n1Factor); m_text1->setPlainText(s); } } void DialGadgetWidget::setNeedle2(double value) { if (rotateN2) { needle2Target = 360*value*n2Factor/(n2MaxValue-n2MinValue); } if (horizN2) { needle2Target = value*n2Factor/(n2MaxValue-n2MinValue); } if (vertN2) { needle2Target = value*n2Factor/(n2MaxValue-n2MinValue); } if (!dialTimer.isActive()) dialTimer.start(); if (m_text2) { QString s; s.sprintf("%.2f",value*n1Factor); m_text2->setPlainText(s); } } void DialGadgetWidget::setNeedle3(double value) { if (rotateN3) { needle3Target = 360*value*n3Factor/(n3MaxValue-n3MinValue); } if (horizN3) { needle3Target = value*n3Factor/(n3MaxValue-n3MinValue); } if (vertN3) { needle3Target = value*n3Factor/(n3MaxValue-n3MinValue); } if (!dialTimer.isActive()) dialTimer.start(); if (m_text3) { QString s; s.sprintf("%.2f",value*n1Factor); m_text3->setPlainText(s); } } // Take an input value and rotate the dial accordingly // Rotation is smooth, starts fast and slows down when // approaching the target. // We aim for a 0.5 degree precision. // // Note: this code is valid even if needle1 and needle2 point // to the same element. void DialGadgetWidget::rotateNeedles() { if (dialError) { // We get there in case the dial file is missing or corrupt. dialTimer.stop(); return; } int dialRun = 3; if (n2enabled) { double needle2Diff; if (abs((needle2Value-needle2Target)*10) > 5) { needle2Diff =(needle2Target - needle2Value)/5; } else { needle2Diff = needle2Target - needle2Value; dialRun--; } if (rotateN2) { m_needle2->setRotation(m_needle2->rotation()+needle2Diff); } else { QPointF opd = QPointF(0,0); if (horizN2) { opd = QPointF(needle2Diff,0); } if (vertN2) { opd = QPointF(0,needle2Diff); } m_needle2->setTransform(QTransform::fromTranslate(opd.x(),opd.y()), true); // Since we have moved the needle, we need to move // the transform origin point the opposite way // so that it keeps rotating from the same point. // (this is only useful if needle1 and needle2 are the // same object, for combined movement such as attitude indicator). QPointF oop = m_needle2->transformOriginPoint(); m_needle2->setTransformOriginPoint(oop.x()-opd.x(),oop.y()-opd.y()); } needle2Value += needle2Diff; } else { dialRun--; } // We assume that needle1 always exists! double needle1Diff; if ((abs((needle1Value-needle1Target)*10) > 5)) { needle1Diff = (needle1Target - needle1Value)/5; } else { needle1Diff = needle1Target - needle1Value; dialRun--; } if (rotateN1) { m_needle1->setRotation(m_needle1->rotation()+needle1Diff); } else { QPointF opd = QPointF(0,0); if (horizN1) { opd = QPointF(needle1Diff,0); } if (vertN1) { opd = QPointF(0,needle1Diff); } m_needle1->setTransform(QTransform::fromTranslate(opd.x(),opd.y()), true); QPointF oop = m_needle1->transformOriginPoint(); m_needle1->setTransformOriginPoint((oop.x()-opd.x()),(oop.y()-opd.y())); } needle1Value += needle1Diff; if (n3enabled) { double needle3Diff; if ((abs((needle3Value-needle3Target)*10) > 5)) { needle3Diff = (needle3Target - needle3Value)/5; } else { needle3Diff = needle3Target - needle3Value; dialRun--; } if (rotateN3) { m_needle3->setRotation(m_needle3->rotation()+needle3Diff); } else { QPointF opd = QPointF(0,0); if (horizN3) { opd = QPointF(needle3Diff,0); } if (vertN3) { opd = QPointF(0,needle3Diff); } m_needle3->setTransform(QTransform::fromTranslate(opd.x(),opd.y()), true); QPointF oop = m_needle3->transformOriginPoint(); m_needle3->setTransformOriginPoint((oop.x()-opd.x()),(oop.y()-opd.y())); } needle3Value += needle3Diff; } else { dialRun--; } // Now check: if dialRun is now zero, we should // just stop the timer since all needles have finished moving if (!dialRun) dialTimer.stop(); }