include(../../openpilotgcs.pri) TEMPLATE = subdirs # Some Windows packaging magic (for release build only) equals(copydata, 1):win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release) { WINX86_PATH = packaging/winx86 SVN_INFO_TEMPLATE = svninfo.tpl SVN_INFO_MAKEFILE = NSIS_TEMPLATE = openpilotgcs.tpl NSIS_HEADER = openpilotgcs.nsh # Check for SubWCRev.exe executable required to get some useful SVN repository info. # For example, currently checked out SVN revision (highest for the working copy). # SubWCRev is a part of TortoiseSVN client distribution: # # SubWCRev is also available separately: # # Default location is TortoiseSVN bin folder. SUBWCREV_EXE = $$targetPath(\"$$(ProgramFiles)/TortoiseSVN/bin/SubWCRev.exe\") exists($$SUBWCREV_EXE) { message("SubWCRev found: $${SUBWCREV_EXE}") svninfo.commands += $$SUBWCREV_EXE $$targetPath($$GCS_SOURCE_TREE) svninfo.commands += $$targetPath($$GCS_SOURCE_TREE/$$WINX86_PATH/$$SVN_INFO_TEMPLATE) svninfo.commands += $$targetPath($$GCS_BUILD_TREE/$$WINX86_PATH/$$SVN_INFO_MAKEFILE) svninfo.commands += $$addNewline() svninfo.commands += $$SUBWCREV_EXE $$targetPath($$GCS_SOURCE_TREE) svninfo.commands += $$targetPath($$GCS_SOURCE_TREE/$$WINX86_PATH/$$NSIS_TEMPLATE) svninfo.commands += $$targetPath($$GCS_BUILD_TREE/$$WINX86_PATH/$$NSIS_HEADER) svninfo.commands += $$addNewline() } else { message("SubWCRev not found, SVN info is not available") svninfo.commands += $(COPY_FILE) svninfo.commands += $$targetPath($$GCS_SOURCE_TREE/$$WINX86_PATH/$$SVN_INFO_MAKEFILE) svninfo.commands += $$targetPath($$GCS_BUILD_TREE/$$WINX86_PATH/$$SVN_INFO_MAKEFILE) svninfo.commands += $$addNewline() svninfo.commands += $(COPY_FILE) svninfo.commands += $$targetPath($$GCS_SOURCE_TREE/$$WINX86_PATH/$$NSIS_HEADER) svninfo.commands += $$targetPath($$GCS_BUILD_TREE/$$WINX86_PATH/$$NSIS_HEADER) svninfo.commands += $$addNewline() } = svninfo.dummy QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += svninfo force.depends += svninfo # Redefine FORCE target to collect data every time = FORCE QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += force # Create installer build target - this WILL NOT run during build, run it by hand message("Run \"make installer\" to build Windows installer (Unicode NSIS 2.46+ required)") = installer nsis.depends = svninfo nsis.commands += @$$targetPath($$GCS_SOURCE_TREE/$$WINX86_PATH/Makefile.cmd) QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += nsis }