#include "ins.h" #include "pios.h" #include "ahrs_spi_comm.h" #include "insgps.h" #include "CoordinateConversions.h" #define DEG_TO_RAD (M_PI / 180.0) #define RAD_TO_DEG (180.0 / M_PI) #define INSGPS_GPS_TIMEOUT 2 /* 2 seconds triggers reinit of position */ #define INSGPS_GPS_MINSAT 6 /* 2 seconds triggers reinit of position */ #define INSGPS_GPS_MINPDOP 3.5 /* minimum PDOP for postition updates */ #define timer_rate() 100000 #define timer_count() 1 //! Contains the data from the mag sensor chip extern struct mag_sensor mag_data; //! Contains the data from the accelerometer extern struct accel_sensor accel_data; //! Contains the data from the gyro extern struct gyro_sensor gyro_data; //! Conains the current estimate of the attitude extern struct attitude_solution attitude_data; //! Contains data from the altitude sensor extern struct altitude_sensor altitude_data; //! Contains data from the GPS (via the SPI link) extern struct gps_sensor gps_data; //! Offset correction of barometric alt, to match gps data static float baro_offset = 0; extern void send_calibration(void); extern void send_attitude(void); extern void send_velocity(void); extern void send_position(void); extern volatile int8_t ahrs_algorithm; extern void get_accel_gyro_data(); extern void get_mag_data(); static uint32_t ins_last_time; /* INS functions */ /** * @brief Update the EKF when in outdoor mode. The primary difference is using the GPS values. */ void ins_outdoor_update() { float gyro[3], accel[3], vel[3]; static uint32_t last_gps_time = 0; float dT; uint16_t sensors; dT = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(ins_last_time) / 1e6; ins_last_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw(); // This should only happen at start up or at mode switches if(dT > 0.01) dT = 0.01; // format data for INS algo gyro[0] = gyro_data.filtered.x; gyro[1] = gyro_data.filtered.y; gyro[2] = gyro_data.filtered.z; accel[0] = accel_data.filtered.x, accel[1] = accel_data.filtered.y, accel[2] = accel_data.filtered.z, INSStatePrediction(gyro, accel, dT); attitude_data.quaternion.q1 = Nav.q[0]; attitude_data.quaternion.q2 = Nav.q[1]; attitude_data.quaternion.q3 = Nav.q[2]; attitude_data.quaternion.q4 = Nav.q[3]; send_attitude(); // get message out quickly send_velocity(); send_position(); INSCovariancePrediction(dT); sensors = 0; /* * Detect if greater than certain time since last gps update and if so * reset EKF to that position since probably drifted too far for safe * update */ uint32_t this_gps_time = timer_count(); float gps_delay; if (this_gps_time < last_gps_time) gps_delay = ((0xFFFF - last_gps_time) - this_gps_time) / timer_rate(); else gps_delay = (this_gps_time - last_gps_time) / timer_rate(); last_gps_time = this_gps_time; if (gps_data.updated) { vel[0] = gps_data.groundspeed * cos(gps_data.heading * DEG_TO_RAD); vel[1] = gps_data.groundspeed * sin(gps_data.heading * DEG_TO_RAD); vel[2] = 0; if(gps_delay > INSGPS_GPS_TIMEOUT) INSPosVelReset(gps_data.NED,vel); // position stale, reset else { sensors |= HORIZ_SENSORS | POS_SENSORS; } /* * When using gps need to make sure that barometer is brought into NED frame * we should try and see if the altitude from the home location is good enough * to use for the offset but for now starting with this conservative filter */ if(fabs(gps_data.NED[2] + (altitude_data.altitude - baro_offset)) > 10) { baro_offset = gps_data.NED[2] + altitude_data.altitude; } else { /* IIR filter with 100 second or so tau to keep them crudely in the same frame */ baro_offset = baro_offset * 0.999 + (gps_data.NED[2] + altitude_data.altitude) * 0.001; } gps_data.updated = false; } else if (gps_delay > INSGPS_GPS_TIMEOUT) { vel[0] = 0; vel[1] = 0; vel[2] = 0; sensors |= VERT_SENSORS | HORIZ_SENSORS; } if(mag_data.updated) { sensors |= MAG_SENSORS; mag_data.updated = false; } if(altitude_data.updated) { sensors |= BARO_SENSOR; altitude_data.updated = false; } /* * TODO: Need to add a general sanity check for all the inputs to make sure their kosher * although probably should occur within INS itself */ INSCorrection(mag_data.scaled.axis, gps_data.NED, vel, altitude_data.altitude - baro_offset, sensors); } uint32_t time_val_a; uint32_t indoor_time; /** * @brief Update the EKF when in indoor mode */ void ins_indoor_update() { time_val_a = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw(); float gyro[3], accel[3], vel[3]; static uint32_t last_indoor_time = 0; uint16_t sensors = 0; float dT; dT = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(ins_last_time) / 1e6; ins_last_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw(); // This should only happen at start up or at mode switches if(dT > 0.01) dT = 0.01; // format data for INS algo gyro[0] = gyro_data.filtered.x; gyro[1] = gyro_data.filtered.y; gyro[2] = gyro_data.filtered.z; accel[0] = accel_data.filtered.x, accel[1] = accel_data.filtered.y, accel[2] = accel_data.filtered.z, INSStatePrediction(gyro, accel, dT); attitude_data.quaternion.q1 = Nav.q[0]; attitude_data.quaternion.q2 = Nav.q[1]; attitude_data.quaternion.q3 = Nav.q[2]; attitude_data.quaternion.q4 = Nav.q[3]; send_attitude(); // get message out quickly send_velocity(); send_position(); INSCovariancePrediction(dT); /* Indoors, update with zero position and velocity and high covariance */ vel[0] = 0; vel[1] = 0; vel[2] = 0; uint32_t this_indoor_time = timer_count(); float indoor_delay; /* * Detect if greater than certain time since last gps update and if so * reset EKF to that position since probably drifted too far for safe * update */ if (this_indoor_time < last_indoor_time) indoor_delay = ((0xFFFF - last_indoor_time) - this_indoor_time) / timer_rate(); else indoor_delay = (this_indoor_time - last_indoor_time) / timer_rate(); last_indoor_time = this_indoor_time; if(indoor_delay > INSGPS_GPS_TIMEOUT) INSPosVelReset(vel,vel); else sensors = HORIZ_SENSORS | VERT_SENSORS; if(mag_data.updated && (ahrs_algorithm == INSSETTINGS_ALGORITHM_INSGPS_INDOOR)) { sensors |= MAG_SENSORS; mag_data.updated = false; } if(altitude_data.updated) { sensors |= BARO_SENSOR; altitude_data.updated = false; } /* * TODO: Need to add a general sanity check for all the inputs to make sure their kosher * although probably should occur within INS itself */ INSCorrection(mag_data.scaled.axis, gps_data.NED, vel, altitude_data.altitude, sensors | HORIZ_SENSORS | VERT_SENSORS); indoor_time = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(time_val_a); } /** * @brief Initialize the EKF assuming stationary */ bool inited = false; float init_q[4]; void ins_init_algorithm() { inited = true; float Rbe[3][3], q[4], accels[3], rpy[3], mag; float ge[3]={0,0,-9.81}, zeros[3]={0,0,0}, Pdiag[16]={25,25,25,5,5,5,1e-5,1e-5,1e-5,1e-5,1e-5,1e-5,1e-5,1e-4,1e-4,1e-4}; bool using_mags, using_gps; INSGPSInit(); HomeLocationData home; HomeLocationGet(&home); accels[0]=accel_data.filtered.x; accels[1]=accel_data.filtered.y; accels[2]=accel_data.filtered.z; using_mags = (ahrs_algorithm == INSSETTINGS_ALGORITHM_INSGPS_OUTDOOR) || (ahrs_algorithm == INSSETTINGS_ALGORITHM_INSGPS_INDOOR); using_mags &= (home.Be[0] != 0) || (home.Be[1] != 0) || (home.Be[2] != 0); /* only use mags when valid home location */ using_gps = (ahrs_algorithm == INSSETTINGS_ALGORITHM_INSGPS_OUTDOOR) && (gps_data.quality != 0); /* Block till a data update */ get_accel_gyro_data(); /* Ensure we get mag data in a timely manner */ uint16_t fail_count = 50; // 50 at 200 Hz is up to 0.25 sec while(using_mags && !mag_data.updated && fail_count--) { get_mag_data(); get_accel_gyro_data(); AhrsPoll(); PIOS_DELAY_WaituS(2000); } using_mags &= mag_data.updated; if (using_mags) { RotFrom2Vectors(accels, ge, mag_data.scaled.axis, home.Be, Rbe); R2Quaternion(Rbe,q); if (using_gps) INSSetState(gps_data.NED, zeros, q, zeros, zeros); else INSSetState(zeros, zeros, q, zeros, zeros); } else { // assume yaw = 0 mag = VectorMagnitude(accels); rpy[1] = asinf(-accels[0]/mag); rpy[0] = atan2(accels[1]/mag,accels[2]/mag); rpy[2] = 0; RPY2Quaternion(rpy,init_q); if (using_gps) INSSetState(gps_data.NED, zeros, init_q, zeros, zeros); else { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { INSSetState(zeros, zeros, init_q, zeros, zeros); ins_indoor_update(); } } } INSResetP(Pdiag); // TODO: include initial estimate of gyro bias? }