/* Silent installer script Known to work with Qt 5.8.0 and QtIFW 2.0.5 Test with: $ ./qt-opensource-windows-x86-mingw530-5.8.0.exe --verbose --script ../librepilot/make/tool_install/qt-install.qs Known issues: - silent but not headless (QtIFW 2.1.0 should support gui.setSilent(true)) - cannot disable forced components (QtCreator, ...) - cannot disable virtual components (doc, examples, ...) - cannot disable shortcuts creation - if user presses the 'Show Details' button then the installer does not end automatically */ function Controller() { console.log("*** Silent Installer ***"); console.log("Installing on " + installer.value("os")); var qtInstallTargetDir = installer.environmentVariable("QT_INSTALL_TARGET_DIR"); if (qtInstallTargetDir == "") { qtInstallTargetDir = installer.environmentVariable("PWD") + "/tools/qt-5.8.0"; console.log("Environment variable QT_INSTALL_TARGET_DIR not set, using default " + qtInstallTargetDir); } installer.setValue("TargetDir", qtInstallTargetDir); console.log("Installing to " + installer.value("TargetDir")); installer.autoRejectMessageBoxes(); installer.setMessageBoxAutomaticAnswer("OverwriteTargetDirectory", QMessageBox.Yes); installer.setMessageBoxAutomaticAnswer("stopProcessesForUpdates", QMessageBox.Ignore); // pages that are not visible are actually removed from the wizard // some pages must not be removed otherwise the installer starts to mishbehave installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.Welcome, false); installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.Credentials, false); // QInstaller.Credentials is 0... so this is a NOP! //installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.Introduction, false); // Fails to skip Credentials if Introduction is removed? installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.TargetDirectory, false); //installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.ComponentSelection, false); //installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.LicenseAgreementCheck, false); //installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.StartMenuSelection, false); installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.ReadyForInstallation, false); //installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.PerformInstallation, false); installer.setDefaultPageVisible(QInstaller.FinishedPage, false); installer.componentAdded.connect(onComponentAdded); installer.aboutCalculateComponentsToInstall.connect(onAboutCalculateComponentsToInstall); installer.finishedCalculateComponentsToInstall.connect(onFinishedCalculateComponentsToInstall); } // installer callbacks onComponentAdded = function(component) { console.log("Component added: " + component.name); dumpComponents(); } onAboutCalculateComponentsToInstall = function() { console.log("onAboutCalculateComponentsToInstall"); //dumpComponents(); } onFinishedCalculateComponentsToInstall = function() { console.log("onFinishedCalculateComponentsToInstall"); //dumpComponents(); } function disableComponent(componentName) { component = installer.componentByName(componentName) component.enabled = false component.forcedInstallation = false //component.setValue("ForcedInstallation", "false"); } // page callbacks // used to setup wizard pages and move the wizard forward Controller.prototype.WelcomePageCallback = function() { logCallback(); gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton); } Controller.prototype.CredentialsPageCallback = function() { logCallback(); gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton); } Controller.prototype.IntroductionPageCallback = function() { logCallback(); gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton); } Controller.prototype.ComponentSelectionPageCallback = function() { logCallback(); var page = gui.currentPageWidget(); page.deselectAll() if (installer.value("os") == "win") { selectComponent(page, "qt.58.win32_mingw53"); selectComponent(page, "qt.tools.win32_mingw530"); } else if (installer.value("os") == "x11") { selectComponent(page, "qt.58.gcc"); selectComponent(page, "qt.58.gcc_64"); } else if (installer.value("os") == "mac") { selectComponent(page, "qt.58.clang_64"); } //selectComponent(page, "qt.58.qtquickcontrols"); selectComponent(page, "qt.58.qtscript"); gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton); } function selectComponent(page, name) { component = installer.componentByName(name); if (component) { console.log("component " + name + " : " + component); page.selectComponent(name); } else { console.log("Failed to find component " + name + "!"); } } Controller.prototype.LicenseAgreementPageCallback = function() { logCallback(); setChecked("AcceptLicenseRadioButton", true); gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton); } Controller.prototype.StartMenuDirectoryPageCallback = function() { logCallback(); gui.clickButton(buttons.NextButton); } Controller.prototype.PerformInstallationPageCallback = function() { logCallback(); // show details and hide button click("DetailsButton"); setVisible("DetailsButton", false); // showing details will disable automated page switch, so re-enable it installer.setAutomatedPageSwitchEnabled(true); } Controller.prototype.FinishedPageCallback = function() { logCallback(); setChecked("launchQtCreatorCheckBox", false); gui.clickButton(buttons.FinishButton); } // utilities function logCallback() { var page = gui.currentPageWidget(); console.log(">>> " + page.objectName + "Callback"); } function dumpComponents() { dumpComponentsArray(installer.components()); } function dumpComponentsArray(components) { var arrayLength = components.length; for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { dumpComponent(components[i]); } } function dumpComponent(component) { console.log(component.name + " (" + component.displayName + ")"); console.log(" Virtual: " + component.value("Virtual", "false")); console.log(" ForcedInstallation: " + component.value("ForcedInstallation", "false")); console.log(" Default: " + component.default); console.log(" Enabled: " + component.enabled); } // UI utilities function click(name) { var page = gui.currentPageWidget(); var button = gui.findChild(page, name); if (button) { console.log("button " + name + " : " + button); button.click(); } else { console.log("Failed to find button " + name + "!"); } } function setVisible(name, visible) { var page = gui.currentPageWidget(); var button = gui.findChild(page, name); if (button) { console.log("button " + name + " : " + button); button.visible = visible; console.log("button " + name + " visible : " + button.visible); } else { console.log("Failed to find button " + name + "!"); } } function setEnabled(name, enabled) { var page = gui.currentPageWidget(); var button = gui.findChild(page, name); if (button) { console.log("button " + name + " : " + button); button.enabled = enabled; console.log("button " + name + " enabled : " + button.enabled); } else { console.log("Failed to find button " + name + "!"); } } function setChecked(name, checked) { var page = gui.currentPageWidget(); var button = gui.findChild(page, name); if (button) { console.log("button " + name + " : " + button); button.checked = checked; console.log("button " + name + " checked : " + button.checked); } else { console.log("Failed to find button " + name + "!"); } }