/** ****************************************************************************** * * @file outputchannelform.cpp * @author The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2011. * @addtogroup GCSPlugins GCS Plugins * @{ * @addtogroup ConfigPlugin Config Plugin * @{ * @brief Servo output configuration form for the config output gadget *****************************************************************************/ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "outputchannelform.h" OutputChannelForm::OutputChannelForm(const int index, QWidget *parent) : ChannelForm(index, parent), ui(), m_inChannelTest(false) { ui.setupUi(this); // The convention for OP is Channel 1 to Channel 10. ui.actuatorNumber->setText(QString("%1:").arg(index + 1)); // Register for ActuatorSettings changes: connect(ui.actuatorMin, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(setChannelRange())); connect(ui.actuatorMax, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(setChannelRange())); connect(ui.actuatorRev, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(reverseChannel(bool))); // Now connect the channel out sliders to our signal to send updates in test mode connect(ui.actuatorNeutral, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sendChannelTest(int))); ui.actuatorLink->setChecked(false); connect(ui.actuatorLink, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(linkToggled(bool))); disableMouseWheelEvents(); } OutputChannelForm::~OutputChannelForm() { // Do nothing } QString OutputChannelForm::name() { return ui.actuatorName->text(); } /** * Set the channel assignment label. */ void OutputChannelForm::setName(const QString &name) { ui.actuatorName->setText(name); } /** * Restrict UI to protect users from accidental misuse. */ void OutputChannelForm::enableChannelTest(bool state) { if (m_inChannelTest == state) { return; } m_inChannelTest = state; if (m_inChannelTest) { // Prevent stupid users from touching the minimum & maximum ranges while // moving the sliders. Thanks Ivan for the tip :) ui.actuatorMin->setEnabled(false); ui.actuatorMax->setEnabled(false); ui.actuatorRev->setEnabled(false); } else { ui.actuatorMin->setEnabled(true); ui.actuatorMax->setEnabled(true); ui.actuatorRev->setEnabled(true); } } /** * Toggles the channel linked state for use in testing mode */ void OutputChannelForm::linkToggled(bool state) { Q_UNUSED(state) if (!m_inChannelTest) { return; // we are not in Test Output mode } // find the minimum slider value for the linked ones if (!parent()) { return; } int min = 10000; int linked_count = 0; QList outputChannelForms = parent()->findChildren(); // set the linked channels of the parent widget to the same value foreach(OutputChannelForm * outputChannelForm, outputChannelForms) { if (!outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorLink->checkState()) { continue; } if (this == outputChannelForm) { continue; } int value = outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorNeutral->value(); if (min > value) { min = value; } linked_count++; } if (linked_count <= 0) { return; // no linked channels } // set the linked channels to the same value foreach(OutputChannelForm * outputChannelForm, outputChannelForms) { if (!outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorLink->checkState()) { continue; } outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorNeutral->setValue(min); } } int OutputChannelForm::max() const { return ui.actuatorMax->value(); } /** * Set maximal channel value. */ void OutputChannelForm::setMax(int maximum) { setRange(ui.actuatorMin->value(), maximum); } int OutputChannelForm::min() const { return ui.actuatorMin->value(); } /** * Set minimal channel value. */ void OutputChannelForm::setMin(int minimum) { setRange(minimum, ui.actuatorMax->value()); } int OutputChannelForm::neutral() const { return ui.actuatorNeutral->value(); } /** * Set neutral of channel. */ void OutputChannelForm::setNeutral(int value) { ui.actuatorNeutral->setValue(value); } /** * Set minimal and maximal channel value. */ void OutputChannelForm::setRange(int minimum, int maximum) { ui.actuatorMin->setValue(minimum); ui.actuatorMax->setValue(maximum); setChannelRange(); if (ui.actuatorMin->value() > ui.actuatorMax->value()) { ui.actuatorRev->setChecked(true); } else { ui.actuatorRev->setChecked(false); } } /** * Sets the minimum/maximum value of the channel output sliders. * Have to do it here because setMinimum is not a slot. * * One added trick: if the slider is at its min when the value * is changed, then keep it on the min. */ void OutputChannelForm::setChannelRange() { int oldMini = ui.actuatorNeutral->minimum(); // int oldMaxi = ui.actuatorNeutral->maximum(); if (ui.actuatorMin->value() < ui.actuatorMax->value()) { ui.actuatorNeutral->setRange(ui.actuatorMin->value(), ui.actuatorMax->value()); ui.actuatorRev->setChecked(false); } else { ui.actuatorNeutral->setRange(ui.actuatorMax->value(), ui.actuatorMin->value()); ui.actuatorRev->setChecked(true); } if (ui.actuatorNeutral->value() == oldMini) { ui.actuatorNeutral->setValue(ui.actuatorNeutral->minimum()); } // if (ui.actuatorNeutral->value() == oldMaxi) // this can be dangerous if it happens to be controlling a motor at the time! // ui.actuatorNeutral->setValue(ui.actuatorNeutral->maximum()); } /** * Reverses the channel when the checkbox is clicked */ void OutputChannelForm::reverseChannel(bool state) { // Sanity check: if state became true, make sure the Maxvalue was higher than Minvalue // the situations below can happen! if (state && (ui.actuatorMax->value() < ui.actuatorMin->value())) { return; } if (!state && (ui.actuatorMax->value() > ui.actuatorMin->value())) { return; } // Now, swap the min & max values (only on the spinboxes, the slider does not change!) int temp = ui.actuatorMax->value(); ui.actuatorMax->setValue(ui.actuatorMin->value()); ui.actuatorMin->setValue(temp); // Also update the channel value // This is a trick to force the slider to update its value and // emit the right signal itself, because our sendChannelTest(int) method // relies on the object sender's identity. if (ui.actuatorNeutral->value() < ui.actuatorNeutral->maximum()) { ui.actuatorNeutral->setValue(ui.actuatorNeutral->value() + 1); ui.actuatorNeutral->setValue(ui.actuatorNeutral->value() - 1); } else { ui.actuatorNeutral->setValue(ui.actuatorNeutral->value() - 1); ui.actuatorNeutral->setValue(ui.actuatorNeutral->value() + 1); } } /** * Emits the channel value which will be send to the UAV to move the servo. * Returns immediately if we are not in testing mode. */ void OutputChannelForm::sendChannelTest(int value) { int in_value = value; QSlider *ob = (QSlider *)QObject::sender(); if (!ob) { return; } if (ui.actuatorRev->isChecked()) { // the channel is reversed value = ui.actuatorMin->value() - value + ui.actuatorMax->value(); } // update the label ui.actuatorValue->setText(QString::number(value)); if (ui.actuatorLink->checkState() && parent()) { // the channel is linked to other channels QList outputChannelForms = parent()->findChildren(); // set the linked channels of the parent widget to the same value foreach(OutputChannelForm * outputChannelForm, outputChannelForms) { if (this == outputChannelForm) { continue; } if (!outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorLink->checkState()) { continue; } int val = in_value; if (val < outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorNeutral->minimum()) { val = outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorNeutral->minimum(); } if (val > outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorNeutral->maximum()) { val = outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorNeutral->maximum(); } if (outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorNeutral->value() == val) { continue; } outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorNeutral->setValue(val); outputChannelForm->ui.actuatorValue->setText(QString::number(val)); } } if (!m_inChannelTest) { // we are not in Test Output mode return; } emit channelChanged(index(), value); }